The Ball at Your Feet

~: The 971st Day A Different Life

"Let, have you really thought about coming to Real Madrid to play like your father?"

When Varane spoke, he was looking forward to receiving a positive answer from his opponent. Since Zhao Rang's fame this season, the entire world has focused on him. Zhao Rang's outstanding strength is one aspect, but at the same time, he has a great father, but also another aspect. But unlike others, Varane is not someone who just stares at Zhao Yaning's fame. What he values ​​more is indeed the strength of Zhao Rang, and he also hopes that Zhao Rang can come to Real Madrid.

"I can't learn from him." Zhao Rang returned and made a gesture to stop Varane from speaking. "We are here to shoot the sneaker advertisement, not to discuss my transfer. Right? Then just be serious. Don’t be like that and say some useless nonsense. I finished shooting earlier and we went to the bar to get better. To be honest, I like to shoot commercials in Brazil. This place, you can just walk around. I can meet a lot of affair, and here is not the same as that in England. The girls here really have something like a figure."

"Really can't tell, you are your father's son." Varane said dumbly for a long while.

"You don't know my father. I know what he looks like." Zhao Rang snorted coldly.

"Is it your childhood shadow again? I'm tired of listening to your housework, and I'm bothered if you don't. Your father may have done something wrong, but at least when your father played football, he never Will waste talent like you." Varane said, "You have played less than 50 games in Liverpool in the past two years. How many girlfriends have you changed? Is it slow every month? Pay attention, this is a bit too shameful."

"My father asked you to say this to me, right?" Zhao Rang asked immediately.

"Yes, your dad asked me to ask. But I have to say a few words myself. How much do you know Ronal? The one from Brazil, the top scorer in the 2002 World Cup, is not your dad's old opponent... You Maybe you don’t know, when he retired, you were young, and you don’t like to watch non-3D video materials. He is a very strong person. Your talent is not below him, but your ability to waste talent is not in him. Below, you are just like your father, with no injured perverted physique at all...It's not enough at such a young age. You know, when I first debuted, your father took me to play football. Without your father's care, I don't think I have the strength today. He asked me to persuade you, I have to persuade you. And even if I speak as a senior, I have to persuade you."

"This is something to my father, as expected, he taught it." Zhao Rang replied immediately.

Varane didn't speak any more, just walked away silently, while Zhao Rang raised his head and looked at the sky, not knowing what to say for a long time.

Is it really wrong to choose football? Why can't I get rid of my father's shadow wherever I go?

He remembered that his younger sister, who liked to play in the system when he was young, never entered the system again after she went to school. The little girl plays football better than many boys. The sister who hurt is regarded as a monster at school. As a result, she no longer wants to touch the system. She chose life instead of football. However, I was a boy. At that time, why couldn't I stand the temptation of vanity and went all the way down?

As a result, by now, he has to live under his father's shadow forever.

My father has the most Champions League among players-I don't have one now, and I'm afraid that every time I win a championship, I have to be compared with my father. Seven times, this has to be said for a long time.

Father has the most goals in the history of the Champions League, from 19 to 36 years old, 17 years of accumulation, makes his record seem unmatched. Every time I score a goal, I will be hyped up and look forward to catching up with my father. Yes, they had 32 teams in the Champions League at that time, and now 64 teams play in the Champions League. They have played much more than them. They broke the record by themselves, and maybe it won’t be used for ten years. But, in these ten years, it will take years Listening to nonsense?

Not to mention the words that always linger in the ears-‘your father likes to attack football’, ‘your father’s training is the hardest’, ‘your father is very friendly to his teammates’, ‘your father...’

How is my father, what does it have to do with me? I am me, I am Zhao Rang, why should I care about him? I like to drink, I like to play around, I like to play counter-attacking football, I like... Well, I don't necessarily like these things, but I don't want to be a second him.

I am me, and I am myself after getting rid of him.

"Jean? Can you be interviewed?"

When he walked to his car, a microphone was also handed over. Zhao Rang turned his head and saw a smiling Brazilian girl-maybe from another country, but depending on the skin color, Anyway, she is a Latin girl.

Do you know that you have interviewed girls with girls these days?

"My father will participate in the World Cup next year. There is no doubt about this. I am not sure if I will play for the Chinese team. If they do not reply before the World Cup, I will play for the French team. , I will not transfer, and I will continue to fight to stay in Liverpool next year to win the championship. Is this enough for you to write a manuscript? If not, two photos are fine? Don’t bother me, okay? Brazil is here to play, can't you make me enjoy it a little bit?"

"Oh, it really is the same as the rumor." The girl laughed, "Then, I hope the other rumor is also true, saying that you are quite a gentleman. A gentleman like you will not refuse a girl. Question?"

"You reporters are sometimes annoying, obviously we have more interesting topics, don't you... However, I rarely refuse the request of beauties. Just ask."

"I really want to know, as a second-generation star, how did you become famous? As you know, Pele's son, Maradona's son, and Cruyff's son are not famous. But, you have been kicked out of the famous hall, there must be some tricks to this, right?"

"Of course, because I'm great." Zhao Rang's words made the girl laugh, "Is it just that? Didn't your father teach you how to play football?"

"Am I like the kind of boy who grows up by using people to teach? My talents are all born. My father never taught me anything. He doesn't even want me to play football, but even so, I still kick it out. ——Because I am really extraordinary."

"It sounds like your father doesn't want you to live in his shadow."

"He? How could it be possible, what he was thinking..." Zhao Rang scratched his head, and he found that he really didn't know what his father was thinking.

My father didn't ask for himself. When he was very young, his father found that he could use the system, so he threw him directly to him, and the cards he worked hard became his own food. At the age of 17, he had become extremely powerful thanks to the cards his father had given him, but his father had never told anyone what he thought of him. Whether he is strong or weak, he doesn't care at all.

I always thought that he wanted to walk the path he had walked by himself, but it seemed that this woman had a bit of truth, and what my father wanted, it seemed that he was not like this.

"Also, is it okay to ask about your private life? You and your father seem to be very different..."

"No, we are absolutely the same, we are all scumbags." Zhao Rang immediately retorted, "Maybe he is more scumbag than me. I am sure of this."

"I won't report this sentence anyway." The woman smiled. "I just don't understand why your father doesn't care about you? I have met several people who have worked with your father, Walcott of Liverpool. Real Madrid’s Di Maria and Varane, as well as Monaco’s Kondobia and Zuma, they all say that your father is a man who takes the players very seriously, but he has hardly taken care of your affairs. Don’t you think Is it weird?"

He doesn't care about me.

Zhao Rang accelerated a little while driving the car, but in his heart, he seemed to understand a little bit.

It's not that my father doesn't care about himself, he cares about himself very much. He gave those cards to himself, naturally hoping that he could become a talent. However, he never said anything in front of him, he would not ask himself to play well, nor would he impose any harsh requirements on himself. It seems... he created all the conditions for himself, but whether he can get things done, It's all up to you.

He never forced himself to do anything, even he stubbornly refused to be Chinese nationality, and he did not insist on keeping the same nationality as his mother. He is using the relationship to hope that he will join the Chinese team, but this is also because he did not force himself to change his nationality.

What he did for himself was to pave the way, but if he walked on this road, he wouldn't bother ~ The random thoughts that emerged in his mind made him silent. It is true that he lives in the shadow of his father, but his father has never restricted what path he should take. This road was chosen by himself. I like this sport. He chose football not because of his father’s influence, not because of the convenience of the system, but because of his love of football. I love this sport more than anything else. The younger sister is different. The younger sister can do her own things without caring about football, but for herself, football is her life-so in a sense, it can be said that this is her own choice.

What I chose was to walk out of my own sky in the shadow of my father.

"Hey, beauty, you are really very different." He turned his head and looked at the girl in front of him, "You have aroused my thoughts. The matter between me and my father can't be said clearly in one sentence. Oh... have a drink, how can I tell you carefully? Actually, I am looking for someone to help me publish my autobiography. I need someone with delicate feelings to describe my experiences, those painful things, I really want someone to be able to listen, and you really are someone who can read me... Are you interested in talking about it in detail?"

Looking at the girl's excited face, Zhao Rang clenched his fists in his heart.

Well, I lied. If you are working hard, you can forget about it for the time being. Now, it's better to enjoy life first. In other words, Brazilian girls are so beautiful.

I know how to enjoy life so much-this is also different from my father. He and I are not the same person.