The Basic Law of Routines in the Infinite World

Chapter 475: Was caught

The 475th chapter was spotted

Xueyin finished listening to a speech with chestnut hair. Her name was Julie. According to Asato's words next to her, this woman was the most senior of these people.

This senior is not only strength. After all, in Alsa's view, the few people around him are already the ceiling of the r zone. This senior is talking about the mission world experienced.

This Asato has now set out the rhythm of being a dog leg.

The general content of Julie's speech is to explain the things that agents need to pay attention to during the execution of the task just now.

Some things Xiuyan and Roger had discovered long ago.

After saying this, Julie has already looked at everyone: "So, although this mission world is a cooperative mission, it greatly limits the performance of the substitutes, and our mission also needs to protect some plot characters, so as to watch It seems that it is not that difficult, but it is not that difficult."

"Hi, Julie." A surrogate teased: "Just tell me what you are going to do!"

"We need a leader." Julie replied: "It's okay to just sabotage the task. If it is mixed with protection tasks, you need to assign substitutes. No one is leading. It is easy for six teams and a few scattered substitutes. There is a situation of robbing the task."

"Choose one?" Liu Hong looked at Julie ill-intentionally next to him. This woman was so hot that Liu Hong's eyes were almost straight. At this time, he naturally asked, "How to choose? Does it depend on strength?"

Julie glanced at Liu Hong and said faintly: "Vote. We are a cooperative mission this time, and we need a convincing substitute."

Liu Hong snorted: "When did the conviction in the Garden of Eden come from a fist, but from a democratic vote?"

"The fist is only the barbarian's choice!" said Gal who had been cleaned up by Rong Qi disdainfully.

"What's the point of voting?" Liu Hong smashed his lips: "You guys of the white-skinned devils have already decided by default, right?"

"Voting hasn't started yet." Julie replied: "No one knows what the result will be. Anyone can run, and it depends on whoever is willing to listen to."

While arguing here, Xue Yin already whispered: "Did you hear it?"

"Yeah." Xiu Yan's voice came from the team channel: "Liu Hong, there is no need to fight with them. Our goal is different from theirs. There is no need to grab a leader's identity and cause public outrage. How does strength depend? Time has proved that I have ten ways to make this so-called alliance work for us. All we need is to have the right to speak temporarily."

"Huh?" Liu Hong looked confused: "What do you mean?"

"Oh~" Xiu Yan sighed, "Xueyin, you can handle it."

"no problem."

According to Julie, the teams that choose to campaign will all make some speeches, and the teams that do not choose will not speak. In addition to Julie, the blond man who held down Gal also came to the stage for the election.

The so-called election is nothing more than the strength of your team, and I hope everyone believes in yourself or something.

"I have something to add." Xueyin said suddenly: "There is a team that you need to pay attention to. The goal of that black sin team is not to complete the task, but to destroy the task, and their strength... In the last world, four people defeated a seven-man team of merchants."

Dirham snorted coldly: "The merchant team is always a weak chicken."

"The merchant team led by Yu Wenhuai." Xueyin added.

Everyone's face changed slightly this time.

"They came for you, right?" Julie looked at Xueyin: "I quarreled when I saw you in the waiting space."

"To be precise, we came for them." Xueyin said, "Entrusted by others."

Dirham frowned: "Damn it! You brought us a big trouble!"

"The mission world has never lacked trouble." Xueyin said indifferently.

"Is this your speech?" Julie asked.

"No." Xueyin waved his hand: "I'm just reminding. As for the election? Everyone knows the results of the so-called voting. So what I want to say is that when we have conflicts with those people, I will invite you all. Forgive me."

A white substitute cried out: "You can't let personal grievances affect the interests of the team!"

Liu Hong snorted coldly: "It's your team's interests not to influence our personal grievances."

The white substitute stared: "What do you mean!"

When Liu Hong was about to speak, he was stopped by Xueyin: "It's very simple. We can join your alliance and listen to some so-called distributions. But when we have our own needs, we will also meet ourselves first. If you agree, I'll join if you don't agree..." Xueyin paused, and then said with a smile: "If you don't agree, you can stand up... But I think no one wants to try again. What does it feel like a fist with two hundred points of power?"

This is a threat!

All surrogates know this is a threat! Still the kind that makes no secret of it!

"I think it's okay." Asato was the first to stand up and support.

"Asato, you bastard!" a substitute scolded.

Xueyin tilted his head and looked at him: "So you are against it?"

The generation traveler suddenly shrank his neck and stopped talking.

Julie stood up: "I know your strength. This is what I wonder. Why do you come to join our alliance since your strength is so high? And you are not ready to compete with us to be the leader. I need an explanation."

Xueyin laughed and said: "After all, isn't it a cooperative task? Everyone wants to complete the task, but our goal is a bit different. Everyone has no grudges, why bother to make the relationship stalemate? Joining with our strength can you give you Provide help. Similarly, if you have many people, you can also help us. In a win-win situation, why not do it?"

"Do you want us to help you deal with that team of substitutes?"

Xueyin did not answer directly, but said: "Correspondingly, our strength will ensure that you can complete this mission, even if it is restricted."

Julie thought for a moment, then looked at everyone: "I agree with their proposal, how about you?"

A group of white surrogates looked at each other, and the blond man had already spoken: "I don't care."

This time the two leaders agreed, and coupled with Asato's doglegs, the support of half of the people at once made the other guys who were dissatisfied with their skin color speechless.

Then, the campaign continued. Not surprisingly, Julie's team became the leader of this temporary alliance.

And this hot woman stretched out her hand to Xueyin: "May we cooperate happily. I feel you are mysterious. Can you tell me your name?"

Xueyin stretched out his hand and said faintly: "Xueyin, I wish we have a happy cooperation."

Julie didn't send her hand off, but tightened, and then smiled: "I am very interested in you man, are we interested in finding a room to get to know each other before the next mission opens?"


Julie's words immediately caused a roar and whistle.

Xueyin instantly withdrew her hand, shuddering and refused: "No!"

ps: How to practice marksmanship in Battle Royale? What should I do if I can't hit the gun every time? ? ?