The Basic Law of Routines in the Infinite World

Chapter 564: Surprised?

Chapter 564 Surprise surprise?

But at this time Gro did not have time to pay attention to the figure in front of him, and he knew who it was without thinking about it!

"Captain!" Gro already shouted in the team channel!

"What's the matter!" Charles responded immediately.

But don't wait for Gro to say anything, a loud noise has appeared from the team channel!

I saw the base car hit a huge skeleton head-on!

At the same time, a huge body fell from the sky!

Anti-Hulk armor!

Growing no longer cared about what to say, he roared: "Maximize the shield output!"

"There is no shield anymore." The figure in front of Rogge smiled faintly, and saw the anti-Hulk armor coming with a field of thunder and lightning!

The shield system of the base vehicle was directly paralyzed by half!

What's more, Xiuyan was surrounded by thunder and lightning at this time, and saw a fierce thunder in his hand, and shouted in a low voice: "Thunderous hell!"


The base vehicle, which was originally struggling, suddenly sparked under this thunderous bombardment!

It's not broken, it's just that something temporarily doesn't work.

If it is the base vehicle in the unfolded state, Shuhiko may have nothing to do, but it is simply too easy to deal with the base vehicle in this state!

Gro also discovered the problem, and he yelled: "Belle! The base car is unfolding!"

At this moment, inside the anti-Hulk armor, a low roar came out: "Thief Sun!"

Then, I saw a figure rushing out of the base car, turning into a phantom!

Go straight to the anti-Hulk armor!

"Beauty!" Gro's eyes widened, and he looked at the girl who gave up the base car incredibly.

And Gro's roar can be regarded as awakening Jiali, her body turned into a transparent body, turning her head and rushing towards the base car!

"It's too late to want to go back now!" Meng Hao roared, and the bullet slots all over his body were opened. The howling rockets and two sturdy flames smashed toward the base vehicle!

At the same time, a demon fox holding a folding fan, a wind blade like a bridge connection swept toward the base vehicle!

Hundred ghosts behind Huang Kulu also started to smash the inexplicable stuff towards the base car!


Even if the shield mode is turned on before, the defense of the base vehicle and the deployed state is far worse at this time! The Garden of Eden has always been like this. Any enhancement will always have some weaknesses. After the base vehicle has flexible characteristics, its defense power will be greatly reduced!

Just the moment of contact, the entire base vehicle exploded completely!

And the light of a portal has appeared, but at this moment, the sound of heaven sounded.

"God said that without his permission, no space action is allowed."


The light gate is annihilated!

"Tell me what happened!" Charles's voice yelled in the team channel.

But Groe didn't have time to reply at this time, because Xiuyan had already forced him to come up!

A wooden staff appeared in Gro's hand, resisting Xiu Yan's Lei Ren, and his body had retreated several steps: "The attributes have caught up!"

"Not stupid." Xiu Yan said, his body has escaped into the darkness.

Gro's face turned dark: "Don't think that the s area is a place that can be dominated by attributes!" As he said, his wooden staff slammed on the ground, and then, a large vine spreading around him centered on him!

"Caught you!" I saw large vines rising into the air, directly passing through a piece of air, and then Xiuyan's figure appeared on the air!


A fire dragon roared out! Burn out the large vines directly!

"A-level skills!" Gro's face was full of incredible: "It's a-level skills!"

But the situation now has no time to sigh for him, Xiuyan has appeared in front of him, and shouted in a low voice: "Thunder!"


A thunder and lightning fell from the sky! It hit Gro's body fiercely!

Gro only felt his body numb, and his life value instantly dropped a bit!

At this moment, he was also completely angry: "Asshole!! What do you think of the people in the s district!"

A piece of green energy erupted from Gro's body, and even Xiu Yan carrying Thunder's body was directly bounced out!

Then, he tore open his clothes violently, and found that a large green spot had appeared on his stomach!

"Xueyin!" he shouted!

Xueyin's figure appeared in the air, pointing at Xiu Yan singularly: "Purify!"

Then, the green spot disappeared.

"Is it only the three of you!" Gro has found the trail of Xiuyan and his party. At this time, his hands and feet turned into bear claws, and his figure rushed towards Xiuyan: "I will let you see something. It's a substitute for the s area!"

Xiuyan retreated slightly, and a ray of light shot out from his forehead: "Vision!"

However, Gro's figure didn't stop for a while, and the speed at Xiuyan didn't slow down: "Don't even think about dealing with me with this kind of rubbish!"


As soon as his voice fell, a big brick hit the back of his head!

Gro only felt that his eyes were dark, and the feeling of dizziness had already struck!

Meng Hao disdainfully said: "Let you pretend to be forced!"

But this feeling of dizziness quickly dissipated. When he opened his eyes, he saw Xiuyan running backwards!

Gro's face twisted, and his mouth roared: "You can't run away!"

His one bear claws were thrown out, turning into a vine that crossed Xiuyan!

"Strangulation!" Grot shouted sharply.

I saw the vine tighten suddenly!

"Boss!" The muffled thunder of Meng Hao's anti-Hulk armor sounded, a flame rose under his feet, and he directly abandoned Jiali, and slammed into Gro!

Gro roared, and a root rose under his feet!

Large swaths of tree vines spread from his feet and woven into a giant net!

He is confident that if Meng Hao rushes over, this tough vine can last for a while, and this is enough for him to kill Xiuyan!

However, a piece of ice suddenly appeared and climbed up along the vines!

Gro's expression changed, and then, the anti-Hulk armor slammed into the vine.

The obstacle that Groh thought did not appear, the vines were as crisp as something, and they were directly broken! And the iron fist of six hundred points of power has been slammed on Gro's body!

The blood spurted fiercely from Gro's mouth, but a large part of the life value that had fallen was quickly recovered.

But Xiu Yan, who was entangled in vines, screamed, and his health continued to drop.

A ruthless look flashed in Gro's eyes, he kicked his feet, ignoring the rockets flying towards him behind him, and his body had already rushed towards Xiu Yan!

The vine in his hand has been woven into a huge mallet in the process! Spikes grew on top of the wood chase! Like a mace!


The mace in Gro's hand hit Xiuyan's head fiercely!

And knock it down!

A-level control skills, how can Xiu Yan break free when he says break free?

The Xiuyan in front of him has changed into an impersonal figure that was smashed by him, but Gro wondered why there is no hint of the Garden of Eden?

Even if the damage is reduced, Xiuyan shouldn't be so hard!

However, he soon knew the reason.

Growing a big stick suddenly realized that everything in front of him had suddenly changed, and there was no smashed Xiuyan in front of him! There is obviously nothing here!

His heart lit up and he had already twisted violently.

At this moment, he found that Xiuyan was standing there with tight muscles, thunder and lightning, and bone spurs on his arms.

Xiu Yan grinned: "Are you surprised?"

ps: Hey hey hey! Don’t doubt me to update! When will I break the watch! Even if something happens, I will find a way to update a chapter! The results of it! You actually said that I have no professional ethics! My brother, you guys said, if it weren’t for the last one today, we’ll fight one of the four, it’s useless for that guy to be Voldemort and how we persuade us to surrender. I’ve already updated it, okay!

ps: By the way, I blame the big eagle! The guy jumped over and didn't notice a person lying there! Otherwise I will update it early!