The Beast’s Blood Boils

v4 Chapter 41: Ferry's Enmity (in)

Impulse is a devil. \\m first issue \\———— Older than Mongolian proverb.

Liu Zhensha was standing at the toll booth on the shore, squinting at the opposite side, the river breeze was strong, and the shirtless Liu Zhensha was dancing with blond hair and chest hair. Guoguo stood on his shoulders, chirping. I don't know what snacks I am chewing.

Ningyu and Avril Lavigne were sitting in a toll booth, but it was actually a thatched shed. Ye Mingzhu lay in front of him, pressing the paper and quill on the wooden table.

Ye Mingzhu brought out a soft warmth, gentle and cozy, just like Richard's warm chest.

While enjoying the rare warmth in the winter, the two beauties cut open the wild grapes with a thin knife, weaved the vine armor, and exchanged views on the patterns from time to time.

Not far away, a group of female ogre slaves were desperately digging the moat. The bear goblins were chanting colorful pebbles back and forth with the basket "humming oil". This was used to divert water to submerge the bamboo forest, no The need is deep, Lord Lord said that he likes

The soil is very hard and their progress is slow. Feilengcui has no ironware, only wooden spades made of wood.

Five rattan boats came continuously from the north bank of the Sanggan River.

It seems that they refused to cross the river by avoiding water drops. Liu shocked thought.

The abandoned military station on the north bank of the Sanggan River has been abandoned again since it greeted the residents of Feilengcui. Because of the Northwest Front and the human war in the desert, the Northeast Army mobilized two elite wing to go to the front. Within two miles north of the river, the only military station now is Feilengcui

Since the craze of human businessmen returning home to participate in the "Yostre Festival", Liu Zhensha has arranged a dozen hedgehogs from the Trench tribe to stand there, specifically to welcome these businessmen, and help them cross the river with water beads.

If you use cane boats on the dock instead of avoiding water droplets to cross the river. That proves that the hedgehogs garrisoned in the North Shore Depot have talked with them, and these merchants don't want to pay for the river.

Often the more so, the more severe Liu Shock's extortion on the South Bank.

This merchant group really has the capital of interest and pride. Five cane boats have been transported dozens of times back and forth, and after a long time, they have all received more than 300 people on the beach on the south bank.

This large number is even close to the sum of the human merchants who have crossed the river in the past few days and doubled.

The tidal flats on the shore of Feilengcui suddenly became lively, and for a while, the voices of people became full.

This merchant group carried five carriages. There are countless Bemont properties stacked on it; there are also hundreds of Bemont slaves **** with their wrists. Tethered to the back of the carriage with ropes, these Bemont slaves were unkempt, their clothes halved, and their skin with welts were exposed to the cold north wind, and they wade ashore from the shallow water with their bare feet. A few gray-haired legs fell into the water as soon as they softened, and the whips in the hands of the mercenaries immediately made a crisp sound of contact with the flesh.

This group of human mercenaries as the guards of the merchant group is very large, and Liu Shock stood silently pinching the number of mercenaries on the river bank. There were about two hundred mercenaries, of which there were about fifty people on horseback. These mercenaries are well equipped

The burly mercenary and the potbellied human merchant stood together, very conspicuous. These mercenaries are all unconcealed traces of the rivers and lakes, many of them have scars on their faces and their chests are open. In the cold wind, she deliberately showed strong muscles that were not inferior to Bimon, and she looked like a well-trained old fritters.

There are a few enchanting human women with chestnut hair, wearing flowers and butterflies, flirting among the mercenaries.

These chestnut-haired and blue-eyed women are the famous vagrants Bepsy. The Bepsy are the only people without a country or religion. They can sell anything for money, and their men are thieves. Women and robbers are all prostitutes.

Only the wealthy Bepsy women are willing to follow this mercenary group to the deserted and dangerous Dunau Wasteland to provide physical comfort to these hungry mercenaries.

The Bepsy prostitutes are very good at enlivening the atmosphere, and the Bimon slaves have become a tool for them to amuse the mercenaries. From time to time, these prostitutes deliberately lifted their long skirts on the Bimon slaves to show their white thighs or bend down. , Revealing a proud cleavage as deep as a sanggan river, in the stunned eyes of some teenagers of the Bimon slaves, the mercenaries would always make a violent sound of lustful noises and a whip piercing the air. [m rapid update]

"Beep" the bugle sounded, and all the mercenaries immediately converged and laughed. They lined up in two neat lines on the left and right of the carriage. A knight took the lead with a bright flag waving in the wind and walked up the mudflat. River bank.

This flag is on a red velvet base. On one side, a coquettish mermaid is traced with gold threads. The exposed huge **** particularly attracted Liu's shocking eye. The mermaid's two hands are holding weights and scales respectively.

"The dragon knight wanders under the sunrise, the Danube steppe is undulating, the elite army of the mercenary country is magnificent, the allies are all healthy, full of glory, Dolot!" The loud voices of countless mercenaries gathered in this song. "Song of Dolot".

The Song of Dolot is the "Nation of Mercenaries". In order to commend the heroes of the Dolot mercenaries in the war with Beamon, they specially invited bards to compose it. Although this business group did not seem to see the river bank. The lord in the distance, but the meaning of this song is still very clear.

"Look! It's an old acquaintance! It turned out to be the merchant group of Count Dolot, Count Mattotti Sherpa. I know his family's coat of arms."

Liu Zhensha laughed and greeted Avril and Ningyu who were weaving rattan armor.

All that happened at the entrance of the temple that day, Liu Zhensha was not so forgetful. The big words of the obese human businessman with a stubborn face to buy a mermaid for 5 million gold coins still make him remember.

"It's them? Slave traders?" Avril Lavigne put down the rattan armour in her hand, pulled the bamboo pot on the table with her long colorful nails, and sneered: "Then I have to blackmail them this time.

Liu Zhensha made another new discovery. There were actually two piggy officers accompanying the trade group. The snow-white ostriches on the helmets of the two pigeon officers were spotlessly dazzling, accompanied by the four hands holding the silver cross. The priest talked and laughed with the familiar "patch of hair".

The fat man with a scythe sat on the carriage and talked with the two pig officers in a very harmonious manner.

They seemed to be like the eight “Feelengcui Territory Toll Stations” inscribed in the shed on the river bank were air-like, riding their mounts and talking and laughing and preparing to pass.

The mastiffs put down the big wooden poles blocking the road, blocking the gap from the river beach to the shore. Also blocked the way of these people.

"Quickly get out of the way! Untouchables..." A Pig officer frowned, drove the wild boar under his seat and approached the roadblock. The white-gloved horse whip pointed the mastiff and shouted with majesty.

"Mr. Cavalier! I am Baron Richard, Lord of the Feilengcui Territory. I have the right to impose a certain toll fee?" Liu shocked his foot on the wooden bar, with a huge cigar in his mouth. A puff of smoke comes out as soon as I speak

"Are you the dragon sacrifice of our Pig family?" The officer looked at the golden-haired lord dumbfoundedly, then looked back at another officer. The two leaned forward and backward on the War Pig mounts at the same time and burst into a hearty laughter.

"Yes." Liu shocked and nodded with a smile. Seeing the fat businessman with a scowl on his face, he said, "Do you remember me? Sir, you promised me to spend five hundred gold coins to buy my mermaid slave. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The words of buying a mermaid with five million gold coins that day seemed to be still in my ears. Avril couldn't forget this guy and stared at the businessman with anger. The businessman seemed to be particularly sensitive to the beauties. From the moment the Piguet officer came to negotiate, he immediately stared at the two beauties in the thatched shed like a shark smelling blood. After being said by the lord, the human merchant's face suddenly had an expression of enlightenment.

Can you see the beauty of these two beauties? Especially the beautiful clam shell behind Ningyu is still fresh in the businessman's memory. Now when he is reminded, he suddenly remembers.

Because the hair of Avril Lavigne and Ningyu are now dyed a different color almost every day. This cautious businessman took out the "memory crystal ball" from his arms and played it for a long time before he was sure that his memory was correct.

"It turned out to be your sir. Regarding the purchase of mermaid slaves, I will go back and discuss with Count Didongtoti before making a decision. There should be no big problem." The businessman took out a box of beard oil from his arms and raised a little Pick out his nails a little, and wipe the yellow hairs on his scalp.

"It doesn't matter, I'm just waiting for your five million." Liu Zhensha smiled and spread out his hands: "I will accept the toll of ten gold coins per person."

"What?" The two Pig officers almost jumped up from the pig at the same time.

"Ten gold coins per person to toll. If you don't want to, please turn around, or cross the river to the hometown beyond 500 miles downstream." Liu Zhenshan still smiled, with a kind face: "We can buy and sell, and refuse to pay. price."

"Our Sherpa Chamber of Commerce is a good friend of Lord Rosenborg. These two officers accompanied us back to Dolot. They will tell you what should be collected and what should not be collected." The human businessman sneered.

"This little Piglord is probably a nobleman and confused his head." Some of the human merchants sneered ironically.

Immediately there were a lot of rough mercenaries who followed him, and these mercenaries all stared at the two beauties, their eyes flashing obscenely.

"Lord Richard, the Sharma Merchant Group is indeed a friend of our Lord Rosenborg and the Kingdom. Can you reduce your toll a little bit? Isn't the ten gold coins per person too much for the Rhine?" The officer seemed to be discussing, in fact, his tone was obviously superior.

The collar badges of these two horse officers have an embroidered pattern of a fox surrounded by golden cornflowers. This coat of arms is a unique symbol of the Rosenborg family, the governor of the Northeast Province, which proves that the two horse officers are the governors’ retainers. .

For a little lord in a remote area, the two Pig officers felt that it was a waste of them to put out the title of governor. They felt that if they said that, the **** lord would immediately go away and apologize and make arrangements. Board and lodging, and dedicated the most beautiful girl in the territory to them for the night.

"If you don't give it, get out." Liu Zhensha still smiled.

"What did you say?" The two Pig officers were furious at the same time, and "Cang Lang" drew out the standard saber he was carrying with him.

"Do you want to fight with me? Two knights?" Liu shocked and laughed, "Don't forget. I am the war priest of the kingdom. I want to fight with the priest, but the warcraft and mine follow."

Vieri appeared in everyone's field of vision with a big axe on his back, and the strong, two-edged body that stood there, caused all the humans to take a breath. He was shirtless too, and his muscular chest was tattooed with a roaring giant bear, hidden by the black chest hair. This giant bear seemed to be hiding in the grass, ready to attack.

A more terrifying giant sloth stood respectfully behind his ass. Twelve-inch long claws tick their fangs from time to time.

The strong figures of the human mercenaries came to him, like a piece of bacon standing in front of ham.

"Who wants to fight an adult? Fight with me first!" Vieri waved the big axe in his hand, scanning the group of mercenaries and Pig officers in front of him one by one, his voice was roar in most people's ears. The look in his eyes was like the reflection of the blade of an axe behind him.

"Mr. Lord. You have to pay the price for the arrogance of you and your followers!" Of course, Officer Pig could not show weakness, but the panic on his face still betrayed his inner weakness.

Liu shocked a thick cigar spray on the face of the officer where he was talking.

"Don't talk about useless nonsense, I am in charge of my territory. Give the money or not? Give it a word!" Liu shocked the other side's face and Guoguo shook his arm. The tip of his little finger made a quack.

"We won't give it, but we still have to live from here. With so many of us, what can you do?" A bearded human ranger rode on a horse. Sai Li Neilun shouted.

"Have you seen the reeds over there?" Liu Zhenshan said, pointing to the dense reeds on the beach in the distance.

Every human being looked in the direction he pointed, the reeds rustled with the wind, and the withered yellow leaves were like aging life.

Looking back, these people found that the purple-haired girl sitting in the shed did not know when she stood up, holding a three-parted clam shell in her hand, and her delicate and delicate lips were chanting a short string. The syllables are obscure and difficult, but full of magical power.

A wind blew, and the purple-haired girl opened an arc with both hands, and countless half-moon-shaped blades flew out from her opened hands, and passed over the heads of these human beings, cutting off two horses first. The hairpin on Officer Ge's helmet flew straight to the reed on the tidal flat with a strong wind.

"Bumping" the ground with a loud crack, countless blades hovering up and down in the reeds, churning out dust in the sky, and after dancing for a while, it turned into rain-like water droplets and fell down.

"Water Blade Storm! God of Creation! It is actually Water Blade Storm!" The knowledgeable humans couldn't help shouting.

The face of the slave trader suddenly looked like ashes.

The mermaid is a water magician who is born to communicate with water elements. Just from her short chanting of magic spells, she can see her ability. Such a large magic "Water Blade Storm" can be summoned by just pinching a clam shell. Come out, what is this concept?

The magician is a symbol of noble status and strength in the entire Aegean Continent. Although the Sherpa Merchant Group has money, it has no ability to raise a full-time magician.

"The rogue's end is the bush of reeds!" Liu looked at these humans whose eyes almost burst in shock. Since absorbing the magic embarrassment against the bear goblin bandit last time, Avril Lavigne has become very studious recently. Most of the time is spent on meditation, desperately accumulating magic power, the magic that the mammoths hunted in the snowy mountains of Tamuraya. Jing, although the quality is far inferior to Liu Shock’s top-quality goods, it is enough for Avril Lavigne to store magic power. Besides, Avril Lavigne has made some magic scrolls from the big clam shells in the Sanggan River. It's a big show. If there is no magic scroll made of clam shells, even a mermaid would not be able to summon such a large water system attack magic so easily.

The ogres who were digging the moat also became noisy, and they clamored together. They really wanted to have a chance to show their loyalty. Originally, they buried their heads in digging a pit, but humans hadn’t noticed it yet. Now they are yelling and humans have discovered There was such a large group of ogres in the distance.

The barbarity and power of the ogre is known to mankind, and immediately all the mercenaries and rangers are drawn out of their swords and bows.

"These ogres are my slaves! Put down your weapons!" Liu shook loudly, making the surrounding humans feel tight and panting, and almost fell off the mount.

It would be no good to continue fighting with a magician and a war sacrifice with hundreds of ogre slaves. There were more than three hundred mercenary rangers guarded by these slave traders. They were very self-reliant. They thought that there would be another officer of Bimeng who would be accompanied by them, and they would definitely have a wonderful scenery along the way. They never wanted to be so deflated.

For a mermaid magician who can summon large water magic by crushing a clam shell, human beings are not only shocked, but also able to figure out the consequences of being hit by the "Water Blade Storm" at such a close distance~www.mtlnovel. com~ The reason why the mercenaries didn't dare to make noise anymore, the beautiful magician still held a whole stack of clam shells in his hands.

The two Beamon officers again stood up and sternly protested. This time their attitude was much more humble, but it was still useless.

The two officers saw that their own lord of the same tribe didn't mean to sell face at all, except for sneer. They had no other choice but to get angry and prepare to give a small report, and they bowed their necks obediently.

Avril Lavigne was so happy.

In fact, these mercenaries were frightened by the reputation of magicians. The production of magic scrolls is not easy. Avril Lavigne’s magic clam shells are basically semi-finished products, except for a few intermediate-power magic clam shells. A successful large magic clamshell scroll has been consumed in the process of just deterring them.

Because of the lack of precious spices and the blood of monsters, the raw materials for making magic scrolls, the remaining mussel shells are temporarily displayed.

"Give me the money, why are you still stunned?" Liu smiled triumphantly.