The Beast’s Blood Boils

v4 Chapter 611: Double fire

Suddenly, there was such a gang of bandits full of vigor and silence to attack the new force, and the battlefield situation followed a 180 degree turn. \\mStarter\\

Except that the ancient dragon Wenger and Nerwin Ink flew relatively high, two or three tumbling and entangled and fleeing away for a long time, the remaining demons of the Underworld mostly tore and fight in the middle of the sky, Liu Zhensha and two The prince took them as soft bread in the oven and cleaned them one by one.

The cannon fodder blockade and the reserve team's impact tactics were used by Liu Zhenshake in the street gangster-style group melee, which can especially reflect the surprising and wonderful effect. When most dragons and underworld beasts are hunting and killing each other, they fight to the full. At that time, several savage and powerful men suddenly appeared, and the result was undoubtedly disastrous for the Underworld Beast.

No matter what kind of war it is, after the two warring parties adapt to the rhythm, there will be more or less psychological inertia. At this time, when the reserve team is suddenly charged, it is very likely that the army will be defeated and the strong of the same level will die. Pinch, once you are in a mess, the outcome can be decided in an instant.

Suffering a joint attack by Lord Feilengcui, father and son, was not as simple as a breath of a giant dragon.

At this time, who would blame Liu Shock for not having the noble consciousness and sense of honor of the No. 1 Mage under the stars is nothing wrong. At least the top powerhouse should cherish the feathers, especially the No. 1 Mage in the world. Sneak attack is enough, even Doug. The gang fighting spirit of the ethnic group is also completely removed, which is too far from Shengxiao's transcendent identity.

After bringing down the Dark Duke of Rebok, the three wicked father and son successively chopped down two **** stalkers and a rare underworld beast on the verge of genocide, the "Shrinking Eye Demon Lord", and drove a hundred-footed evil maggot lord. Like a centipede running fast.

Covered with a layer of flower armor, inside is a battle armor of the Frozen Throne. Liu Shock, who adjusted the "King Kong Volunteer Body" and Kuanghua to the highest output frequency, clutched a variety of weapons, swept all over the place with majesty, and there was no one in his hand.

Because the six force element arms are basically invisible. This made his image look weird and ghostly, but all the underworld demons he was aiming at were startled first, and then slashed and rushed.

Seeing that these dung-chucking sticks were powerful, the situation became more and more unfavorable as this went on. A Hades three wraiths covered in azure blue and red stripes killed the enemy of the earth system giant. The dragon quickly pounced from the side, condemning these shameless and extremely shameless with a thunderous roar and three-line magic anger.

As the celestial envoy who guards the underworld, Hades has a very high status in the underworld. It is several times more powerful than the three-headed **** dog Kerberos guarding the gates of hell, because it is born with three Head. The Hades Wraith Wolf of fine ventilation, fire, and ice magic can also have the firepower three times more dense than the general super-order beasts in terms of magic release speed.

It can be said that this is a top underworld beast comparable to the fifth-order three-headed golden dragon.

The appearance of azure blue and fiery red stripes is intertwined. Now this ghost wolf, who rushed to teach the father and son trio, is already a powerful ghost wolf with the title of "Orion double star messenger". It can already use fire and ice cocktails to cast instant magic!

Xiaokong turned upside down with a dozen hollow tumblers in a row, ascending tens of meters as quickly as stepping on a ladder, avoiding a sneak attack behind Hades's ghost wolf. After the two fission sounds of "Tengteng", the nine princes shook his body beautifully in a cloud, and shook out the other two identical deities.

In Eastern terms. This is called "one gasification and three cleansing"!

In Aegean terms, this is the "mirror clone!"

The three princes have a long stick of fine gold in their hands, stepped on gold threads, dressed in purple fish scales, and two long colorful pheasants with a golden crown floating diagonally above their heads. They are really indescribable with red lips and white teeth.

Liu Zhenhuan and Wentai Claire left and right, rounding back to the flank of Hades.

I've seen this ghost wolf a long time ago, and it's rare that it throws itself into the net. It happened to be in the arms of Old Liu.

The Hades three wraiths seemed to perceive a very dangerous aura and hesitated a little. [m rapid update]

"Fuck it!" Liu shocked, brandishing a **** sticky weapon, and slammed at the three Hades wolf wolves.

Even with the help of "Star Wings, Liu Shock's flying speed is still incomparable to a guy like this one who feeds on wings all the year round. The Ninth Prince and the Ten Prince are almost the same, but they are crowded and correct. The card position can make up for this shortcoming. After all, the three of Old Liu and his son are not Eudemons dragons without magical attack methods, and Ming Beasts are not the kind of Tuba Lu that knows the slippery feet will flash people.

In an instant, the Hades three wraiths intercepted a pumpkin-sized flying flower, a deformed silver ball, and a "Ner'zhul piercing nail". Liu Zhen's interpretation speed was almost no slower than the three-headed one. How many.

This is a feint, and the ten princes are the real magic attackers.

Vente Claire, who was immersed in a rush, took advantage of the gap where Hades Hades had exhausted his strength, and neither intercepted nor shot, directly blasted Hades Hades with six vindictive fingers, letting him go in the opposite direction. Cyclonus spells, a young desperate stance who doesn't know the height of the sky.

This kind of bandit style of life-for-life, just looking at it is enough to make Hades wraith wolf head and rush.

Of course Vente Claire dares to do this, because he has enough capital to spend! As a special case where there was no semicolon in the Aegean continent for thousands of years, as the most difficult "thunderer" of the four major evils of the Aegean, the Catalpa Entwentai Claire, who has the title of the King of Wood, has always relied on Head-to-head, head-to-head, and gamble on life.

The natural "Evergreen Domain" of Catalpa Ente can transfer all the magical damage to the trees within fifty miles. If it is in the barren and barren mountains, it will be completely unsung, but the battlefield is clearly located in the Southern Cross Forest. In the dense green sea that stretches for thousands of miles above and below, the thinnest towering ancient trees are probably ten arms thick! In this natural home court, Vente Claire is almost impossible to be killed by magic. In theory, the fastest way to destroy him is only physical attack!

Hades Hades has never seen such a strong man in his life!

The ten prince of Fei Leng Cui, who was stunned and dashed, resisted the waves of wind blades, fire blades, ice blades, and cocktail magic with his head and chest, using his body. Is the radius. In January, another circle of grass-green ripples rippled, and the magic waves swarming to hit him, from the beginning to the end, even the oily skin on his body was not broken, as if the menacing wolf magic was on him. In other words, it's just a trace of ethereal and ethereal clouds and clouds.

Although the daylight punishment in the Aegean continent has greatly reduced the strength of Hades Pluto, it definitely does not mean that anyone can be so rampant that he can ignore the serial magic released by the Orion double star Pluto!

The powerful and ignorant Hades three wraith wolves ignored the ground forest trembling in the surrounding dozens of miles. It did not observe the vast scene of towering old trees and fallen leaves, nor did it hear a strand of exploding. The bark resembled a whistle, and a curled tail echoed in the mountains and forests.

Magic immunity? Hades Hades completely withered, and confronted such magic immune. It destroyed all its self-confidence in an instant.

The only thing it doesn't understand is that since the opponent is already immune to magic, how can it save and use elemental power? And what is released at once are six surging elemental storms!

This does not conform to the law of elements at all!

A long spear-like gold goblin stick penetrated Hades's body. Also completely dispelled its doubts.

Xiaokong retracted the golden golden stick in his hand back to its original length, and the mirrored and uniform movements of the three made him look extremely cool.

Today, he beat his opponent coldly. The maximum length that the adamantine can stretch is directly linked to his own body surface area, and the maximum stretch can reach about 15 meters. When looking for the notes of the monks of the great virtues all the way west, the nine princes didn't know how many super-order beasts suddenly became cold when they used this stick to suddenly become a super long spear.

Use gold branches and leaves to control gold. Xiao Kong smoothly bent the golden stick in his hand into a bow shape, restraining the body of the wolf, and suddenly lifted it up, just in time for the old man who rushed to come and slash down, and cut open the lower body of the wolf. belly.

"I'm going to blow up!" Xiaokong roared excitedly.

"Okay! Aim the frontal attack point on the ground, don't get hurt by accident!" Liu Zhenshan knew what Xiaokong meant. Since the last time Xiaokong on the mainland of Sangri used his eyes to draw the parrot Materazzi's high-level fire magic, he still has It hasn't been opened yet.

During the excavation of the Underground Palace of the Qibao Pagoda in the Silk Continent, many jade beds were once discovered. During this period of time, Xiaokong was all cleaned up as a supper, and it was time to make up for the energy to get angry.

As two golden stars shot out from the eyes of the nine princes, a red glow suddenly flashed across the center of the huge basin and above the forest line; from the ground to the sky, the space resembled a balloon bursting. Instantly flashing and exploding punishment, the eyes of all creatures were instantly filled with fiery red and scorching heat, shrinking and shriveled lungs as if suddenly stepping into a vacuum, a deadly suffocation sensation filled the entire universe, shaking every nerve.


This is the fourth advanced high-level magic "Blaze" of the fire system, which is known as "It burns when it encounters water, wood, stone, gas, and gas."

At this time, it is not too much to give all the praises of the world to the nine princes!

"Flame absorption" is not a "flame immunity". The ability of "flame absorption" has a saturation limit. Typhon giants also have the ability to absorb flames, but these hellfires may not dare to absorb the tyrannical "flame fire"!

Only a freak like the Nine Prince dare to absorb it, and only he can consolidate the power of the "burning fire" through the special way of eating jade!

I want to expect the little parrot to release this high-level fire magic, but I don’t know which year of the monkey to wait until the appearance of the Ninth Prince, which perfectly makes up for this regret!

The boundless fiery purgatory filled everything in his eyes, and the battle was completely still at this moment.

This is just a simple "burning fire", like "fireball", it belongs to the first level of spell use.

From the point of view of lethality, perhaps this "burning fire" can't be regarded as top magic. But this means realm, a transcendent realm worthy of worship!

If "Blaze" can be used in top fire spells such as "Red Lotus Hell" and "Perfect Volcano", it will definitely be a super forbidden curse in the forbidden curse-once the magic comes The ultimate is a holy rank that also cultivates multiple lines. Wind whisper WAP. FYWAP. NET//It is no longer important to repair a series of Earth Demon Seekers alone!

Fortunately, Xiaokong does not possess that kind of devastating ability to use it. Fortunately, he only increased the power of the "burning fire" through eating jade --- only better than the "burning fire" released by the parrot on the mainland of Sangri that day. Be stronger.

Adidasma, located within the frontal attack range of "Blizzard", were all burned into flaming candle heads by the fierce and incomprehensible flame shock wave; they couldn't resist such overbearing with their own magical resistance. The upper fire magic!

Being swept by the frontal shock wave of the "burning fire" is a nightmare-like tragedy. At this time, there are only three things to rely on, magic resistance, magic resistance, and magic resistance! As for other factors, it can be ignored. No matter how strong the physique, no matter how hard the scales are, and no matter how thick the skin is, the air and blood flowing inside the organisms breathe under the frontal attack of the "burning fire". It will turn into red phosphorous and frantic fuel that is also on the verge of burning until it is completely burned out.

At least 700 people couldn't rush to prevent Adidasma from being killed on the spot. What Xiao Kong aimed at was their densest crowd and opened fire!

The remaining Adidasma stood foolishly in the fire. Looking up at the sky madly, his eyes were frozen.

The big forest turned into the torchland ocean, and the screaming flame elves danced into the sky with a smile like a silver bell.

At this moment, it seems that Kassus, the **** of flames, who has long since lost his followers, opened up a corridor of flames and a solemn temple in the world.

No burnt smell. Because "Yihuo" is the most thorough burning!

There is no scream, because the moisture of the skin has deprived all the rights of the vocal cords!

Nature quickly circulates the clean air into the short vacuum swept away by the "burning fire", but what the warm wind cannot blow away is the bone-chilling chill.

Southern trees are not flammable. Liu Shock had already realized this. At the beginning, he could not light Xiaoba's civil works with a flamethrower on the southern Xinjiang battlefield, so he was not worried that the Southern Cross Forest would be burned into the Great Khingan Mountains by a fire. Elder Yves was heartbroken to death.

"Blaze" has the characteristic of attaching a burning ground, and it will go out once the cooling time is up.

What Liu Zhensheng wanted was this sensational effect.

The corpses of the two brain hunters were planted from the air at the right time, like two lifelike marble sculptures, jumping with a flame halo of a mixture of milky white and pitch black, falling to the ground in a solidified and rigid posture.

This is the only picture currently in motion, so everyone is watching silently.

Two sculptures of brain hunters seem to have landed in full force. Smashing on a large piece of Tiger Lying Flat Rock did not make the expected loud crashing sound. On the contrary, it seemed that two feathers fell into the lonely autumn wave, silently.

The only anomaly is that after the two marble sculpture-like brain hunters fell on the Tiger Lying Flat Rock, they were strangely not broken or bounced off. The reflection in the water was like a reflection in the water, quietly reflected in the Lying Rock that was still flaming. surface.

There are no ashes on the stone surface, only two full-body black and white portraits with vivid eyebrows and vivid expressions. It seems that a great painter once meticulously painted the image of two brain hunters on this stone surface with water and ink.

Even the most cruel tyrant, if you see the two portraits of the brain hunter on the stone surface with your own eyes, you will surely feel pity for the horror projected in their eyes.

There was dumb silence.

Liu Zhensha was also dumbfounded.

This is the cruelest and most realistic artistic portrait in the world, using ultra-high-temperature flames to rub living objects onto other objects.

The magic of the Aegean Continent is called "type fusion nuclear flame". If hit by this magic, the only thing that can remain in the world is a black and white portrait. In addition, no matter bones, clothes, armor, or souls will disappear. , Completely disappeared.

However, Ichijo himself still likes to call this newly understood spell "Tieguanyin Pill Green fusion nuclear flame" is not a fire magic realm that can be achieved by simply relying on practice, it needs extreme High talent, close to adultery affinity with the fire element, and a very small chance can only be achieved by chance.

In the Aegean Continent, this realm is also called the "Divergence Realm", which means: if you can comprehend this special realm, it means that you have the possibility of creating branch magic or higher magic, in other words, Very likely to become a master.

For thousands of years, the magic branches derived from the four main elements of "qi, fire, water, and earth" in the Aegean continent have all added up, and there are less than 30 pedigrees. It can be seen that there is a "diversion pole". How difficult.

The one that fell down vertically from a high altitude used its sharp long beak to shovel away several underworld beasts all the way, two cold lights flashed, and a Ruibok who was still in a daze was headed by his double-sword owl. The stage is like a rocket, "swooshing" into the sky.

"If you want to fight, what are you going to do?" Bo Langsha Flamingo cursed inexplicably, "My day, are you Ming clan coming to the Aegean continent to pick things up or to engage in performance art? Damn one by one with Lao Tzu. modeling!"