The Beasts of the World [farming]

~: Works Related (71)


Ren Heyin said that he slapped two of them easily, put them in the back basket, and closed the lid by the way.

There are such insects in the fields of the tribe, and they must also have them in the fields. I will catch a few more and serve as a dish.

Ren Heyin and Yunming went to the field, and the situation was more serious than they thought. The shadow of this kind of bug could be seen everywhere in the rice field, wheat field and pepper field.

He glanced over, and he could see four or five at once.

"Why are there so many bugs?" Ren Heyin frowned, "I don't know where it came from."

Yun Ming: "The weather is good and the temperature is high. There are so many crops here, which will definitely attract insects, and the insects will attract insects. Slowly there will be more."

"What should I do now? This bug flies everywhere, and I can't catch it." Ren He Yin thought for a while, "I wonder if I can buy pesticides online?"

Ren Heyin was talking with one hand one at the other, and within a short while he caught six or seven big bugs.

"Pesticides are not good, the lethality is too great." Yunming couldn't see the scarecrow, said: "First let the birds on the scarecrows, let the birds come to eat the insects."

"It can only do this now. It's a pity that this bird not only eats insects, but also rice and wheat."

"How much will be lost, there are always more worms than birds."

"This too."

Ren Heyin had to go to the scarecrow and cut the rope that was tied to the bird.

Once the Raptor was free, it immediately spread its wings and flew away.

People in the nearby tribe straightened up when they saw that they had released the bird, "Why did you release the bird?"

"There are too many insects in the ground, we can't finish it, let's see if we can attract birds to eat insects."

"What about rice?"

"Birds should not eat rice that if they have worms. Even if they want to eat them, there is nothing to do. First, let's see if the birds are effective. If there is no effect, then catch a few birds of prey to see the fields.

Everyone thought it made sense when they heard it, so they simply let the other birds of prey in the field also go.

For a time, the sky was full of the sound of birds spreading their wings, flapping and fluttering, and a few feathers dropped from time to time.

The big bird flew away, but the little bird did not come for a while.

Ren Heyin and Yunming bury their heads in catching insects.

There is still water in the rice fields. There are many fish and shrimps in the water, and there are relatively few insects. They mainly go to the wheat fields and pepper fields.

These two large fields have been badly damaged by insects, and many leaves have gaps.

Ren Heyin was so distressed that he couldn't take care of picking the peppers, so he caught the insects directly.

He has quick eyes and quick hands, one in each hand, and catching insects is similar to picking insects from leaves.

There are too many bugs here, basically reaching the level of one hand.

The two caught small insects for a long time, and grabbed a basket.

Yunming glanced at it, "Enough, grab so many first today."

"Okay, we'll catch it tomorrow."

Ren Heyin dipped the back basket full of bugs into the canal, feeling full of accomplishment for a while.

The water in the ditch is flowing slowly, and the back basket is immersed in it, and the insects inside will soon be soaked. The water flow will also take away some bad things, such as the chemicals released when the insects are facing death.

Put a back basket, and the two still have three baskets.

They went into the pepper field with their back baskets and started picking peppers.

Ren Heyin was afraid that the peppers were not enough to eat, so he planted a large slice. Now the peppers are red, and the mature peppers hit the pepper seedlings like chopsticks.

The two hands quickly, picking off the plump and thick peppers and putting them in the back basket, and in a while, they can fill a back basket.

The three baskets of peppers were quickly picked, and Yunming turned into a beast shape, and together with the basket of insects, he returned to the tribe.

The freshly picked peppers are directly put on the drying farm to dry them. Their peppers are all ripe and not rotten. The roots are very plump and they look very beautiful when they are placed in the sun.

Ren Heyin narrowed his eyes, "This year there will be more peppers, but next year we can plant fewer. Maybe we can make another granary for holding peppers."

Yun Ming, "No, there are two granaries, one for rice, one for wheat, and dry pepper stuffed inside."

"Yes." Ren Heyin thought of the scene and wanted to laugh a little, "I don't know if there is too much pepper, whether there is a spicy flavor in the rice or flour."

"Not so exaggerated."

The two dried the peppers to deal with the bugs.

These bugs may pick up their rice stalks and wheat seedlings to eat, and each is very strong.

Ren Heyin moved the bucket containing pig food, and the two dealt with the bugs. The head and internal organs were torn off, the wings were torn off, and the wings of the torn out head were thrown into the bucket, and they would carry them to feed the white flowers and birds.

Such insects are crispy and fragrant when fried with oil.

Ren Heyin pinched a hot and fragrant insect into his mouth, "It smells good."

"Fragrant will catch tomorrow." Yunming brought the fried bugs to the desk and put them on the desk, and asked, "What else?"

"Fry a little fried meat, fry some bean dregs and tofu. The soup is already rolling, and it's almost the same if you cook some muddy fruit." Ren Heyin looked at a big wooden pot of worms, "After eating so many worms, you may get angry. Give it to everyone."

Yunming nodded, took another clean big tub and set it up and carried it down.

The two of them finished their meal and began to pound the chili powder.

They had dried a few batches of dried chilies before. Maybe the chilies are of good quality. The dried chilies are very beautiful, transparent and look like translucent ruby ​​flakes.

After being pounded, this kind of chili smells delicious and sweet.

Ren Heyin poured the pounded chili into a wooden basin, put the pounded fine salt and spices, and went to the cave to remove their moldy tofu.

The white mycelium on the moldy tofu has almost disappeared, replaced by a pale yellow skin.

Ren He smelled it secretly, the taste of moldy tofu was very restrained, without any special smell.

The two poured out a bowl of rice wine, dipped the moldy tofu into the wine, soaked the whole body, then put the moldy tofu into the chili powder, spice powder and salt powder, rolled it in a circle, and dipped it on all sides. Put the powder into the jar.

The jar Ren Heyin had been steamed a long time ago, and now it should be free of germs when it is taken out.

The two of them patiently wrapped the moldy tofu piece by piece. After all of them were wrapped, pour the remaining spice powder into the jar, and then pour in the cooked animal oil with fried ginger, garlic and shallot so that the animal oil is over the top. One piece of tofu.

This kind of moldy tofu is also called fermented bean curd. The version made by Grandma Ren Heyin is a high-concentration white wine. There is really no white wine here. Ren Heyin had to use oil instead of white wine to treat the fermented bean curd.

The sealing effect of oil is also good. Many people like to use oil to seal fermented bean curd. This version is also sold on the market.

Ren Heyin felt that both versions would work, each with its own characteristics, and they were both delicious anyway.

After the jar of fermented bean curd is soaked, take it back to the cave and store it in a sealed and dark place. It can be eaten after about ten and a half months of storage. However, during the shelf life, the taste of fermented bean curd is as long as it is soaked, the better. How to manage this period has to be done by them. Fumble slowly later.

The two also put away the bean dregs and tofu.

The bean dregs and tofu couldn't be finished for a while, so Ren Heyin simply took a bamboo plaque and put it in the sun.

In summer, the sun is strong, and the bean curd tofu can be hardened in a few days.

After dehydration, the shelf life of these tofu will be greatly increased, and they can eat it whenever they want.

Ren Heyin likes to stir-fry dried bamboo shoots with hard bean dregs and tofu, which is not interesting to eat.

Bean dregs and tofu are also delicious when used to fry garlic sprouts and chilies, very dry and chewy.

Bean dregs and tofu can also be used to fry insects, but with the joint efforts of them and Mantianniao, there are fewer and fewer insects in their fields. It is estimated that when the rice and wheat disappear, they will disappear completely.

Ren Heyin still had some regrets, and planned to eat a few more meals while the bugs were still there, so that he would have to wait until next year when he wanted to eat later.

The author has something to say: There is one more before going to bed~,, please remember to collect the website or keep in mind the website, the website is The fastest update is free of anti-theft and no anti-theft. Error report chapter. Book to find books. Chat with book friends, please add qq group: 647377658 (group number)

☆, shoot cucumber

In Ren Heyin's expectation, the first crop of wheat this year is gradually turning yellow.

Mai Zi didn't know when the yellow was applied. When they looked at it one day, the yellow suddenly became more obvious.

This yellow is a kind of yellow-green, and when seen from afar, the whole wheat field has changed color.

Ren He concealed at the edge of the wheat field, stretched out his hand and pinched the wheat grains, which was filled with wheat syrup, which was already quite plump, put it in his mouth and bit it slightly, with a delicate fragrance.

With a move of his tongue, he spit out the wheat kernels, "It's almost done."

Yun Ming glanced at it and said, "Pull out the grass for the last time."


Ren Heyin stood in the wheat field. The wheat grew to his thigh height, and it stabbed his leg.

There is a lot of grass in the field, and most of them still pull the big grass, if the grass inside is too small, forget it.

You don't need to throw the pulled grass blades. Some are fed to sheep and some are fed to pigs. They are all good feed.

Standing in the field, Ren Heyin's sweat was left along his neck, and the mud was washed away, turning his white face into a big painted face.

He touched it with his hand and his face became more flowery.

Yunming saw the red marks under his mud and asked, "Itchy?"

"It's okay, it may be stained with wheat awns or broken grass." Ren Heyin scratched again, his cheeks flushed from being caught.

Yunming stretched out his hand and touched his face, pushing his shoulder and saying: "Go and wash your face, I'll take care of the rest."

"No, there is still so much grass. When do you have to pull it out by yourself?"

"How much can be pulled." Yunming grabbed his shoulder, "You go back and cook first."

Ren Heyin raised his head to cover his eyes, glanced at the bright sun in the sky, and squinted his eyes and said: "Also, it's almost noon. What do you want to eat?"

"It's all right, you watch and do it."

"Then I will go to the cucumber field next door to see if there are any grown cucumbers."

They dug up the cucumber and planted it for several months. I don't know if it's because of the variety. The cucumber seedlings grow abnormally on the shelf, but they don't bloom and bear fruit.

At the end of the spring, Ren Heyin constantly patrolled the cucumber fields unwillingly, but he looked left and right. After looking at it for a long time, he couldn't find even a single cucumber flower.

They all thought that as a local variety, the cucumber had not been domesticated to the point of long cucumber. They did not expect that in summer, the cucumber would slowly bloom.

The cucumber flowers on the shelf were first one or two, and the tender yellow flowers swayed in the sun, attracting many bees and butterflies.

There are more and more cucumber flowers. At most, the shelves are dotted with yellow cucumber flowers. Some are on the leaves, and some are hidden under the leaves.

Ren He faintly saw a shed full of cucumber flowers, and he was a little worried about whether the cucumber would be divided into too many nutrients and would not bear fruit with so many flowers.

At that time, he specifically pinched some flowers and thinned the fruits.

Cucumbers slowly formed under the Cucumber Flower, a green one, just a little bit at the beginning. After half a month, the big Cucumber already had Ren Heyin's arms longer.

Ren Heyin had seen it many times before, and was reluctant to pinch it down to eat, and was stunned to wait until the cucumber was ripe.

The cucumber should be ready to eat now, and the thorns on it are nothing.

Ren Heyin carried a basket on his back and touched several cucumbers. One of them was very good. He couldn't wait to take it to the drain and wash it clean, and then came back to share with Ren Heyin.

As soon as the cucumber breaks, the fresh fragrance floats out immediately.

The smell of cucumber is much better than the taste, and Ren He can't help but feel greedy when he smells this smell.

He walked through the wheat field and handed half of it to Yunming who was working in the field, "Boss, come and eat a cucumber."

As he said, he picked up the end of the cucumber and took a big bite.

Cucumber actually doesn't have any special taste, it's not sweet or sour, but it's very refreshing.

Especially in summer eating such a section of cucumber, the whole person feels an indescribable sense of comfort.

Yun Ming went to the ditch next to him and washed his hands. The two stood on the ridge of the wheat field and tasted each other.

"It tastes good." Yun Ming gave an evaluation, eating the last bite of cucumber, and then washing his hands, "The sun is too big, you should go back and cook first."

"Okay, you come back quickly too, I'll take a picture of cucumber later, if you leave it for too long, it won't be refreshing."

Yunming nodded.

Ren Heyin happily went back carrying the cucumber and returned to the small platform. He took a handful of dried tofu and a piece of dried meat.

For lunch, eat pork with scallion oil, fried bean curd, mixed cucumber soup with white bird and wild mushroom soup.

The white flowers and birds simmered in the pot when they went out to work in the morning. At this time, the soup had been boiled from the full pot to more than half of the pot, and the soup was boiled to golden yellow. When the lid of the pot was opened, a fragrance came out.

Ren Heyin put the washed fungus into the cooking pot, stabbed the hot coal underneath, added the wood, and continued to boil the fire.

It's easy to shoot cucumbers.

Wash the cucumbers, pat them directly, put them in a large pottery, add salt, add garlic sprouts, minced **** and chopped green onion, add a tablespoon of chili oil, and then add the plum soup soaked in cold boil to increase the sourness. Mix well. eat.

After Ren Heyin took the photo, he specially clipped a section and tasted it.

The sourness of plums is very refreshing, and the sourness of cucumber is also very refreshing. The two complement each other, which is unexpectedly good. Coupled with just the right amount of chili oil and salt, it tastes pretty good.

It's just been mixed now, the salt is not heavy enough, and it should be almost the same when Yunming comes back to eat.

Ren Heyin divided a large bowl of green melons and gave it to Qing.

He stayed behind today and did not go out to collect.

Qing saw Cucumber, curious, "What is this?"

"Cucumber, a kind of edible melon, can be eaten as a vegetable or fruit." Ren Heyin pushed to him, "You taste it, see if you like it or not."

Qing tasted a piece, his eyes lit up, and he gave a thumbs up to Ren Heyin, "Very delicious."

Ren Heyin smiled triumphantly.

Qing held the bowl and asked, "Are your wheat almost ripening?"

"It should be, the wheat must be cut before the rice is cut."

"Do you want the tribe to help?"

Ren Heyin waved his hand, "No, just a little wheat, we can do it ourselves."

The wheat they planted was the seeds brought in from the valley, and there was not much in total. When they were recovered, it was estimated that they would be four or five dans of wheat. This amount of labor could be easily accomplished by him and Yun Ming.

Qing laughed when he said no, "Then I will tell Han."

"it is good."

After Ren Heyin wanted to go back to cook, Qing remembered and called him, "By the way, how are your windows doing?"

Ren Heyin and their windows were fixed with fish swim bladder glue, and a groove was opened on the bottom and side of the window frame. After the glass was clamped in, the top was brushed with fish swim bladder glue on the wood under the glass heel with another horizontal wooden strip. Clamp the glass firmly.

They also used fish swim bladder glue to fix the glass in their grooves.

After Ren Heyin and the others were done, they left it in the cave to dry in the shade. Qing waited for several days, but he couldn't help being curious if they didn't see them going to install the glass.

Ren Heyin went to see their windows yesterday evening. The swim bladder glue has dried and the glass is very firm. The wood-colored windows and the light yellow transparent glass look exceptionally harmonious.

Qing asked, his eyes curled up, "It's done, we can install the windows in these two days."

Their window frames have been taken and installed in advance, and the corresponding iron nails have been put on the window sashes, and the window frames can be installed directly without any effort.

Qing asked: "When is Ann, can we go see it?"

"Yes, you can go see it whenever you want."

After Ren Heyin finished speaking, he went back to the small platform on the mountain to cook. When he had lunch, he told Yunming about it.

"Boss, or we will carry the glass window back later, and go down and install the window?" Ren Heyin was really expecting the window to be installed in the house.

"Yes." Yunming answered, "Go after a nap."

"What kind of nap? Let's go after dinner. Where can we still sleep?" Ren Heyin picked him up a piece of cucumber, "Come on, let's hurry up and start off after eating."

"I'll sleep first, the weather is too hot, I'm afraid you have a headache."

"It won't be a headache." Ren He Yin thought about it, "Then we will sleep for a while and get up and install the window later."

The summer was too hot and the farm work was too tiring. Ren Heyin stayed a little bit distracted, and got up after half an hour of sleep.

The two of them carried the finished window sashes with their back baskets, and thick withered grass was placed between the window sashes to avoid damaging the glass.

The windows are very simple, five rooms, ten windows, among them the window in the living room is very large, and you can see the distant mountains outside.

They don't have to worry about mosquitoes, and they don't have window sashes, so they can just put up the window frames.

After setting up the windows, Ren Heyin couldn't help walking around in a few rooms. The brick and black tiled house was quite cool, especially when the windows and doors were opened for ventilation.

He felt here and there, if they didn't burn the tiles, they could already move in now.

"Why don't we take the time to make the tiles these days?" Ren He yinly sat on the fire kang, "Burn them out as soon as possible and move as soon as possible."

"It's too hot now, and the clay dries too fast, and it's easy to crack." Yunming said, "I'll talk about it after harvesting the rice."

"That will be many more days." Ren Heyin lay on his back on the kang, "It's really looking forward to it."

"Quickly. It's less than a month after the calculation, let's prepare the furniture first."

"The furniture is almost done, pots and pans, tables and chairs, clothing...what else?"


"Yes, the barn must be done first." Ren Heyin let out a sigh of relief, "Speaking of the barn, I somewhat want to build another house as a granary."

"No need to build, it's enough for the time being." Yunming said, "We can pile bottles and cans on top of the barn."

"Yes, the box is also on the top, try to increase the space utilization. We can put a little less in the living room and the room, and it looks drier."

The two of them discussed and discussed in the room, Ren Heyin said that the voice became quieter and fell asleep unknowingly on the kang made of blue bricks.

Yun Ming lowered his head to see his sleeping face, with a smile in his eyes.

The author has something to say: thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-02-2218:24:08~2020-02-2223:35:16~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: huaqu1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw landmines: …………1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Oucheng; 10 bottles of cool picture; who has the delete button, help me delete 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!,,, free and fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft. Report error chapter. Ask for a book to find a book. Chat with book friends, please add qq Group: 647377658 (group number)

☆, ginseng soup

The most tiring part of farming is the period of rushing for crops and harvesting. Ren Heyin fully felt this when he was cutting wheat.

When their wheat is completely yellow, the rice will be almost yellow, and the rice will be cut after the wheat is cut.

Ren Heyin and Yunming did not ask other people in the tribe to help, so they took a sickle and went down to the field to cut wheat.

"Our wheat doesn't seem to grow very well." Ren Heyin cut a piece of wheat and brought the ear of wheat to his eyes, "It's far worse than rice."

This ear of wheat is a bit shriveled, and the number of wheat kernels is far less than that of an ear of rice.

"The breed problem."

"Since we have wheat here, there should be no restrictions on the introduction of wheat. Why don't we pay some money to introduce good varieties?"

"First harvest this batch of wheat, taste the taste of the wheat, and then consider introducing new varieties."

"Then hurry up, cut and dry as much as possible in the past two days, otherwise the rice will be harvested and there will be no place to dry the wheat."

Their rice drying field is a naturally formed stone wall. The place is not too large. Last year, the rice used to dry them barely dried. This year, if you want to dry the wheat, it will be difficult to dry so much rice in the tribe.

They have to dry the wheat first, and then try to dry the wheat as soon as possible, and let the dry grain field out.

Ren Heyin bends down to cut the wheat.

The wheat is all yellow, from the ears to the stalks, it is bright yellow, much yellower than the rice.

Ren He immersed himself in hard work. After a while, sweat came out and fell along his cheeks. Some of the sweat even went over his eyebrows and went straight into his eyes.

Ren Heyin lifted his clothes and wiped his sweat, revealing rows of smooth-line abdominal muscles.

Yunming next to him had already been cut to the front of the old man, and a large piece of wheat fell amidst the whirring sound.

Perceiving Ren Heyin's gaze, Yunming straightened up and looked at him, "Tired?"

Ren Heyin shook his head, "It's okay, not too tired, so I can wipe my sweat."

As he said, he hurriedly bent down again and quickly cut the wheat.

The two did not go back for lunch at noon. They sat on the ridge, ate two large pieces of fried meat and mashed fruits with boiled water. After filling their stomachs, the two went back to the wheat field.

That's it for doing these hard work. Don't rest. You must grit your teeth and hold your breath to finish the work. Once you relax, it won't be easy to get up and work again.

They didn't have many wheat fields, and the two of them worked fast. At around two o'clock in the afternoon, they cut all the wheat.

The cut wheat was back to the drying field, and the big stone was dragged around on it to grind the wheat down.

The weather has been good in the past two days without rain, and the wheat can stay overnight on the drying pit, without having to take it back.

Yunming had great strength and was successful in milling the wheat. At 7 o'clock in the evening, they finally spread out all the wheat and dried it.

Ren Heyin rubbed his arms, his back was sore, and his arms were almost unable to lift up. Fortunately, he was already busy today. After resting for one night, he will be much better when he gets up tomorrow.

Yun Ming helped him squeeze his forearm, "Tired? Should I carry you back?"

"No, just a few steps, just walk around." Ren Heyin beat his waist, "This year's wheat seems to be quite fragrant. When the wheat is dried, we will make dumplings."

"What stuffing to eat?"

Ren Heyin blurted out without hesitation, "Pork mushrooms and pork bamboo shoots!"

Their pigs are well-raised, and after being tired for so long, after the wheat is grind, they should kill one to try.

"Okay, kill the pig then. Is there anything else you want to eat?"

"No, just dumplings. By the way, after the rice comes down, we can still make some vinegar. Then we can dip the dumplings in the vinegar to eat."

"Same as brewing?"

"I haven't brewed it, and I haven't seen anyone brew it, but I heard it's easier than brewing."

Ren Heyin's eyes lit up, "It's definitely too late now, but you should be able to taste the jealousy during the Chinese New Year."

They are not New Year's Eve here, Yun Ming didn't remind him, and said: "Soy bean paste should also come out during the Chinese New Year."

"Yes, you should be able to eat soy sauce during the New Year. Soy sauce will have to wait for next year or the year after. We have moved to a new home during the New Year. Take your time. Sooner or later, we will eat it."

Speaking of food, Ren Heyin forgot his backache and happily talked all the way back to the tribe.

The people in the tribe knew that they harvested wheat today, and they specially left food for them.

The dinner was very hearty, two large bowls of soup, one plate of fried small fish, one plate of fried meat, and a plate of round light yellow particles fried with chopped chili and green onion, which looked a bit like eggs.

Ren Heyin clipped one and raised it to his eyes to take a closer look, "What is this?"

There was a smile on Bei's face, "Guess?"

"Like something like an egg." Ren Heyin held this thing into his mouth. This thing was a bit like fish roe. It was very fragrant when chewing, with a faint sour taste in the incense. Pair it with chili and shallots, even in his hands. Baba's mud fruit has become a lot more delicious.

Ren Heyin was a little surprised, "It's delicious, what is it?"

"Ant eggs!" Bei proud, "Wugu they got a large nest of ant eggs today."

The ants in the forest are all very big, especially the nest that Wugu digs out. Looking at the size of the eggs, you know that the nest is definitely not easy to provoke.

Ren Heyin gave a thumbs up, "It's really amazing."

Wu Gu was next to him, "It's nothing, this nest of ants is by the river. We saw it, and flooded the ant nest with water. It was easy to get the eggs."

Ren Heyin asked: "Are you not bitten by ants?"

"No, we are all very careful." Wu Gu smiled, "We still saw a large litter next to us today, and we want to eat it in a few days, and we will go to dig it again."

Ren Heyin said: "You pay attention to safety."

Wu Gu nodded and asked them in turn, "Yin, how is your wheat cut? Would you like to help?"

"No, it's all cut. The situation is better than I thought. We cut a total of six piles of wheat."

These six dans of wheat contain water and a lot of stalks, but it is a surprise to have six dans of wheat.

They can save two loadfuls of wheat as seeds, and the remaining four loadfuls to grind into flour and eat slowly.

Noodles, wontons, steamed buns, dumplings, bread, cakes... as long as there is flour, they can make them all.

When they plant wheat next year, they can also buy higher-yielding varieties. Later, they can order a variety of wheat. They usually eat greasy rice and noodles, and gummy noodles and dumplings.

Of course, after the rice is sufficient, they can also make some rice noodles to eat.

In the future, all kinds of staple foods will be changed every day, just think about it.

Bei poked his head next to him, "Are you going to dry the wheat tomorrow? We old folks go and help you dry the wheat? We don't have anything to do when we are idle."


The work of drying the wheat is not tiring, and Ren Heyin doesn't say much, "It's great that you can help, then we are going to cut the rice."

"So fast, isn't the rice completely yellow?"

"If it's all yellow and it's too ripe, within a few days of left and right, we cut first. After cutting, we just make room for tribal cutting, and the rice bucket and drying field are also free to avoid collision."

The summer and autumn seasons are quite rainy. Now the weather is fine, so you still have to hurry up and work, or wait for the rain to come, especially the rain will come down before the rice is cut, it is easy to knock down the rice.

The rice is so small that if it falls on the ground and cannot be picked up at all, it is useless to put white flowers and birds, and the rice grains will soon be buried in the soil.

There were also people outside the small county town of Grandma Ren Heyin’s farming. When he was a child, he followed his friends to play in the fields, and he often heard that the rice was cut late and the rice fell on the ground.

Many people also specially drove their own ducks to put them in such fields where a lot of rice has been dropped. The ducks can dig into the mud to find food to eat.

The duck driver drove the duck to this kind of ground. The duck can eat a heavy stomach in the morning. When you reach out to touch it, you can touch the squeaky rice through the skin of the duck.

Ren Heyin had touched it when he was young, and remembered these things very clearly.

He prefers to harvest the rice earlier, even if it is not the best time, he is unwilling to wait more, waiting for the rice to fall in the ground, cheaper for the birds.

On such a hot day, the rice will sprout as long as it falls in the ground.

The water and heat conditions here are completely inadequate to support the growth of rice, and the next crop is harvested. In winter, these half-sized rice seedlings will all be frozen to death, which is a pity.

Ren Heyin and Yunming finished their meal, went up to look for them, and told them about cutting wheat and rice.

Han Wenyan said, "Tomorrow the tribe will help to cut it, right?"

"No, everyone in the tribe is also busy. If some people are hired to help us cut rice, the hunting and gathering and the people who take care of the fields will not be able to arrange."

"It's okay, your rice is not too much, you can cut it in half a day."

"That's all right, you come tomorrow. After cutting our rice, we are just about to cut the rice in the tribe. The rice in the tribe is almost the same, so we can't wait any longer."

After several people discussed, Ren Heyin and Yunming returned to the cave to pack their clothes.

They had toiled for a day, and their bodies were full of stinky sweat, and they had to take a shower before they could sleep.

The weather was a bit cold at night.

If calculated according to the climate on the earth, it is already the end of August and the beginning of September, and it will soon be autumn again.

After Ren Heyin and the others have harvested the rice, they will make mud and prepare to make ceramic tiles.

Algae is almost used, and I have to fish it again. After it is fished, it is dried and ground together with mud, and then used for tiling.

During the period, they had to find time to get some salt back, and dig bamboo shoots and fungus to dig wild vegetables. After autumn, these things will be less, and they have to prepare in advance for drying before they have enough dry goods to eat in winter.

The more cucumbers in the field grow, they can't finish it now. In addition to giving a portion to the tribe, Ren Heyin also wants to pickle some cucumbers as a side dish.

Sour cucumber tastes good, just like dried radish, it is one of the most suitable side dishes to accompany porridge.

They now make pickled cucumbers, and they will have side dishes when they drink porridge, noodles and even dumplings and wontons in autumn and winter.

After pickling the cucumbers, almost the cotton should grow out, and they have to think about picking the cotton.

Picking the cotton back, whether it is spinning weaving, making quilts, cotton clothes, or cotton shoes, requires a lot of energy.

Ren He was immersed in the hot spring, drowsy while going over the things he had recently done quickly in his mind.

Yunming soaked next to him, and after a while he heard his little snore.

Yunming sighed silently, and when he fell asleep, he picked him up and turned back into a beast shape. He picked him up on his back and ran back to the tribe with a quick trot.

The tribe at night is very quiet.

The tribe has always maintained the tradition of man's guarding, no matter day or night, at least one orc is present at the two checkpoints.

The work of the sentry is carried out by the orcs in turn. In the entire tribe, only Yunming belongs to Ren Heyin's group, and the tribe is equivalent to a semi-cooperative relationship, and there is no need to participate in the daily affairs of the tribe.

They happened to be on guard when they returned.

Looking at Ren Heyin, who was buried on Yunming's back and slumbered, his face blushing in his sleep, his eyes flashed, and the trace of hope in his heart completely dissipated.

No one is more suitable than two people to form a partner, even if he is not.

Ren Heyin got up very early the next day. He worked with Yunming. One went out to feed the livestock and milk, the other cooked on the small platform, and he sharpened the sickle by the way.

The rest of the tribe also got up. Those with sickles took out their sickles and sharpened them, and those without sickles sharpened their stone knives to prepare for the next rice harvesting.

After breakfast, everyone came to Ren Heyin and their fields, bowed their heads and started to work.

"Yin, the rice bucket is still in the drying field?"

"Yes, we have to pick the threshing over there." Ren Heyin straightened up, "Thanks for everyone today."

"Without hard work, it can be done in one morning."

"What's so hard about this?"

"That's right, it's a little bit of work. Yin, you either go to the threshing side and command? We have enough people here."

Ren Heyin raised his head, and the people in the tribe asked him to hand over the rice fields to them, and went to the Xiguchang to command.

Yun Ming also stood up, "Go."

"Then I'll go, I'll leave it to you here."

Quan said: "Leave it to us, you can rest assured."

Ren Heyin handed the sickle to an orc who was cutting rice with a stone knife, washed his hands in the ditch beside him, and went to the drying farm.

There are already a lot of people on the drying farm, and the old people are raking the wheat with nails over and over again, trying to pull out the debris inside.

Seeing Ren Heyin coming, the old people said hello, "Yin, come over and see if it's appropriate for us to do it like this?"

"What's wrong? Just like drying rice."

Ren Heyin poured the wheat stalks they raked into the basket next to it. These wheat stalks can be added to the sheep, which they like to eat.

After pouring the wheat stalks, he greeted the North couple, "Uncle Bei, please help me move the rice bucket down."

"Where are you going to move this rice bucket?"

"It's on the yellow mud ground below. It's covered with wheat. I won't be able to get out for a while. I will throw rice here. If the rice is mixed with the wheat, it won't be good. Just go down and throw it down."

"So much rice, where to put it after falling?"

"First, let it be dried on the muddy ground below, and then transfer to the drying valley for two days."

"This wheat can dry in two days?"

"If you can't do it, you can't do it. Put it away first. I think it should be left to dry in our new house. It shouldn't break. When will the space be available, we can dry it."

Their new house is covered with blue bricks, even if the blue bricks are not too flat, they can be used to dry wheat and rice.

At that time, they put the semi-dried wheat and rice in the house and spread them out to dry, and open the doors and windows, and let them dry for a few more days. It should be able to dry.

It’s dried over there. It should be possible to dry the rice in the tribe on the drying farm here.