The Beautiful Swordsman Came with a Barbecue

Chapter 116: Who do you take me for? Get the boat ove

From the four seas to the great waterway is very simple, that is to go straight through the reverse, so what about returning from the great waterway to the four seas?

In fact, there are quite a lot of methods. The most direct way is to break into the windless zone. As long as the ship can sail in the windless zone, and the ship is not destroyed by the sea kings, it is enough. The representative... Karp often does this. Do.

There are also some capable people or special ships who choose to take the empty line and fly over from the windless belt or the red soil continent.

Of course, the first two can only be done with strength or special abilities, but how will some pirates who failed to navigate the great waterway return to the four seas?

Either go all out and go in the windless zone, or climb upside-down mountains and sail against the current, the risk level is ridiculously high, even if the boat can have enough power to go against the current, but whether the hull is strong or not, luck will also affect the success rate.

Of course, there are some people who can avoid this risk because their strength is strong enough that even a reverse current cannot affect the flexibility of him and the ships he controls. There are few, which does not mean no.

And what about Skyler? It is the navy, but the rank is not up to the configuration of a warship that can travel smoothly in the windless belt, and it cannot guarantee the safety of herself and the warship while going against the current, and the method she chooses... is simpler.

That is to take the pass order, land directly from the red soil continent, and then transport the entire ship to the port bordering the respective sea area through a special device, and then put it down.

This method... has been going on for hundreds of years, and it is impossible to test it further. There is no record of this aspect in the Navy, and what Skyler knows is that Rolando contacted Mary Joa at that time and returned. North Sea.

Of course, there may be no current technology at that time, and the ship needs to be replaced, but now there is no need. There are crawler machines on both sides of Mary Joa to transport ships. Of course, civilians will not have this kind of treatment.

Only the navy that has a mission and holds a pass order can let the warship and its crew travel together through the red earth continent and enter the four seas. Of course, occasionally there will be Tianlong people playing with their temper.

But Skyler's entry into the East China Sea was smooth. He didn't even see the Tianlong people before arriving in the East China Sea, and the soldiers he received had a very good attitude towards Skyler, which made Skyler wonder if someone had greeted him. .

In just a few hours, Skyler returned from the end of the first half of the Great Waterway to almost the farthest point from the Great Waterway, which made Skyler feel a little like a different world.

At the same's a little cooler.

After all, the seasons of the East China Sea are quite normal, not as magical and chaotic as the Great Waterway. Therefore, after coming to the East China Sea, a cool breeze still cheered Skyler's spirit up.

It is said that the stronger the body, the better the ability to resist cold and heat. It is true, but it is not that the stronger the body, the less able to feel the cold and heat. On the contrary, Skyler has become more sensitive to changes in the environment than before.

A little colder or hotter, she can feel it very clearly, but she won't catch a cold or heatstroke.

Similar to this, there is also pain, Skyler's pain is more sensitive, and the attack that causes the same damage, she is still as painful as before, but she can endure it now.

Of course, it is more difficult to cause harm to her. If you say that you were hit with a sap in a previous life, you may fall down and be detected with a concussion.

But now use the same force to hit Skyler, maybe her skin won't even be congested, let alone deeper damage.

Therefore, when she entered the East China Sea, she felt cold, and her spirit was lifted, but it was only because of this.

She looked at her deputy, Captain Nurkic, and said, "Nurkic, which branch is the closest to us?"

"Sir, it's the 192nd branch on Aigner Island."

Nurkic answered without thinking about it. As a deputy, this is his duty. For the past seven days, he has been reciting the map of the East China Sea, as well as various branch units, power branches, etc.

Obviously he was born in Beihai, but now he is more familiar with the East China Sea than he is with the North Sea.

There are two types of naval branches, one is the Sihai branch, which is numbered directly in the order of establishment, which is directly the XX branch, and the other is the branch directly under the headquarters, most of which are located in the New World, the first half of the Great Channel, and there are also some directly affiliated branches.

The number of the directly affiliated branch starts with G taken from the Grandline, such as G1 branch and G5 branch.

The military rank of the Sihai Branch is directly three levels lower than the military rank of the headquarters and the branch directly under the headquarters. When the headquarters of the navy comes to the four seas, the rank remains unchanged, but the authority is also upgraded by three levels. This is why it is said that Skyler returned to the East China Sea and was the highest officer s reason.

After all, in the four seas, the highest is only a brigadier general, and not every branch has a brigadier general. Generally, the branch colonel serves as the branch base commander. That is to say, he is at the same level as Nurkic next to Skyler.

Skyler nodded and said, "How far is it from Goa Kingdom?"

Nurkic was silent for a while and said, "It's almost across the entire East China Sea..."

"Uh... Then go to the 192 branch first, report it first, let them contact the various branches of the East China Sea, sort out the clues of the pirate group, and sort them according to the strength of the damage. You are responsible for the handover."

"Yes, sir!"

Nurkic took out a small notebook and wrote down the things Skyler ordered. It should be the job of Skyler, the chief, to deal with this kind of thing, so Nurkic was not prepared.

But since Skyler ordered, he will do it. It's not a difficult job anyway. As for writing it down in a notebook... This is the self-cultivation that a deputy should have!

I can remember it now, but I may not remember it at the time. Even if I remember it, I may not remember it all. Therefore, there is no need to test my memory. I can write it down and read it at any time.

"Report sir! A pirate ship was found ahead!"

It hasn't been a long time since the has just left the red soil continent. The watcher on the observation deck reported the information. Skyler smiled and said to Nurkic:

"It seems that the pirates in the East China Sea are still very enthusiastic."

Nurkic also smiled. He didn't expect to come to life so quickly. He instructed the lookout to compare the information and the reward to evaluate the pirate group that appeared, and then said to Skyler:

"Sir, what about us now?"

"Who do you think I am? Lean on me!"

Standing at the forefront of the deck of the warship, Skyler inexplicably felt a sense of complacence. He didn't even think about it, and even gave the order without waiting for the lookout to compare the information.

The warship quickly approached the pirate ship, and the lookout also heard the news, saying: "Report, sir, this is an unregistered pirate ship, and the pirate group pattern on the sail has not been recorded."

"Looks like a newbie. If there is no reward, then go say hello and let them go back to their respective homes!"

Skyler remembered that he was here to purify the East China Sea, not just to suppress pirates. Therefore, if he just went out to sea with a flag, it would be a good choice to persuade him to go back.

The distance between the two ships quickly shortened, and Skyler could also see the pirate ship directly. At this time, the pirates on the pirate ship seemed to have noticed the approach of the warship, but the man who stood up on the deck was letting the pirate ship approach. Skyler's eyelids jumped.

He's a little thin, not like a strong man, but... that red hair, and the straw hat in his hand...

This is not the end, just after this man stood up, another taller stood up, and from a distance, Skyler saw the cross sword.

"Is this... the price of relying on the boat?"