The Beautiful Swordsman Came with a Barbecue

Chapter 147: Invitation and challenge!

In the afternoon, Bista returned to the Moby Dick, but he did not row back by himself, but with the help of the news bird, he took the boat back, which is the most painful person Whitebeard "targeted" Skyler so far. .

The moment Marco saw Bista, he carried him back to the Moby Dick, and tried to stop the wound for Bista with the regeneration flame of the phoenix. gloomy.

But at this time, Bista was speechless after all, and Marco could even feel the high temperature radiating from Bista's body, which was obviously a condition of illness after injury, so... everyone looked at the news bird.

Being stared at by Whitebeard, the team leader, and countless crew members, the news bird was a little scared, but out of duty, he still took out a phone bug, but the other end of the phone bug was already connected.

"Hello~ Whitebeard, I have a big news and need your help!"

Hearing the exaggerated tone and the bird face imitated by the phone bug, Whitebeard burst into inexplicable anger. After snorting, he said, "I'm not interested in participating in your so-called bird thing that manipulates the direction of people's hearts!"

"But besides me... who else knows what kind of fight happened between Bista and Skyler? Do you have to wait until I release the news before getting the news? With all due respect, it's too late!"

Although Morgans's tone did not change, everyone on the boat could hear it. Morgans' hidden pride in his words and Whitebeard's not-so-beautiful mood became darker.

"Then you tell the old man, what does the old man need to know?!"

Whitebeard's speech speed has slowed down, even more calm than Morgans. There is a lot of Morgans' pride in his words, but... the simplest domineering.

As a few pirates at the forefront of the wave of the times, even after Roger became king until he was "captured" by the navy, no one could deny Whitebeard's strength and status.

He is not One Piece, it is not that he has no ability to compete with Roger, but that he has never competed with Roger.

But it would be extremely unwise to deny Whitebeard's status in the sea.

And as soon as the simple words came out, it also showed Whitebeard's attitude, that is, he would never accept the threat of Morgens, but you Morgens, you must make it clear what information you want to "deal" with me.

The bird face on the phone worm vibrated a few times at an almost invisible frequency. If it was an ordinary person, it would seem that Morgans had always maintained his original expression.

But everyone present knew that just now... Morgans was frightened.

The phone worm was silent for about ten seconds before Morgans said, "Haha~ He is indeed the strongest man in the world, and he is indeed extraordinary!"

"The strongest man in the world, you said it, not the old man!"

Whitebeard's retort caused Morgans to fall into silence again. This time the silence was quite long, and the phone bugs failed to capture Morgans' bird face several times. Obviously, Morgans was not calm.

Finally, Morgans chose to inform the Whitebeard Pirates of everything he knew in advance. He originally wanted to use this in exchange for a little "debt" from the Whitebeard or something else.

But Whitebeard directly rejected everything with a blunt attitude. Whitebeard's attitude is, either be honest, or... let Bai Tuan remember what you did.

Morgans chose the former, he couldn't afford Bai Tuan's concern.

After listening, the entire Whitebeard Pirates fell into silence, especially the Whitebeard. When he heard that Skyler would not hesitate to burn his own life and make Bista pay the price for his wrong mentality, he was already understand everything.

As a "come here" who once longed for his family very much, and now has gained a lot of family members, Whitebeard understands Skyler's mentality.

"More than two hundred people... Ha! Morgans, about the live broadcast, the old man agreed!"

After the white beard was silent, he opened his mouth and said, looking at the gazes from his children, the white beard continued: "And, the old man will give you another big news in the live broadcast!"

"Then...thank you."

After Morgans finished speaking, he hung up the phone in a hurry and sat in his office. Morgans drank water from cup to cup. Who knows how much he sweated in just ten minutes.

After all, he still underestimated Whitebeard too much. He thought that he had gained a firm foothold in the underground world of the great waterway and was qualified to negotiate with Whitebeard. After all, even the Navy and the World Government had compromised more than once.

But today's brief exchange made Morgans fully understand that he had always forgotten one thing, that is, Whitebeard is a pirate, and there is nothing in this world that can restrain him.

After suppressing the panic in his heart, a snobbish smile appeared on Morgans' face again, and he was about to start preparing for this live broadcast and the "big news" in Whitebeard's mouth.

Although Whitebeard did not reveal anything, Morgans was still active in his mind, guessing what it would be?

The news that Whitebeard can call big news, is it the big secret treasure in the mouth of One Piece Roger? It seems that Whitebeard and that One Piece have a lot of communication!

It's just... this kind of news, will Whitebeard bring it up on this occasion?

After all, this and the challenge to Skyler are two things that are irrelevant.

And... no one has ever made a live broadcast of Tonglian Sihai and the Great Channel. Even Morgans doesn't know how far he can do it. Whitebeard shouldn't take such important news out of his heart, right?

Although he was thinking about Whitebeard, Morgans had no way to delay. Anyway, today's news has not been sent out, so... let the factory work overtime and print faster.

Then let the news bird fly faster, and as long as the news is delivered, Morgans doesn't care whether his employees are tired or not.

You must know that this time Morgans is definitely going to do a loss-making business, live broadcast all over the sea, without any direct income, but need to lay a lot of manpower and material resources.

And... the news of Whitebeard's He had to send a free copy to Skyler.

It's all Bailey!

While the factory was producing at full speed and the news bird was exhausted, the news, which was nearly ten hours late, was finally dispatched to various places in the sea.

In an instant, the sea boiled.

Captain Skyler Grey of the Navy Headquarters, took the initiative to invite Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the world, the Whitebeard!

Moreover, Whitebeard is still fighting!

Over the years, Whitebeard has fought countless times, and even in the past few years, he has often "made things difficult" for newcomers who entered the new world.

However, the invitation to fight and the challenge should be between two people or two forces at the same level, at least with no obvious gap. The difference in strength is huge. That is called a challenge, but Skyler's attitude is obviously a battle. .

And Whitebeard, who took the challenge, regarded a navy colonel as an "opponent"? !