The Beautiful Swordsman Came with a Barbecue

Chapter 34: Sword Master

On the first day of the special training, Skyler was still unable to participate in the theoretical study at night. She was in a coma, and the crane did not disturb her. Instead, she used her fruit power to turn her into a cloth and take her home.

I don't know if it was because of Skyler's own body, or whether it was because of the Crane's washing fruit, which was like a meatball fruit that bounced away tiredness, and could wash away people's fatigue directly. In short, Skyler felt refreshed the next morning. Fresh air.

Looking at the alarm clock, and her big sister Gion, who was sleeping beside her, Skyler took a deep breath, then took a deep breath, tiptoed out of bed, turned off the alarm clock in advance, grabbed his saber and changed clothes, and slipped out. room.

Washing up and making breakfast, after all, this is the rare day she wakes up earlier than Crane. She always feels bad if she doesn't do anything. After that, Skyler quickly wiped out her breakfast.

When the sound began to come from upstairs, Skyler had already arrived at the time to leave. Standing at the entrance of the stairs, after shouting to the upstairs, he hurriedly grabbed his saber and headed towards the port.

Tsuru, who had already woken up but liked to think for a while before getting up, just opened the door when he heard the girl's hurried steps, sighed and looked at Gion, who also woke up opposite the door, and said:

"You weren't so noisy when you were young, how should you teach it..."

Hearing this, Gion showed a gentle smile and said, "Sister Crane, why are you worried about this, girl, when she meets someone she likes, she will automatically become a gentle lady."

" become gentle because you have a boy you like?"

Gion: (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻

Seeing the expression of surprise, nausea, and disgust on Gion's face, Tsuru also laughed and said, "Actually, Colonel Kaji is a very good person. If it doesn't look like that, I'll have the heart to match you."

"Farewell, thank you, Sister He, don't mention his name in the future."

Gion quickly refused, Crane smiled even more, his nose twitched slightly, and said, "Skyler made breakfast, I thought she wouldn't..."

He suddenly fell silent, then sighed and said, "You are so sensible at such a young age, it must have been very hard before, how can you have clothes to stretch your hands and eat to open your mouth?"

Skyler never talked about her past, but as the days went by, the crane became more and more convinced that Skyler had a very miserable childhood, otherwise how could it be like this.

Gion nodded in agreement and said, "Now that I'm in the navy, everything will be fine."

"Yes, everything will be fine."

Crane nodded and said, "Okay, let's wash up, Skyler finally made a breakfast, let's try it too."

The port that docked the warship of the headquarters, compared to Garp's dog-headed warship, Polsalino's warship is much simpler and smaller. This is also because Polsalino has never paid attention.

After being promoted to the rank, other navies will apply for better warships. Only Porusalino, his warship has not been replaced since he became a colonel when he graduated.

There were even some tinkering marks on the ship, but Polsalino didn't care at all. After all, his fighting style never included this part of the battle.

Since the boat won't break down to the point of being unusable, why should it be replaced? Writing an application letter is also very troublesome.

Polsalino, who has always insisted on going to bed late and getting up late to feel refreshed, actually arrived at the appointed time today. He thought it was just a whim yesterday, but Skyler didn't expect Polsalino to really care.

It's just... Today's Polusalino is a bit different. I saw him with a cigarette in his mouth. This is normal. He is a big smoker.

But...what's the matter with a cigarette in his mouth and a cigarette in his hand! It's still lit.

Approaching, Polsalino saw the girl, rubbed his forehead with the base of the hand that didn't hold the cigarette, and said, "Schuyler-chan~morning~"

"Are you... longevity smoke?"

In Skyler's past life, there was a tradition that the incense in the ancestral hall could not be stopped. When the previous incense was still burning, the next incense had to be continued, which was called the incense of longevity.

Looking at the posture of Polusalino now... it seems to be the meaning, because between the words, he threw away one of them, and then put the other one in his mouth, his hands have already started to find cigarettes and lighters .

Polsalino ignored Skyler's complaints, because he didn't understand things that he didn't understand, not in his own field, so Polsalino wasn't curious at all.

When he walked from the port to the warship, Polsalino took five or six strokes in a row. When he sat on the deck, he finally regained a bit of clarity, or maybe his throat was sore.

He squinted his eyes, obviously wearing sunshades, and the sunlight at this time was very soft, but he looked like he was stabbed by the sun and couldn't open his eyes. After adjusting in place for a long time, he said to a navy:

"That ~ please~ black tea, quadruple extraction."

The navy seemed to think that Polsalino was in a normal state, nothing strange, so he turned around and left. After a while, a cup of black tea with a brown color comparable to coffee brewed from dark roasted coffee beans was brought over.

"Lieutenant General Polsalino, please use tea."

The navy put down the teacup, and Polsalino just tapped the table with his finger, and the navy turned around and continued to stand guard.


Very professional sipping posture, if you are not in the navy, it is definitely more than enough to go to a coffee farm or tea house to be a cupping engineer.

Sipping is a technique for tasting beverages. The action is very simple, just like the water is too hot, but the person is too thirsty, so they can only inhale while drinking the water from the edge of the water glass. UU reading www.

However, if it is used in wine tasting, tea tasting, and coffee tasting, this action will make the flavor in the drink concentrated and intensely displayed, making it easier for cuppers to distinguish the flavor.

However, for the current Polusalino, the use of sip is just to let the taste of the tea soup stimulate him, and the effect is also very effective.

The rich and bitter tea taste burst in the mouth, and even the nose behind the nose was also bitter and strong, which completely distorted Polusalino's loose facial features.

"Huh~ It's really hot~"

Polusalino, the chief cup tester of the Navy, gave a professional (crossed out) nonsense evaluation to this cup of black tea extracted with four times the concentration.

Skyler looked at his appearance and asked suspiciously, "Are you still training today?"

"I can't designate it today. I've hired someone. It should be coming soon."

While speaking, a figure came to the two of them. Skyler raised his head, looked at the man's hairstyle that was too long for his legs, got up and saluted, "Colonel Stoloberry, good morning."

Stoloberry nodded, then saluted Polusalino and said, "Lieutenant General Polsalino, good morning!"

"Keep your voice down~ I'm almost deaf~"

Polsalino complained, Stoloberry nodded quickly, then lowered his voice, and said to Skyler, "I am your mentor today, do you have any questions?"

Skyler nodded, looked at Stoloberry's head, and said, "Is that your hairstyle, or your head? That long?"


Stoloberg was speechless and added, "I mean swordsmanship."

"Oh Nope..."