The Beautiful Swordsman Came with a Barbecue

Chapter 428: HR Skyler

"Rob Ludge?"

After seeing the people walking out of the dark alley, Skyler felt a little surprised. If it was a coincidence to see Lu Qi in the afternoon, then now... it was an accident other than an accident.

She didn't notice Lu Qi at all, and she didn't even have the mind to recall the scene in the afternoon. After all, it is difficult for a person who has not eaten enough to think about other things.

Rob Ludge, looking at Skyler's expression at this time, gradually seemed to sense something was wrong. He had an idea, did Skyler not notice him just now.

However, without finding his words, what did Skyler do with the knife? Can't this Vice Admiral have the habit of touching the knife at every turn? CP's dossier on Skyler doesn't say this.

As a result, both sides suddenly became embarrassed. Rob Ludge thought Skyler had something to do with him. After all, in his opinion just now, Skyler found him twice, and even used the knife the second time.

If nothing really happened, Skyler could be a stranger and wouldn't use a knife.

This was Rob Ludge's idea just now, so he chose to show up after his deeds were "revealed", just to see what Skyler had done with him, but now it seems... Skyler doesn't seem to be looking for him at all .

And Skyler's side is indeed, what she wants is to have a late night snack, or... have a sufficient dinner, she has never thought about meeting Rob Ludge, let alone talking about anything.

She was thinking, could it be that she asked Rob Lucci to join the navy twice, which made him misunderstand?

Judging from Rob Ludge's future experience, he is not a die-hard or foolish loyalist to CP9. Even after being "backstabbed" by Spandam, after some undisclosed operations, the Jedi turned over and became Spahn. Dam's chief.

Obviously, this kind of thing can't be explained by a sentence of improvisation, so Rob Luqi must have done a lot of preparations and left enough for himself.

Therefore, he may not completely reject the olive branch offered by Skyler and the Navy.

The two sides looked at each other awkwardly and silently for a while, Skyler pointed to the snack street not far away, and said, "Talk while eating?"

Rob Ludge had already thought of finding an excuse to leave, after all, if there was nothing to talk about, he didn't need to stay here, even... if he left the team for too long...

He didn't trust the few teammates Spandam arranged for him at all, at least he didn't trust any of them now.

People always say that betrayal is a compulsory course for pirates, but among the CP institutions under the World Government, betrayal is also a compulsory course, and many people have learned it very well.

Just like Spandam, the reason why he lost his position as the chief of CP5, in addition to his personal nonsense, his subordinates are also indispensable.

Leaping to report, or inciting Spandam to continue to make mistakes, and then backstabbing, these are all acts of betrayal, so Spandam lost the CP5 commander position.

If it weren't for Spandain, he might have simply lost his job in the World Government.

And Rob Luqi is known as a physique genius who meets CP once in 800 years, but what others don't know is that he is still good at learning other things, betrayal, disguise, concealment, he can achieve full marks full marks.

In addition to following the unreliable father and son of Spandain and Spandam, Rob Ludge knew that he would not have any good development under the hands of these two people, at most it was the tools of these two people.

So from the age of 13, or in other words, when Skyler first represented the Navy and threw him an olive branch, he was thinking, thinking about whether he had a way out.

In the past ten years, he has been serving as Spandain's knife, but what Spandain doesn't know is that his knife has its own ideas, but it is too well-disguised.

At this time, seeing that things seemed to be turning around again, Rob Ludge nodded and said, "Okay."

"Then are you a guest?"

"I have no money to carry out my mission."

From the archives, Rob Ludge, who had already learned of Skyler's shocking appetite, didn't want to be wronged, not to mention that he was really penniless now.

Plus, when it's time for your navy to show sincerity, how can you let yourself spend money?

Seeing that Lu Qi had no intention of entertaining, Skyler curled his lips and touched his waist again. Just because of his interference, Skyler wasn't sure if he brought a wallet.

Seeing Skyler reaching out and touching his saber again, Lu Qi instinctively became vigilant and was ready to dodge at any time, but under his full attention, Skyler's hand crossed the hilt and the blade case. ..

'Is it a wallet? ’

Rob Luqi, who had reacted, was a little bit dumbfounded. He didn't expect that he would be folded in this step.

However, he didn't feel that his vigilance was unnecessary. After all, he was the world's largest swordsman, and the threat of her holding a knife was too great.

Even if it was the next time Skyler touched his saber, Rob Ludge felt that he had to be vigilant. After all... in his position, as long as he relaxed a little bit, he might die without a whole corpse.

Skyler took out his wallet and glanced at it, making sure he had enough money, and walked towards the snack street.

It was said that he was talking while eating, but Skyler walked out all the way, but he didn't say a word to Lu Qi. This Lu Qi was a little impatient. After all, he didn't want those "teammates" to notice that something was wrong.

Sweeping the whole street aside, Skyler finally felt that his stomach was no longer so hungry, so he looked at the ice drink shop beside him and said, "Sit down and talk."

Lu Qi just nodded, the two walked to the ice drink shop, Skyler ordered a cup of fruit tea, but Lu Qi was always silent, Skyler thought about it and said:

"You don't have any money at all?"

Lu Qi nodded calmly. He didn't feel the slightest embarrassment about being penniless. Skyler sighed and said to the clerk, "Give him a drink, how much is it?"

"Seven hundred Baileys."

Skyler looked at it. It was really hard for her to come out with seven hundred baileys. After all, she only went out with ten thousand baileys, and she did not have a thousand baileys in stock.

After all, the denomination of a thousand Baileys was all earned by Luffy with his mind.

After rummaging around, luckily, I found some change when I was eating snacks. I just had enough money for two cups of fruit tea. The clerk took the money and left, Skyler looked at Lu Qi and said:

"Why, follow me today, do you really want to give up the darkness to the light?"

Hearing this, Lu Qi frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong. Skyler took advantage of the aura of the gold master, and suddenly fell into a passive state.

Lu Qi originally expected, but this is not the case.

If it is expressed in the workplace, then... Lu Qi thought that he should be a very capable and potential employee, but his company is not very powerful.

Skyler, on the other hand, was the department manager of a hostile but well-developed company. The two had business contacts. As a department manager, Skyler should have valued his ability.

If you want to dig him over and become Skyler's subordinate or at the same time, that is to say, he, Rob Ludge, should have the initiative and the right to speak.

The Navy should be eager for him and hope that he will pass. Only in this way can Rob Ludge offer more conditions. After all, he has the bargaining chips that the Navy needs.

But... Skyler's first move turned the situation around.

It became him. Rob Luqi was a job seeker, while Skyler became the HR of the company. She couldn't make it through. Whether she entered the Navy or not depends on Skyler's face.

And Skyler did all this, just using a side value question to deny himself, reduce his self-worth cognition, and a cup of cheap fruit tea, and let himself fall into passive.

Rob Ludge narrowed his eyes, feeling that he had fallen into the trap set by Skyler.

Although he knew that someone like him couldn't measure his worth through Bailey, he believed that Skyler couldn't have known, and she continued to use Bailey to deny her worth...

To put it bluntly, Skyler just wanted this opportunity, she had already seized the initiative, and it would be difficult for Rob Ludge to take the initiative back.

Skyler saw Rob Ludge winking, he refused to answer, and frowned, didn't he want to talk? Why do you ask yourself a question and you don't answer it?

What Skyler thought was completely different from what Rob Ludge thought, because in her opinion, the Navy did not need Rob Ludge to join. Ten years ago and a few days ago, it was just a joke.

However, compared with ten years ago, Skyler can indeed provide a suitable "job" for Rob Luqi now, so if Rob Luqi really wants to join, she will not refuse.

But Lu Qi's current attitude is particularly annoying. Do you want to join? Still don't want to join? Or... CP is your loved one's home, and you have to pay more?

If these are not spoken, how can we talk about them?

However, even if Skyler didn't realize Lu Qi's current thoughts, he knew that he couldn't speak any more.

Once he opens his mouth now, unless it is malicious to make this transaction more stringent, it will only be counterproductive, or in other words, either way, it is not conducive to cooperation.

If he is too tough, he may directly touch Rob Luqi's bottom line of value and make him turn his head and leave.

If you slow down your attitude, then it is undoubtedly a compromise.

It's like haggling, but after you say "If you don't sell it for XX yuan, I'll leave if you don't sell it", you must go out without hesitation and force the store to compromise.

And you can't take two steps and turn back. In that case, you are actually giving the store a chance, because it lets the store know that you really have the desire to buy.

In the silence, the clerk's sister silently served two cups of fruit tea.

Skyler was inevitably a little thirsty because he just ate the snacks all the way. After all, most street food snacks are not too bland. After all, it is difficult for consumers to remember this kind of fast-paced dining. Live the taste.

Therefore, street stalls will appropriately increase the amount of seasoning, which is indeed easy for consumers to remember the taste, but the side effect is... easy to be thirsty.

Skyler picked up the fruit tea, took a sip, and then picked out a piece of pulp and ate it.

Lu Qi finally retracted his eyes. In his opinion, Skyler was sending a signal that she had enough time to wait for her compromise.

After all... The navy really has no reason to urgently need itself. After all, the navy doesn't need to get out of trouble, it needs to get out of trouble itself.

Finally, when Skyler drank the second sip of tea and began to eat the second piece of pulp, Lu Qi couldn't sit still, knowing that he could not continue to drag on, so he asked:

"What does your navy want?"

Skyler swallowed the pulp and asked, "What can you offer the Navy?"

"What do you mean? Don't your navy want me to join?"

Lu Qi frowned, looked at Skyler, and continued to ask: " want me to stay in CP?"

Skyler couldn't keep up with Lu Qi's thoughts and didn't understand what he was talking about. She frowned and said, "If you want to join the Navy, the Navy will definitely accept it."

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In Skyler's opinion, the words had been clearly expressed, but they did not ease Lu Qi's emotions in the slightest.

After all... "I want to join myself" and "I want to join myself" are two completely different situations. This is the question of active and passive, and it is also the point that makes Lu Qi feel very uncomfortable tonight.

He wanted to take the initiative, but every time he tried, Skyler pushed back, holding the initiative firmly, and defining himself as a role who "wanted to join the Navy" one after another.

And what Skyler just said... Obviously it's not that simple, "If you want to join the Navy, the Navy can accept it"... Isn't it obvious that he should betray CP first and hand over a certificate of sufficient weight? ?

'A naval hero who became a naval hero with the help and force of others? What... a piece of nonsense! ’

Thinking of CP's internal file on Skyler, Lu Qi felt that CP was really going to be rotten at this time, and actually judged the woman in front of him as the mainstay of the navy who depended on others' support and force.

Is it true that the whole world is as brainless as the group of pigs in CP who only receive salary? No wonder it has been overwhelmed by the Navy for so many years.

After belittling the CP group in his heart, Lu Qi had to think about what he should do. After all, he was sitting at the negotiating table, and he was also the one who wanted to cooperate with the Navy.

The navy asked for a certificate, and he couldn't get it now.

The Navy should know this, after all, CP9 is now said to be changing, but it just fell from Spandain to Spandam, and he has no chance at all.

After all, for the past ten years, he has been quietly looking for a way out, and he has never really tried to break the game. Therefore, let alone his status in the eyes of the top leaders of the CP and the world government.

Even inside CP9, there are many people who think that Rob Lucci is a tool man with no self-thinking, a knife in the hands of the commander Spandain.'s also a fault when you have no flaws in your business capabilities and they all perform well.

Just as Rob Ludge was thinking, in the night sky, a fat pigeon flew towards this side.

This time, Rob Ludge frowned deeper, he knew that his Hadley had begun to warn him, he stood up and said:

"I think I understand, I will continue to stay in CP9, and tell me when you have other ideas."

Skyler nodded and said, "Well, if you change your mind, the Navy is ready to accept your surrender."

Seeing Skyler until the last moment, he was unwilling to let go of the initiative he held, which made Rob Ludge feel extremely difficult. After thinking about it, he still said:

"Can you leave a contact information?"

Skyler raised a broken eyebrow and asked, "Don't you have my contact information?"

"Official affairs, of course, but they will be monitored."

Hearing this, Skyler nodded and told Rob Luqi the number of his personal phone bug. After Luqi remembered it, he turned around and was about to leave, but Skyler said:

"Let's take the fruit tea, a cup of three hundred and fifty Baileys."

Skyler felt distressed for the cup of fruit tea that he hadn't drunk yet, but Rob Ludge's face turned gloomy and gloomy. This is the third time... This is the third time to value himself in such a pitiful way. denied.

Damn! ! !

Gritting his teeth, Rob Luqi picked up the fruit tea and left instantly. Why did he take the fruit tea instead of leaving with a slap in his face?

Because he had to have something to explain to his "teammates", even if it was just a cup of fruit tea.

And why did he leave for so long because of a cup of fruit tea? It's very simple, he has no money, and if he wants to buy fruit tea, he must have money first.

Seeing that Rob Ludge didn't waste food, Skyler was very satisfied, and continued to drink fruit tea slowly. This time the task was very easy, and there were no strict restrictions, no different from vacation.

Kind of...give yourself a little excess time for your holiday syndrome.

After a while, Skyler, who was barely full after drinking the fruit tea, finally returned to his warship.

The members of the Zhanye Detachment on the warship had no doubts about Skyler's late return.

After all, they all know that what they are following is an off-line officer.

And judging from the fact that Nurkic, the adjutant, immediately started to arrange for Leon and Drake to stand by after the return, Skyler must be very dissatisfied with her dinner today.

Coming back so late, nine times out of ten, they went for food, and this is... their commander.

In the Zhanye Detachment, no one would believe that their chief returned tonight to convince the CP that he was a genius once in 800 years, except that Nurkic still had some doubts about Skyler's behavior today. .Others are clueless.

But Nurkic didn't ask. After all, Skyler didn't tell him, maybe it wasn't what he should know. Just do your job honestly and solve problems for Skyler. This is what the adjutant should do. of.

The difference between an excellent adjutant and an unqualified adjutant is that an excellent adjutant knows what matters he can decide, what matters he can intervene in, and what matters he needs to despise.

Instead of blindly asking for instructions, nor blindly making up his own mind, Nurkic feels that he still needs to continue to learn and strive to become a more famous adjutant than Bogart in the adjutant circle!

Nurkic may be the person in the Zhanye Detachment who at least imagines himself leaving the Zhanye Detachment to lead the army. After all, since his ancestors joined the Navy, he has always been a deputy.

Even if it is not a deputy, like his father Lao Welsh, although he also left the original detachment later, but no real acting detachment has gone to the sea to become famous.

Instead, it is to dig deep behind the scenes, and go out to make plans for other detachments and the navy to win more victories. Internally, or to deal with the world government, it is to resist the pressure and sort out step by step, so that the navy has more space.

The Navy of the Reed family has never lived for himself, including Nurkic. He received education from his parents since he was a child, that is, to learn and learn more knowledge that can help others.

In terms of force, Nurkic, who has swallowed the fruit of Luduan, may be the strongest person in the Reed family, so their family has a consensus that their family has no absolute talent in force, so they go for it. others.

Nurkic seems to be very strong now, but before swallowing the fruit, his talent was worse than that of Lao Welsh. After all, Lao Welsh was also a lieutenant and did not swallow the fruit.

But Nurkic didn't have that kind of talent at the beginning, so after knowing that he was following Skyler, the chief, was destined to not live in peace, he would make absolutes that were different from his father and his ancestors.

Swallow the fruit.

But the power brought by the fruit doesn't seem to change Nurkic's mind, or rather, the creatures in the mythical stories like Luduan exist for others.

It's not that Nurkic has no ambition, but his ambition is pinned on Skyler, the chief, and his ambition is to assist Skyler and achieve peace in the sea.

Therefore, Nurkic, who has no selfishness, can achieve the level of Bogart in the advanced circle of and he is younger than Bogart and has more There is more room to improve, and many people have seen it over the years, that is, Karp has gradually withdrawn from the front line.

This means that Bogart, the adjutant, will also stagnate, but Nurkic will not. His commander is very young and can still work hard for many years.

Maybe one day, his fame can surpass Bogart and become the recognized first adjutant, and then...

Nurkic looked at Skyler, who was resting on the deck chair. Perhaps he could also assist his superiors, achieve his ancestors, and achieve the wishes that countless naval martyrs had never achieved.

Let the flag of justice of the navy dance with the wind in any corner of this sea.

However, that is about the imagination of the future, the current problem is...

Nurkic looked back at the report in his hand and frowned. The intelligence network in the New World seemed to have encountered a problem, and Rossindi applied to take Luo to Dressrosa to deal with these matters.

This was the news he received just after he returned to the warship. He didn't know how to describe this matter to Skyler. After all, without the Four Emperors being dispatched, a storm that could affect the New World Intelligence Network could be swept up. maybe only...

Nurkic looked at the report in his hand, then at Skyler, and then at Akainu on the other side. If Akainu caught the slightest movement during his report, it would not be that easy. It's over.

As an adjutant, Nurkic made a judgment that even if this matter is of great importance, it cannot be reported at this time!

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