The Beautiful Swordsman Came with a Barbecue

Chapter 62: Ghost Spider: Hair becomes bald

The next morning, Skyler was practising in the small yard in a refreshing mood. She hadn't practiced in the He's yard for a long time, but today was different, because in another hour, she was going to take the assessment. .

It was too late for Skyler to rush to the training ground and then come back. After all, if she went to the training ground, she would not have time to familiarize herself with the new famous sword Omiya Shengjing in her hands. At most, she would run to warm up.

The length and center of gravity of this knife fit Skyler very well. She became familiar with it very quickly. She originally thought of a familiar one last night, but Crane rejected it.

After being familiar with the new knife for more than half an hour, Skyler finally stopped his practice, returned to the room to check his clothes, and then went out to the assessment site.

The first round of the phalanx assessment is a personal actual combat assessment. The first round is a draw. Two people with the same number in the phalanx will compete in the first round. The winner will advance, and the loser will play in the elimination group.

In each round of promotion, you can get two points for the square, and the winner of the elimination group can get one point for the square, and the top three at the end will have different bonus points.

The first place can add 40 points to the square, the second place is 20 points, and the third place is 10 points. Forty points seems a lot, but if it is distributed to the entire square, it is not much.

Therefore, if the results of the two phalanxes are similar, then the top three are indeed the key points in the competition, but the two phalanxes led by Sakaski and Polusalino...

Arriving at the test site, Skyler found that each test site was not large, only about 100 square meters, and the site was extremely empty, apparently for the navy recruits to start the fight directly.

This kind of narrow terrain is extremely difficult to deal with, it is better to face it directly.

"Fortunately, there are no giants this year."

Skyler secretly thought in his heart, if the giants came, this 100 square meters... would be able to stand, and there was no way to fight.

With the passage of time, one item of the assessment also began to be carried out. The identity was verified, the number was drawn, and then he went to the arena to which he belonged. In less than ten minutes, Skyler met his first opponent.

The opponent was a navy with a short stick, about two meters tall, and a bandage on his right arm. Before the referee, the navy, signaled to start, Skyler said casually, "Hello, my name is Skyler."

"Hello, my name is Rigg."

After Rigg finished speaking, he tightened the short stick in his hand. He knew the girl in front of him, and he had seen it a lot in the news. Because of Crane's decision, Skyler had appeared in the newspaper many times this year.

The World Economic News three times, the newspaper of the Navy headquarters seven or eight times, and the first time it was published in the World Economic News, because of Crocodile's... praise?

The second time was the relationship between the navy, and Morgans reported on the female navy recruit who "heavyly injured" the new Chibukai Crocodile. She was a navy recruit who cherished justice since she was a child, and began to fight crime before she became a navy.

Skyler still dare not make up his mind to read this piece of news, after all, it is too embarrassing.

The third time was more routine, the first two were headlines, and the third time was just an unimportant paragraph in a page, and the main body of the news reported the affairs of Navy Admiral Porusalino.

And Skyler was just a help in Polsalino's process of suppressing the bandits, and it was normal.

The newspapers of the Navy Headquarters are very conventional, and they are also written to portray Skyler as an outstanding genius in the Navy, and they do not boast too much.

Although he had never played against Skyler, and even today was the first time they met, Rigg dared not underestimate Skyler. .

Every time Sakaski held a coaching meeting, he would name Skyler and talk about learning from Skyler's diligence, or reading with stars and candles at night. word.

Also, because of yesterday's actual combat assessment, his dominant hand was injured, so he can only use his less flexible left hand...

At this time, the navy, as the referee, also filled in the information of the two and said to the two: "If you have any ability to show it directly, I will stop it if necessary, and I have the final say in your outcome, understand? "

Seeing the two nodding, the navy shouted, "Start!"

For a moment, Rigg concentrated his mind, but found that Skyler had disappeared from his eyes.


Rigg was shocked for a moment. After he entered the Naval Headquarters Academy, he also learned to shave, but he did not shave so quickly. In the next instant, he felt wind blowing from the back of his head.

Without thinking, he threw the short stick to the rear.


A white dagger was smashed into the air, but Rigg shouted badly.

Sure enough, as soon as his chin was cold and hot, he lost consciousness, and one move immediately knocked Rigg's Skyler, and he was a little overwhelmed.

"I knew it was so easy...why would I pretend to attack?"

Using the ghost-binding silk to retract White Fang, Skyler scratched his head and looked at the "referee" who also didn't respond.

The referee felt that his face was a little red at this time. He just said that if necessary, he would stop the battle, but Skyler's speed just now... he is not very confident that he can catch up.

"Skyler Grey, advance!"

He announced the result, stamped a stamp on Skyler's report card, and handed it to Skyler. Skyler nodded and looked at the dozen or so small squares under his Navy number G109527.

"It's a long way to go!"

Skyler stepped aside to rest and waited for the start of her second round. The seats in the promotion group and the elimination group belonged to both sides, and Skyler was the first to complete the duel, so she sat first in the promotion group. position.

Soon, the second and the third came over almost at the same time. It can't be said that they came It should be each other.

"Meet again! Dauberman, ghost spider!"

Skyler looked at the two men with bandages all over their necks, and their faces were slightly deformed, with a bright smile on their faces.

Yesterday, the arrogant ghost spider just nodded, not like yesterday.

However, he didn't doubt that the Sengoku General had poured water on Skyler in the actual combat assessment yesterday because Skyler had no injuries.

Yesterday, he was in the training room next door, Skyler's screams, and the wall of the training room where Skyler was one after another, the sound of the crash, let the ghost spider understand...

The treatment Skyler received yesterday was even more miserable than himself, but when the assessment ended yesterday and he couldn't stop crying while lying on the ground, he had already seen Skyler able to walk.

However, the injuries on his body are shocking, but today... he is completely healed.

This can only be said that Skyler is a monster, and he doesn't think it's unfair that Skyler, who has recovered from his health, competes with them, the navy's enemies, after all, pirates and criminals! What's fair.

Besides, the physical resilience is strong, this is Skyler's own ability!

After the ghost spider sat down, he endured the pain on his face and said, "If I meet you, I'm afraid I won't be able to use all my strength."

"I understand, you've lost six knives...and your hair..."

As Skyler's words "I understand you" came, the ghost spider, who has always been tough, actually felt a little hot in his eyes.

He saved so many years of savings to buy ten knives, and now...there are only two spares left, one hair, which has been kept for so bald!