The Best All-rounder

Chapter 4340: watchdog

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What I like to listen to in summer is the word "baby".

For him, nothing is as attractive as a baby.

Hearing the word "treasure" in the summer, his eyes froze! !

"Boss, wake up and listen to me." Xiao Yuan was about to collapse.

"Uh, let's talk!!" Summer was still excited.

"Boss, even if there are treasures, you can't take them away. Think about it, where is this place? Burning Tianzong, the No. 1 artifact refining sect in Tianyuan Continent, there are absolutely no shortage of masters here. Treasures of that level, if they can If it was taken away, it would have been taken away long ago, and the cat demon is not easy to provoke. Once the treasure is taken away, the 100,000-meter-high mountain will not be able to suppress it at all. After being sleepy for so long, if it is released, it will definitely destroy everything, and we can't run away." Xiaoyuan said hurriedly, he could see it, if he didn't tell Xia Xia clearly, then Xia Xia might really to find treasure.

And he believes that in summer, anything is possible.

No matter how incredible it is, as long as it is summer, there is a chance to become possible.

Although he also thinks that it is impossible to get the treasure, he absolutely dare not bet with Xia Xia.

Even Ou Zhizi dared to investigate in the summer, what else could he dare to do?

So he still has to remind summer.

"Isn't the strongest one in Tianyuan Continent red-level masters? Isn't there also a red-level master here? Why are you still so afraid of cat demons?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Boss, the strongest person in Tianyuan Continent is indeed a red-level master, but the cat demon belongs to a mysterious race, and it is almost on the same level as the beast. Unless humans have secret treasures or peerless weapons, how can they compete with such existences? Just imagine. For a moment, this kind of monster is just like the mythical beasts in the endless blue ocean, they are always integrated into nature, you are fighting with a piece of nature alone, how do you fight?" Although Xiao Yuan is a red-level master, he has no So arrogant that he really thinks he is invincible.

He believes that the power of man cannot be compared with nature.

"Interesting!!" An excited smile suddenly appeared on Xia Xia's face.

When he saw Xia Xia's smile, Xiao Yuan suddenly had an ominous feeling: "Boss..."

"What's wrong?" Summer asked.

"You don't really want to..."

"No!!" Summer shook his head.

"Really not?"

"Of course not, but if there is a chance..." The corner of Xia Tian's mouth raised slightly.

"Boss..." Xiao Yuan collapsed.

The vibration stopped after only about ten minutes.

"Boss, there are too many secrets in places like Burning Tianzong, you must be careful." Xiaoyuan reminded that he is a red-level expert, but even he feels that such places must be careful. Don't be careless, because being careless in this kind of place is simply asking for a dead end.

"Got it." Xia Tian also understood what Xiao Yuan meant.

Although Xia Xia had also entered the Burning Heaven Sect before, no one could kill Xia Xia here.

Because this is only the first floor of the Burning Heaven Sect, no matter how intriguing others are here.

Neither of them are summer opponents.

Their strategy is not as strong as Xia Xia, and their strength is not as strong as Xia Xia.

So summer is on the first floor, almost nothing will happen, but it will be different starting tomorrow.

Tomorrow summer, he will become the chief disciple.

Then, in the entire Burning Heaven Sect, except for the sixth floor and the ninth floor, he can go to all of them. At that time, he will not only be able to see the most elite existence among the fourth generation disciples, but he will also be able to see There are many third-generation disciples, and even second-generation disciples.

The strength of those people is very powerful.

The people of the Burning Heaven Sect are not only strong in refining skills, their combat effectiveness is also very terrifying, and even their fighting methods are beyond the grasp of others.

Usually the majestic kind.

Early the next morning.

Summer materials and clothes are delivered.

The chief disciple's clothes can't be the same as other people's clothes. This summer, it has been seen. The former Fahong and the later madman's senior brother are wearing clothes of this color, but the logos on them are different. .

The logo on the summer clothes is a small pattern, with the words "snow burial" added.

All materials have been shipped.

Some of these materials are mission materials, and the other part is taken care of by the people at the mission office that often occurs in summer.

It means that in summer, I will go to the upper floors. If I don't have any materials in my hand, no matter what I see, I can only watch it, and I can't do anything.

You must know that the people on the upper floors are not ordinary people.

The more powerful the refiner, the less money.

Although the refiner is known as a money-checking machine outside.

But when they cultivate, the consumables are very large.

Especially for the kind of things that are not very If the refining method is wrong, then all the materials are likely to be wasted, even if it can be purified a little, only It can only recover a little loss, but the consumption is still very large.

Of course, it is very easy for a craftsman to make money.

They only need to keep tempering the most profitable weapons, the most proficient weapons, and then go out and sell them, plus their reputation, they can easily sell for high prices.

But few smiths would do that.

Because that would only make their refining skills stagnate, and the general refining masters are limited in their abilities, and they can't refine much in a year. The really powerful refining masters don't bother to refine ordinary things.

And they can't shoot casually, it will appear very unidentified.

In the summer, he changed into new clothes, then took the token and walked directly out of the Snow Burial Gate.

The location of the second floor.

That's where the mountain is 20,000 meters away.

The first floor is 10,000 meters high, and the second floor is 20,000 meters high.

"Huh? Snow Burial!!" The guards on the second floor were stunned when they saw the sign of the Snow Burial Gate.

"What? Can't I go in?" Xia Tian asked.

"When did the Snow Burial Gate have a chief? Isn't there going to be cancelled?" The guard looked around Xia Xia and then said, "Take out the token."

There is no nonsense in the summer, and the token is directly taken out.

"It's really the Snow Burial Gate." The man was stunned for a moment, and then said, "This is the first time to go to the second floor, do you understand the rules?"

"I don't understand!!" Summer said.

"Since you want to go up there, shouldn't you give me a greeting?" the guard asked.

"When will the watchdog also need a greeting?.)