The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1021: Oil pollution attack ship【recommendati

   Chapter 1021 Oil pollution attacking the ship 【Recommendation, subscription】

  Emil, with more than a dozen reporters from major newspapers, rented a luxury yacht, and the group set off from the pier around nine o'clock. We took a yacht to the waters of Pandora, and many people discussed the island of Pandora along the way. The firefly wedding video was popular, which once made the island of Pandora famous overseas, and tourists from many countries came here. , Many people have never had the opportunity to visit the island.

   "Pandora Island, I heard, is a good place." A white female reporter, holding cold champagne, came to Emile's side and said with a smile.

"Yes, firefly wedding, it's so romantic, it's simply intoxicating. If anyone wants to hold a firefly wedding for me, I'll marry him now." A brown-skinned girl said excitedly, clasping her hands slightly Even a little bit crazy.

   Other reporters on the side have published their own development. Of course, they will go out individually. Many people, especially women, have a one-sided yearning for pandora.

   Emil, who was holding champagne, curled his lips and swore in his heart, how disappointed you will be when you see a different pandora, and you won't say that about the oil pollution in the sea area of ​​pandora that smells bad.

   "Sorry, I'll answer the call." Emile, connected the phone. "Editor-in-chief, what happened." "Pandora Island has gone through legal proceedings, Emil, our newspaper has been accused, damn, you must collect enough evidence, I will teach this arrogant Chinese a lesson." Hawaii Travel News The editor-in-chief was very angry. Maybe Pandora Kojima should come forward to meet him, be gentle, or give some favors, and the newspaper will not make follow-up reports.

   "Damn bastard, editor-in-chief, don't worry, I'm now collecting evidence for follow-up reports." Emil was said a few words by the editor-in-chief and hung up. "Damned Han, I will definitely teach you a lesson. Offend me, Emil, and I will ruin your reputation."

   What Emil didn't expect was that the motorboat patrolling found it just as he approached the Pandora waters. A few minutes after the yacht entered the waters of pandora, a motorboat approached, and the people on the motorboat shouted loudly. "Excuse me, please stop, please show the invitation."

   "Invitation?" Emil looked puzzled, what happened to this thing.

   "This is a private sea area, there is no invitation, please leave." The motorboat driver said loudly. "Otherwise, we will take measures at our own risk."

   "Damn, don't you see me, I'm Han's friend, Emil." Emil, helpless. "I attended the reception yesterday, don't you remember?"

   "I'm sorry, sir, please show your invitation. This is the rules of the island of Pandora. I'm very sorry. You are not on your friend list. Please show your invitation consciously." "

   Everyone on the boat heard Emil boasting that he was a good friend with the owner of the island. It turned out to be false, and many people looked at Emil with a little doubt. Emil felt no face at all. "Damn bastard, **** man, I want to see what the consequences will be." He said to the driver. "Accelerate and get rid of this **** guy."

   Emil's words, the driver hesitated, Emil shouted loudly. "Damn, don't you forget who paid you? You can't get a penny."

   "Okay, sir, as you wish." Said, the driver began to accelerate, and the motorboat couldn't keep up at all, and finally stopped reluctantly.

   The motorboat was unable to watch the speeding off the yacht and had to stop and call Supervisor Gordon. "Call Director Gordon, a white yacht broke into the waters of No. 3, and the people on board claimed to be Emile, a friend of Mr.

   "Emile, I know, let them in," Gordon said, orienting himself. "Water No. 3, speed up." "Yes, Director Gordon." The others immediately got busy.

   "Check the high-pressure water gun, set it up, and be ready to shoot." The giant high-pressure water gun requires several people to set up.

   Gordon was busy with all this and called Li Han to report.

  Li Han smiled when he received Gordon's report. "Gordon, since Emil is here, you're welcome, let him taste the taste of the high-pressure water gun." Li Han said, nodding his head at Dudu.

Just now, Li Han and a few villains finished playing chess, and separated the baby and Maria. The father and daughter chatted for a while. Dudu villain proposed a solution about the debris of the sunken ship. The pit fish can swallow the debris and bring it to the shore. side, or buried in the sea.

   As for oil stains, Dudu villain even has a way, little guy, tell Dad that there is a small fish in space that will eat oil stains. This was unexpected to Li Han. Oil pollution treatment has always been an extremely important part of marine pollution.

   Every year, there are oil pollution incidents in the ocean, and oil tanker capsize incidents continue. Oil pollution, the treatment is the most difficult in marine pollution treatment. "Dudu, tell Dad, there really are such fish in space."

   "Hmm, it's so cheap, one hundred energy crystals." Dudu, nodding his head vigorously. "The little fish eat the oil, they poop, and they light up candles."

   "This is really great." Li Han originally needed more energy crystals for the solution, but at this time he learned that there is another kind of cheap fish that can actually handle oil pollution.

   "Dudu, help Dad exchange 100 sets and release them to the oil-stained area." Li Han said, thinking for a while. "Do you want to know at night?" The clean-up ship was still there, Li Han didn't want to leak oil fish, so let's call it this name for the time being.

   "That Dudu wants to put a few, but I can't see it." Dudu said.

   "That's fine too, really smart." Li Han smiled and rubbed Dudu's little head.

   "Hee hee, Dudu is already very smart." The villain sneered, and Li Han smiled. "Go now and come back after playing for a while, you know?"

   "Well, Dudu will come back after playing for a while and help Dad cook." The villain smiled. "Grandpa West is cooking Western food today."

   "Dudu should have some delicious snacks." Dudu, his calves and hands moved, acting like a spoiled child.

   "I know, dim sum, let's go." Li Han said with a smile.

   "Baby, sister, let's go play." The little man was excited, holding the baby in one hand, Maria in the other, and the little koala, and ran out of the small building.

  Dudu was about to leave shortly before Gordon's call arrived. Damn Emil, Li Han told Gordon to give this guy a hard lesson.

   "Don't worry, Han, I'll let that **** guy taste the power of a water gun, despicable bastard." Gordon, who had a drink with Emil yesterday, didn't expect this guy to be so despicable.

  Li Han smiled. "Just teach him a lesson, it's still useful to keep him."

   "Understood, I will teach him a profound lesson." Gordon, hung up the phone, immediately turned the bow, and headed towards the yacht.

   "Emile, it seems something is wrong for us to do this, Emile, I think we should call the owner of the island." Emile's actions are worrying, private waters.

  Intrusion, the problem is very serious, Emil, and his heart is full of anger at this time. "Damn it, how to treat an old friend like this, **** yellow monkey."

   "Emile, it seems that you wrote a report about the island of Pandora. Maybe the owner misunderstood the report." A white girl next to her said with a smile.

   "Damn, I reminded him to pay attention to the environment of the sea out of good intentions." Emil's face turned red.

  Others nodded, no one would tell the truth. "Oh, look, there's too much oil here, **** it, my yacht, the rental company, will definitely add more to my rental."

  Emil, lamented, others walked over to spread the word, and sure enough, there was a lot of oil here. "Why is there so much oil pollution?" "Look, fishing boat debris, is it true that a large number of fishing boats have sunk here."

   "The rumor that there is a devil in the waters of the small island of Pandora, is it true?" Another person said loudly, and one by one, they took out their cameras and took pictures.

   "Look, there's a boat coming." A big boat came over, yes, it was named Bao Bao No. 1, and the island of pandora was matched with Bao Bao No. 1. This is what Bao Bao asked uncle for a long time.

  Gordon and the others, when they heard the name of the ship, almost didn't laugh out loud.

   "The people on the boat are stopped, stop immediately, show the invitation, otherwise, we will expel them, please stop immediately for inspection." Gordon's voice came.

   "Damn it." Emile cursed. "These guys are planning to hide the truth, everyone, put away your cameras, let's get out of here."

   "No, I want to take a few more pictures."

  Emil, it seems that the effect is similar, and I don’t want all such good news to fall into the hands of others. "Start the boat." Unfortunately, Emil spoke late, and huge drops of water sprayed out.

  The yacht was completely covered with oil, Gordon thought of a perfect way to attack Emile's yacht by collecting oil. The white yacht became a black yacht in less than two minutes, and Emil shouted loudly, but Gordon didn't hear it at all.

Appearing in the Pandora Sea area, there is no invitation letter, this is privately introduced, and being attacked can only be done in front of bad luck, Emil, shouting loudly, other reporters are all covered with oil on their faces, cameras in their hands, all blushing Smoke, many people, furious, roaring, and scolding, not only did they lose the news, but they were also sprayed with oil all over their faces.

Emile was stunned at this moment. He originally wanted to use the hands of these reporters to give Li Han a slap in the face, but he didn't expect to meet Gordon, this stunned young man. , this **** bastard.

  Emil looked at the back of the white yacht, even the cabin was black and black, and the whole body was shaking with anger. This yacht is very valuable, not to mention the rent, and the cleaning fee is definitely not a small amount.

   As for some furniture replacements, Emil is shaking all over thinking about it, **** bastard, **** Gordon, **** Han, **** pandora island. "Everyone has seen it, this is how the owner of the island of Pandora is, it's amazing."

   "That's right, **** bastard, I must report the situation here." Emil shouted loudly, and everyone agreed. It was too violent and rude to treat a reporter like this.

   (end of this chapter)