The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1026: The Public Enemy of the Hawaiian Media [

   Chapter 1026 The Public Enemy of the Hawaiian Media 【2? 】

  Hawaiian Travel Network was accused, Perez and Yang laughed and raised their glasses. "Have a drink for Crazy Han." "Have a drink for the island of panodra."

   The two laughed, the overall situation has been decided, Li Han madly sued the major media, completely offended these media people. "It's Emile's turn."

   "That's right, the Chinese are crazy now, we can drive him out of Hawaii with only a little movement." Perez said with a smile.

   "Mirko thinks we should talk to this China." Yang said with a smile. "It doesn't seem necessary now, maybe you can talk to Nicholas."

   "Yes, Nicholas is very capable, but we already have Mirko." Perez said. "If Nicholas is willing to be Mirko's deputy, I think, it will be even better."

  Yang nodded slightly, and the two smiled at each other. "Poor crazy Chinese, toast him."

  Emil, at this time, seeing more and more Pandora Kojima suing the media, the more smiles on his face. "Damn Han, you will taste failure."

   "Perez, this old guy is finally willing to come forward." Emile, after receiving a call from Perez's assistant, offered him an ultra-luxury yacht plus $100,000 to hold a media reception.

  Emile smiled. One hundred thousand dollars, maybe fifty thousand dollars would be enough to hold a luxurious enough reception. Emil, picked up the phone and dialed them one by one. Many people said they would participate.

   "Ellie, you really plan to attend Emile's party, you should know his purpose." Jimmy asked, seeming to be more and more confused about Amy's decision.

   "Of course, Jimmy, the situation is very dangerous now, and the island of Pandora is playing with fire." Ellie is also afraid, knowing that nearly 30 large and medium-sized media have been sued by the island of Pandora.

   This is not a joke, the owner of the island of pandora is completely crazy now. "It seems that the oil pollution is inevitable." Amy sighed helplessly. This time, the Hawaii Travel News completely prevailed.

   "Perhaps there are changes, Ellie, shouldn't we choose to trust the Chinese on the island of Pandora?" Jimmy said.

   "Yes, but the whole Chinese people are crazy." Ellie said helplessly. "The next report, we must be fair and cannot favor any party."

"I understand."

  Emil, held a media reception, and Li Han got the news. "Han, what should we do now, hold a press conference or hold a press reception and invite reporters to the scene."

   "The press conference, of course, will be held by Director Kempiers, Nicholas, you should prepare for the trial opening ceremony in four days." Li Han said with a smile. "I will handle other external matters. As for Emil, I think he will come to the island of Pandora, for sure." Li Han said with a smile.

  Nicholas didn't understand at all, where did Li Han's self-confidence come from? "Okay, Han, I hope you made the right decision."

  Nicholas, helpless, now Jessica is completely the same as Li Han, a little crazy. "I think so." Li Han, sending Nicholas away, his face became very serious.

   This matter is getting bigger and bigger, it's time to prepare. "Pandora." "Dad, what are you doing?" Dudu stared at the straw hat, holding a small shovel, and was busy making sand.

   "Five thousand more small fish."

   "Oh, Dudu got it." Dudu nodded his head and his feet shrank. "Who dyed it for you?" "Aunt Sarah." Dudu giggled, seeing his red toenails being seen by his father, giggling around Li Han's arm and shaking his coquettish coquettishly.

   "Little ghost head, it's too red to look good, next time tell my aunt to dye some lighter colors." Li Han rubbed Dudu's little head and said with a smile.

   "Mmmm, Dudu got it." The little guy nodded vigorously, touched his small pocket, Dudu has it, and helped Dad paint it at night.

   "Go play for a while, take a nap for a while."

   "Gordon, what happened, so hurried?" Li Han, seeing Gordon, sweating profusely, came over and asked hastily. "Hello Uncle Gordon."

   "Pandora, Han, I have something urgent to tell you." Gordon smiled at pandora and said eagerly.

   "Pandora, let's play, Dad and Uncle Gordon have something to talk about, Gordon, come in and sit." Li Han and Gordon came into the living room, and Mary served coffee.

   The two sat down, Li Han said. "What's up?"

   "Han, the green environmental protection organization has come and asked to meet you." Gordon, said. "But the oil pollution in the waterway has not been cleaned up much. If it is found, there will be so much oil pollution."

   "Don't worry, tell them that I'm not feeling well today, and I'll let them come over tomorrow afternoon." Li Han said, Gordon smiled wryly. "Han, even if we don't sleep at night, it's still impossible to clean up the oil at sea tomorrow."

   "I know, I have my own way, you can tell them." Li Han didn't expect environmental protection organizations to intervene so quickly. Li Han didn't know Emil, not only reporter friends, but also some friends from environmental protection organizations.

  No, at the morning reception, Emil invited these friends, a large number of witnesses, photos, the facts are clear, and there is no point to say. "This **** Chinese sacrificed the environment of the pandora sea area for money."

   "This is a natural ecological garden. There are so many tropical fish and corals. You can't let this kind of person destroy it."

   "Emil, we will report this matter to the report immediately." Several people counted the leading white man and said.

   "I can't wait, Wilson, we should go to the **** China now and tell him what to do." Another white boy said angrily.

   "That's right, this stupid Chinese, we should tell him what to do instead of developing the island by destroying the environment like this."

"Hey, I persuade a few people, the pandora sea area is not easy to enter. Last time we, friends, went in to report the pollution situation of the panora sea area to the world. Unexpectedly, the small island of Pandora attacked us wantonly with oil pollution." Mill said that the other reporters felt angry when they thought of it, and they all agreed, scolding Li Han loudly, rude and violent.

   "How the **** does this dare to do this?" The girl next to Wilson was shocked.

   "This is a private water area, unless." Emile did not say, unless Wilson and others are in the sea area environmental protection green organization, and proposed to the government, the Hawaiian government approved, only Li Han.

   After all, although the management right of the pandora sea area belongs to Li Han, after all, if marine pollution occurs in the sea area, the government has the right to ensure that other sea areas will not be polluted. "No, we're over now, I don't believe what they're going to do?" Wilson said.

   "Okay, Wilson, I'll accompany you." Emile said quickly.

   "We're with you too."

   "Let's go together, I want to see how arrogant this China is." All the reporters stood up.

   "Allie, what should we do?" Jimmy asked in a low voice.

   Allie rolled her eyes. "I went too, Emile, I support your decision." "Ellie, what about you?" "Do you want me to say no, now that so many people support it, we must be in line with everyone."

   "Okay." Jimmy, helplessly, said.

The entire yacht reporter and a few young environmental organizers reached a consensus and rushed to the Pandora waters immediately, but this time, they were discovered by the helicopter patrolmen before they entered the Pandora waters. They reported Gordon on the island. Gordon discussed with Li Han first. , immediately intercepted by boat, and intercepted the yacht before it entered the sea.

   "This is a private island, no matter where you come from, you are not allowed to enter without the permission of the owner." Gordon, said, the big boat went on the way in front of the yacht.

   "Damn bastards, we are members of Miss Hawaiian Ocean Conservation." Wilson, exclaimed, but unfortunately he met Gordon and was completely unmoved.

   "What about this?" Someone asked on the side.

  Emil, at this point the purpose has been achieved. "These people are too rude and violent, Wilson, let's go back, you see, there are too many secrets in the pandora sea."

   "Yes, the oil pollution is so serious that if the marine ecological team in Hawaii finds it and obtains a water sample, the owner of the island of Pandora will definitely be spurned by Hawaii." Another good friend of Emir said.

   "Yes, they are guilty. I think we should take up arms to protect this beautiful ocean and not let this ignorant China destroy it." Emil nodded lightly.

   This **** Yang actually sent someone on board, intending to confuse everyone to break in, but unfortunately, he made a mistake. With so many people present, almost 80% of them had the experience of being sprayed with oil.

   I believe that no one wants to experience it again, all this just seems to be completely nonsense. "That's right, but we don't stand up to it. I think we can join forces with others to put pressure on the government."

   "That's right, we have to unite and put pressure on the government together." Emil, his proposal was immediately approved by many reporters.

   "Emile, you are the organizer of the reception. I think you are responsible for this matter." A young reporter, Emile's good friend, recommended Emile, and the others sounded reasonable.

   "Yes, Emile, you are in charge of this matter. Let's go back to contact the editor-in-chief, form an alliance, and put pressure on the Hawaiian government together. I believe that the governor and congressmen will make a wise decision." Another website, with a certain political background.

   "What about Ellie?" Jimmy, asked, if the Hawaiian Fun News didn't start, or if it did, it would immediately become the public enemy of all media. Ellie sighed helplessly. "We join too."

   "Ellie, this will cause misunderstandings. We have just contacted the island of Pandora." Jimmy said, Ellie is helpless, and is now being forced to do so. "I'll explain it to Pandora Kojima, and I think they'll understand us."

  Jody, the office received a call at this time, paused, what, nearly 30 media, jointly invited the government to allow their reporters to enter the pandora waters for interviews.

   "Damn, what's going on?"

   (end of this chapter)