The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1036: pandora big snail【seeking monthly pass

   Chapter 1036 Pandora Brand Snail 【Seeking Monthly Pass】

  Milco Island became part of the pandora travel company and was renamed Baobao Island. Baobao was happy to stand in front of the famous stone on the island. "Sister Dudu, hurry up and take the picture, the baby will be passed on to mother."

   "Got it." Dudu bulged and pouted, and the island of Pandora didn't even hit a stone to write his name, Dudu looked back at his father and patted the ugly baby sister.

  The baby poses, smiles, takes a photo for a while, then runs over to look at the photo, and sees the photo with a bulging mouth. "Sister Dudu didn't take good pictures."

  Dudu saw that baby sister was angry and opened another album. The shooting here was all good, and the baby cheered and took the camera. "Well, it looks good, I will show it to my mother later." The baby said happily.

   "Dudu, did you take a picture for my sister?" "Well, Dad, there are no rocks on the island of Pandora." Dudu pointed to the big rock with the baby's name written on it.

  Li Han smiled and rubbed Dudu's little head. "Go back, Dad and Uncle Nicholas said, put a big rock on the dock with the name Pandora written on it."

   "Mmmm." Dudu was happy, and Dudu also took a lot of photos for aunt, grandma, and sister Xiaohua.

   "Let's go, it's time to go back."

  Li Han led the two villains onto the yacht. "Nicholas, I visited Baby Island, what do you think?" "Mirko, although he is not a good person, but for the design and development of Baby Island, I have to say, make full use of the terrain of Baby Island, and match the geographical location of Baby to be smaller than pandora. The islands complement each other.”

   "It is precisely because of this that these people want to get Pandora Island." Li Han said, Yang, Perez, and Mirko are not stupid, but it is a pity that they met Li Han who did not follow common sense.


  Nicholas took the coffee and said. "Han, Baobab Island is now resuming construction. According to the amount of work, the trial operation can be carried out around October. However, tourism on the small island of Pandora is currently at a low point, and tourism on Baobab Island will be difficult to develop."

The two small islands are co-developed, interdependent and complementary. Although there are many advantages, there are also many disadvantages. The development of tourism on the small island of Pandora is fortunate. However, the small island of pandora played a leading role, and now the situation is not good.

  The island resort is open for trial operation. Although there is a live broadcast by the Hawaii Travel Network, the Hawaii Travel United News and several radio reports, it is always a small-scale publicity.

   There are many more travel agencies that have taken cold measures against the island of Pandora at this time, wanting to sign a contract that is beneficial to the travel agency, and have never opened a tour group to the island of Pandora.

   As a result, tourism on the island of Pandora is still stagnant, and almost all major media reporters in Hawaii are staring at the island of Pandora. Knowing that the trial operation of the small island of Pandora was extremely bleak, many gloated, offended the entire Hawaiian media, and stayed silent.

   Various media, indispensable for communication, even decided to unanimously block the news of the island of Pandora. "Han, what should we do, these guys are obviously taking revenge on us."

  Nicholas has been in a hurry these days. Tourism on the small island of Pandora is very bleak. The number of tourists has been less than three digits after three days.

  Nicholas's mouth is full of bubbles, and he is losing money every day, which is not a good sign. "Nicholas, don't worry, it will get better." Li Han said with a smile.

  Nicholas said in his heart that he could not be in a hurry. It was obvious that the boss Li Han said so, but Nicholas was relieved. "Nicholas, recently, Rice will be responsible for the publicity of the island of Pandora, and the internal affairs of the island. You are fully responsible, Gordon, responsible for cleaning the sea area and expelling foreign thieves."

   Li Han said here and asked. "Finey Island, how is the situation?" "Han, after Weyford went mad, the island became more chaotic, and the fishermen managed their own affairs. In recent days, Gordon expelled many fishing boats near the pandora waters. The legend of the devil scared a lot, but There are still many willing to take risks." Nicholas said a little helplessly. "I sent someone to inquire. Most of the Fini fishermen are helpless. For some reason, the number of fish and shrimp in this area is much lower than last year, while the number of fish and shrimp in the Pandora area has more than doubled."

  Fini Island fishermen had to sneak into the pandora waters to fish for their livelihood. "Finey Island, find a time, go there, the situation is not a problem now."

"By the way, in a few days, the waterway will be reinstated. Tell Gordon to ensure that the waterway is unobstructed. If you encounter a fishing boat in the future, you can expel it." Li Han said, seeing Jennifer, Lingna brought a few Dudu over. , Nicholas stood up and left.

   "Where did you catch such a big lobster?" Lingna and Jennifer carried one, a handful of huge lobsters that weighed more than ten pounds.

   "The one caught by the loach was given to pandora." Dudu, with a smug look on his face.

   "Uncle, the baby secretly told you that sister Dudu has a beard that pulls the loach." The baby whispered, Li Hanyile, the little guy, it is estimated that he will threaten the loach.

  Dudu heard baby sister talking small talk, pouted her mouth, and stopped playing with baby sister. "Pandora feeds loach to eat fish." "Han, such a big lobster is rare."

  Lina and Jennifer’s lobster are on the side, such a big lobster needs to be handled properly. "Jeff, go back to the island of Pandora."

   Back to the small building, Dudu and Baby, Maria carrying the big lobster, ran into the kitchen yelling. "Grandpa West, pandora has caught a lobster."

  West, is making dessert, see, three little people, carrying a big lobster in. "What a big guy." "Grandpa West, pandora still needs to eat, shrimp balls." Dudu, raised his head, said.

   The shrimp **** were all delicious last time, West smiled and nodded. "Of course, there is also cream soup." "Mmmm." Dudu Xiaoxiao nodded her head happily, her little nose twitched, like a puppy, sniffing the smell. "It smells good."

   "Just made dessert, come on." West, took the lobster with a smile, put it away, and said to the three little people.

   "Wow, dim sum, dim sum, delicious dim sum."

  The three little people twisted their little butts and followed West into the dim sum room, loaded them up, dug them into their mouths, and walked out of the dim sum room. Ora and Mary came out of the kitchen with snacks and followed a few villains.

   "Mom, mom, dim sum, it's delicious." Dudu held up the spoon and handed it to Jennifer.

   "It tastes really good."

   "Lingna, try it too." Li Han said to Lingna with a smile. "Thank you, a good snack." "Grandpa West is very good at making snacks." Dudu's mouth was full of cream.

   "West, it's hard work. I'll have spaghetti for lunch." Li Han said to West who came out with dessert.

"Yes, sir."

  I ate big lobsters at noon, the little people, cheering up, carrying small baskets, to catch big snails. "Mom, hurry up, there's a big snail ahead."

   "Han, how about snail farming, pandora island tourism has been developed, snails, lobsters, all these ingredients can come from pandora island, which is a good gimmick." Lingna said with a smile.

   "It's not bad, it's just ahead." Li Han said.

   is not far from the small building, where a lot of vegetables are grown. Usually, Maria will come to water for Dudu and the baby. "Lingna, slow down, snails are all sleeping secretly under the leaves."

  Dudu removed a large leaf, and a snail the size of a fist was hiding underneath. The leaf was suddenly uncovered, and he squirmed to escape. Dudu grabbed it with his small hand, caught it and put it into a small basket.

   "What a big guy."

  Lingna did not expect that the snail was quite large, and said with a small mouth. "Aunt Lingna, this is a small snail, and a big snail." As soon as the voice fell, Lingna stepped on a foreign object.

  Fortunately, I was reminded just now that I didn't exert any strength. I looked down and saw a big snail about the size of her fist, trying to escape. "What a big one."

  Don't say it, Jennifer, Lingna, and Li Han are all a little surprised. "This one is really not small." As they entered the snail forest, everyone slowed down. There were many snails hiding under the vegetable fields, lawns, and leaves.

  It's like picking mushrooms, lifting leaves, chopping lawns, pulling vegetables, and even branches. "Hehe, Han, I think it's quite interesting to just catch the snails, catch them by yourself, send them to the restaurant, and make a feast of snails."

"Mmmm, the competition." Dudu raised his small hand and said, the villains all secretly glanced at it, neither the baby sister nor the Maria sister did much, father, mother, and Aunt Lingna all had very few, but the most beeps. .

   "Hehe, the snail forest is not big, and there are too many tourists. I guess it won't work. If there are a small number of tourists, it's no problem if you want to come." Li Han said.

   "This place is not small, Han, expand the breeding area, this forest is all a snail forest, and can accommodate hundreds of tourist groups." Lingna estimated and said.

   "Dad, Daddy, pandora raises a lot of snails." Dudu gestured, the villain wants to shoulder this burden.

   "You, you want to eat big snails every day, right, little greedy cat." Li Han nodded his little nose, and the villain laughed.

   "Hee hee." Dudu giggled, that's what the villain thinks, there are so many snails that you can eat them every day.

   "Han, maybe this is a good idea." Jennifer, caught a snail trying to escape, teased it a bit, put it back, and caught quite a few. Dudu villain picked it up, ran over, caught it and put it in his basket.

  Jennifer smiled and waved her hand. "Pandora, this is enough for dinner at night." "Oh, let it go." Dudu just caught me and released the snail shell. "Honey, don't run away, pandora will catch you and eat you tomorrow.

   Dudu's words amused Jennifer and Lingna, Li Han laughed, the snail seemed to know that Dudu was going to eat it, and disappeared into the vegetable bushes in a flash, Dudu's mouth was bulging, and the little snails ran very fast.

  Li Han looked at a lot and clapped his hands. "Pandora, baby, Maria, come and wash your hands, we're back, we've caught enough for dinner."

   A few villains washed their hands, carried baskets, walked along the path and returned to the small building. "Sir, Jessica, waiting for you in the living room." "Jessica is here, and the snails are sent to the kitchen."

   "Yes, sir." Ola replied.

   (end of this chapter)