The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1038: collect fish wax

   Chapter 1038 Collecting Fish Wax

  Dudu secretly stole the small-mouthed fish, followed the shoal of oil-swallowing fish, and directed Li Han. "Dad, ahead, there are a lot of fish **** in the nest." Dudu, the villain, pointed to the front near the bay.

   "Jeff, the boat is docked, let's go down and have a look." Li Han said with the diving equipment. "Lingna, I'll go down and check the situation first."

"OK then."

  The Lingna equipment was put aside, waiting for Li Han to wear it, adjust the signal, try it out, and sign ok. "No problem." "Dad, pandora is going down too."

  Dudu was carrying a small oxygen cylinder, equipped with a villain, and Lingna grabbed it. "Wait for Dad to go down and have a look first." "Damong has gone down, and will come up in a while." Dudu said.

   "I see, Han, why don't we wait." Lingna said.

   "After all, this sea area is unfamiliar." Jennifer, persuaded.

   "That's fine." Li Han thought about it for a while, but didn't insist on going into the water. In fact, the ocean was not very dangerous for Li Han. There was room. Even if there was no oxygen tank, at least in the shallow sea, there was almost no danger.

   Several people held on to the railing, waited for a while, and came back blankly. "Dudu, here." Dudu waved his little hand, whistled, and dug out of the water, more than ten meters away from the boat.

   Dudu Deng Deng ran to the back of the boat, descended the stairs, dumbfounded, jumped up slightly, and spit out a few pieces of black fish fragrance. "Come on, there is really underwater. It seems that this is the place where the oil-swallowing fish excreted."

  Lingna was the first to arrive. She looked through it vaguely and smelled it, and sure enough, it was the smell of fish. "Just here, I'll call Gordon and send someone to salvage it."

   "Dudu is fine." Dudu whispered, Li Han rubbed the little girl's head. "Uncle Gordon has a salvage boat."

  There is a simple salvage device on the cleaning boat, which is easy to salvage, and since this side is close to the island, the water is not too deep. "By the way, Han, when did you buy two cleaning boats?"

   "Oh, this is a breach of contract by the cleaning company to cover the liquidated damages." Li Han said, talking about this, Alex was full of anger and hated Li Han to the core.

  Jessica received a lot of calls from Alex. Jessica didn't feel ashamed at all, and she was a little proud. The island of pandora, this time, took advantage of the oil pollution incident to fight back beautifully.

  Although the tourism on the small island of Pandora has been greatly affected, it can be said that in other aspects, it has been fruitful. "That's it." Lingna said with a smile. "Han, you are too cunning this time."

  Li Han smiled wryly. "These things are a last resort. Someone has an idea for the island of Pandora. I will do whatever it takes to lead out the mastermind behind the scenes and catch them all in one go. Unfortunately, it's still a bit worse."

   "Han, you've already slapped a lot of people this time." Lingna said with a smile, and glanced at Jennifer. This time, Li Han entered the eyes of people in the Hawaiian business circle.

Jennifer did not intend to invite him to participate in the Hawaii Tourism Forum next month. After all, Li Han is not too keen on business matters, but he didn't expect that Li Han's layout and casting this time, although there are some flaws, but the harvest is good. , in other places, it is a fortune borrowed by God. Even many people think that this China will do some sorcery, otherwise how to explain the sinking of Alex's cleaning ship and Perez's yacht.

   Jennifer and Lingna talked about this matter, and they were puzzled. Not to mention others, Li Han had a mysterious halo on his head, and many people actually wanted to meet the mysterious island owner of Pandora.

   "Hehe, it's a pity that this slap made my arm go numb." Li Han said that the island of Pandora has become a thorn in the eyes of many people. The media tried their best to block it, and the travel agency directly cut off cooperation.

   Now there are only a part of individual tourists who come here because of their name. Lingna and Jennifer know about the current situation of pandora. "It will definitely get better." Jennifer, who wanted to help, but thought that Li Han didn't speak, so she could only wait for the construction of Baby Island to be completed, and she had an excuse.

   When Li Han called Gordon to salvage the fish wax, Nicholas was busy contacting various travel agencies, but unfortunately they all got the same answer. "Damn it, they made a deal."

  Nicholas hung up the phone, angry, said.

   Nicholas has made hundreds of calls in the past few days, but except for a few small travel agencies, almost all the larger travel agencies answered the same way. "Now the travel agency routes are full, and there are no idle yachts and cruise ships."

   "Damn, who the **** is it." Nicholas knew that there was someone interfering.

   "Now I only like that Rice can quickly finalize the wedding of Crown Prince Victoria." Nicholas, said, there is no way, these travel agencies have reached an agreement, not even the lowest price.

   "Han, how is your situation?"

   "Very good, Nicholas, I am ignorant at the moment, and I have salvaged nearly ten tons of fish wax. According to Gordon's estimate, there are still about five tons." Li Han said, with a little excitement.

"Okay, let's not talk, I should go down." Li Han, hung up the phone, put on his equipment, carried a big bag, jumped into the sea, and dived into the bottom of the water, where black wax blocks piled up on the bottom of the sea. a hill.

  Li Han packed a bag and drove away the fish and shrimp that were approaching. I don't know what happened. This kind of fish wax could actually attract fish and shrimp, and there were groups of fish and shrimp around. Dudu and Baobao are two little people, riding dumbly, silly, chasing, catching fish, and catching shrimp.

   After a while, I caught nearly 100 catties of small fish and two small buckets of prawns. "These two little guys." Li Han saw, riding a shark in the water, coming and going freely, the two little people were a little envious.

  Other people in charge of salvage, surprised, envious, two little guys, completely treat the ocean as a playground, two sharks chase, drive away fish and shrimp schools, avoid fish and shrimp schools, and affect the salvage.

   The two villains were having a good time, but Jennifer and Lingna on the boat were worried. "Pandora, you've been in the water for an hour and a half. It's time to come up." "No, no, pandora has to catch a lot of small fish."

   "The little fish have been eaten for many days."

  Lina said with a smile. "Grandpa Jeff made delicious yusheng, come up quickly." "Really." Dudu rode dumbly, swam the stern, and climbed onto the boat.

  The baby came up ahead of time, but the baby can't stand the long time in the sea without the Dudu skill. "Drink some water." "Thank you mom." Dudu took the big water glass and drank it.

   "Han, how much is there on the bottom of the sea?"


  Li Han got on the boat and said. "It's getting late, Gordon, you can deal with it here, we'll go back to the island first." "Jeff, go back to the island of Pandora."

   On the way back, Li Han picked up Jessica. "Jessica, I still have about an hour and a half to go back. Come directly to the small building."

   Not long after returning to the small building, Jessica came over. "Han, the matter of the waterway has been determined, and it can be drawn tomorrow, but this time the waterway was assigned, there are many objections."

   "There are rumors of demons in the pandora sea area, and many private yachts dare not approach the island of pandora." Jessica La said. "The various media seem to ignore it intentionally. Many websites have such posts."

  Li Han frowned. "These media are trying to use this incident to bring down the island of Pandora, take revenge on us, Jessica, collect information, and pick a few to prosecute when the information is sufficient."

   "Will this progress to offend these media." Jessica is considered to understand the power of the media, not only the positive propaganda power, but the negative power, which is even more terrifying.

The small island of   pandora is about to become the Devil's Island. This is the silence of many media, suggesting that Hawaiian residents and tourism are more unclear about the ins and outs of things. These media are a little skewed.

   This has caused the fear of foreign tourists, resulting in a further decrease in the number of tourists. "Jessica, we've already offended us. What can we do if we offend again, maybe this will divide their alliance."

  Li Han said, sue a few, let a few, no matter what, there is competition among the various media. "I see, boss, that's a great idea."

   "A stupid idea, sometimes very useful, Jessica, media promotion, you have to compare, avoid large groups, choose small and medium-sized." Li Han said, large media, now Li Han does not want to offend too much.

   Delivering Jessica, Li Han received a call from Rice. "It's done, it's great, Rice, I'll be ready."

"Haha, great, Crown Prince Victoria's wedding will be held on the island of Hawaii, and tomorrow's British Prince William seems to be getting married too. Rice, try to get in touch with the British royal family and tell them that we, the island of Pandora, are willing to marry him. Provide the most romantic and gorgeous wedding in the world," said Li Han.

   This Swedish Crown Prince wedding, Li Han is completely free. "Han, the wedding of the crown prince of Sweden is enough to attract journalists from all over the world," Rice said.

   "No, no, in terms of influence, the British royal family is the largest in the world. Rice, if you can hold a wedding for the British prince, I think it will add an insurmountable honor to the island of Pandora." Li Han said.

   "Okay, I'll try, you know, how conservative the British royal family is." Rice, I can only try my best, the crown prince of Sweden is already a huge surprise.

   "Rice, just do your best, don't force it." After winning the Swedish royal wedding, Li Han was in a good mood and hung up the phone. "West, I'm going to have a family reception tonight, you can prepare."

   "No problem, I have enough ingredients here." West said with a smile, Dudu and the baby caught a lot of fish and shrimp, and they could have a seafood party.

   "Han, what's the happy event." Lingna saw Li Han with a smile, her brows stretched, and she was in a good mood.

   "Oh, the day after tomorrow you will know." Li Han said with a smile.


  Lina pouted. "Pandora, don't hide, what's in your hand?" "Nothing?" Lingna was sneaked in by Xiao Dudu, diverted her attention, and chased the villain out.

  Li Han smiled. "Nicholas, the press conference will announce the news of the Swedish royal family's wedding in pandora tomorrow. The Hawaii Travel Network will broadcast the whole process live. At the same time, Rice will hold a press conference with the Swedish royal family to announce the modern wedding venue and honeymoon place."

   "Han, is this true?" Nicholas exclaimed in surprise.

   (end of this chapter)