The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1096: The sea is full of oil

   Chapter 1096 The sea is full of oil


   In just a few days, this small cafe has become famous for its space in the Blue Mountains. Of course, the main people who like coffee here are Crown Prince Victoria and her husband Sir Westling.

  Because Princess Victoria liked the coffee here very much, many people came here because of it. After tasting it, everyone praised it, and several media made a special trip to report. This cafe became famous for a while.

  Jennifer and Lingna followed the waiters to the pandora hall upstairs. This is what Li Han kept Jennifer, and the design is classic. "The breath, not too big, but very elegant and quiet.

   "I didn't expect the tourism industry to develop so fast on the island of Pandora." Although the cafe is quiet, there are many people. Most of the people who come here are young men and women, and they speak softly.

   "Victoria's wedding, Han spent a lot of thought, and it was not unexpected that such a situation could have happened." Jennifer, picked up the coffee and took a sip.

   Coffee tastes so good, especially with Jennifer's smile. "Lingna, don't worry about Mobil, Han, it will be done."

  Lingna nodded slightly, yes, what Han did was even better than using relationships and channels. "I will cooperate well with Han, and Mobil will definitely do the best this time."

  The two chatted for a while, then went downstairs, took an electric car, and returned to the small building. Dudu and the baby, Maria, the three little guys, were making vegetable salad in the kitchen.

Baby and Maria in pink aprons, holding small kitchen knives, cutting carrots and cucumbers, some small lettuce with doodles on the side, mashing the sauce, holding a stirring stick, stirring vigorously, tasting with little fingers while stirring taste.

  Lina and Jennifer sat down, turned their heads and said to Li Han. "What is pandora doing?" Li Han turned to look at the kitchen, and said with a smile. "Hehe, it's said to be a vegetable salad, but I don't know how it tastes?"

   "Pandora likes to cook." Lingna said with a smile.

   "This girl likes growing vegetables and cooking." Li Han put down the book, looked back, and saw that a few villains had done all the work and brought them out. "Is pandora ready, give it to auntie."

  Lina saw Dudu bring the salad to the table, greeted with a smile, and Dudu blinked her big eyes. "But you have to eat." Dudu said.

   "It's alright, let Auntie try it first." Zhang Xiuying put the dishes away, clapped her hands, and said with a smile.


   "Dudu carries a big bowl, baby sister a small bowl." Dudu said, holding a big bowl, baby carrying a small plate, and Maria holding a small clip and a small fork.

  Three little people, put them together, put the salad on the plate, and point their little fingers, father, mother, Aunt Lingna, and grandma, Dudu, baby, and Maria.

   Waiting for Dudu to be divided, happy clapping his little hands. "Okay, Aunt Lingna, eat first." "What are you eating, why didn't you wait for Uncle?" Liu Ming walked in with a smile.

   "Uncle Liu Ming, salad, do you want to eat? Dudu is sitting with Sister Baby and Sister Maria." Dudu, raised his head, looked at Liu Ming.

   "Yeah, Dudu made it, then uncle wants to eat." Liu Ming smiled, sat down, and Dudu handed his portion to Uncle Liu Ming. "Uncle, eat it."

   "Why, hehe, you don't eat it." Liu Ming smiled, teasing Dudu.

   "Dudu and oh." Dudu pointed to the big bowl, there was still some left in it, the little man, holding a small fork, stuck a piece into his mouth. Seeing Yile, Liu Ming smiled, and he forked a piece like a toot, and put it in his mouth. "Uncle, it's delicious."

   "Well, it tastes good. This sauce has a very strange taste, with an indescribable fragrance." Liu Ming was joking, but after a taste, it tasted really good.

   "Hee hee, Dudu made it." The villain was quite proud, he put the vegetables in his mouth with a fork, and ate them in big mouthfuls, chewing them crisply. "Don't brag anymore, it's time for the little tail to be raised again."

   "Dad, Dudu doesn't have a little tail." Last time, when he was talking about a little tail, Dudu still looked around in circles, but couldn't find it, he knew that he was deceived by his father.

   At this moment, the villain looks like a small person who Dudu knows. He raised his little head proudly and said.

   "Hehe, it's not cute for a child to know so much." Liu Ming said with a smile.

   "Why, Dudu knows a lot, so cute." The little hand gestured, took the photo mode, switched, and made the family laugh. "Okay, let's eat."

   Zhang Xiuying greeted everyone, and the meals were all set. "Auntie's braised pork is really fragrant."

   "I like to eat more."

   At the dining table, there will be a lot of fun with Liu Ming, but Li Han is afraid of Jennifer and is not used to it. These days, Jennifer often smiles and passes, but she doesn't worry about it.

   After dinner, Liu Ming and Li Han came to the study. "Han, I'm in a bit of a hurry. I just went to New York today. You need to pay more attention to the cleaning company."

"What happened?"

   "It's not a matter of making trouble. Every day you argue, it will be unclear for a while." Liu Ming smiled helplessly. He really didn't want to participate in this matter, but he couldn't help it.

  Li Han didn't know much about these things, so he just comforted him. Liu Ming left, but it didn't affect the cleaning company. Jessica went through the formalities and sent it over. "Boss, you're right, the registration went very smoothly this time."

  Jessica sat down, poured a cup of coffee, and took a sip. "The coffee at home still tastes good." "I remember giving you some last time, why did you finish it?"

  Li Han opened the document and asked with a smile.

   "If you don't tell me, I forgot it. A few friends came over a few days ago, tasted it, and finally took it away." Jessica said. "Boss, where is this coffee produced? Those friends are going to buy some. The price is not a problem."

   "Hehe, I didn't tell you, I planted these myself, using high-quality Blue Mountains and cultivating them myself." Li Han said.

   "Don't tell me, I've never tasted this flavor." Jessica said, with a little regret, Li Han cultivated it by himself. He thought it wouldn't be too much. The quality is excellent, the output is rare, and the price is definitely not cheap.

   "Hehe, I just picked up some here, and I'll give you a jar later." Li Han said.

   "That's great, thank you." Jessica, happily accepted, thanked.

   "You've worked hard for the past two days. Give these materials to Nicholas, save them." Li Han handed some materials to Jessica, and the rest will be handed over to Lingna later, and Lingna needs to come forward to make arrangements.

   "It's not hard, I feel great these days, Han, the island of Pandora is not what it used to be. Many people are curious about the island of Pandora." Jessica said with a smile.

   "This is good news, I think Pandora Island will be more liked in the future." Li Han said with a little smugness on his face. Several firefly weddings were enough to make Pandora famous.

  After becoming famous, the most important thing is to keep these guests, and travel by more word-of-mouth and some returning guests. "It will, I believe." Jessica's small eyes made Li Han a little unbearable.

   changed the subject with a smile, but Jessica was not surprised, chatted a few words, and left with coffee. "Looks like Jessica did a good job." Lingna saw Li Han hand over the documents.

   "Yes, Jessica did a great job, Lingna, I think we can take over the business of Mobil." Li Han, said with a smile, the company has completed all the procedures.

   "No, Han, we have to wait." Lingna smiled mysteriously.

   "That's right, we need to wait a bit longer. I'm too impatient." Li Han said that Mobil needs pandora cleaning company, not pandora cleaning company needs Mobil company.

  Li Han doesn't want to be too active, so he will get a lot less chips. "Lingna, how much do you know about Mobil, this polluted sea area is valuable in Mobil's eyes?"

   "Han, this is the document." Lingna smiled and handed the document to Li Han. Li Han sat down and opened it. "Does Mobil really need this port?"

   "I think so, otherwise Mobil wouldn't have sent people to the island of Pandora, do you think so?" Lingna said, knowing that a giant group like Mobil Oil would not be low for an uncertainly polluted sea.

   "That's right, Lingna, I think you must have a solution for these things, right?" Li Han asked, knowing Lingna and Jennifer, there must be a solution.

  Lina nodded. "Let me leave this negotiation to me." "That's great. I don't know much about these things. Negotiations are too exhausting." Li Han said with a smile.

   "Han, what you did is that none of us can complete it. I don't think anyone can deny your role, right?" Lingna said with a smile.

   "Thanks, well, I'm proud of myself, Lingna, I'm going to find Gordon, talk, get ready, the cleaning company needs to prepare for a long trip."

  Li Han, said.

  Gordon is accompanying Sarah, and seeing Gordon is at the horse farm. The horse farm business is very good. The well-trained riding horses and the horse races every morning and afternoon attract many tourists.

   To this end, Sarah has resigned from the management of the horse farm, and she has peace of mind to raise her tires. "Sarah, you are really not beautiful anymore." Li Han and Sarah hugged and sat down. "Sarah, I think I'm sorry, I want to borrow your Gordon." Li Han said with a smile, taking the drink.

   "Of course, I think he'd be happy to." Sara said with a glance at Gordon.

   Gordon laughed, maybe the grassland and the sea are more suitable for Gordon's character, accompany his wife and serve, which is not Gordon's style at all. "Sarah, I'll get him back to you soon."

   "Sarah, Han and I, go out."

   said, Gordon opened the door, Li Han and Gordon came to the racecourse lounge, and Gordon talked about Li Han and Mobil. "No problem, I'll do this."

"No, Gordon, you don't need to stay there all the time. I think you can come back to accompany Sarah in a week at most." Li Han said, "Gordon is in charge of cleaning the boat. However, there are technical personnel recruited by Li Han." professionals.

   (end of this chapter)