The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1098: Proud Flying Birds【Subscribe】

   Chapter 1098 Proud Flying Birds 【Subscription】

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  Dudu caught the big red mouth as he wished, and was happy to wash it clean. The three villains wiped the fragrant big red mouth around the wash, and the big red mouth twisted and shook its wings. This guy is very uncomfortable with the strange smell.

   The legs and feet kept walking back and forth, trying to escape the control of Dudu and a few villains, but unfortunately, this cunning frigate bird encountered the big devil, Dudu. As soon as Dudu saw it, Da Hongzui wanted to run away, and his little foot immediately slapped his little butt. "Dahongzui, you're not good." Dudu, patted Dahongzui, put his arms around his head, and rubbed his head.

   There is a lot of posture that Li Han rubbed his bob after beating his ass, and Li Han looked at Yile next to him. Lingna and Jennifer covered their mouths and smiled, glanced at Li Han, Lingna winked, causing Li Han to roll his eyes speechlessly. "Just wipe it clean."

  Three villains, waiting for the uncle to serve a seabird, Li Han was jealous when he saw it, but he didn't see three villains usually, so he wiped his sweat so carefully.

   Not a little bit of a villain, stand up, even shorter than this huge frigate bird. "It's really rare, such a big frigate bird." The body length is about one meter five, and it stands up to more than one meter.

   is huge, with wings spread out at least 2.8 to 3.0 meters, but it will be a little ugly, the feathers are soaked, pulled on the body, shivering, and it looks pitiful.

   "Well, it's a big red mouth." Dudu, nodded, saying that he didn't understand the villain's words, making Cook and several sailors laugh. Little Dudu patted his bob, and his uncle laughed.

   "Little idiot, the little towel was washed and soiled. Grandma saw it, but she was going to be angry." Li Han rubbed his little head and said with a smile.

   "Well, wash it up."

   The three little guys reacted, and the towels were dirty. When grandma came, she packed it in her bag and wiped her face. The three villains went to Cook and asked for a basin of clean water, came back, divided them into three parts, and lined up to wash.

   One pot is washed, and two pots are washed with water. After a while, they are washed and held to dry. Li Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry, how to get on the boat, he became a little idiot when he was dizzy.

  Li Han came over, and a little man tapped on the head. "Little idiot, give Daddy a small towel and hang it up."

   "But this is a boat, there is no rack for drying." Dudu, holding a small towel, facing the sun, to say that the Big Island of Hawaii definitely has the longest sunshine time in Hawaii, after 8 o'clock in the evening, there may still be the sun.

   It will only be after four o'clock, the sun is still shining, the three little people, standing for a while, full of sweat. "Dad make one, come here, and become a little black girl."

   "Sister Ma Qi is so pitiful." Dudu, muttering in a low voice, came over to help Li Han, and set up a shelf, Lingna muttered. "Who is Ma Qi?"

   "Aunt Lingna and Sister Ma Qi are all tanned, so pitiful, right, Dad." Dudu, turned to ask Dad.

   "Hehe, you, don't talk nonsense, sister Ma Qi is hereditary, don't talk nonsense in the future." Li Han rubbed Dudu's hair and explained to Lingna with a smile. "The kids of the new residents in town, African-American, are lovely."

   "Hahaha, pandora, that's not tanned, do you know that?" Lingna was amused, but, thinking about this kind of thing in the United States, it's best not to joke around, it's not good to cause trouble.

   Li Han is also a person of color, so Lingna couldn't help but educate Dudu with a straight face. "Oh, Aunt Lingna, what is inborn, is pandora as cute as inborn?"

   "This is not true." Lingna teased Dudu and said with a smile. "But Xiao Aojiao must be born." "There is also a narcissistic madman." Li Han squeezed his little face and put the small towel away.

  Baby and Maria also took it over and hung it up. The boat was windy, but it couldn't be dropped. Maybe the little guy would make trouble. "Come here and drink some juice."

  Jennifer, prepared iced juice for a few little guys, a small glass for each person, sweating and the little man holding the cup, drinking with Jennifer, talking with a big red mouth, how big and big, and gestures.

   "Hehe, drink slowly."

   Jennifer smiled and asked while helping a few little guys wipe the corners of her mouth. "Well, pandora and baby, Maria is amazing."

   "Well, Duoduo caught it."

   Dudu said, after drinking the juice, she was going to show her red mouth, but Jennifer reached out and stopped it. "No hurry, wipe the sweat first and rest."

   "Mom, the big red mouth is so good-looking, so big." Dudu gestured, about to break free from Jennifer, was caught by Li Han who came back, and patted her little buttocks. "Children, listen to adults."

"oh, I know."

  The little aggrieved hands covered his little buttocks, rubbed his little buttocks, pouted his little mouth, and lowered his little head. "Honey, sit down and rest for a while, big red mouth, Uncle Cook will help and watch, and won't run away."

   "Jennifer, why didn't you go to rest, it's very hot outside."

  Li Han poured Jennifer a drink and handed it to Lingna, before he picked up the drink and took a sip. "I just woke up and saw a lot of fruit. I squeezed some juice and sent it over."

   "Did pandora and the others catch a frigate bird?" Jennifer put down the juice cup and asked softly.

"That's right, Jennifer, you don't know, one of the frigatebirds is the largest and very cunning. Han didn't catch it a few times. He was so funny that he almost hit Han." Lingna hurriedly drank it. Take a sip of juice and talk about what happened just now.

   said that Li Han was almost hit by bird droppings and was drinking juice when Li Han coughed a few times and almost choked. "Dad, Papa." Dudu Dengdeng ran behind Li Han, stretched out his little hand and patted. "Alright? Dad."

  Li Han smiled, waved his hand, and said. "Okay, Lingna, don't talk nonsense, where did you hit it?" "Isn't it almost?" Lingna said with a smile.

   "Hmm, I almost hit Dad."

  Dudu nodded.

   "Uncles all ran away and didn't get hit." Bao Bao said.

  Maria sat on the side and nodded, supporting Sister Dudu, Sister Baobao, and Uncle. Maria rarely spoke at ordinary times, she was a silent villain and sorted out the juice cups.

   "Maria, auntie come to tidy up."

  Jennifer smiled and pulled Maria and Dudu to sit together, in a row, a few little people, sitting up, dangling their calves, telling the little story just now, giggling from time to time.

  YouQi Dudu, saying that Dad was being teased by Big Red Mouth, giggling non-stop, Li Han smiled bitterly, this little devil, laughing, really wanted to give his little **** a slap.

   Jennifer took Maria and sat on the edge, listening to Dudu talking and gesturing and telling stories, covered her mouth and chuckled, not only glancing at Li Han, whose face changed color, but laughing even more.

  Lina's laughter spread far and wide, and she clapped her hands. "Pandora tells it so well, and will become the king of stories in the future." "Well, pandora is the best at telling stories."

   "A villain's mouth is the most powerful."

  Li Han squeezed Dudu's fleshy face and said, the little guy's face was shining with little stars. "Pandora has won awards." "Really?" Jennifer really didn't know about it.

   Li Han said with a smile. "It doesn't count as an award. Kindergarten tells stories, and pandora won the first place." "Well, Dad made meat patties for Dudu to eat." Dudu nodded his head and dipped his mouth. "Dudu knows a lot of stories and didn't tell them."

   "Pandora, it's amazing." Jennifer praised, maybe, Jennifer doesn't know how to be a qualified mother, but Jennifer is a mother who cares about her daughter.

  Dudu is praised, happy how high the little tail is, little scoff. "Little 嘚se, go and see, is Dahong's mouth dry?" Li Han said with a smile.


  Dudu nodded his head and ran away. Baby, Dudu, Maria jumped out of the chair and ran after him. "Uncle Cook, where is the big red mouth?"

   "Hehe, let's drill down."

  Cook, pointed to the edge of the cabin, Dudu squatted down, tilted his little head. "Big red mouth come out soon, Dudu will catch the fish for you to eat." Saying that, he stretched out his little hand, shaking it and beckoning.

  Cook laughed when he saw it, it was too cute, the other frigatebirds were very spineless, and immediately came out and moved around Dudu, but the big mouth couldn't stop it.

  Dudu dragged it out with great effort, puffing out his mouth. "Big Red Mouth, hurry up and eat the fish." Dudu put a bucket of fish next to Big Red Mouth, and the other frigate birds ate it happily, chasing after the baby and Maria.

   But Dudu has a big red mouth, completely ignores Dudu, turns his head and doesn't eat, Dudu walks around, holding up Lao Gao Xiaoyu, but this red mouth is stunned and doesn't eat.

   Dudu small mouth bulging. "Uncle Cook, Big Red Mouth is sick." "How could he be sick." Cook, a little puzzled, just saw that he was fine.

   "Look, big red mouths don't eat fish." Dudu held up the little fish, looking like a little adult with a sad face, Cook smiled. "This frigate bird has a strong backbone."

   Cook said. "It's a good bird."

   "Good bird?"

  Li Han walked over and listened to Cook, said, and pouted. "This is a good bird, very cunning, what's wrong with Dudu, don't you eat it?" "Well, Dad, the big red mouth does not eat fish."

  Dudu looked a little sad and held up the fish, but the big red mouth didn't look at it. "It's still snarling, and if you don't eat it again, you will pull out your bird feathers and set up a fire to roast you."

"don't want."

  Dudu stopped Li Han and shook his head vigorously. "Don't roast Dudu." "It's okay if you don't rely on it, let it go." Li Han, although he said that he roasted this robber bird, he actually liked it very much, this smart big guy.

   Proud, you can be arrogant if you have capital. This arrogant guy is different from other frigate birds. It takes time and effort to keep this arrogant bird, and I am a little sorry to God.

   This kind of big bird should roam the sky, tie it up and raise it, and become a phoenix with feathers. No matter how noble or arrogant it is, it will become a mortal bird. Dudu pursed his mouth, lowered his head and thought for a while. "Okay, Big Red Mouth, let's go."

Dudu untied the rope, Dahongzui didn't spread his wings and flew high for a while, after a while, he flew up, circled in the air, swooped down, facing Dudu's hand, and jumped down Li Han .

   Just wanted to say something, only to hear Dudu cheering. "Big red mouth has eaten fish."

   (end of this chapter)