The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1128: pandora vegetable garden brand garden

   Chapter 1128 pandora vegetable garden brand garden

  Mila was riding Xiaohongzao and beside a group of half-old children on horseback. Seeing Li Han riding a quad bike, he greeted the group of children, and came over on horseback with a smile. "Han, pandora, you are back."

   "Aunt Mira."

  Dudu waved his little hands, little people, big eyes and smiling. "Pandora has to go to see the pony for a while." "Mira, are you feeling better?" Li Han asked when the car stopped, got out of the car.

   "It's much better, it's a pity I didn't attend yesterday's party," Mila said. Seeing Li Han looking at a group of half-old children on horseback behind him, Mila said with a smile. "This is a group of children from the small town of Buton. They visited the horse farm and took a test ride. I just got better from a cold and was not suitable for training. I just took them to the farm."

   "Take more rest, drink more and sleep more, so, I will help you to see later." Li Han said, and boiled some potions.

   "Thank you, Han, you and pandora, what are you doing?" Mira, asked, Dudu pointing to the baskets on both sides. "Send melon, Aunt Mira, do you want to eat it? It's delicious."

   Dudu villain, talking, took out a big crispy melon, folded it hard, and handed it to Mila in two sections. "It's so beautiful." The flesh of the red-yellow melon was reddish and yellow, the flesh of the melon was green, and it was fragrant and sweet and crunchy. "It tastes great, thank you, pandora."

   "That's right, I'm going to the cattle farm here, and it's too late to go to the horse farm. Bring some crispy melons and go back. This will pass in our province, and I'll go over there tomorrow morning to see the foal." Li Han said.

   "But Dudu really wants to see the pony." Dudu lowered his head, reluctantly pretending to be a crispy melon and handing it to Mira, Li Han smiled and rubbed Dudu's bob head. "Dad will bring it tomorrow, take a good look, the ponies are back in the stables at night."

   "Okay, goodbye Aunt Mila." Dudu, waving her little hand and Mila, saying goodbye. "Goodbye pandora, Han, thank you for the crispy melon." "All of them are picked by pandora." Dudu reminded.

   "Hehe, thank you pandora." Mira, Sugua hung on the saddle and waved.

  Li Han started his quad bike, went down the hillside, and went straight to the cattle farm. On the way, he met Lulu who was chasing the sheep. Dudu was happy and had a good conversation with his uncle Lulu, and gave him a lot of crispy melons.

  The flock has expanded a lot, and Li Han learned that the flock will be transferred to the Pine Forest Ranch tomorrow, and Lulu will stay in the Pine Forest Ranch for two months, and will be there until winter comes.

   Farewell to Lulu, come to the cattle farm, a group of cowboys are dividing the herd, some pregnant cows and calves are not going to Pinewood Ranch, but stay at Lamu Lake. "Grandpa Henry."

Dudu waved his little hands vigorously, Henry was organizing people, separating the herd, thousands of beef cattle, and running, the area was full of dust all day long, the cowboys wrapped their cheeks in scarves, rode quarter horses, and drove in different directions. The herd enters the fenced area.

  Divided cattle, a group of cowboys, jumped off their horses, and stood guard in front of each fence. "Oh, pandora, Han." Henry waited for most of the cattle to enter the cattle farm, and then noticed Dudu and Li Han waving their little hands by the roadside.

   "Henry, these big guys are really good." Li Han smiled and looked at a group of beef cattle with high spirits, not bad.

   "Yes, Han, these big guys are great." Henry, said. "Better than from Alpine Ranch, man, **** it, don't let it out."

  Henry, talking, saw a bull actually heading towards leaving the team, came out, and shouted loudly.

   "Henry, I will take care of these bastards." The middle-aged cowboy said with a relaxed smile, driving the bull into the fence, this is an experienced old cowboy.

   "The lads seem to be doing a great job."

   "This is a group of good boys, Han." Henry, very agree with these young cowboys, this is enough to make Li Han happy. "Isn't this batch of breeding cattle planning to move to new pastures with the herd?"

   "No, Han, a merchant will come over tomorrow to select cattle breeds." Henry said.

   "Oh, why didn't I hear Robert talking about this." The cattle breed, but Li Han, and the Hank cattle are Li Han's plan to focus on training.

"Oh, Han, this batch of cattle came from the alpine pastures. You know, Robert has been cultivating Hank cattle according to your ideas. Although he strongly opposed this risky approach at first, he still did it. Now, the breeding of Hank cattle has gradually achieved results, and Robert intends to sell the alpine pasture cattle in exchange for more funds to cultivate Hank cattle." Henry, explained, Robert began to arrive, Henry, Jem, Houghton from the cattle farm , Doles is not too cold.

   Gradually, with the feed mills such as Eagle Woods, Colt on the plantation farm, and Robert in command of the overall situation, doing well, several old cowboys realized that Robert was a good leader.

   Gradually his attitude changed, and after getting along for a long time, Robert was still a good person. "I know, I almost forgot, Henry, this basket of crispy melons was sent to the lounge for everyone to taste."

   "Crispy melon, I know, I like this taste." He said, took one, and took a big bite. "It's a wonderful taste."

   Dudu didn't speak for a while. Grandpa Henry and Dad talked about important affairs, Dudu didn't speak when he was sensible, and when Grandpa Henry finished speaking, the villain said. "Grandpa Henry, it was picked by pandora."

   "Yes, thank you lovely pandora." Henry, smiled and kissed, little man.

   "Hee hee, we have picked a lot of pandora, Grandpa Henry." Dudu patted the basket with a smug look on his face. "Don't move, Henry, we're over."

  Li Han didn't want to delay everyone's work, so he started his quad bike and came to the restroom of the cattle farm. "Edward, why are you here." "Oh, Han, pandora." The lounge, Edward, was sorting out the wine glasses on the bar.

   "Today is my day."

   Edward poured a glass of beer and handed it to Li Han, and took a bottle of Coke to Dudu. "Thank you, Uncle Edward, pandora invited you to eat crispy melon." "Crispy melon?" Edward took it and took a sip. "It tastes great."

   "These are all right."

  Dudu patted the baskets, both Dudu and Dad brought them over. Dudu was tired, and there was sweat on his small forehead, but the little girl didn't let go. Li Han was helpless and brave.

   "That's great, Han, stay and join our Sugua party."

Edward, seeing so many crispy melons, he immediately conceived of a crispy melon party. Tomorrow the cowboys are going to go to the Pinewood Ranch. They will stay for at least 20 days. During this time, there is no rest, and the material is delivered by the cattle farm. It used to be nice to have beer. The carnival before departure, Li Han smiled. "Thanks, man, my head is still dizzy, **** alcohol, still wandering in my head."

   "Have fun playing."

  Li Han drank his beer and said. "Yesterday I asked Jem to bring back two barrels of Hank Manor to enjoy at night." "Oh god, this is great, guys we have Hank Manor."

   A group of cowboys came in and heard Han said to bring two barrels of Hank Manor over, screaming with excitement. A group of young cowboys never ran out of energy. Old Jem, looking at Li Han helplessly, had to go to the office to bring Two Barrels of Hank Manor over.

   "Jem, go to the farm tomorrow and move two more barrels of Hank Manor."

   "Awesome, you are such a generous boss." Jem laughed exaggeratedly.

   "Grandpa Jem, do you want to eat crispy melon?"

   Dudu villain, holding a big crispy melon, Grandpa Hughton, Aunt Dinah, Grandpa Doles, and Uncle Robert have all eaten the crispy melon grown by Dudu. "Of course, I like it."

  Li Hansugua sent some of them to the office, most of them kept in the lounge, drank a beer with everyone, and caught up to join in the fun, pouting like a happy deer and putting it on the quad bike.

   Started the motorcycle, pouted Lao Gao with his small mouth, muttered small words, and turned on the lights, and a light cut through the night sky. Back in the small building, the dudu villain still pouted and muttered. "Uncle Edward and Uncle Liu Chang both want to make cowboy woodcarvings for Dudu, and Dad took Dudu away."

   "It's okay, next time Dad and Edward say, help Dudu make some wood carvings." Li Han rubbed Dudu's little head, took down the plastic basket and put it aside. "Okay, grandma has prepared dinner, let's go back to eat."


   Dudu nodded his head. "Dad, remember." "Of course, Dad will remember, let's go." Li Han led the villain and walked into the small building. Zhang Xiuying and Aunt Xu were setting dinner.

   "Wow, it smells so good."

As soon as   Dudu walked into the small building, he was attracted by the fragrant meat and meat, and ran over there screaming. Sitting on the chair baby, waving small hands. "Sister Dudu didn't wash her hands, go and wash her hands."

   "Mmmm, Dudu wants big meat buns."

  Dudu don't forget to wash your hands before ordering a big roujiamo. "Baby help Dudu sister to clip." "Thank you baby sister." Dudu stood on tiptoe and watched, forgetting to wash her hands.

   Zhang Xiuying reminded that the villain ran to wash his hands, and ran back after a while, with water marks on his chest, and the villain raised his hand. "Grandma, grandma, look, look, Dudu has been washed."

   "Well, sit down and eat."

  Rice porridge, Roujiamo, several side dishes, fragrant and warm, there is no big fish or meat, home vegetables, pickles, duck eggs. The small mouths of a few villains were bulging, and Xiao Heihei sniffed the fragrance, and rolled on the edge of the table in a hurry, acting cute.

  Li Han smiled and kicked Xiao Hei Hei and Pink Ball. "Whose giant panda is still eating meat." Aunt Xu said with a smile when she saw it, Dudu fed a piece of beef, and gave the beef to the powder ball.

   "Pink **** like to eat."

   That's right, Pink Ball is always willing to eat meat. This meat panda seems to like eating meat more than bamboo than its compatriots. "Dudu, eat well."

  Li Han, talking, called Millie, who was lying on the sofa, and chased away the two little troublemakers, and the two little ones, Dudu and Baobao, were obediently eating. After dinner, Dudu and the baby went to feed the little black and the little powder ball.

   A battle for food is inevitable. This happens every day. Li Han sat on the side and turned on the TV. No matter what, the two little guys will do it well.

   After a while, Li Han looked at the time. "Dudu, baby, it's time to play the piano, but I've agreed with my mother." "Oh." The two villains secretly took them out from the study, and put the Qianling treasure seal away.

  The stomachs of the two bears with bulging belly are full of marks of Qianlong's seal. Just as Dudu and Baobao stood up, the two bears tumbled neatly and ran away very fast.

   (end of this chapter)