The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1129: Under the pandora vegetable garden brand

   Chapter 1129 Under the pandora vegetable garden brand

   The next morning, Li Han was overwhelmed by the pressure of the little knight Dudu, but was pulled up by Dudu and the baby helplessly. "Dad, get up quickly and go see the pony."

  Dudu and Baobao put on new little knight costumes and held a pony whip. "Okay, look at the pony, Dad go to the bathroom, go out and wait for a while."

   "Well, Dudu squeezed the toothpaste and put the towel away."

  Dudu went out, did not forget, said.

"I know, little housekeeper." Li Han couldn't help laughing and laughing. This excessively small and caring girl should not cry, she should laugh. She walked into the bathroom. Sure enough, there was a cup of toothpaste in a beautiful shape. On the shelf on the side, the towels are well hung, and the washbasin is well-placed with water, razors, foam cakes, and everything is ready.

  Li Han was relieved, went to the bathroom, took a shower, brushed his teeth, washed his face, repaired his beard, combed it, came out, smiled, and laid the knight uniform on the bed.

   Li Han changed his clothes and went downstairs. The two little people were putting away the food. "Dad, it's time to eat." "It's delicious." Li Han came over with a smile and helped serve the dishes.

   "Grandma made bean porridge."

   "Really." Li Han, sitting down, took the porridge handed over by the villain. The red beans and mung beans in it were hooked with flour, and he took a sip, filling his mouth with fragrance. "Dad, eat some vegetables."

  Dudu put the vegetables in Dad's bowl, Zhang Xiuying smiled and touched Dudu. "Dudu eat by himself, your father is an adult, don't worry about him." "Well, grandma, you can eat duck eggs." "Grandma eats vegetables."

  Dudu took the duck egg and handed it to Zhang Xiuying, and the baby took the vegetables, which could make Zhang Xiuying happy. "Okay, grandma eats, Dudu and baby eat too."

   "Aunt Xu, don't be busy, let's eat together."

   Li Han greeted Aunt Xu, Aunt Xu said with a smile. "That's good, I just sent some bean paste from home. I'll cook some and have dinner."

   "What is bean paste?"

   Dudu asked curiously, with a small mouth, full of little expectations waiting for Grandma Xu's bean paste.

   "Soybean paste, it's soy bean paste, it's delicious." Li Han said with a smile, and took a bite of the beans. "Mom, I see a lot of beans in the vegetable garden. It's not easy to sell in the United States. Why don't we pickle some salty beans at home."

   "Salted beans, okay, we'll have dinner in a while, my Aunt Xu and I will go pick some, wash and pickle some."

   Zhang Xiuying, nodded, the salted beans are ready to eat, and there is nothing to do at home.

   Aunt Xu came with bean paste and sniffed with her little nose. "It's so fragrant." "Big sister, how did you cook this bean paste? It's so fragrant." Zhang Xiuying was stimulated by the fragrance.

"Soybean paste, boil it and let it dry, it's moldy, add salt watermelon juice, add some diced winter melon, let it dry all summer, it's excellent, when it's boiled, stir-fry it with small peppers to make it fragrant, add water, add sugar, and a little bit The minced **** is boiled and the sauce bubbles, sprinkle some chopped green onion out of the pot, and the fragrance comes out." Aunt Xu said with a smile, "This bean paste accompanies the steamed buns and porridge, that's the best."

   "Yeah, try it soon."

  Li Han took a piece of cake and tasted it. "It's delicious." "I want to eat Dudu too." Dudu, holding a small pancake, imitated Dad to give it to the bean paste bowl.

   "Get a plate."

  Li Han, said, Dudu mouth bulging, took the plate, got some sauce and put it on the plate, the little man put the cake and stuffed it in his mouth. "Delicious and spicy."

   Dudu said, poured it into the porridge, and the baby learned how to look. "Delicious."

   The two little people ate all of them in one bowl after a while. "Don't eat too much, it's quite spicy." Zhang Xiuying saw the two villains and kept bringing the pancakes to the sauce plate, so she hurriedly stopped them.

   "Yeah, don't eat too much." Aunt Xu, very happy, said with a smile. "Eat it tomorrow."

  The two little knights with their mouths full of sauce nodded, ate the cakes, and remembered going to see the pony and staring at Li Han who was drinking porridge. "These two little devils, forget it, forget it, let's go."


  The two little people stared at Li Han with their small chins, and nodded. "You guys, I really can't help you." "Mom, I'll take Dudu and the baby to the racecourse."

   "Go, don't let the two children mess around." Zhang Xiuying, while cleaning up the tableware and dishes.

   "I know, let's go, little knights."


  Li Han took two little knights, went out the door, and asked. "Driving, or riding a horse?" "Riding a bull." Dudu said, and Xiaobai was brushed by Dudu in the morning.

  Li Han only brought the horses from the stable and turned them over. "Let's go." "Mmmm." Two little knights, Dudu and Baobao, rode Xiaobai and Dabai. "White wolf, Millie, hurry up."

A group of three people, two cows, one horse, one wolf and one dog, the sun is shining, the grass is still with dewdrops, a group of small squirrels, chasing and playing, Dudu and the baby two little knights, are they chasing the little squirrel and chasing the little squirrel? Foxes, or chasing birds, make trouble all the way.

  Li Han was helpless and finally got to the racecourse. The little guy went after the pony, leaving Li Han alone. "Hehe, Han, pandora and the baby are so cute aren't they?"

  Georgina rode the black rose, came over, got off the horse, and led over. "Lightning is getting more and more energetic." Li Han touched it, and was thrown aside by Black Rose, his arrogant appearance remained unchanged at all.

   "This guy really hasn't changed at all."

  Li Han was helpless and shook his hand.

   "Haha, Black Rose has arrogant capital."

  Georgina stroked the black rose with a little pride, this guy has a new owner. But Dudu, came running with the pony, the arrogance of the black rose is not enough.

   Dudu villain, don't care. "Wow, Xiao Hei." Said, Deng Deng ran over and patted Black Rose, who lowered her head slightly and rubbed. "Ha ha."

   Li Han smiled, Georgina knew what Li Han smiled just now.

   "Aunt Georgina, Xiao Hei Hei has grown bigger."

   Dudu gesture, high.

   "Of course, Xiao Hei is now a champion horse." Although the competition for young people is of a national nature after all, although it is a bit worse than the first place in the horse racing competition, it is still one of the best horses in Kemising Town.

   Kemising Hank Racecourse is so well-known in the small town of Buton. I have to say that Pete has done a really good job in the past six months. "Oh, Dad, look at the pony, be good."

  Dudu Momo pony, this is a quart with a very pure bloodline and full of spirituality. "Well, yes, it's a good horse."

   "Hehe, Han, this is the most spiritual horse among the three horses born this time." Pete walked over, holding a quarter.

   "Pete, go to the office for a drink."

   "Oh, this is a good bottle of wine."

  Pete took the red wine, looked at it, and praised it.

   "Georgina, take care of pandora and baby for me, okay?"

   "No problem, Han, I will take good care of the two little people." George, pinching his little nose. "Pandora, shall we go to Aunt Mila and give the pony a bath?"

   "Mmmm." Dudu nodded vigorously. "Come on baby sister, the pony is taking a bath."

   Dudu shouted at the little baby watching his uncle tame the horse, and the baby heard it and ran over. "Sister Dudu, but she didn't bring any tools." "Aunt Georgina said she had tools to take a bath."

   Dudu said, the two little people followed Georgina to the stable and took a bath. Li Han and Pete came to the office. Li Han poured Pete a glass of red wine and held it up to Pete. "Pete, congratulations, great job."

"Oh, thank you."

  Pete raised his glass. "Han, let me show you, our pure blood, luckily, we have three stallions already pregnant."

   "Yeah, that's awesome."

  Li Han and Pete came to the stable. The three pure-blooded horses were shiny and in good condition. Li Han secretly added some space spring water while stroking. "Pete, I think next year we will be bigger and have more good horses."

   "I think I will."

  Pete accompanied Li Han and visited a group of horse farms. Now the horse farm has more than doubled in size. There are more than 200 horses and thoroughbreds. The birth of the first batch of thoroughbred horses next year will bring the first good benefit to the horse farm.

  Lee Han and Pete chatted for a while about the future development of the racecourse. "Pete, you're busy, I'm looking for pandora and baby, it's time to go back."

  Pitty nodded, and didn't send it far, he came to the stable. "I haven't washed it yet." "Dad, this is not little yellow fat, this is little white hair." Dudu gestured with his little hands and washed the third pony.

   "That's amazing."

  Li Han rubbed Dudu's little head. "Okay, Dudu, baby, it's time for us to go back. You see, it's past nine o'clock. The vegetable cart is coming in the afternoon. We're going back to pick vegetables."

   "Dudu almost forgot."

  Beep and stand up. "Aunt Georgina, Aunt Mira, pandora is going back to pick vegetables."

   "Hehe, slow down on the road."

   Georgina waved, Mila sent the three of Li Han out, and she was happy to see Dudu and the baby boy holding the cow. "How did you come on a bull?"

   "The little guy likes it."

   "Mira, let's go."

   "Aunt Mila, a pandora gift, come and get it."

   "Okay, Auntie will go tomorrow."

  Mila and Dudu, baby kiss.

   Riding a horse, riding a bull, back to the small building, my mother and Aunt Xu were not at home, they went to the small vegetable garden behind to pick beans. "Dad, Dudu change clothes to pick vegetables."

   "Go, hurry up."

   Li Han's clothes, changed into a looser set, and found a basket. "Dad, it's alright." The two Xiaojia changed out of their knight uniforms, jeans with straps, and short-sleeved shirts.

   "Basket, basket."

   Dudu shouted, Li Han smiled and nodded his little nose. "Basket Dad is ready, let's go." Li Han said with a smile.

   "ox cart."

   "Don't need a bullock cart, Dad will drive a pickup truck later."

   "No, it's so close."

   "Okay, ox cart."

  The little man clucked his mouth, lowered his head, and spoke in a low voice. Thinking about it, it was not easy for the pickup to enter the vegetable garden while driving behind the mountain. Dudu and Baobao went to set up the ox cart, and Li Han carried the basket and the basket to the yard.

   "The ox cart is ready."

   Baskets and baskets, put them away, and sit by the side. "Dad sit down, Dudu is leaving." "Let's go." Li Han said with a smile. "Don't be too fast."


   (end of this chapter)