The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1135: gun restaurant

   Chapter 1135 Gun Restaurant

   "Dad, why don't you go home."

  Dudu got up early in the morning and followed behind his father's ass, walking in the garden, the little adult seemed to have his hands behind his back, tilted his head, and asked his father if he would not come home. "Oh, Dad's going to visit a restaurant today."

   "Is there a lot of delicious food?" Dudu looked at his father with a look of anticipation.

  Li Han smiled and shook his head slightly. "I've never heard of this. It's not a big restaurant, but it's very special." "What's the special feature?" Dudu looked puzzled and didn't quite understand.

   "Sister Dudu, come on, there are little foxes here."

   The baby who ran away chasing after the butterfly shouted loudly and beeped to hear the little fox. "Little fox." Dengdeng ran away, trotted to the baby, and went to chase the little fox.

  Li Han shook his head with a smile. He walked along the bluestone paved path and strolled around the garden. When he came back, he saw Dudu and the baby squatting by the bush, and walked past curiously. "What's wrong?"

   "Dad, don't talk."

  Dudu tiptoes and gestures, not letting Li Han speak, Li Han crouches down, a few birds. "It's so cute." "Well, it's cute, but now we should go back to breakfast. Mom and Aunt Lingna are waiting for us."

   "After reading Dudu, feed the birds."

  Dudu was reluctantly, and the baby nodded beside him. "Uncle, a little while, okay?" "That's okay, only three minutes." Li Han, looking at his watch, said, three minutes later.

  Li Han led the two little people who were reluctant and turned back in three steps and returned to the hall of the manor. "Han, pandora and baby, a little unhappy, what happened?"

  Jennifer came over with breakfast, smiled and kissed Dudu and the baby, and asked. "It's nothing, the two little guys want to watch the mother bird feed the birds, but I think it's time to fill the stomach."

"Tastes great."

  Li Han enjoys a delicious breakfast with two little people, little white eyes.

   "Hehe, let's have a glass of milk."

  Lingna smiled and handed the milk to Dudu and Baobao. The two villains took it and said thank you, Gulu Gulu drank the milk in her hand. "Han, I have already arranged the driver, and you can come over at any time."

   "Han, why are you interested in this restaurant."

  Lina, eating bread, asked.

   "Don't you think there is one less restaurant like this at Hank's Farm?"

   Li Han said with a smile.

   "Oh, yes, this is a good idea, tourists from China will definitely like it." Lingna clapped her hands and agreed with Li Han's good idea.

   "Here is some information about the restaurant."

   This is a small town in West Texas, Laifu Town, the restaurant name Gunner, this name seems to be more like a bar or a dance hall than a restaurant.

  This is a restaurant full of western cowboy specialties. After Li Han finished breakfast, he drove Dudu and the baby and went straight to the gunman restaurant. Texas is the stronghold of the Republican Party and a conservative sphere of influence. At the same time, Texas is one of the birthplaces of cowboys. The people here are extremely combative. Well, Li Han knows the number of people killed by punches and feet in the United States every year. Texas has topped the U.S. list for many years.

   Come here, don't look around, it's better to be a good baby, or you're ready, fist, maybe loaded gun. Conservative Texas, God's favorite, hates homosexuality, abortion, prohibits it, and of course, holds guns.

   It may be easier to buy a gun here than to buy a cabbage at the market. The cabbage may not be available because of the shortage of vegetable farmers, but guns can be bought every day.

  The car enters the town of Laifu, which is a characteristic town in Texas. There are signs, pistols and revolvers, and you can take them to the street. Of course, your safety is on and off, as you wish.

   "Dad, it's not fun here."

  Dudu has a bulging mouth. The town is also big in Kemising Town. I have seen a lot of windmill Dudu, cowboy carving, etc. The villains are not interested, they all have them at home. "Okay, it'll be there in a while."

  Li Han smiled, touched Dudu, led Dudu and the baby, and walked into a restaurant. The name of the shop is Gunslinger. That's right, it's this restaurant. This restaurant is not the best restaurant Li Han has ever seen, and it's not even generally considered.

   There is a sign in front of the store that reads. "You are welcome to bring your gun to dinner, but please keep it in a holster when you don't need it. If you need to use it, it's best to make sure your marksmanship is good."

  Li Han is happy, very humorous, gunfights are okay, don’t hurt innocent people, this interesting restaurant, entering the restaurant, Li Han took off the cowboy hat, put it aside, played a few tricks, and inserted the revolver into the holster.

   Dudu villain, puffing out his mouth, playing with his little revolver. "It's a good revolver." "Thank you, Auntie." Dudu blinked her eyes, and even the aunt who ordered food shot, Dudu has never seen it.

That's right, the feature of this restaurant is that all the waiters and staff wear guns, and all the bullets are loaded during the ordering period. Damn, there are not long-sighted people who bite and rob this girl's shop first. They will definitely enjoy being a sieve. how to feel. "Come here, one big, two small, three sets." Li Han said with a smile.

   "Okay, twenty dollars."

  It's not cheap, Li Han took out twenty dollars, and then opened his holster. "I'm so sorry, I didn't bring change." He opened the revolver, took out two bullets and handed them to the girl.

   "Thanks, I love tips like this."

  The girl smiled charmingly, and put two bullets into her pocket. "Hehe, what an interesting restaurant." "Dudu, you don't need to take out your bullets."

   Li Han turned his head to look, the villain was planning to deliver bullets, and shook his head helplessly. "Oh." The little guy's pistols and bullets are all customized, but they don't match, so the tip girl doesn't need it.

   "Your package."


  Li Han said thanks. The set meal tasted average, yes, and he could swallow it. Of course, Dudu and Bao Bao were not too cold to the taste of the set meal, so they didn't eat much, so they started to eat desserts and their own drinks.

  Li Han looked around at the guests, one third of them wore guns, all the waiters wore guns, and one-tenth of the guests chose to use bullets as tips. Li Han prepared information according to Lingna and sent bullets. Unexpectedly, he made the girl remember him.

   The owner of the restaurant, a beautiful lady, came to Li Han's side. "Oh, what a beautiful boy, it's a pleasure to welcome you to the Gunner's Restaurant."

   "Thank you, the atmosphere here is great."

  Li Han praised.

   "This is a right we should enjoy, isn't it, the state guarantees our freedom to bear guns, we should have enjoyed all this, all people can bring guns to restaurants."

  The beautiful Lebo said with a smile. "Yes, the Constitution gives us power and we deserve it, and I think people must be happy to have such a restaurant."

  Li Han agrees with Lebow very much, of course, the main thing, it doesn't cause much accident, the pleasant thing, there has never been a shootout in this restaurant.

   Lai Bo and Li Han had a good chat. Lai Bo took Li Han to visit the firearms training class in the restaurant. Li Han spent $100 to attend a firearms training class and drank three drinks specially made in the restaurant.

   Of course it’s a pity, there is no wine here, Li Han agrees very much. Li Han chatted with the local sheriff in the afternoon. There has not been a shooting case here for ten years, which surprised Li Han very much.

   Sheriff Gene also accepted the restaurant's regulations. There has been no shooting and killing of criminals in Laifu Township for ten years. This restaurant does not have many safety hazards.

   After visiting Li Han, he returned to the manor and Lingna. Jennifer talked about what she saw one day, and compared with Kemixing, maybe this would be a good idea, a gimmick. "Han, maybe you should talk to Will about it."

   "Of course, when I go back tomorrow, I will talk to Uncle Ronald, Uncle Marbury, and Will about this." Li Han said with a smile. "If old Thomas knew in advance, I don't think he would be able to sleep tonight."

   "That's right."

   "Han, but don't get too excited, Montana is not Texas," Linna said.

  Li Han smiled. The Conservative Party's vision in Montana is also not to be underestimated. At least in the small town of Buton, Max, this guy, has the same political will. Of course, this is only a small matter, and it doesn't take much, and even Li Han can ensure that the gun is completely in the safe state of the safety buckle.

   In the face of tourists, it's not the cowboys from Texas. This is just a gimmick. The firearms training class is what Li Han wants. He can also chat with Thomas. If you want to come, Thomas' beautiful daughter will definitely be willing to join.

   "Okay, Lingna, I think I'll think about it."

   Speaking of the restaurant dishes, Dudu and Baobao have secretly told Jennifer that it is not delicious, American and Mexican dishes are not suitable for Li Han, Baobao, Dudu's appetite.

   Pure Western food and Chinese food are the two villains’ favorites. Jennifer cooked a pure Western food in the evening, tender steak, accompanied by pandora vegetable salad, caviar, dessert, and appetizers.

   Dudu and the baby ate the bulging belly, and Li Han did not eat less. "It tastes wonderful." "Haha, Han, it was really hard at noon." Lingna poured Li Han a glass of red wine.


   "How about some red wine brewed on the farm?" Lingna asked, remembering something.

   "Not bad, maybe a good taste."

  Li Han, shook the red wine glass. "Vineyard, there are still some late grapes, maybe we can make some more." "Grapes, papa, pick the grapes."

  Dudu villain tilted his head when he heard the grapes, and shouted excitedly.

   "Go back tomorrow, Dad will take you to pick grapes, don't move around."

  Li Han put his arms around the two villains, pressing them not to move. "Anna talked about you, Han, you seem to have forgotten about the German Oktoberfest." "Oh, damn, it's true, ten days left?"

  Li Han couldn't remember for a while, Jennifer nodded. "Han, there are still seven days, maybe you can prepare some beer."

   "Yes, I think I still have time to prepare."

  Li Han, relieved, Oktoberfest, this was the last time I went to France to transfer to Germany, and I almost forgot about it.

   (end of this chapter)