The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1143: beer dark

   Chapter 1143 Beer Dark Evil Covenant

  Li Han whispered a few times, tidying up the bar, cleaning the cups, and there will be more people trying to drink in a while. The afternoon time is the most suitable time for a drink. Li Han appreciates this way of life. Come and enjoy the afternoon time with a glass of beer. It is beautiful and intoxicating.

"Hey, yellow-skinned boy, have a beer." Li Han was stunned, what was the situation? He looked up at the two young Germans who looked slightly drunk. The law and order in Munich was good. Of course, in general, the two were slightly drunk. Young people are not included.

   "This is not a bar, no drunks. :

  Li Han just glanced, rolled his eyes, and continued to wipe the cup. He was a little frivolous with these two guys, but he didn't have any good feelings for them.

   "Damn, didn't you hear what I said, let's have a beer, isn't there a free tasting here, bastard?" Mueller yelled, slapping the bar, very upset.

   "Unfortunately, the beer has run out today, oh, even if there is, I think, for the brewer, it is better to pour it into the sewer for the alcoholic." Li Han put down the glass and stared at the two. "Please get out of here, drunkards are not welcome here."

   "What are you talking about, Churchill, **** it, you heard him crazy." Mueller's face turned ashen. "Drunk, **** it, Churchill, am I a drunk?"

   "No, Mueller, this **** **** must not know who you are." Churchill, looking at Li Han. "Damn yellow-skinned boy, you should think about it before you speak."


   "Bastard, you yellow-skinned monkey." Mueller, who was directly ignored by Li Han, became more and more annoyed, and with his brain excited, his anger was magnified infinitely.

   "Bastard, what are you talking about, Han, are these two **** here to make trouble?"

  The two German boys saw the two **** men behind Liu Ming. "Go, you wait, **** it." "I'm going, there are people who are not afraid of death." Liu Ming, just about to throw a fist, was stopped by Li Han.

   "Okay, don't get angry and sit down and have a drink." Li Han poured a glass of beer and handed it to Liu Ming.

   "Han, these bastards, don't you plan to teach me a lesson?" Liu Ming looked at the calm Li Han with a speechless expression.

   "Of course, but this is not a good place." Li Han said lightly, he was unhappy just now, drank a glass of beer, and gradually dispersed.

   "Oh, what can you do?" Liu Ming became interested.

"It's not the first time I've met this kind of thing. Andrew and the others have encountered them. Many were found by the Big Beer Group, and some of them were from this gangster. They wanted some money. The eye circles are slightly red, and most of them have inhaled something." Li Han took a sip of beer. "These people don't make trouble, their brains are hot with knives, and guns are used indiscriminately. Although Germany has strict gun control after all, who knows."

  Liu Ming nodded, sucking something, they are all lunatics, for a lunatic, it's not worth it. "However, since it's provoked, I think, I can't avoid it if I want to avoid it."

   "These **** want me to teach you a lesson."

  Liu Ming, took out his phone. "No, I think I can teach these **** a lesson." Li Han stopped Liu Ming.

"Damn bastard, Han, I heard from Nimmy just now that the person you dated came to trouble you, this **** vampire, Han, he must have collected money and wanted to get this contract from you." Andrew, Saying that, anger flashed in his eyes, maybe he and Li Han had the same experience.

   "Yes, Andrew, I think I will solve it, can you tell me something about the appointment?" Li Han, holding a beer, took a sip, and sat by the bar.

   "Han, I'm going to tell you, Yoda he's a devil, a vampire, a **** terrorist, the enemy of all of us independent brewers, a vile betrayer."

   Andrew was emotional, said, and took a sip of beer, the whole person seemed very excited, which made Li Han a little surprised, bold with a simple and honest Andrew.

  Li Han was helpless, Andrew was too excited, Yod, what the name might represent, maybe Andrew had some unusual relationship, wanted to persuade a few words but didn't know where to start. Fortunately, Nimmy came over, comforted and persuaded a few words, and Andrew drank a few more bottles of beer. People were a little drunk, and scolded loudly to make an appointment and leaned against the bar.

   When Li Han saw this, his mood was a little out of control. Andrew asked Nimmy, "Do you know Andrew and Yoo?"

   "Dudu, baby, take care of Uncle Andrew." "Yeah." The two little people nodded vigorously. Dudu and the baby supported Andrew and sat at the bar. The little people whispered to Li Han. "Dad, Uncle Andrew is all asleep."

   "Well, help uncle cover it." Li Han handed Dudu his coat and turned to look at Nimmy.

"The appointment is that Andrew both came from the Bordeaux region of France, but the two of them didn't like wine, they liked beer. Eight years ago, they came to Munich to study winemaking at the same time. Both of them are very talented. It took less than five years to learn There is Xiaocheng, and Munich is famous, but unfortunately, the Munich Brewing Circle is not as easy to enter as the two imagined." Nimmy said, sighing slightly. "At that time, Nimmy's talent was higher than Andrew's, and he was arrogant. Not to mention his peers, and even some well-known winemakers, he didn't pay attention to him."

"At that time, in order to enter the winemaker's circle, Yoder kept asking people for competitions. Among them, he asked a local famous winemaker for a test, which won everyone's praise, but Yode didn't know, this matter brought him a lot of hidden dangers. , This master winemaker is a real local winemaker, and the apprentice is ashamed. Although he doesn't say it on the face, he is inevitably uncomfortable." Nimmy continued without waiting for Li Han to say.

"At that time, Andrew was a firm supporter of Yoder. Not only did he come from the same place, but he also had a very high talent for winemaking. Not only that, he was also the organizer of the unregistered winemakers association, which was also the predecessor of the independent winemaker in Munich." Nimmy, said. "Of course we got a deal, we kept competing, although we won fame and offended many brewers, these people are powerful enough to destroy the entire non-registered brewing association. After all, this organization is very loose." Nimmy said while drinking beer.

   "How did Yode get involved with the local underworld forces later, and what happened in the middle?" Li Han became curious, no need for Li Han, Nimmy, he has already continued.

"Yode, offended more and more people, but did not restrain at all, and became more arrogant. Some people in the association were gradually looked down on by appointments. Andrew's persuasion was fruitless, and he could only concentrate on winemaking. Who would have thought that Andrew and a few members would brew a kind of It's a good beer, but the recipe was learned by an appointment and used to challenge a local master. Although Andrew didn't say it, other people didn't want it. The appointment was made by a non-registered brewer's association. "Nimi, said. "It is even more unexpected that some of the winemaking recipes of Yedao were accidentally leaked. These wines appeared in the winemaking recipes of some masters, and Yedao became a thief. This made Yingao angry, and his character became unreasonable. "Nimi, said.

   "In the end, I got an appointment to join a local beer company with all the information of the non-registered Brewers Association." Nimmy's words made Li Han and Liu Ming full of doubts.

   "Jod, why do you want to join this company?"

"This company has a dark and vicious background, and we had to rely on this company to offend our own brewmasters, not to mention all the rectification, stealing these people's brewing recipes and selling them to this brewery company, and even connecting some secret recipes from non-registered associations. And leaked, Andrew and a group of young winemakers, everything was in vain." Yoder, got what he wanted, but lost more.

   "Jod, are you working for this company now?"

"No, Han, Yod already has his own company, this beer company is just an empty shell, they get paid by buying and selling beer brewing recipes, Yod is targeting you, Han, you have to be careful, this is a scumbag, I think There's nothing he won't do."

  Yode now lives in Munich. He has a lot of people and local gangsters. The Lihan Hank Manor series has a good response in the brewer's circle. I want someone to want this recipe.

   "So, this guy is just a shameless villain, just a bastard. I will crush him to death with one hand."

   Liu Ming pouted, Nimmy shook his head. "Yode is very powerful, Han, I suggest to leave Munich early, or find a big company. Yate has done a lot of such things in the past few years. The police here in Munich don't care, maybe Yate already has a good relationship with the police station. ."

   "Thanks, Nimmy, I think I'll fix this."

  Li Han shook his head, maybe it was time to talk to Joder. Of course, Li Han really didn't know if it would be pleasant or not. "Han, it's up to me to do this." Liu Ming took a sip of beer. "

"no need."

  Li Han knows that there are such people in all countries, and Liu Ming cannot be relied on alone. It is not always so lucky, Liu Ming is always there. "Well, when you need me, tell me, I don't think I'll be leaving Europe any time soon."

  The independent brewers circle soon attracted Li Han's attention. For a time, the Hank Manor series became a star in the circle of independent brewers and beer lovers.

For a while, in front of Li Han's bar, there were many Germans who came here because of their fame. Hank Manor Beer's reputation has been greatly improved, which made Li Han laugh and cry. Do I have to thank Yode for bringing him such a big name? .

   "It's okay, Han, I'll go first, call me if you have anything." Andrew, said. "Damn bastard, Jod, I must tear this **** apart when I see him."

  Andrew, pack up the table and greet Li Han before leaving. : "I think maybe this is a misunderstanding, and this matter has nothing to do with the appointment."

"Oh, no, Han, this is impossible, Hank Manor, it must enter the eyes of Joder, I can guarantee that such a good taste, damn, Joder smells fishy sharks, and will never let go of Hank Manor , Han, you have to be careful, this **** bastard." Andrew, speaking of the appointment, his eyes were red with anger.

   "Oh, I will, Andrew, would you like a drink before leaving?" Li Han said with a smile.

   "Of course, thank you." Andrew took Li Han and handed it over to You Lan, took a nice drink, and left, Li Han smiled, packed his things, and Dudu and Bao Bao changed their clothes.

   "Dad, Dudu has changed his clothes." Dudu waved his little hand.

   "Uncle, the baby is fine too."

   "Okay, let's go, let's go to Uncle Liu Ming and have a big meal." Li Han smiled.

  Li Han was holding two villains, and as soon as he walked out of the venue, he was surrounded by several young Germans.

   (end of this chapter)