The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1163: doodle football team down

   Chapter 1163 Under the Dudu Football Team

   "Yes, Mr. Yoder, Hank Farm is forming a children's football team belonging to Kemising." Li Han nodded and said.

   "That's great. I like football. When I have time, I will go to watch the children's games." James' grandfather, a bearded old Englishman, talked about football with great interest.

   has been sending Li Han out of the farm, Dudu a few cheers to welcome James to join. "Okay, kids, it's time to sit down, we're going."

"Set off."

   followed people all the way, and the football team news spread in the small town, so that Dudu several villain coaches called and wanted to send their daughter to join Pandora's football team.

   You must know that there is a standard football field, which is considered a luxury in the small town of Kemising. For many families, the cleaning of the football field lawn will be a huge burden, and it will cost a lot of energy and money.

   Li Han doesn't care about this, one is the space spring water, the space grass seed, and the other is that this amount of money is not worth the time to consider for the current Li Han.

   One by one, they were sent to Hank's farm, the Dudu football team, and the staff were almost the same. "Captain pandora, do you want to start?" On the court, the dudu villain stepped on the ball and nodded.

   "Well, start, baby sister."

   "Captain Baby."

  The baby pouted and said. "The baby is called Captain Dudu." "Oh, Captain Baby, let's start." "Well, Captain Dudu." Baby boy, ran back.

It started. Two teams of villains, wearing purple and pink football uniforms, small arms and calves, fair and cute appearances, colorful hair, cute fleshy faces, swaying little fat James and O'Neal, meet, football is forgotten , hit the grass.

   Liz Dudu played the horn, okay, then when Michelle met Liz, she was bored and bored, and when she learned that Dudu had formed a team, she volunteered to be the referee.

   "O'Neal, pull people."

  O'Neal looked puzzled and innocent. The ball was handed back to James, a group of villains. He didn't know much about the rules of football, and with the messy organization, football rarely played halftime and always broke.

  Dudu stood in front and waited for a while, no **** came, the interspersed too far forward, and had to step back. "What a bunch of cute little guys." Dinah, holding a milk bucket, stood beside Li Han.

   "That's right."

  Li Han watched, got the ball and tried to dribble the ball, Xiao Dudu was always surrounded and cut off his way forward by messy footwork. "Sometimes, if you follow the rules too much, you will always suffer."

   "Hehe, rules, you always have to understand people and follow them." Dinah said. "Han, I want to leave Hank Travel, what do you think?" "The restaurant with guns, Dinah, you're sure, that's what you really think."

   "Yeah, you know, I'd rather be a real cowboy than a manager," Dinah said. "I like to carry a gun around my waist, I like to wear denim, I like cattle and sheep, I like grass, I like to open up early and see sheep, horses, cattle, not thousands of people."

   "Well, Dinah, if you want, you can do whatever you want, and I will support you." Li Han said seriously.

"Thank you, Han." Dinah looked delighted. This idea has been with Dinah for many days. Travel, although it's not bad, or in other words, Dinah has become an idol in the eyes of many women. But the Mi Xing girls worship objects, but these are not what Dinah wants.

  Like Georgina, she wants to ride a horse to gallop on the field, rather than inherit a huge amount of property, run a company, and a group. "No, Dinah, you don't need to thank anyone, but Bella, you need to talk to her."

"I will, Han, oh, I should be early, the flock just gave birth to some little ones, they need my care." Dinah, picked up the milk bucket, said with a smile, put the milk bucket on the car, started the tractor and waved it. wave.

  Li Han watched Dinah leave, and looked back at the stadium. The little guy's team was a little different in the mess. Dudu and Baobao began to fulfill the responsibility of captain and direct the game.

  Li Han thought it was very interesting, sitting on the bench, Dudu commanding, more active, the baby is relatively conservative, the number of offensive players is small, and the defense is the main, Dudu is the opposite.

   However, the two teams are at the same level, Dudu is a little more powerful, but the baby is relying on O'Neal, the little fat girl and several heavyweight defensive players to guard the goal.

  Dudu has a small mouth and is surrounded by O'Neal and Brother Titan several times. Dudu is a villain, and his skills are completely useless. After all, in the face of Titans, Dudu's young age is more obvious.

  Li Han watched a meeting, checked the time, stood up, gestured to Liz, and was a part-time coach. Liz blew the whistle, the little guy stopped and looked at Liz and Li Han with a puzzled expression.

  Li Han clapped his hands. "Children, it's time to take a break." "I'm exhausted baby." The baby cheered, and ran over, sitting on the bench, fanning with his small hands.

   "Dudu is not so tired."

  Dudu blushed, sweat beaded on his forehead, hugged his father's left hand, sat down, and shook his calf. "Don't be brave, you're full of sweat. I'm here today, and there will be a game tomorrow. The coach and auntie told my dad not to play for too long. There will be a game in the kindergarten tomorrow."


   Dudu oh, little disappointment, Dudu did not score any goals.

   "Good, take a break, let's go back, grandma is preparing a celebration party for you, celebrating the establishment of the pandora football team." Li Han, smiled, and rubbed his Dudu bob.

   "Wow, really?" Dudu shouted with surprise.

   "Of course, grandma prepares a lot of delicious food."

   "Delicious snacks." Dudu was happy, jumped off the chair, ran to tell everyone, Dudu's house held a party, invited everyone to participate, the little pot friends cheered, Dudu little arrogant, and nodded his head. "Mmmm, a lot of delicious food."

   "This little arrogant."

  Li Han smiled and shook his head. "Han, is there really a party?" "Yes." "Can I participate?" "Of course, you are our little referee."

  Li Han said with a smile.

  Liss snorted, she was so small. "I'm fourteen years old." "Yes, Liz is a big girl, you take care of it, I'll drive."

   There are too many villains. Li Han drove a large tractor, dragged a sightseeing car, came to the stadium, and the sightseeing car was designed to be more suitable for the farm. Yes, the longboard was fenced and stacked with haystacks.

   "Children, get in the car."

  Li Han's car stopped, smiled and clapped his hands, and said loudly.

   The little people happily held hands, lined up, climbed into the car, sat on the haystack, swayed their calves, and frolic. "Let's go." The wheels of the tractor turned slowly, and the sun was halfway down.

  The tractor, the laughter of the children, the distant pasture, the herd of cattle, the haystacks, the gradually approaching farm living area, a few huge snow wolves, galloping, the golden golden retriever, wagging their tails to greet the intersection.


  Li Han stopped the car, rubbed his tail and followed Millie left and right.

   "Not small at all." Liz muttered at the side, Millie seemed to understand what she was saying, and barked a few times at Liz. "It's really dog ​​ears."

With a    muttering, Liz hurried away from Millie.

   "Sister Liz, let's go, grandma has prepared a lot of snacks."

  Dudu, holding sister Michelle and sister Maria, Bao Bao holding Mimizi and little fat sister, a group of villains, cheered and got out of the car, and went straight to the small building.

   "Dim sum, I'm not a child." Even so, Liz still hurried a few steps and followed the group of little people. When he got home, Li Han realized that the party was bigger than he thought.

   Mom invited the priests in the town, and some friends who knew each other, more than a dozen people, many of whom Li Han knew, and greeted them one by one. "Father and grandpa are fine."

   "What a lovely and kind little angel, God bless you." Father, he was deeply impressed by this little guy. He came to watch the baptism, the number of people, the background, and the scene. It can be said that it was the most solemn time he had seen in the past 20 years.

   "Father, thank you for coming to this meeting."

  Mom is hosting a party, no wine, juice, coffee, black tea, etc. There are Western-style dim sum, and more Chinese-style dishes are selected. It seems that everyone likes Chinese-style restaurants very much.

   The little guy likes it a little bit more. The Chinese food is Western-style. The small plates are filled with meat patties and snacks. They sit at the small table, dangling their legs, and toasting with juice.

   Li Han and the priest said a few polite words, and walked around the group with the juice in their hands, saying hello to everyone who knew him or not, and then returned to the living room. "What a nice party."

   "Thank you, Bella, Dinah told you?"

   "That's right, Han, you gave me a big problem." Bella, with a wry smile, poured a glass of red wine. "The gun restaurant, I'm going to let Dinah go there."


  Li Han was a little surprised, the restaurant with guns is one of the highlights of the recent farm tour. "Dinah is competent enough regardless of her image, management ability and qualifications."

"Okay, I know, but Dinah prefers a simpler cowboy life, Bella, it's time to find someone to replace Dinah." Li Han, speaking, picked up the red wine bottle and poured Bella another glass .

  Bella reluctantly picked up the red wine, drank it and said. "Okay, I will, but I like that Dinah can stay a few days later." "That's okay, even if leaving requires a good job, isn't it?"

  Bella put down her glass. "Han, I'll go first. I'm going to pick up Chinese guests from the small town of Buton at noon." "Thank you for your hard work."

   "This is what I love to work on."

  Bella, left with a smile, tired and happy, Bella became more and more powerful woman paradigm. "Bella, maybe it's the most suitable." Li Han, put a few documents in the drawer, wrinkled slightly, and locked them up. These documents may rot here.

   turned back, dialed Lingna and nodded. "Lingna, what's the matter?" "Oh, Han, about Hank Manor, a bar has been built here. The first batch of new Hank Manor wine has come out, and the taste is not bad. Jennifer let me tell you. "

   "Really, this is good news, and I'll find a good bottle of wine to celebrate."

  Li Han said with a smile.

   "Stanley sent you a box of 82 Lafite, I took it for you, it tastes good." Lingna was a little proud, Li Han was speechless. "Lina, I think I can get a bottle, can't I?"

   "Of course, I'll keep a bottle, Han, you don't have to worry." Lingna laughed even louder. "I should get on the plane, goodbye, have a glass of wine, and get some sleep." After saying that, he hung up the phone with a burst of smug laughter.

  Li Han shook his head and said softly. "I wish you a good dream." "Little Han, come out soon, Del wants to see you." Zhang Xiuying shouted, Del, a farmer who grows organic vegetables, but one of the few organic vegetable farmers in Mixing Town.

   Father Depp's brother, one of Zhang Xiuying's friends. "Dell, welcome to Lin's party." Lin is the English transliteration of Zhang Xiuying. Del is an old white man with neatly combed hair and meticulous clothes. He is a very particular person.

   "Coffee, or black tea."

   "Coffee, thank you."

   "Aunt Xu, please have a cup of coffee."

  Li Han said to Aunt Xu. "OK."

   "Thank you, ma'am, it's delicious and memorable." Del sipped his coffee and sighed in admiration. "Blue Mountains with a light and peculiar taste, surprising."

   "Oh, has Mr. Del ever had this coffee?"

   "No, this is my first drink, but I like Blue Mountains," Del, said. "It smells like Blue Mountains here. It's too surprising."

   "This is a new variety bred by Hank Farm, and it tastes good. Leave some." Li Han, said.

   "Han is a person who knows how to enjoy life, I think we will have more common language." Del, speaking, picked up the coffee cup, stirred it carefully, and tasted it in small sips.

   "Mr. Del's organic vegetable garden farm is worth learning from," said Li Han. "Hank Manor also has its own brand of organic vegetables, Han, I have heard many times, the name of pandora organic vegetables." Del said with a smile.

"That's my honor. Pandora organic vegetables can reach Mr. Del's ears. It's exciting." Li Han, said, Del's organic vegetable garden, no, organic farms, the whole of Buton, and even the whole of Montana. great fame.

   That's not a vegetable garden, the whole farm, thousands of acres, produces amazing value every year. Del, originally, was not very interested in Hank's farm, but as Hank's farm got bigger and bigger.

   Gradually entered the upper circle of Montana, Del had to pay attention to it, especially Hank Farm has its own organic vegetable brand and sufficient funds, and it is not difficult to build Hank Farm's own organic vegetable ecological garden.

  Del doesn't want to, there are many powerful competitors around him, but there is no way, this time I took the opportunity, but in order to find out, whether Han has any plans to develop an organic vegetable farm.

  Fortunately, Li Han didn't have any thoughts in this regard, Del calmed down and chatted with Li Han, enjoying life, and for a detail of life, Li Han was amazed. For organic vegetables, for water quality requirements, Del, has its own measurement of water, weight, content and other water quality monitoring tools, marking the best organic water sources.

   Even at the cost of transporting by car, Li Han learned for the first time and had to sigh with emotion that it was difficult to grow organic vegetables. He was fortunate to have the all-purpose spring water in the space, and there were so many things left for himself.

  Li Han couldn't help but be tempted, perhaps, it's time to expand the area of ​​pandora's organic vegetable garden, even if it doesn't develop an organic vegetable garden.

   (end of this chapter)