The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1182: Dudu's Mayor's Day Hunt [JimH Rewards Pl

   Chapter 1182 Dudu's Mayor's Day Hunt [JimH reward plus one]

   "Mmmm, catch the sheep thief."

  Dudu agrees with nodding his head very much. "Sister baby, remember."

  Baby nodded his head vigorously, and looked like he was doing a great job. Jerry, Weili and others were all happy. "really interesting."

   "It looks like a little adult Dudu."

  Guo Jing held the dv and filmed the whole process. Qiuqiu and several people took pictures from time to time, not only sweet and warm, Qiuqiu, a few unprofessional photographers, and professional reporters gave good laughter.

   Over time, more and more videos and photos of Kemising Town and Dudu Mayor have been published in various media in Montana, and even some big media in the west have reported.

   Dudu villain, humming, holding a small fist, and said loudly. "Pandora will catch the thief who steals the sheep."

  Dudu is going to be angry, and the others see it and quickly put away their smiles. "Pandora will catch the thief in a while." The villain, puffing out his mouth, walked away, and Jerry and Willi laughed.

   "Lord Mayor, slow down."

   "pandora is going to catch the thief."

   "No, Lord Mayor, we still have a lot of things to do. Can you catch the thief and hand it over to Inspector Baby?" Jerry said with a smile.

   "Okay, after pandora's speech, take baby sister to catch the lamb thief."

   The villain nodded, thought for a while and said.

   "Okay, your order is my mission." Jerry bowed slightly, and Wei Li and others even saluted, standing straight and sending Lord Dudu out of the police station.

   Inspection of the town, lawn trimming, road cleaning, volunteer activities, and meeting with representatives of the town farmers, Mr. Leighton, Li Han, Andre and others.

  Jerry led the police car, the deer car came to the town committee, Marbury, Ronald and others waited for a long time. "Welcome Mayor Pandora and Inspector Baby."

  Dudu Xiaogao nodded his head and walked into the small building. The people accompanying him followed with a smile. In the conference room, Lilim was reporting to Jennifer about the recent situation of Xiaowang Farm.

  Xiaowang Farm, the forage harvest is going on for the third time. Many large farms contact Xiaowang Farm to discuss the purchase of forage. Forage income will be an important part of farm income this year.

  Xiao Wang Farm has completed this year's task ahead of schedule. Leiden is in a good mood. This year's bonus will be the highest in the past five years, so he has more respect for Li Han who provided the seeds.

   "Miss pandora is here."

  Leighton heard the movement, stood up, bent down slightly and said to Jennifer.

   As soon as he finished speaking, the door was pushed open. Maria and Michelle stood on both sides, Dudu and Baobao, and walked into the conference room. The villain had a good look, said hello, shook hands, and when holding Li Han's hand, the villain nodded.

  Li Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he still thanked the mayor for his reception, the villain said proudly. "It's pandora work." Well, work, work, work.

   "Mr. Mayor, your diligence is admirable."

  Li Han read out the prepared lines, and the dudu villain who was praised smiled proudly.

   "Deputies, please take a seat."

   Ronald, said. "Mayor of pandora, please speak."

  The villain came to the stage, but unfortunately the podium was too high for the villain to reach with his feet, so Jerry immediately moved the small stool. "Mr. Mayor."


   Little Dudu touched the red flower on his chest and nodded slightly. "Hey, didn't pandora prepare a manuscript?"

   "Officer Jerry told me that many lambs in the town are missing, and pandora is going to catch the thieves." The villain gestured with his fist. "Officer Jerry, three big dogs for you."

   Dudu said, while Maria hurried to Jerry's side. "This is a wolf?" "That's right, this is pandora's wolf hunter." Dudu said proudly. "Little Heihei's nose is the best."

  Maria handed Jerry another photo. "Black bear?"

  Jerry has just arrived in the town of Kemising. He doesn't know much about Dudu. Guangguang knows that his father is the owner of Hank's farm, and his mother is the owner of Xiaowang Farm, the largest farm in the town of Kemising.

   speaks multiple languages ​​and has his own brand of organic vegetables. Although he heard about farm animals, he didn’t know much about them. "Power." Jerry did not expect that Dudu did not speak according to the routine.

"White wolf, black wolf king, detective, maybe, we can try. I have seen these giant wolves. Against coyotes, one can deal with at least five, or even more. This little black bear is very smart. With a keen sense of smell, maybe you can really find the coyote's den." Wei Li, after reading it, nodded slightly. "It will be safer if you can bring the giant bear with you."

   "pandora wants to catch the thief before the speech."

  The villain said with a slap on the podium. "Han, do you know about this?"

  Jennifer, with little surprise, Li Han nodded with a wry smile. "Just received a call from Colt, he is rushing over with the wolf pack and Xiao Hei Hei."

   "Pandora, are you really going to catch those sheep thieves?"

  Lina looked at Li Han, who nodded. "These lambs are said to be missing, but they are almost certainly attacked by coyotes."

   "Coyote, I'm relieved, pandora must have figured out a way."

   Maybe something else, Lingna still has doubts, for small animals, Dudu can say that he has never failed, whether it is a small mouse, a small squirrel, a giant bear, or a shark.

   "That's right."

Jennifer breathed a sigh of relief, but Li Han didn't really want to do these things. This time, Li Han planned to send someone over, and he still had a lot of things to do. Han didn't participate, but he couldn't justify it.

  Wolf Hunting, this name, think of it with excitement, Haoran and this group of young people are shaking with excitement. Colt came faster than he thought, three giant wolves, one white, two black and one gold, and a big golden retriever.

Imposingly galloping forward, many residents were scared to hide when they saw it for the first time. Even the young people Haoran, Guo Jing, Tiantian who had just met yesterday, and the three giant wolves that came face-to-face, there were still some. tremble.

   is too terrifying, a group of farmers and herdsmen, Ronald, Marbury, Jerry, were all stunned by the momentum. "It's amazing that there are such big wolves."

  Jerry, subconsciously touched the pistol on his waist, the wolf is really big and scary.

   It was completely unthinkable, three giant wolves, like terrifying giant beasts, glanced around, and the residents who were swept by the wolf's eyes lowered their heads subconsciously. "Let's go." Dudu villain, strode forward.

   A few villains followed closely. The White Wolf King saw Dudu and knelt down and sat down. The villains climbed onto the back of the giant wolf one by one. "Uncle, go." Maria, Lara Jerry and Willi.

   "Ah, let's go."

Jerry, nodded at Wei Li, the police car led the way, the giant wolf was carrying the mayor and the detective chief, followed closely, followed by a police car, three giant wolf kings followed closely, and more than a dozen pickup trucks behind them. Horse carriage etc.

  The villain came out in a big way and went straight to Yuri's farm. Yuri received a call and was stunned. When he saw the giant wolf entering the farm, Yuri's child screamed in fright. "God, these are some big guys."

   "Uncle Yuri."


  Dudu jumped off the wolf's back and said hello. "Pandora is the mayor today." "Lord Mayor?" Yuri, smiled, had just called. "I'll take you there."

   Came to the place where the lamb disappeared, Dudu, nodded, the baby inspector, Xiao Heihei put down, Xiao Heihei sniffed, ran to the northeast, followed by a few giant wolves.

  Li Han et al., ready with shotguns and driving a quad bike, followed closely, followed by several reporters, including Baggio and John, these Han's old friends.

   For about half an hour, the little black bear stopped on a hillside, which was barren and not many bushes. "Damn it, it must be here."

  Yuri parked his quad bike and stared at the desolate hillside, and a dark shadow disappeared in a flash. "It's a coyote." "White wolf." Dudu waved his little hand, and the white wolf rushed out.

   "Look, there's a cave over there."

   This is a coyote on a watch. Although the speed of the white wolf is not slow, there is a wolf den on the side, and it disappears in a flash. "Look, look around, this time we must destroy this hateful guy."

  Jerry said to Weili, Ronald and others formed a team one after another, Li Han, Jennifer, Lingna, Colt, with Haoran and the students. "Han, hurry up."

   "Don't go over there."

   Li Han said seriously. "Although coyotes are small, they are not easy to provoke in packs."

   "You don't have a shotgun, you better stay here."

  Li Han, said. "Better get in the car and stay there."

   "Han, it's a pity not to participate in such an exciting thing."

   Haoran said, and the others nodded.

   Guo Jing and several girls looked at Li Han eagerly, and Li Han shook his head slightly. "Come in quickly, I'm responsible for your safety, regret is better than being hurt."

"All right."

  Haoran, a few helpless, followed and climbed into the pickup truck. "Can the car come closer?"

  Li Han nodded. "Colt come a little closer, the engine is on."

   "Take care of these children."

  Li Han, said that, the shotgun was loaded. "No problem, Han."

  Michelle, Mimizi, and Maria were left behind. Dudu and the baby were riding the Black Wolf King, which was not a big problem. There were Jennifer, Lingna and several bodyguards, Dudu and the baby bodyguard.

   Fully armed, Li Han, take the clothes and put them on. This kind of clothes is specially made to deal with the bites and scratches of wolves. Yuri and the others started, burning the grass and stuffing it into the wolf's den. Before long, these coyotes were about to flee.

   In less than five minutes, there was a loud roar, a wolf howling came from the hillside, and gunshots continued. The White Wolf King and the Black Wolf King, one by one, killed many of them. "Damn, run away a few."

   Yuri, with a hostile expression on his face, there is no way, just found the lamb marked in the cave, it is really Yuri's farm, which makes Yuri extremely angry. "A little bit of preparation."

  Jerry, I didn't expect that pandora really found the sheep thief. The group was watching the fun, and they were completely unprepared. They watched almost all the white wolf kings and black wolf kings kill the coyotes.

  Jerry had to admit that most of the failure was due to his carelessness and lack of preparation. "I'm so sorry, Lord Mayor, it was my mistake."

"It's ok."

  Dudu took a little pride, and Dudu found the thief who stole the sheep. "Mayor pandora, well done."

   "That's right, the mayor has done a great job." The farmer shouted loudly, full of envy for the little black bear and a few giant wolves.

   Starting today, I will try to make up for the rewards and updates of the previous month and this month before the end of the month. Please remind everyone to post a book review to see how many updates are added. It’s troublesome.



   (end of this chapter)