The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1189: Pumpkin art of the villain's tuition

  Chapter 1189 The Pumpkin Art of the Villain Tuition

  Jennifer, Lingna and Li Han were sitting in the cafe, drinking coffee and talking about pumpkins.

   "Han, pandora's pumpkins are too cheap." Lingna, went around and returned to the cafe. "You have to know that this year's drought has affected the pumpkin production more or less."

   "Yeah, I don't know, the pumpkins on the farm are growing pretty well." Li Han, holding up the coffee.

   Wilson, who had a coffee pot beside him, couldn't help but interject. "That's right, Han, what Miss Lingna said does exist."

   "The production of pumpkins in the town has been severely reduced this year, and even many farm pumpkins are only enough for their own households." Wilson said with a smile. "Of course, Mi Xing Town is different from other villains. There are many farms and not many pumpkins."

   "Han, shouldn't you tell pandora."

  Lina took a sip of coffee. "Hehe, two dollars, I don't think it's cheap, but there is no shortage of pumpkins in Mixing Town." Other states may have affected pumpkin production due to the rain, resulting in a shortage of pumpkins, but in Montana, Mixing Small town, no.

   "That's right."

   Wilson nodded, but Mi Xing Town never lacked pumpkins.

   "I'll take a call."

  Li Han answered the phone, and it was Liu Ming who called. "Han, are you on the farm?" "Go back to Montana?" "Yes, the master you asked me to find for you last time, bring it with you, oh, yes, I saw Dudu and the mayor of Baobao. Japanese video, it's amazing, I'm so proud of them."

   "Hehe, the two little guys are still talking about it. I haven't seen Uncle Liu Ming for many days." Li Han said with a smile.

   "Tell them, I'll be there in a while, and I brought a lot of gifts this time." Liu Ming said with a smile.

   "No problem, let's have a drink together at noon."


   "In the evening, let's talk to Chris. I think it's time to talk about the resort." Liu Ming said.

   "No problem, let's go, I'll make an appointment with Chris later." Li Han, said.

   "Okay, that's it, get out of the airport, let's go back and talk about it."

After   , he hung up the phone and Li Han returned to his seat. "Where did you just say?" "Speaking of pumpkin, pandora seems to be sold out." Lingna said and stood up.

   Sure enough, the little guy's pumpkins were sold out, and the little guys were counting the money happily. "How quickly?"

  How come the pumpkins were sold out without much effort. "Let's go and have a look." Li Han, a few people came over.

   "Dudu, are the pumpkins sold out?"

   "Well, Grandpa Visa has all bought." Dudu, said proudly. "Grandpa Visa also said, please go to Dudu to paint the equipment."

   "Grasherman?" Li Han didn't expect that.


  Dudu blinked his eyes, what happened.

   "That's it, then you have to paint well." Li Han smiled, pinching his little nose. "Well, Dudu will draw well."

   "Very good, okay, let's go back."


  The villain happily packed up the carving knives, brushes, and tools and put them on the ox cart. "Mom, Aunt Lingna, do you want to ride an ox cart?" Putting the Dudu tool away, he asked with his head tilted.


  Lina smiled and rubbed Dudu's little head. "Get in the car." Jennifer and Lingna sat on the ox cart, Dudu nodded their heads happily.

  The bullock cart set off slowly, Dudu was very happy all the way, patted the bag, there was a lot of money in it. "Is the tuition enough, pandora?"

   "Not enough."

   As soon as he mentioned the tuition fee, his bulging mouth was deflated. "Only three hundred dollars." Dudu, just a little less happy. "It's okay, pandora can sell pumpkins again."


  Dudu clenched his small fists, his little energy came.


  The ox cart returned to the farm. Zhang Xiuying saw it and patted Li Han a little. "Nonsense, Jennifer, Lingna come in quickly."

   "Hello Auntie."

   "Grandma, Dudu is hungry."

   "Grandma, the baby is hungry too."

   "Okay, come in quickly, wash your hands, let's have dinner, and Maria will come in too." Zhang Xiuying greeted Jennifer with a smile, and asked Aunt Xu to bring a few villains to wash their hands.

  Michelle didn't even come, and went home with Andre.

   "It's so early for dinner."

   "Liu Ming, this child, come in quickly."

   "You were really on time."

  Li Han said with a smile. "Just about to eat."

   "That's a coincidence."

   "Dudu, baby, look who's coming."

  Li Han shouted to the bathroom.

   "Dad, Dudu wash your face."

   Dudu patted his little face, but he didn't have any free time. He stretched out his little head and looked at it. "Wow, Uncle Liu Ming."

   The little guy ran out with foam on his face. "Come out after washing."

  Li Han was helpless and drove the villain back. "Still Dudu knows that he is thinking of uncle." Liu Ming said with a happy face and said with a smile.

   "Hee hee, Uncle Liu Ming, wash your face with Dudu."

   "Come on, uncle brought a gift." Liu Ming said with a smile.

   "Gift." The villain's eyes twinkled.

   "Go and wash your face."

  Li Han couldn't do anything about this villain, so he rushed to wash his face.

   Dudu nodded, ran in, washed his face, and ran out in a while. "Dudu has been washed."

"So fast."


   "Eat first, this girl can't listen to gifts." Li Han greeted with a smile. "Liu Ming, sit down."

   "By the way, what about the master you brought?"

  Li Han handed the bowl to Liu Ming and asked.

   "I've arranged to live in the Chris Hotel. I've been working hard all the way. I'm tired. Take a rest. In the afternoon, I'll have someone bring it over." Liu Ming, with a mouthful of dishes. "Auntie's craftsmanship is getting better and better."

   "This child likes to eat more. I haven't seen you here for a long time." Zhang Xiuying said with a smile. "Jennifer, Lingna eat more too."

   "Thank you Auntie."

   "Jennifer, the last acquisition was unexpected." Liu Ming said with a smile.

   "Thank you, it's just an ordinary case." Jennifer said lightly.

   "Uncle Liu Ming, what gift did you bring?" Dudu asked in a low voice, holding a big bowl and pulling rice while waiting for the opportunity.

   "Eat obediently, child, don't say anything when you eat."

  Li Han tapped Dudu's little head, and Dudu shrank his head. "Dad is beeping again."


   "Don't do Dudu next time, Dudu is so good, Dudu, eat quickly."

   Zhang Xiuying rolled her eyes at her son, but didn't see Jennifer there.

  Lingna smiled and winked at Jennifer, Chinese parents, really interesting. "Um."

  Little guy, the meal was eaten very quickly, and everyone didn't finish it. The little guy is already holding a bowl. "Dudu is ready."

   "Good boy, let's play for a while."


   Dudu muttered, Liu Ming smiled and pointed to the bag beside him, Dudu cheered. "Thank you, Uncle Liu Ming." After saying that, he jumped off the chair and ran over.

   "Wow, so many beautiful dolls."

   "This is a set of dolls from a Dream of Red Mansions."

   "Thanks, this stuff is really good."

   "That's right, I ordered it from a china master." Liu Ming looked proud. "The baby has it too, Journey to the West."

  Maria lowered her head, Liu Ming smiled. "Mary has it too."

   "Wow, Sister Maria, come quickly."

The   dudu villain pointed at a set of Spider-Man china, and Maria gave a wow. "Thank you uncle." After saying that, he ran over with a cheer.

   "It really took a lot of effort, I respect you." Li Han picked up the glass.

   "Hehe, let's go."

  Lunch, the end, Dudu and the baby, playing with porcelain dolls, asking Li Han and Liu Ming from time to time, what is this, what is that, and the two villains still fully understand Dream of Red Mansions and Journey to the West.

  Guangguang has heard the story, only Li Han and Liu Ming, who only know the general characters, but the details are not clear. "These two children, Xiaohan, stay with Jennifer, Liu Ming, drink some water."

   "Thank you Auntie."

   "Auntie, I'm quite tired. I'll go to the room to rest for a while."

   "Okay, big girl, you take Liu Ming to the rest party."

   Zhang Xiuying said with a smile, how wonderful this child is.

   Liu Ming winked at Li Han, who couldn't help laughing. "Mom." "Hehe, Jennifer's little living room."

  Li Han is helpless, okay, the two villains here are chasing after asking, and their head hurts. "Okay, I'll go."

  Li Han made a pot of coffee and took it in. "Have some coffee." "Thank you, Han." "Where's pandora?"

   "Dudu is studying."

   Li Han said with a smile.

   "Study?" The two of them had a meal.

  Li Han said what happened just now. "Haha, the little guy is really interesting. By the way, if you have time to introduce these two books to me."

   "No problem, I have it in my study."

   "English version?"

   "This is not, the Chinese version."

   "When I have time, I will buy the English version." Li Han said with a smile.

   "It doesn't matter, Chinese is fine too."

  Jennifer, said.

   "What about Ming?"

   "Go upstairs to rest."

  Li Han talked about what happened just now, but it made the two of them happy. "Hehe, Han, Auntie, it's really interesting."

  Jennifer frowned slightly, Lingna smiled and stopped talking. Fortunately, Li Han changed the subject. "I'm going to try to help pandora design jack-o-lanterns, or to design some more facebooks."

   "Yes, the price is too low to sell all the pumpkins. This time, Mr. Glasherman paid for them. Next time, if no one buys them, maybe they won't be able to sell 100 pumpkins all day."

  Lina suddenly thought. "Han, you are good at traditional Chinese carving. I think the people of Mixing Town will like it. You saw it at the auction the day before yesterday."

   "I've seen it, but I want to carve it very well. It's too difficult unless I find a carver."

   said, Li Han paused. "I have an eye for this."

   said and stood up. "You guys, wait, I'll find Liu Ming."

  Jennifer and Lingna were a little stunned, and Li Han was a little clueless when he spoke.

   "Dong dong dong."

   "Hey, why are you?"

   Liu Ming opened the door and smiled when he saw Li Han.

   "Go, see the master."

  Li Han grabbed Liu Ming and made Liu Ming shiver. "Don't, let go of your hand first, don't be seen by Auntie, misunderstand, will I still have the face to eat next time?"

   "Don't be poor, let's go."

   "Ok, let me wash my face."

  Liu Ming, went into the room and muttered, what's going on? He was shocked.

   (end of this chapter)