The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1236: Bear run to celebrate the party [masd re

   Chapter 1236 Little Bear Runs to Celebrate the Party [masd Reward Plus Two]

  Dudu and the baby went back and forth several times, delivering a lot of fruit and drinks, which were piled up on the grass in front of the office. "Sister Dudu, is this enough?" Baby, lying on the ground, facing the pile of fruits.

   Fruits are piled up in piles, like small pagodas. Some of them are from Dudu's house, and there are all of them in the space. There are many baskets and piles.

   "Enough of the fruit."

   Dudu said with a small mouth. "But there is no wine, adults all drink."

   "But uncles are in the wine cellar." Baby, whispered, and Maria nodded her head. "Children's treats don't drink."

   "Well, drinks."

  Dudu's big eyes lit up and nodded. "Go to the supermarket to buy." Dudu and Baobao drove to the supermarket to buy some drinks, cups, piled them up, and clapped their hands.

   "Has sister Maria called?"

   Dudu asked, Maria, Maria nodded her head. "beated."

   On the side of the wine cellar, Li Han took the call from Weili and said, Dudu invited him to the party, but Li Han was stunned. "What, Han, is there something wrong with Dudu?"

   "Hehe, it's alright, pandora is going to have a party, and the kid is hiding it from us." Li Han said with a smile.

   "Really, really?" Lingna said with a smile. "I don't know what kind of party. I have attended a lot of parties. I have seen everything, but I have never been so curious."

   "Jennifer, let's go take a look." Lingna smiled and said to Jennifer, who was tasting wine, put down the glass. "I'll go back and change my clothes."

   "I'll accompany you."

  Lina accompanied Jennifer to change clothes, and Li Han returned to the small building. "Aunt Xu, have Dudu and the baby come back?" "I came back just now and went in and out for a while, what happened?" Aunt Xu was a little puzzled.

   "It's alright, Aunt Xu, please be busy."

  Li Han smiled. There were fruits, beef, and some sausages at home. The sausages were a lot less, and the small oven seemed to be moved. "A few villains can really make a fuss. This time even my father doesn't plan to ask for help."

   "Okay, then, I'll see how a few little devils can make trouble." Li Han said with a smile, made a pot of tea, poured a cup and waited for Jennifer and Lingna to change her clothes.

  At this time, Cady and Billy, Cynthia came together. "Hey, how do you drink tea, why don't you have a new glass of wine." "Is it preparation, drink it at the party?"

  Caddy, smiling, sat down and poured a cup of tea. "This taste is still unaccustomed to drinking."

  Billy didn't even look at it, Cynthia smiled and held up the teacup. "I feel the fragrance is refreshing and the taste is quite good."

   "You guys don't have that taste. As for the new wine, it's here."

  Li Han pointed to the bar, but the two of them were not in a hurry. "I'll drink the same at the party for a while." "It's not necessarily that there are only fruits and drinks at the party?"

   "Why, can't there be a party without wine?" Billy said with a smile.

   "Hehe, this time it's a party organized by pandora and baby, Maria," Li Han said with a smile.

"Really, then I'll have a drink first, man, come here, don't wait for a while to drink Coke, I've had enough of that taste." Billy, talking, came to the bar and poured himself a big glass .

   didn't forget Kady, poured a cup and handed it to Kady, and the two laughed and raised their glasses. "Oh, Jennifer is there too?" The two saw Jennifer and raised their beer with a smile. "Jennifer, Lingna, this dress is so beautiful."


   "The phone is ringing, pandora's." Li Han smiled at Jennifer and raised the phone in his hand.


   "What's the matter with Dudu?"

   Li Han deliberately asked, and the dudu villain pouted. "Dad already knows." "Hehe, let's talk, Dad didn't even eat at all."


   beeped. "Dudu barbecue." "And corn, potatoes." The baby's voice, Maria continued. "Mushrooms, bread."

   "It's really good, very rich." Li Han said with a smile.

   "Mmmm, Dad, come quickly."

   "Dudu and calling mom."

   "Got it." Li Han smiled and hung up the phone. Sure enough, just after hanging up, Lingna's phone rang. "Pandora's?"

   "The little guy wants to invite us."

  Lina smiled, connected, and teased Dudu. "Pandora, why do you call auntie, auntie has to eat, come back quickly." "Auntie Lingna lied, come quickly."

   "Hehe, that's good, auntie will go in a while." Lingna said with a smile.

   "Pandora still wants to talk to mom." Dudu said with a small mouth.

   "Little devil, got it."

  Jennifer took the call. "Mom, pandora has a party, you and dad come quickly." "Mom will come over in a while." Jennifer smiled.


  Dudu just called grandma and put down the phone. "Sister baby, grandma, and dad are coming."

   "But there is a lot of roasted meat, not roasted." Baby, said.

"Little Heihei, Little Pink Ball come here." Dudu greeted the two little bears, Little Black Black and Little Pink Ball, Pi Dian Pi Dian came running, the two little guys were drooling, space fruit, piles of piles .

   A group of animals staring at the fruit, sitting and drooling, the scene is extremely spectacular. "Barbecue, roast it slowly." Dudu patted the two little bears, Xiao Heihei and Xiaofenqiu, who were considered to be the best among animals.

  Dudu directly mentions the little black black and the little powder ball, and the barbecue, this will almost come over. The first to arrive, but it was none other than John and Baggio, who ran over as soon as they heard the letter.

   "Uncle John, Uncle Baggio."

  Dudu saw someone coming and ran over. "Pandora, the layout here is awesome, did you make it yourself?" "Mmmm, pandora and baby sister, sister Maria made it." Dudu was a little proud.


   "The smell of barbecued meat makes me hungry." Baggio said with a smile. "Pandora, who bakes the meat so fragrant?"

   "Little Black and Little Pink Ball."

   Dudu, said.

   "Little Heihei, little pink ball, isn't it a black bear, a panda?"

   Baggio was a little puzzled.

   "Well, Little Heihei and Little Pink Ball are very good at barbecue." Dudu said triumphantly.

   "Pandora taught it?" Baggio said with a smile.

   "Hmmmm." Sure enough, Dudu's proud little tail was about to **** up.

   "Uncle Baggio, do you want to eat barbecue?"


   "Who wants to eat barbecue?"

  Li Han said with a smile and walked over. "John, Baggio, you are so early."

   "This is not just at the bar, it will be over in a while."

   "Pandora is about to invite us to taste the barbecue grilled by Little Black Bear, John and I, I can't believe it."

   Baggio said with a smile.

   "Pandora, don't make a fool of yourself." Li Han tasted Xiao Hei Hei's roasted pork, black charred, and the inside of it was full of fishy smell.

   "Xiao Hei Hei is so good at roasting meat."



  Li Han smiled. "Okay, get some for Dad, Dad is hungry too."


   "Uncle Kady, I'm hungry too."

   "Uncle Billy, I'm starving." Billy laughed.

   This is good, everyone has to roast meat, Dudu and baby, but Maria is going to be very busy. "I'm here to help." Cynthia smiled and followed Dudu, Maria, and baby to handle the barbecue.

   "Look, these two little things are really roasting meat. They look exactly like them." Cynthia smiled and looked at the two little bears.

   "Teached by Sister Dudu."

   said the baby.

  The two little bears, seeing a group of people coming over, were not at all timid, and turned the barbecue, sending out bursts of aroma. "It smells really good." Li Han smiled and greeted everyone while they were making barbecue.


   Dudu Deng Deng came over, and the villain greeted everyone with a smile. "Everyone, hurry up and sit down." "Pandora, shall we sit on the ground?" Kady said with a smile.

   "Mmmm, grass party." Dudu, nodded his head.

   "Grass party, haha, it's a little interesting."

   "Pandora has mats ready." Dudu said, putting a stack of small mats on the side. "Big black and black have cushions to sit on."

   "Really." The little animals sat on grass-colored cushions on the ground.

  Caddy and others picked up the cushions and sat down at will. "Hahaha, this is quite strange, how does it feel to have a meal with animals." Everyone sat down, surrounded by animals, it was really interesting to see.

   "That's right, it's the first time to participate in such an interesting party." Massa, Connor and others said with a smile.

   "It would be better if you had a drink." Jack said with a smile.

   "No drinking today."

   Dudu puffed his mouth, holding the juice, cup, and said. "Yes, not drinking." Li Han said with a smile. "Let's try the barbecue, the taste is very good, Xiao Hei Hei has made a lot of progress."

   "Mmmm, the little pink ball is also very good."

  Baby, said proudly.

   "Then let's try the barbecue grilled by the little black bear and the panda."

   The crowd said with a smile. "No toasts yet." Dudu said with a bulging mouth while holding the drink bottle. "The Little Bear Run has made almost five hundred dollars today."

   "How much, five hundred dollars?"

Kady, Billy, Cynthia and others all stared, Baggio and John were also a little surprised, but the people from Hank Farm were not at all surprised. Jack and Massa nodded a few times, and the tourism development of Hank Farm is getting better and better. Five hundred dollars is not a lot for Little Bear Run, and even thinks it is too little.

   "That's right, that's right. Let's run the company for Little Bear and have a good opening." Li Han raised his juice and said with a smile.

   "Yes, cheers."

   A group of people raised their cups, Little Dudu, Baby, Maria, the three triumphantly drinking juice, and finally toasted with the adults, little guy, very happy.

  The three little people, seeing all the drinks, immediately held the juice and helped everyone pour the juice. "Slow down, hehe, let's try the fruit." The animals, seeing that they were finally able to eat the fruit, cheered and let out a squeak.

  Space fruits are very attractive to these animals. "Haha, look at these animals, haha, it's really interesting." "Eat more." John and Baggio, smiling, threw the fruit to the small animals.

   (end of this chapter)