The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1238: Little bear running happy ending

   Chapter 1238 Little Bear Runs Happy Little End

   The puppy barked, the little pig jumped, Millie, the little wild boar, one after the other, jumped to the dance center, laughing hahaha. A song of the zodiac, everyone applauds, especially Kaidi, the power is loudly applauded.

  Although there was a thrilling episode in the center, the whole thing was full of laughter, the little wild boar model's pace, the little sliding, and the twist of the pig's buttocks. All the barbecued meat in their mouths was sprayed, Cynthia and Youli couldn't stand upright with laughter.

   "Little wild boar, it's too funny." Youli patted the grass, her hands were red.

   "That's right, it's just too funny." Cynthia, clutching her stomach, was gasping for laughter.

   "Han, that's great." Bella, smiling and applauding.

   "The video doesn't need to be processed, just upload it directly." Li Han said with a smile.

   "I think so too." Bella said with a smile. "I'll arrange for someone."

  John and Baggio, both of them regret it at this time, this zodiac song and dance, funny, shocking, full of laughter, long time, can definitely cause a huge sensation.

   The two did not wait for the end of the performance and called the cameraman, but they were still late. "Damn it, it's too late." "Man, how many shots?" John asked his team of cameramen.

   "Unfortunately, I have to tell you the bad news, we only got the last clip."

  The cameraman sighed helplessly and said immediately. "The good news though, the Grey Wolf site doesn't shoot as much as we do, and, I think John, you should talk to the farmer, maybe there's the full footage."

   "What?" John was a little surprised. "You mean, the farm filming the show?"

   "I think so." Baggio, walking over. "John, maybe, we can talk to Han."


  John got up and talked to Baggio, but Han was chatting with Jennifer at this time, the two of them, it was not easy to pass for a while. "Mr. Baggio, look at it." Before they could find Li Han, they talked about the video.

  An assistant in Baggio's team walked over quickly and clicked on the video. "Look." "Is that the video of the zodiac show just now?"

   "That's right."

   "Hank's Farm Official Website?"

  John and Baggio paused, then looked up at Li Han who was chatting. "It's still a step too late."

  This video has only been uploaded for ten minutes, and there are more than 20 comments. The number of comments is increasing rapidly, and it is increasing to 50 at a time.

   "It's so funny, the little bear is so funny playing the monkey, haha, it's so funny to fall from the tree."

   "Is the python real? It's too shocking, too terrifying, the python in the wild python disaster, it's too poor."

   "Pandora is so cute, hahaha, she dances so well," said a pandora fan.

   "The kids are awesome, the animals are so funny, you must go to Hank's Farm when you have time."

   "Yes, Hank's Farm is amazing."



   The comments kept refreshing, and John and Baggio became more anxious the more they looked at it. When they saw Li Han pouring wine on the side, the two immediately walked over quickly. "Chinese."

   "Have a drink?"

  Li Han raised his wine glass and asked with a smile.

   "Han, the video, the Grizzlies want to buy it, you see?" John, one step ahead, said.

   "No, the Grey Wolf website wants to take this video," Baggio said. "Man, how about letting me this time?"

   "No, man, I brought it up first, didn't I?" John, said, not giving an inch.

  Li Han was dumbfounded. "The video is no problem. It involves advertising. If the two of you don't edit it, I think it will be fine to send it to the two of you."

   "Advertising, no problem."

  Baggio and John, where's the little ad. "Okay, the video is at Miss Bella's, let me tell you."

   The three found Bella, Bella smiled and nodded. "No problem, it's just that I like to put up the official website address of Hank's Farm."

   The two of them hesitated, and finally nodded. "No problem, we agreed."

   The two of them got the video and immediately sent it back to the website. After the editor-in-chief watched it, it was finalized. "No problem, I agree to the conditions, edit and upload immediately."

  The zodiac song and dance video, once uploaded, will immediately attract a group of fans of Little Bear Running Company and pandora. After an hour, click to enter the top ten in the category.

   With the top page, more and more people are paying attention to this video, especially in this day, there are many videos of Xiaoxiong Running Company. This summary video completely ignited the hot atmosphere on Halloween.


   "It's so cute."

   "Too interesting."

   "That's really a boa constrictor. It's so terrifying and trembling."

  The video clicks are getting higher and higher, and Dudu fans have added a fire, calling fans to Hank Farm, and the number of people who signed up exceeded 500 at one time. The two websites did not expect to cause such a big sensation.

   The number of visits for a time exceeded the peak weekend. John and Baggio were very excited when they got the news. "Dude, toast." "Yes, toast."

  The two celebrated. Bella's phone was constantly on the phone. At the weekend, there were a lot of tourists, but this time there were even more people. Bella couldn't stand it for a while.

  God, there were too many people, which exceeded the farm's capacity to entertain. Bella had to turn away some tourists. At that time, the individual tourists were a little helpless and drove over. Now Bella can't delay.

  Li Han got the news and thought about it. "In this way, there will be Halloween in a few days, but there will be a jack-o-lantern competition in Mixing Town. Maybe this can divert the attention of some tourists. If there is a resort, the park will open this weekend. Bella, please contact Chris, about accommodation, It’s not hard to figure it out.”

   "Okay, Han."

  Bella nodded.

The   party continued. The animals were performing or playing tricks. They even learned to dudu adults, pouring juice and delivering fruit to everyone. The atmosphere of play was very lively. Grilled meat, grilled corn, sausage, although simple, everyone is very happy.

  The atmosphere was lively until eight o'clock in the evening when the crowd dispersed. "Dudu, baby, Maria, okay, clean up, let's go back, take a bath and sleep, we've been busy all day."

   "Dudu also went to Master Gu's grandpa."

  Dudu, holding a big broom, while sweeping, he turned his head and said.

   "Master Gu, it's rare to see Master Gu come here these days?"

  Li Han, said, Master Gu seems to have something to do these days, and the meals are all delivered by Aunt Xu. In the past two days, he even said that he cooked it himself, so don't bother.

   "Well, Grandpa Gu is carving the Great Wall. Dudu will go to see it. Tomorrow, we will choose a big pumpkin and carve the Great Wall." Dudu said.

   "Look, I almost forgot, that's fine, let's clean it up quickly." Li Han smiled, packing up the trash and preparing to put it in the trash can.

   "Yeah." Dudu, holding a big broom, sweeping vigorously, sweeping the fruit peels into piles, and pouring them into the trash can.

  Baby and Maria, pushing a pair of little peels, little black black, little pink balls, a big grizzly bear, and a little raccoon, also followed the busy cleaning up the peels, John and Baggio who were planning to leave.

   Small animals, holding small peels, piles of small piles, Dudu and baby, three little people Maria, piles of peels are picked up and put into the trash.

  The cute little appearance, Baggio and John, immediately called the camera and set it up to shoot. John and Baggio, ran over, helped, and cleaned up for half an hour, almost finished.

  The trash is put into the bucket, Baggio and John, take the cameraman and say goodbye to Li Han. "Little Hei Hei is shaking." Baby, laladudu.

   "Haha, I've been running for a day, so let's go, Dudu, let's go again tomorrow, Dad and Master Gu will talk." Li Han said with a smile. "Dudu, take Xiao Hei Hei back to take a bath first, it's dirty all day."

   "Okay." Dudu was also a little sleepy. This day, he ran around to catch little black black, little pink ball, big grizzly bear, little black donkey, as well as looking for little koalas, having a party, and preparing for a little performance.

   "Mom, take some Dudu and go back first, I'll go to Master Gu's place." Li Han said.

   "Go, I'll take some Dudu back." Zhang Xiuying said. "Jennifer, are you tired too? Take a hot bath and have a good rest."

   "Thank you Auntie."

   At the intersection of Li Han, turn the corner and come to Master Gu's residence. "Is Master Gu here?" "Yes, Xiaohan, come in." Gu Kaiyuan opened the door and invited Li Han to sit in the room with a smile.

   A lot of wood was piled up in the house, and a lot of gadgets, tools, etc. were carved. "Master Gu, I heard Dudu say that the Great Wall mold has been carved?"

  Gu Kaiyuan said with a smile. "Look at it, is it alright?"

  Li Han took over the Great Wall mold and was overjoyed. "Master Gu, I really didn't say anything about this craft." "It's nothing, the main time is too short. If you want to carve carefully, there is not enough time."

"Okay, this is good enough, big pumpkin, take it with you tomorrow, today the little guy is busy all day, he will fall asleep when he walks, I will let him go back to sleep, but the little guy is not willing, he said he wants to come to Grandpa Gu to watch him. The Great Wall." Li Han said with a smile.

"When can't you watch it? It's important to take a good rest. How old is a child, let me tell you, Xiaoxiong Company, let's just play around with it. It's really a company. How old are a few children?" Gu Kaiyuan opened a company to Dudu, a little bit. Complain, after all, Gu Kaiyuan intends to teach Dudu well and pass on his craft.

   "Hehe, about these children, let's talk about it, Master Gu, in this way, I won't disturb your rest, I'll go back first."

  Li Han smiled, stood up, and put down the Great Wall mold.

   "Bring the mold back." Gu Kaiyuan said, handing the mold to Li Han.

   "Okay, Master Gu, you should rest early." Li Han, speaking, went out and returned to the small building with the mold.

   "Mom, how many children went to bath?"

   "I'm helping Xiao Hei Hei take a bath. I said to help, but I won't let them, a few little guys." Zhang Xiuying said with a smile. "This is what Master Gu carved these days. It's really good."

   "Yeah, it looks really good. I plan to enlarge the carved pumpkin and put it on the farm square." Li Han said with a smile, put down the mold, and unbuttoned his clothes. "Mom, you and Aunt Xu should rest early too."

   "It's okay, it's still early, wait for a few children to take a bath." Zhang Xiuying said. "Jennifer is very happy today, how are you talking?"

   (end of this chapter)