The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1250: Youngest Donors for Bear's Festival

  Chapter 1250 Youngest Donors of Bear's Festival

   "Mimizi, how did you make so many bentos today." Mimizi's father got up in the morning and saw that in the kitchen, Mimizi was a little puzzled, and the ingredients were half more than usual.

  Mimizi doesn't have the ability to carve pumpkins without Maria, and there is no baby and Dudu's strength and bullock cart to transport and sell pumpkins, and there is no more pocket money than Michelle. But Mimizi must be no less loving than others.

The idea of ​​the bento was that James and Langtoner saw Mimizi bento at noon, and tasted it, it was delicious, especially the thick soup. James and Langtoner wanted Mimizi to bring an extra box of bento, and they were willing to give out two. Dollar.

  Mimizi thinks back, making a lunch box costs 1 dollar and 50 cents, selling it for 2 dollars, earning 50 cents, and the middle class goes to school four days a week, and you can have 2 dollars. In just five weeks, you can buy a tent, and in fifty weeks, you can have ten mosquito nets, Mimi, the more you count, the happier you are.

  Mimizi's father heard what his daughter said. "Dad help you."

  The father and daughter did not have any extra money to buy a lot of mosquito nets, but Mimi wanted to do something for African children with her own hands, especially to help African children threatened by malaria with the cooking skills her mother taught her.

   Mom will be happy to see Mimi doing this in heaven. "Is it Daddy?" Mimizi looked up at her father, Mimizi's father, and nodded. "Definitely, Mimizi, mother will be very happy." Mimizi's father, looking at his sensible daughter, his eyes were a little wet and hot.

   "Mimi will use her mother's name to donate mosquito nets." Mimi said with a smile, wiping her hands with tears.

"it is good."

   Loving bento, packed, Mimi carrying it, waiting for the school bus. "Sister Mimizi." Michelle carried a small basket with ten apples in it. They were all heavy, chirping.

   "Sister Michelle, I'll help you."

  Mimizi helped carry the basket and pulled Michelle into the car. "Are pandora and the baby going to take the school bus?" "No, sister pandora said, we have to drive an ox cart to bring pumpkins to town," Michelle said.

   "James is up."

  As soon as James got in the car, he looked for Mimi, and when he saw Mimi, he ran over immediately. "Mimizi, I told my mother to pay two dollars a day for your lunch."

  Mimizi, took out the bento box and handed it to James, James opened it. "Wow, that's great." The bento is made into a teddy bear head, fried eggs, vegetables, meat, etc. are very delicate.

   "And soup."

  Mimizi small soup bucket handed over. "One bowl per person." "It's great." James was very happy. "I like the taste of soup."

   "It smells really good."

  Other children, their little noses are twitching. "Sister Mimizi made this herself." Michelle looked proud, as if she was herself.

   "Hey, Michelle, do you want us to eat apples?"

  Little chubby girl, her mouth is drooling when she sees the bento, but the bento is eaten at noon, and she has paid for the meal, so she has to eat a nutritious lunch in the kindergarten.

   "No, Michelle sells apples."

  Michelle, said. "Fifty cents each."

   "Fifty cents is a lot of money." A group of little devils can only look at it, fifty cents is too expensive. A group of villains exclaimed loudly, fifty cents, ordinary children, have pocket money for a day, and Mimizi only has fifty cents pocket money.

  Many children can only watch, waiting for the school bus to arrive at the kindergarten, Dudu and the baby boy are running over quickly.

   Just waiting for Dudu to come, the little guy prepared it early this morning. For lunch, he prepared an extra one for sister Maria. "Sister Baby, don't tell Sister Maria."

   "Baby don't tell."

   The two little people laughed and laughed all the way, and Maria was puzzled all the way, and asked pandora and baby sister not to say anything.

  Three little people, they sell pumpkins in the square. I was lucky today. I came across a shop to buy pumpkins for Halloween and decorate it. They sold ten at a time and more than 20 pumpkins in one morning.

  Three dollars and thirty cents, Maria's carved pumpkins sold two more than yesterday, and three carved pumpkins for one dollar and ninety-five cents, adding up to more than five dollars.

  Three little people, happy on the way, ran to the gate of the kindergarten, waiting for Michelle and Mimizi. "Pandora, Mimizi's money." Mimizi took out a dollar and handed it to Dudu, quite happy.

   "Sister Mimizi, why do you have so much pocket money?"

  Dudu asked curiously.

   said next to Michelle. "Sister Mimizi made bentos and sold them to James to make money." As she said that, Michelle was full of small disappointments. Michelle wanted to sell apples to make money, but there was none.

  The pocket money is going to buy a pen today, and there are only fifty cents left. "How much is an apple?" Dudu asked.

   "Fifty cents, Grandpa wants thirty cents, and Michelle twenty cents."

   "It's expensive," Michelle said.

   "It's not expensive to buy one of the five together." Dudu, thinking of a good way, cut it and sell it.

   "Pandora is so smart." Michelle clapped her hands and put down the small basket.

   "I'll go tell James about them."

  Mimizi ran over and told the other children, this way, one big apple for two people, or five people, three people, when a few children got together, Michelle was so happy that she sold three apples at once.

  Dudu cut the apple and cut it open, his little mouth was a little greedy, and he swallowed. "Dudu can't be eaten. Sister Michelle sells money to buy mosquito nets for African children."

  Dudu muttered while peeling apples. Before class, Michelle, happily give the remaining 50 cents of pocket money and 60 cents for selling apples to Dudu. "One dollar and ten cents, plus the money made by Pumpkin, five dollars and twenty-five cents, plus one dollar pocket money for Dudu and Baobao, and one dollar for Sister Mimizi."

  Dudu's little hands calculated that there were eight dollars and thirty-five cents, and only one dollar and sixty-five cents could buy another mosquito net. "Wow." The little people cheered when they heard it.

   All of them are full of energy. They have lunch at noon, Dudu and the baby, pull Maria together, and add Mimi. "Let's eat together," said the baby.

   "Mmmm, pandora brings a lot of food, and I can't eat it."

  Dudu hurriedly took out the lunch box, two, and a small bucket of soup, and took out the bowls and chopsticks. "Wow, an extra pair of chopsticks." Dudu blinked his big eyes, full of surprises, and added a pair of chopsticks.

"very strange."

   said the baby.

   "Sister Maria, eat it." Dudu handed the chopsticks to Maria.

   "Maria has steak and bread." Maria, took out the cold steak and flattened bread.

   "The steak is divided into pandora." Dudu said and cut a small piece. The baby cut a small piece.

  Maria touches her stomach, so that Maria will be hungry. "Sister Maria, let's eat quickly." "Yeah." Maria nodded, and Sister Pandora had a lot of food.

   "Sister Michelle, why haven't you come yet."

   Dudu asked while eating. "The office teacher bought apples." The little fat girl was carrying a small lunch box.

  Michelle, go to the teacher's office with a basket. : "Come in quickly, Michelle." Cynthia greeted Michelle to come in. "Michelle, how many apples do you have?"

   "Five." Michelle looked.

   "These teachers bought them all. The teachers have heard about your donation of mosquito nets for African children. It's great," Cynthia said.

"Thank you, teacher."

  Michelle took out a small knife and was about to sharpen it for Teacher Cynthia. Cynthia smiled and waved her hand. "No, I'll take it back to eat."

"Oh fine."

  Michelle nodded and put away the knife. "Michelle, sell me the apples tomorrow." Another teacher said, and other teachers expressed their desire to buy it.

  Michelle blinked, her eyes full of joy, and she tapped her little head vigorously. "Um."

   "Sister Michelle, come here."

  Michelle came back and Dudu waved her little hand. "Pandora brought delicious meat." "Yummy meat." Michelle and the others ran over, holding their plates. "A lot of sour meat."

  Sweet and Sour Chicken Tenderloin is the most popular dish for little people. "It's delicious, thank you sister pandora." Michelle, eating meat, suddenly remembered something.

   put down the dinner plate, took out a dollar and handed it to Dudu. "Michelle just earned a dollar." The villain said triumphantly, Dudu was happy, Gao Gao had given twenty cents, and now he has another dollar.

   In this case, Dudu is only forty-five cents short of buying a mosquito net. "Wow, just sell three little pumpkins to buy a mosquito net."


   Dudu nodded, and a group of villains cheered. "Hurry up and eat some food, go to sell pumpkins when you are full, you can say it loudly."

   A few little people nodded in unison, and after school, Michelle and Mimizi continued to beep, calling home, telling them to go back later, Anderson and Mimizi's father both said they would come and pick them up at 4:30.

  The five little people came to the town square together and happened to meet Marbury and Mickey. "Grandpa Marbury, Brother Mickey." Li Han laughed every time he heard a few words of Dudu.

   "Pandora, baby, why haven't you gone back yet?"

   It's four o'clock now, and the kindergarten ends early. "Go buy mosquito nets and go back." "Mosquito nets, don't you have them at home? Did your father ask you to buy them?" Marbury asked.

   "Come on, I'll take you there."

   "Where does pandora know?"

   But Marbury still insisted on sending a few little guys over. "Hey, it's you again, what do you want to buy?" "Mosquito net, this is ten dollars." Dudu, holding a pile of change and putting it at the cashier.

   "Didn't you buy mosquito nets yesterday?"

  The cashier of the supermarket is very puzzled. Yesterday, several little guys came to buy mosquito nets. The little guys brought too much change, and they were so small that a few groups came to buy mosquito nets and were very impressed.

   (end of this chapter)