The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1257: Bear children's festival party charity s

  Chapter 1257 On the bazaar of the bear child's holiday party

  The automatic pump used by Jennifer, not to mention her, Dudu and the baby are not very good at using it, but it’s okay to use it manually. "Well, that's fine." Jennifer handed the new automatic pump to Li Han and took over the manual.

   "I used this when I was a kid." Jennifer said with a smile after taking the manual pump. "Look, it's fine."

   "Mom has become a better child." Dudu whispered, making everyone laugh.

   "Mom hasn't played balloons for many years, and pandora needs to teach mom." Jennifer, smiled and patted Dudu's little head, and gave her a kiss.


  Dudu is very good at blowing balloons, don't pump, puff out your mouth and blow it hard. "Mom, look, it's done." "It's great." Jennifer praised, and the villain was triumphant.

   "However, it will be tiring to blow."

   "Pandora is not tired."

   "You are a little iron monkey, and your mother is not in good health, so she can't blow much." Li Han smiled and said, the automatic pump can be used faster than everyone else.

   "Jennifer, take pandora to learn the piano, leave the balloons to me here." Li Han looked at the box of balloons and said with a smile.

It's too laborious to do it manually. Jennifer said that she played it when she was a child, but Li Han can tell at a glance, Jennifer, I wanted to play a few balloons when I was a child. You know, Anne Walton had huge wealth when she was young and wanted to be a servant not less.

   "It's okay, Han, it's nothing." Jennifer seemed interested, with a childish smile on her face.

   This is the first time Li Han has seen him, he said with a smile. "That's good, but don't be too fast, or your wrists will be very tired." "Really?" Jennifer moved her wrists. "It seems true."

  Li Han took the pump and said with a smile. "That way, it doesn't take much effort, just a little slower." "Really, it's really nice."

  In the evening, the family sat together to blow up the balloons, and the last few little black bears ran over, but the little black bears, the little pink balls, and the little bear Xiong Guangguang did a disservice.

   A lot of balloons were broken, but when they were really blown, there were not many. Helpless, Li Han could only say to Dudu. "Dudu, drive the little blacks to sleep in the nest."

   A few little bears, who were unwilling, tooted a **** twice, and then obediently crawled into the nest and went to sleep. From time to time, a few little bears were still oohing twice in the nest, amusing everyone.

   "It's not early, Xiao Han, you delayed Jennifer's rest and said that you came to the farm to cultivate, but look, Jennifer hasn't slept well these days." Zhang Xiuying complained. "Jennifer, go to bed early."

   "Thank you Auntie."

  Jennifer smiled and nodded.

   "Okay, almost, Dudu, don't do it, go wash and sleep." Li Han said. "Leave it here." Clap his hands and rush the villain to wash up. Jennifer and Lingna go upstairs to wash up.

  Li Han tools, pack up the box, pack it, go to the nest to see a few bears, fall asleep, close the small door, don't climb out of the product at night to shoot balloons and play, that night's effort will be wasted.

   Packed everything up, Li Han took a shower, fell asleep, and woke up the next morning under pressure from a few little ghosts. "Dad, hurry up, there are a lot of balloons to tie up."

   "Alright, alright, then you also let daddy wash up, go to the bathroom, alright, wait for daddy downstairs." Li Han was helpless, these little guys.

   "Alright then, Dad, hurry up."

  Dudu waved his hands and closed the door. "Dad is not allowed to sleep secretly." "I see, you." Li Han pinched Dudu's little nose and hurried the villain out.

   Wash up, go out, meet Jennifer and Lingna. "Morning, pandora is making a fuss, it's still early, why don't you sleep for a while." "No need, Han, I feel good."

   "Daddy, Mommy."

  Dudu heard the movement upstairs and ran up. "Dad, Dudu and Bao Bao, as well as Mimizi, Maria, and Michelle have all packed the balloons."


   Li Han looked puzzled. He went downstairs to find out what was going on. It turned out that the balloons had been carried to the ox cart by a few villains, and they were also tied up. "Dad, why don't you tie up the balloon after dinner?"

"it is good."

   Li Han can't say it well, maybe a few villains are making trouble. "This child, ran up early in the morning, and your Aunt Xu and I got up before a few little guys got up."

   Zhang Xiuying came over with the food and said. "Jennifer, why don't you sleep for a while? You're not in good health, so rest more." "It's okay, Auntie, I've been much better recently, and it's good to rest yesterday."

  Jennifer spoke up and stepped forward to help, not to mention Lingna. "Hehe, sit down, the food is ready." "Grandma, help Dudu." "Okay, come and help grandma."

  Dudu was happy, a few villains, like little followers, followed Zhang Xiuying, dishes, food. "Corn is delicious." Dudu took the corn to distribute. One per person, and the rest are given to Xiao Hei Hei.

  Dudu gave Little Bear a big one, annoyed Little Heihei, and was unhappy, holding up the corn cobs in his hand. "Xiao Hei Hei, you eat it first." Dudu patted Xiao Hei Hei, Xiao Hei Hei was not good at all.

   Xiao Hei Hei refused to do anything, and treated them differently, sitting on the ground and kicking short bear legs. "Okay, I'll give you mine." Li Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and handed the half-eaten corn to Xiao Hei Hei.

   Sure enough, this guy immediately got up and caught the corn. Well, this time, there was half an extra corn. Seeing the little powder ball, he also wanted to learn, but when he saw it, Mr. Dudu was angry.

  The little powder ball, buried his head and continued to nibble on the little corn left, not daring to say a word.

  Li Han saw Yile. "Okay, let's eat quickly, don't we still have balloons tied later?"

   When the little people heard it, their speed was much faster. They ate the corn in big gulps, grabbed the buns, and ate them in big gulps. "I haven't had the rice porridge yet, these children." Zhang Xiuying was helpless.

   "Mom, I'll go take a look."

  Li Han followed him out, and a few villains drove the ox cart to the lawn. "Slow down." The bullock cart stopped too quickly, and a lot of balloons fell off. A few little bears crawled over, one paw and one paw, all of which were slapped off.

   "Smelly little black black."

   Dudu was so angry, it was just a few times at the **** of the little black black bear. "Don't fight, it's a stage performance habit." Li Han was helpless. Usually, Little Bear performed a balloon shooting competition. This is because he can't blow up the balloon when he sees it, and shoot it as soon as he sees it.

   Last night, when I blew up the balloons, I did a lot of disservice. I was beaten by Dudu angrily, and the little bears didn't dare to touch the balloons. "Baby help Xiao Hei Hei take them away."

   "Well, Xiao Hei Hei, let's go."

  Baby took some bears away, Li Han asked. "Dudu brought the rope?" "Well, I brought it all." Dudu took out the ribbon, and Li Han took it. "Okay, bring all the clips."


   "Okay, tie the rope." Li Han helped tie the rope, and a few little guys stood on tiptoe to help hang the balloon.

   "Do you want us to help?" Several girls smiled and walked over.

   "Thank you sister." Dudu nodded and handed over a handful of balloons.

   There were a few people who helped, very quickly, much faster. While waiting for the tableware to be cleaned up, Zhang Xiuying, Aunt Xu, Jennifer, and Lingna also came over, and Belle came to work early to help for a while.

   It was after nine o'clock in the morning, and the fence was already covered with small balloons of various colors. "It's so beautiful." A bamboo door was erected at the entrance, with Jennifer and Lingna picking flowers hanging on it, and a few girls stood by and took a lot of photos.

"really not bad."

  Weili came over to carry the pumpkin and said with a smile.

   "Uncle Weili, are you coming to the pandora bazaar party?" Dudu, seeing Weili coming, he was still in front of the guests. "Hehe, uncle is here to transport pumpkins."


  Dudu little disappointed and lowered his head.

   "Hehe, my uncle will come when he has luck with the pumpkin. He also brought toys to auction." Willi said with a smile.

   "What toy?"

  Dudu asked curiously.


  William laughed and teased the villain. "Han, I just heard that Hamilton has a lot of information, and it seems that they have found a few big pumpkins." "Big pumpkins?" Li Han asked. "Carl grows pumpkins, I know the maximum is about a thousand pounds?"

   "Caddy and Billy found someone and asked. Carl has a bigger one, but he didn't bring it over last time." Willi said. "Han, look, do you want to transport a 2,000-pound guy over there."

   "Two thousand pounds, which is about to catch up with the weight of last year's American giant pumpkin competition champion." Li Han was a little hesitant. He was a little hesitant to use such a big pumpkin to participate in a small town pumpkin competition.

   You must know that Li Han only planned to use a thousand pounds before. Who would have thought that Carl would show more than a thousand pounds of pumpkins at the beginning, and Li Han planned to use two thousand and five hundred pounds.

   "Okay, let's ship one over first."

  Li Han nodded, just in case.

  Li Han accompanied Weili to the barn and used the forklift to put the big pumpkin on the pickup truck. "Wei Li, let's take a look at the situation on Hamilton's side first. This big guy is our secret weapon."

"I see."

   said Willi. "Han, go ahead first, I'll send the pumpkin back, just Kady, Bill and the others will come together.

   "It's okay, the party won't start until 3:30 in the afternoon."

   Li Han left with Wei Li and returned to the lawn. Several little guys were decorating the stage, drawing cartoon pictures, placing flower pots, carving small pumpkins and stacking them up.

   "Han, what do you think?"

  Lina pointed to the stage and asked with a smile.

"very beautiful."

  Li Han said with a smile. "Especially the arrangement of flowers, did you design it?" "No, it was designed by Jennifer. It's not bad." Lingna said with a smile. "Han, you don't know, Jennifer loves decorative designs."

   "Yeah, it's the first time I've heard of it."

  Li Han was a little surprised, Jennifer's character, Li Han knew more or less, and was strong, but yesterday he blew up the balloon and met Jennifer in a different way. Come to think of it, you really don't know much about it.

   "Dad, the stage is ready."

  Dudu put the flower pot here, jumped off the stage and ran over. "When is Uncle Willie coming?" "Come over in a while, as well as Uncle Caddy, Uncle Billy, and Teacher Cynthia."


  Dudu clapped his little hands. "Uncle Willie said to bring toys for auction."


  Li Han said with a smile. "Dudu, are your auction items ready?" "Well, Dudu, go get it."

   (end of this chapter)