The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1267: Bear Kids' Festive Pumpkin Competition

  Chapter 1267 The Bear's Festival Pumpkin Competition

  Dudu bounced back to the living room, tilting his head and looking at it. "Aunt Lingna, where did grandma and mother go?" The villain wrote a good letter and sent it to Beckham in recognition of what he had done for African children, but when he came back, both mother and grandma were gone.

  Lina pulled Dudu and kissed her in her arms. "Grandma and mom went to pick pumpkins and make pumpkin pie, did you forget, it's Halloween tomorrow."

   "Halloween, pandora remembers, pandora has been there before." Dudu said, remembering. "clothing."

   "Pandora, what do you want to wear, Spiderman, Batman, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, or Little Yellow Duck?" Lingna pinched her little nose curiously.

   "Little devil." Dudu said.

   "As a kid?" Li Han walked into the living room. "Lingna, do me a favor, please?"

   "Of course." Lingna nodded. "What do you need me to do?"

"That's it, Lingna can help me write a speech, God, Cynthia wants me to teach the children a lesson, you know, I always talk a lot, which will delay the children's time." Li Han , said. "Pandora, grandma and mother, baby sister are all in the vegetable garden, picking pumpkins, there will be a pumpkin pie party tomorrow."

   "Pumpkin pie party, can pandora participate?" "Of course, many people want to see you, pandora, the great miracle maker." Li Han smiled and pinched his nose.

   "All like to pinch Dudu's nose, but Dudu doesn't like it either." The villain wrinkled his nose and took two steps back. Li Han subconsciously glanced at Lingna, who covered her mouth and chuckled. "Han, it's just a coincidence."

   "Okay, Daddy won't pinch his nose next time." Li Han was a little dumbfounded.

   "Dudu went to find grandma." The villain jumped out of the door.

   "Let me write the speech for you."

  Lingna was a little stunned when she saw Li Han staring at her. "Oh, well, but you should probably go to the bathroom before we start."

  Li Han pointed at Lingna, cheek, Lingna was a little confused. "What's wrong?" "What was pandora just doing?" "Writing, oh god, is it my face?"

   "Yes, there is paint on it," Li Han said. "The whole naughty little guy." Lingna said. "I'll go to the bathroom."

   "I'll go to the study to tidy up." Li Han, after tidying up the study, Lingna wiped her cheeks and walked in. "What a naughty man, Han, what do you want to say?"

   "About carving and paper cutting, this is the data." Li Han took out the data and handed it to Lingna. "It's too much, I want to cut it down, you know, I like her to be more lively and fun."

   "I know, you are not a romantic and interesting person." Lingna said. "Han, you should think that Jennifer's birthday is coming up."

   "Yeah, this is a big deal." Li Han, I really don't know.

   "God, have you forgotten Jennifer's birthday?" Lingna looked at Li Han in shock.

   "Of course, I just didn't expect it so soon." Li Han secretly sweated, Jennifer's birthday, this is a big event.

   "Han, this year's gift can't be worse than last year." Lingna said with a smile. "Here, I can do it."

   "Okay then, I'll go and think about it quietly, what kind of gift to give." Li Han said with a smile. When he left the study, Li Han patted his forehead. Damn it, how could he forget such an important thing.

   "Damn it, what should I give?" Li Han, subconsciously revolved around the sofa.

   "Hehe, Han, what's wrong with you?" Jennifer asked with a chuckle while carrying the vegetable basket.

   "Dad, go around in circles."

   "Uncle is having fun."

   "Dudu also wants to play."

  Li Han couldn't help laughing and laughing. He always seemed to think, what did Jennifer see?

   "Hey, what's the matter." Zhang Xiuying and Aunt Xu, holding pumpkins, laughed at Jennifer while they were standing there, full of a little embarrassment, Li Han, and some doubts.

   "Ah, nothing, Mom, I'll come." Li Han stepped forward and took the pumpkin. "It's fine." Zhang Xiuying glanced at Li Han with no meaning, and Li Han's head was full of trouble.

   "Pandora, baby, come and cut the pumpkin for me, okay?" Zhang Xiuying touched the two little people. "Dudu help." The two villains, Pidianpidian followed them into the kitchen.

  Two little people, most like to help in the kitchen. "Jennifer, take a rest, leave the rest to us." Zhang Xiuying said with a smile. "Little man, take the fruit."

   "Yes, Mom."

  Li Han was helpless, so he poured coffee and brought fruit and snacks. "Sit down and have a rest." "Thank you, is Lingna not here?" "Doing me a favor, you know that Cynthia is going to ask me to teach her children about traditional Chinese handicrafts, and Lingna will help me write a speech."

   "Really, need my help?"

   "No, Jennifer, it's done." Lingna handed the manuscript to Li Han. "Look, what needs to be changed."

   "Thank you, the writing is really good." Li Han flipped through it and nodded as he looked. "Awesome, wonderful."

  Lina smiled. "Han, it's not as exaggerated as you said." "No, this is a good speech, Lingna, thank you for your help."

   "It's pretty good." Jennifer took it, looked at it, and nodded. "Many are excerpts from the materials provided by Han," Lingna said.

   "Will you use it tomorrow?"

   "Yes, there was a speech before Halloween, you know, many people are very interested in Chinese traditional handicrafts." Li Han, said. "Cynthia invited me a few times."

   "Cynthia is a good teacher."

   "Yes, you know, Cynthia accepted angel, which is a difficult decision." Li Han, said.

   "Yes, Facebook and Grizzly, the reviews on the Grizzly website are regrettable." Lingna said, angle's comments on the website were infuriating when she participated in a stage performance to raise money for mosquito nets.

   "Go back to mother's belly." "God, how can there be such an ugly person." "Damn, you will scare the child when you come out."

   "Go home soon, hide."

   "God, why didn't you destroy this ugly monster."

   "Kill her, this is a monster."

   "She should live with animals."

   Hundreds of comments, mixed with loud praise for pandora and others.

   "It's time for them to see how cute angel is," said Li Han. "How kind."

   "Yes, that is a child who knows how to satisfy, Han, you know, I took the initiative to say a few words to angel, which made the child happy for a long time." Lingna said.

   "She's a tough kid and shouldn't be treated like this," Jennifer said.


   Li Han said. "Baggio and John plan to shoot a short film about Angel's life to tell people how strong, how kind, how much suffering, how many strange eyes, how lonely, how great it is to persevere."

   "The pumpkin pie is ready."

  Dudu is holding a plate, filled with fragrant pumpkin pie. "Okay, it's time to end this topic." "Try it, it seems to taste good." Li Han handed the pumpkin pie to Jennifer and Lingna.


   "It tastes really good."

   The two praised, and Zhang Xiuying said with a smile and stretched out her head. "I like to eat more, Dudu, grandma still has it here."

   "Mom, this is enough for us."

  Li Han said with a smile. "Pandora, you are going to the pumpkin party tomorrow and tell everyone, should you donate mosquito nets for African children?" "Well, pandora is all ready, and Grandpa Gu has helped pandora carve a lot of cowboy pumpkins."

   "Yeah, that must be a great carving." Li Han touched the villain's head. "Dad thinks there will be a lot of people buying these pumpkin cowboys tomorrow, right?"

  Dudu nodded. "Pumpkin cowboy, pandora kept it on the farm and sold it." "Smart decision, pandora, the tourists on the farm, are very rich." Lingna smiled and looked at Li Han. "Han, pandora is more business-minded than you."


   Dudu little smirk.

   "Well, I admit, pandora is the best." Li Han said with a smile. "Of course, the baby is also the best."

   "Uncles are all liars, and there is only one best." Baby, pouted.

   "Haha." Lingna smiled crookedly on the sofa, Jennifer covered her mouth and chuckled.

  Li Han shook his head speechlessly and rubbed the baby's head vigorously. "Little naughty, don't save face for uncle at all."

   "No." Baby, push away Li Han's big hand. "Sister Dudu, let's help grandma make pumpkin pie." "Yeah."

   The two little people stuck out their tongues at Li Han, Li Han smiled bitterly, and Jennifer and Lingna laughed even louder. "Okay, stop laughing and go for a walk."

   "Okay, after eating so much pumpkin pie, it's time to exercise."

  Jennifer smiled and nodded, while Lingna stretched her waist. "I haven't eaten yet, you go first." "Alright then." Li Han smiled and Jennifer left the building.

   "Go for a walk over there, the underground park is almost finished, go and have a look." Li Han said.

   "Boss, you are here."

   "Robert, you haven't gone back yet?"

  Li Han is a little puzzled, isn't the work here already completed?

   "Boss, I'll come to the office to get some documents." Robert, seeing Li Han accompanying Jennifer, smiled, nodded, and left quickly.

   "I'm going to drive."

  Li Han said, holding the key to open the car. "It's decorated inside, we want to see the convenience store."

  Jennifer, nodded with a smile. "Haha, yellow duck?" "Yes, it's all yellow ducks. This is designed by pandora and baby." Li Han said with a smile, turning on the light, the yellow duck convenience store.

   In front of the convenience store, a robotic yellow duck clucked and quacked. "How about it? Tomorrow is Halloween, and the underground playground officially opens."


  Jennifer showed little surprise.

  Li Han nodded, this was Li Han's decision in the last two days. "I just measured the air conditions in the playground these days, and there is no problem at all."


   "Let's go, I'll take you around."

  Li Han was driving an electric car and clicked on the navigation. "This thing is really good, don't be afraid of getting lost."

  Jennifer smiled. Regarding Li Han and pandora's ability to get lost, she is very clear about the lost princess, pandora has a very poor sense of direction and can't always find the south, east, north and west. This is entirely from Li Han's inheritance.

   I'm sorry, I have something to do during the day, the third update will be made up tomorrow.



   (end of this chapter)