The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1276: Bear Children's Holiday Love Delivery

   Chapter 1276 Festive love delivery of bear children

  Jennifer didn't seem to be very comfortable with this kind of open-air band, Li Han noticed that Jennifer didn't care, and stood up with a smile. "My mouth is dry, mighty, how about a cup of coffee?"

   "Coffee, OK." Weili, here it is, Li Han turned his head and said to Jennifer. "It's a little windy here, let's go to the cafe and sit down."

  Jennifer nodded slightly, stood up, and the four came to the cafe. Li Han talked to the waiter. "With coffee No. 5, yes, that's right."

  Li Han returned to his seat and complained. "This weather is really unpleasant." "Yes, Han, this kind of weather patrol is really torture." Willi complained again and again.

  Jennifer and Lingna smiled faintly and didn't speak, just waiting for the coffee to come. "Damn, Han, I'm sorry, I have to leave for a while." Weili, annoyed shouted.

"What happened?"

   "A cow was hit by a pickup, Han, I want to go over." Saying that, he drank the hot coffee in one gulp, stuck his tongue out, complained, took a breath, and went out the door.

   "Power, what an interesting person." Lingna said with a smile.

   "Yes, I hope the cow is okay. I want some cookies. Cynthia sent a box of cookies. It tastes good." Li Han took out the cookies, strawberry cookies, which were just baked.


   "Oh, Han, look, is that pandora?" Jennifer, suddenly pointed to the little magician and a yellow duck outside the window.

   "I think that's right, pandora and baby, when did you bring this yellow duck suit?" Li Han, a little puzzled.

   "Maybe it's in the school, Han, shouldn't pandora go to the orphanage?" Lingna, put down the coffee cup.

   "Maybe something happened, I think, go out and ask pandora to find out." Li Han, said, got up. "Hey, little yellow duck, come back soon."

   "Hey, Dad."

  Dudu turned his head full of little doubts, when he saw Li Han, he ran over, little magic, the baby ran quickly with a small basket. "Dudu, baby, what are you doing?"

   "Distribute refreshments."

   Dudu said happily. "Dad, look, this is a card." "Little volunteer, it's amazing." Li Han picked up the card and looked at the Mi Xing Volunteer Association.

   "Hee hee, Grandpa Ronald gave it to Dudu and baby sister." Dudu said happily.

   "Really, but Mr. Cynthia, didn't you say you are going to the orphanage?" Li Han asked.

   "Grandpa and Grandma, it will take a long time to get up. Teacher Cynthia said, first help Grandpa Ronald deliver pumpkin bread and muffins." Dudu pointed to the muffins and buns in the small basket.


  Li Han couldn't believe it, these little people, running on the street, were not worried. "Sister Liz, there are many big sisters and big brothers, together."

   "Where's Liz?"

   "Over there."

   Dudu pointed at Liz who was playing vigorously. "It's really a good partner." Li Han said speechlessly. "Come in. Mom and Aunt Lingna are here."

   "Toot is not finished yet."

   Dudu villain, said. "Mr. Cynthia said that it will be given to the homeless." "The homeless, but there are not many in Mi Xing Town," Li Han said. "Okay, wait a minute, I'll talk to my mother and accompany you there."

  Lisi is too unreliable, the homeless, Li Han is not discriminatory, but Li Han is not at ease when Dudu and Baobao go to deliver snacks to the homeless, Connor and Tom are on holiday, and no one follows, which is not good.

"All right."

  Li Han returned to the cafe and explained the situation to Jennifer and Lingna. "Han, don't let pandora and baby get too close, although, I know, I shouldn't say that, but homeless, it's too dangerous, pandora and baby are still too young."

"I know."

Jennifer is right, this is not discrimination, the homeless person may have some unspeakable diseases, the child is too young, of course, Li Han is not worried about this, the baby and Dudu's body, don't mention a little germ, **** it Infectious diseases, the two little guys don't need to care.

   "You guys take a rest, I think we'll be back soon." Li Han, walked out of the cafe. "Dudu, baby, let's go."

   "Sister Liz."

   "It's time to teach her a lesson. Dad will call her later." Li Han smiled and rubbed Dudu's little head. "Yeah." Dudu, fearing that the world would not be chaotic, nodded his head with a smile. "Don't tell Liz sister."

   "OK, let's go." Li Han, smiling, Liz, got carried away.

   After playing all three rounds, I regretfully pouted and exhaled enough. "Unfortunate today, oh well, pandora, baby, we should go get food for the non-working guys to try."

   "Huh, pandora, baby?"

  Lisi was stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked around, there were no two little figures. "Damn, pandora, baby, where are you, don't hide, it's so annoying."

Liz, I'm in a hurry all of a sudden, you know, Liz and her classmates and the baby are in a group of Dudu, responsible for the safety of the two villains, but if the classmates have something to do, Liz pats her chest and promises to take the two villains, and the classmates do their own thing. thing.

Who would have thought, Liz was having fun for a while, and the two villains disappeared. After looking around, Liz became more and more flustered. The phone rang for a long time before she took it out. When she looked at the phone number, Liz almost dropped her phone. .

   "Han, what's the matter with you?"

  Liss, full of tension, some gasping, yes, guilty.

   "Oh, it's like this, Liz, I just met pandora and baby, you know, I saw two little guys walking alone on the street, it's very dangerous." Li Han, said. "I thought, I'm going to call Cynthia, so kindergarten is disappointing, and I don't want nearly $10,000 a year to get that."

"Pandora and baby, Han, it's really nice that they stay with you, thank God." Liz breathed a sigh of relief. On the other end of the phone, Dudu and the baby giggled, and the two little people giggled. Laugh, Liz sister is fooled.

  Liss was a little puzzled, and there seemed to be laughter on the phone. "No, don't tell Cynthia, Han, you know, this may not have anything to do with Cynthia."


  Li Han gestured to the two little people and went to sit on the side. "Maybe, but, pandora and baby, two little guys standing in the street, God, not to mention the cars, the festival crowd, it's so worrying."

  Liss lowered her head and said in a low voice. "Han, I'm sorry, it's my fault."

  Liss didn't hide any more, and whispered what happened just now. "Okay, Liz, I don't know what to say, maybe you're not careful. Now, pandora and baby are with me, and I'll send them back to school."

  Liss, heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Han, you are such a good person, I allow you to ask me out tonight." Liz said, blushing.

  Li Han pouted, almost didn't spit out the drink, facing, opposite sitting two villains waving their hands. : "Ahem, Liz, I don't want to be chased by Andre with a shotgun."

   "No, Andre, there is no right to do this, love is God's gift of human freedom." Liz said, completely forgetting that she was only thirteen years old.

"Okay, Liz, let's talk about this when you grow up, okay, okay, I should accompany pandora and the baby and deliver treats to the homeless, this is a wonderful Halloween, I wish you a good time." said Then, Li Han hung up the phone.

  Really, Liz, this little girl, Li Han hung up the phone, looked at Dudu, who was staring at him, with a little vigilant look, smiled and knocked, Dudu little head. "Little ghost, hurry up and drink the drink, we should go."

   Dudu bulging, small mouth, big eyes and small slanted eyes to look at Li Han, with little suspicion in his eyes, Li Han can't laugh or cry, these little ghosts, why do they have so many thoughts, it's really a headache.

  Li Han rubbed Dudu's little head. "Look, where is the homeless." "Where?" Sure enough, Xiao Dudu's doubts dissipated, and he turned around to find the homeless.

  Komixing is not a big town, and the number of homeless people is at least. Maybe, like billionaires, it is not something you can come across casually. "Hey man, wait?"

   "Go away."

   The homeless man stared at Li Han with a wary expression on his face.

   "Uncle with long hair, do you want a snack?"

  Dudu is holding a small basket, the baby is a little scared, the dirty long-haired and bearded uncle.

   "Come on, man, it tastes good."

  Li Han squeezed a piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Oh fine."

   The homeless man approached, grabbed a handful, and stuffed it into his mouth. "Damn it, it's sweet." "That's right." "I can't eat it," the homeless man said, throwing a snack to the puppy next to him.

   muttered and left. "Dad, what is diabetes?" "Oh, it's a disease that can't eat sugar." Li Han said. "In the future, you have to eat obediently, but you can't eat candy every day, or you will get this disease."

   "Ah, that Dudu eat well."

   "Baby will not eat a lot of sugar in the future."

   The two little people were frightened. "Well, our luck is really bad." "Let's see, is there anyone who wants to have some snacks." Li Han, said.

   "Grandpa, do you want a snack?"

  Dudu held the basket and stopped the old grandpa from the corner. "Thank you, it tastes great." "Hee hee." Dudu and Bao Bao were so happy that they finally distributed snacks.

   is just a homeless person, never met again, returned to the cafe, two villains, and a little disappointed. "Han, what's the matter?"

   "I didn't find the sweaty man, is this a joke?" After Lingna heard what Li Han said, she was a little bit incredulous and looked at the three of them.

   "That's right, you know, but Mi Xing doesn't have enough homeless people for pandora and the others." Li Han said.

   "Don't worry, pandora, in a few days for the movie promotion, Auntie will take you to Los Angeles. Where there are enough homeless people, your snacks are not enough." Lingna smiled and rubbed her little head.

   "Really?" Dudu looked expectantly.

   "Yes, there are as many homeless people as African children."

   "Do African children like desserts with sugar?"

"of course."

   "Pandora is going to send snacks to African children." Dudu said, putting the basket on the table and looking at Li Han and Jennifer.

  Li Han and Jennifer looked at each other and smiled. "All right."

   (end of this chapter)