The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1311: in the hunter's hut

   Chapter 1311 In the Orion's Hut

   Five little people in a small bowl, taking turns drinking the broth, the scene is very interesting, Li Han smiled. "Lu Xue, Arta, drink more, the temperature is low at night, it is probably quite cold in the car, drink more soup, warm your body, and sleep well."

   "Thank you." Lu Xue took the small bowl and thanked him. "I'm going to feed Master Gu first."


  Alta took the bowl and went into the carriage to feed Natalie. "Edward give it to me, you can eat it quickly, while it's hot." Li Han hung the deer leg on the shelf, sliced ​​the meat with a small knife and handed it to Edward.

"Do you want some hot sauce?" Li Han handed it to Edward. He shook his head when he saw this. Edward tried this red hot sauce once, but he didn't dare to try it again. It was too spicy, it was like a fire burning in his mouth. .

  Li Han smiled. "That's a pity, it's a delicacy in the world." Li Han squeezed the meat and stuffed it with spicy sauce and dipped it into his mouth, looking beautiful and enjoying it.

   "Dad, Daddy, Dudu too." The little man, jumping, felt the meat, and went straight to the hot sauce jar. "Hehe, this is very spicy, children can't eat it."

   "Dudu is four years old, an adult." Dudu, pouting, was reluctant. "Less dip, it's very spicy." Li Han smiled and handed the hot sauce to Dudu.

  The little man, the little fat hand, squeezed the meat into the hot sauce, and stuffed it into his small mouth with joy. Li Han stared at Dudu's little face, and his color changed and turned red in an instant, and his big eyes instantly turned red.

   "Wow, woohoo, so spicy."

  The villain, wow wow, spit out pieces of meat, pitiful, tearful. "Woooooo, it's so spicy." "Don't wipe it, drink some broth." Li Han pouted with his bowl in hand.

  Little man, Gulu Gulu drank half of the bowl, sticking out his little tongue. "Dad, good or bad, woo woo, so spicy, not delicious." "Hehe, who asked you to try it." Li Han smiled and rubbed Dudu's little head.

   This girl didn't inherit her own at all, she didn't like spicy food at all, green peppers, and red peppers even less. "Obviously eat barbecue."


  Babies are eager to try the villains. Seeing that Dudu sister is hot and crying, she is afraid to step back, and dare not approach the pepper, because she is afraid that it will be hot, Li Han smiled. "Ha ha."

   "Han, what, it seemed like Dudu was crying just now?"

  Lu Xue came out with a small bowl, and asked suspiciously, looking at Dudu villain, who was eating barbecue with big mouth, just crying, could it be the wind. "The little guy just wanted to try the hot sauce, it's spicy."

   "Hahaha, don't Dudu eat spicy food?" Lu Xue wiped the small bowl with snow and touched Dudu's little face with a smile.

   "No, I don't like green peppers." Li Han said with a smile.

   "This chili sauce is not too spicy." Lu Xue said lightly, holding the sliced ​​meat and dipping it.

   "Not spicy?" Li Han was stunned. "By the way, I have no idea where you came from?"

   "South Sichuan."

   "Chuannan, no wonder." Li Han shook his head slightly, Miss Chuannan, no wonder you can eat chili so much.

   "But it tastes good." Lu Xue smiled.

   "I made the hot sauce myself, you like to eat more." Li Han handed the jar to Lu Xue, and Lu Xue thanked him with a smile. "Haha, with the hot sauce, I can eat an extra bowl of rice."

   "Wow, Auntie is amazing." Dudu, wiping the grease on his small mouth, looking up at Lu Xue full of admiration.

"Ha ha."

  Lu Xue smiled smugly, and the eyes of a few little devils were very useful.

  Li Han was amused by Lu Xue's appearance. "Drink a little, keep warm, I can't bear the chili sauce alone."


   "How is Master Gu?"

   "It's much better, I just woke up and drank half a bowl of broth, I'll fall asleep soon." Lu Xue replied while drinking the soup.

   "That's good." Li Han, heaving a sigh of relief, Master Gu is getting old, and Li Han is really afraid of accidents.

   "By the way, that lady is also awake, but she doesn't like broth very much." Lu Xue said.

   "Natalie doesn't like broth." Li Han, seeing Arta, came down. "Alta, how is Natalie?"

   "It's better." Arta, not in a good mood.

   "Didn't you drink the broth?"

   Li Han saw, Arta was carrying a small bowl.

   "Natalie, I can't drink broth," Arta said.

   "Well, I still have some vegetables here, I'll make a vegetable soup." Li Han said. "Thank you, Han," Arta said. "need my help?"

   "No, it'll be fine in a while."

   Li Han's deer broth was taken off, hung on a small pot, added snow water before others noticed, added some space spring water, added vegetables, stirred while cooking, and added seasonings.

   After a while, the smell of vegetable soup drifted away, and a few little people gnawing on bones stretched out their heads to look at it. "Good scent, Han, what's in here?"

   "Hehe, shiitake mushrooms, carrots, onions, and a few other vegetables. Would you like to have a bowl, I cooked a lot." Li Han said with a smile. "Alta, I'll pack a bowl. You can bring it to Natalie to taste if it suits your appetite. It's not okay to not eat, especially since the weather is so cold, you have to eat something."

  Alta nodded when he saw Li Hanwen's gentle smile. "I'm going to persuade Natalie now." "Wait a minute, the soup is a little hot for you."

   "Thank you." Arta, carrying a bowl into the carriage, Natalie half-supported. "Arta, why did you come in? I really have no appetite."

   "Natalie, if you don't have an appetite, have some more. This is the vegetable soup that Han just cooked. It's really good for you to taste." Arta, holding the bowl and handing it to Natalie, Natalie instinctively refused.

   "Wow, I really, hey, this smells." Natalie, she didn't want to eat it, but she smelled the smell and it seemed to be pretty good.

   "You try it."

   "Yeah." Natalie took a sip. Huh, the strange taste, faint, spread out in the bitter mouth, slightly stimulated the taste buds, slowly spread, good taste.

   "How does it taste?" Alta, seeing Natalie closed her eyes. "Eat more."

   "Yeah." Natalie took a bite, and after a while, she ate a small bowl of vegetable soup.

  Alta was taken aback for a moment. "Anything else?" "Ah, Natalie, what did you say?" Alta, a little incredulous.

   "I don't know why, I feel like I have to eat." Natalie, a little embarrassed. "I don't know, is there any more?"

   "Yes, yes, there are many more, I will go to Sheng now."

  Alta, with a face full of surprise, ran out of the carriage with a small bowl. "Arta, what's the matter, is Natalie alright?" Seeing Arta, Li Han panicked and thought that something had happened.

   "Han, do you still have vegetable soup?"

   "Vegetable soup, and ah."

  Li Han looked at the pot, there was still a bowl, a few little guys and Lu Xue drank a bowl, Li Han saw a few little people eating deliciously, so he filled a bowl, not to mention it was really good.

   I don’t know if I ate too much meat. It’s very comfortable to drink some vegetable soup. "Give it to me, Natalie still wants to eat?" Arta, with a happy face, anyone can see it.

   "Well, okay, I'll pretend for you now."

   Li Han's pot vegetable soup is all loaded into Alta. "If it's not enough, I'll burn some more." "Enough, enough, I want to send it to Natalie." Arta took the small bowl.

   "That's good, it's not enough to call me again."

   Li Han said.

  Li Han took down the pot, brought the broth pot over, hung it up, poured some spring water while no one was paying attention, added some mushrooms, and the broth was boiled, and one person drank another bowl at night.


   Dudu villain holding a small bowl, drinking up the vegetable soup, and staring at the meat again. "Haha, big belly." Li Han took a piece of spareribs and put them in the tooting bowl.

   "Edward, does Lu Xue want a barbecue?"

  Li Han, asked, saw the two shaking their heads, took off the remaining half of the deer leg, and handed it to Edward. "Edward, put the deer legs in the carriage first."

   "Okay, boss."

  Edward took it and carried it into the carriage. Li Han packed up the pots and bowls, tidy up, and wiped his hands with snow water. "There's not enough firewood, Edward, let's go chop some firewood."

  Li Han put the shotgun on his back, called the white wolf and the mountain lion, Millie, and the goshawk stayed behind. "Dudu, you have to take good care of your sister." Li Han, with a small head before leaving.

   "Yeah." Dudu patted his little chest and assured.

  Li Han and Edward set off with the lights on and climbed up the hillside along the hillside. "Don't leave too far." Li Han, looking at the hillside. "The trees here look good."

  It’s not good if it’s too thick. It takes time. There will be no gasoline saws or chainsaws. You can only rely on hand saws and axes. "Yes, these trees are all good."

  Edward, jump down, make a few gestures, the mouth of the bowl is just right.

   "Then let's get started."

   The two were busy for a long time, and the tree finally fell. "boom"

"what happened?"

  Li Han was stunned, the gunshots rang out. "Boss, it's the sound of gunshots. It seems that it came from somewhere." "What should I do?" Edward asked. There are often fugitives in the mountains. Of course, there have been many fewer in recent years.

   "I'll go take a look, you go back first and protect pandora and them."

   Li Han threw the revolver around his waist to Edward and said. "Bring the mountain lion with me." "Boss, let me go." "Listen to me, go back."

  Edward, just nod, okay. "Boss, be careful."


  Li Han took White Wolf and Millie, and walked carefully in the direction of the gunshots. It was snowing and snowing, step by step. It took Li Han half an hour to reach the top of the mountain.


   Looking from a distance, it was a little light. "There are lakes in the valley. Are these people lumberjacks?"

  Hunter, Li Han thought, an ancient profession in Montana.

  There are many hunters who leave cabins in the Montana Mountains, and Li Han once encountered them. "No, this isn't a hunter's hut, and the hunter's hut doesn't have so much light."

   "What do these people do?"

  Li Han approached cautiously, not daring to make too much noise. Fortunately, on a snowy day, the snow covered the branches, squeaking, and under cover, Li Han approached, all of them were tents.


  Li Han was stunned. Half-old children, more than a dozen people surrounded the fire, five or six parents, and a few four or five year olds. Li Han couldn't understand this group of people.

   (end of this chapter)