The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1326: Under the new owner of the Max Mountains

   Chapter 1326 Under the new owner of the Max Mountains

   1313th chapter under the new owner of the Max Mountains

   "Hey, Robert worked hard."

  Li Han gave Robert a big hug. "Boss, this place looks good."

   "That's right, this is a good place, 10 million, but it's really not expensive, isn't it?" Li Han said with a smile. "I'll show you around."

   "I want a grilled fish, it tastes very good." Li Han said with a smile.

  The helicopter hovered in the sky, and there were two more snowmobiles on the snow. Han used the pandora mobile phone to contact Albert and Bella. After a few days of discussions, the two initially agreed with the idea of ​​Li Han buying the entire Max Mountains.

  Albert sent Robert to come first. He has brought a lawyer to sign a contract with the state government. That’s right, the five kilometers around the Max Mountains and four forty thousand acres of mountain forests are sold to Hank Farm.

   More than 150,000 acres of mountain forests are all packaged and sold to Hank Farm. The price of an acre is nearly 67 US dollars, which is not cheap. You must know that this is not a ranch or farm land.

   There are deep mountains and old forests here. Of course, except for some places with mountains and forests that can be used as forest farms, others are not very good. Albert began to object. For this reason, buying such a large forest did not help Hank Farm much, and even dragged down the operation of the farm.

  Li Han worked hard to persuade Albert, of course Bella's support for Li Han's plan was indispensable. "Of course, you know, I haven't had lunch yet."

  Albert, smiling, said, and greeted the two assistants. "There are a lot of fish here, how about you, have you brought the drawings?" Li Han, crouching by the fire, opened up the snow **** and added some firewood.

  Robert took the drawing from his assistant and handed it to Li Han. "Boss, look, if we buy this place, we'll get in touch with Hank's Farm."

   "This place is too big, Robert and Albert would not agree. You know, the farm has been investing in new breeds of cattle." Li Han said that most of Hank's farm income this year relies on pasture and travel income.

Albert is under a lot of pressure. It seems that something has gone wrong with the cattle breed. USDA delays using various excuses. Monsanto and Tyson Foods, these two giants seem to buy Hank cattle especially before USDA certification. .

This worries Li Han. Tyson Foods, as the world's largest supplier and producer of chicken, beef and pork, has its own independent branch in Montana. Although its business in Montana is more related to the cowhide industry, it does not The representative is not interested in a possible high-quality cattle breed.

  Albert is now facing a very strong competitor. He will never agree with Li Han. He spends most of the money to buy mountains and use the wilderness to occupy working capital. This is Hank's farm. Whether it can obtain Hank's cattle breed recognition has a solid foundation.

  Li Han understands that Albert's idea, of course, Robert's proposal is also good. "I understand, boss, Mr. Albert's decision may be right."

   "Robert, let's see what we have."

  Li Han spread out the drawing, which is circled within the red line. This is the land purchased this time, including three small Rocky Mountain branches including the Max Mountains, two lakes and three small rivers including Max.

   The pine forest farm covers an area of ​​about 30,000 acres, but these pine trees still need a long time to grow into wood, and Li Han does not plan to do the lumber business. "It's a good place, Robert. I want to send an inspection tour of this place as soon as possible. I like to build ten hunter huts and a hundred usable homesteads within a month."

  Li Han Shanlin, clicked a few points. "Robert, Albert will tell you what to do."

"All right."

  Robert was a little disappointed that Li Han didn't give him the whole thing. "Okay, buddy, let's have another fish." Robert and his two assistants didn't stop there, climbed the helicopter along the ladder, and quickly left Max Lake.

   Natalie was a little puzzled, why Han didn't leave here. "Alta, this is really a strange guy." "Or is it?" Arta, just heard some information.

  Han bought this place. This is a crazy decision. There is nothing to know about development here. It is deserted and inaccessible. Maybe there are only beasts. There is no forest farm that can be developed here.

   Ranch, God, enough plains in eastern Montana, where is the best place for farms and ranches, here, snowy mountains, wilderness, beasts, no man's land, all this makes Alta think Han is crazy.

   This will be a loss-making business, Jennifer may be really in love, and she has a problem with her head, so she will fall in love with such a crazy guy. "Alta, don't care what this guy wants to do, we've got snowmobiles, or we can just spin around and come back to fish. Fishing is such a fascinating sport."

  Alta was excited to see Natalie. "Okay, but I'll ride." Natalie only needs to touch a car, whether it's a motorcycle, other sports cars, or a snowmobile.

   Natalie can drive crazy, the consequences of snowmobile driving crazy, Arta can't imagine, this is not a ski resort, who knows, maybe the next corner will be a cliff or a waterfall pool.

   "Alta, I promise, I will listen to you obediently, I haven't driven a locomotive, car, or any means of transportation for a long time." Natalie looked at Arta with a begging face.

   "No, I wouldn't agree."

  Alta, said. "Or, you can ask Han."

   "Oh, no, he's a guy without grace." Natalie, knowing that Li Han would never agree to give her the key.

   "Okay, okay, Alta, you drive." Natalie, surrender, know about Arta, Natalie knows, wants to convince her, or ask God to come.

  Alta found Li Han and explained the reason. "Of course, this is the key, the red one." "Lu Xue, it's fun to try a snowmobile." Li Han shook the other key in his hand.

   "I, I won't."

   "Well, if you want to learn, I'll teach you." Li Han said.


   "Han, did you buy this valley?" Lu Xue just heard Robert and Li Han talking.

"Yes, it's very suitable for primitive life, you know that Hank Farm is doing tourism, we have resort areas, performances, and we will open the underground labyrinth park soon, all of which will attract a lot of people, buying this valley is exactly what For the follow-up tourism development." Li Han, said.


   "No, skiing, or, but I think this will become a primitive ski resort." Li Han, Lu Xue said more and more confused, Li Han smiled. "What do you think it would be like to be a primitive hunter?"

"Without any modern means of transportation, no communication equipment, return to primitive life, hunter's life, rely on prey for hot coffee, beer, rely on the body to survive, adapt to nature, get close to it, return to the most primitive rely on land, rely on mountains and forests, rely on prey A life of survival." Li Han, watching, Lu Xue, said.

  Lu Xue was stunned. "Like we are now?"

   "Yes, more primitive, challenging oneself, achieving oneself, or releasing oneself, this is a new way of life, isn't it, don't you want to experience it?" Li Han asked.


  Lu Xue, although she doesn't know her choice, for some people, it's really good to live like this. "Han, do you want to develop such primitive life projects, tourism projects?"

   "Yes, I want to try it, but these take some time and better planning. There are many, many people, and it takes a lot of time to perfect." Li Han said. "I need more hunter huts."

  Lu Xue understood why Han seemed to have become a different person, betting and entanglement with the black bear. Han wanted the black bear to admit that he was not weak, and he needed more help from the hunter's hut.

   "Han, the black bear will not join your plan." Lu Xue couldn't help reminding Li Han.

   "I know, I never expected black bears to join, but the people on the shore, those people on the shore, I don't think they have a reason to refuse this, right?" Li Han's goal was never black bears.


  Lu Xuetong paused, or, a resident of Qingfeng Town, with archery skills, ability to survive in the wild, and an understanding of the mountains and forests, everything Li Han needs.

  Han won the Black Bear, just to prove something, Jerry Mike, Li Han's goal, it is him, and getting his help is more important than the Black Bear. "A strong bow, Han, how did you get this information?"

  Li Han smiled. "I have a phone, don't I?"

"All right."

  Lu Xue, I can't believe that Li Han did so many things while coping with the wind and snow and looking for food. "Is this all planned?" "No, it's all trapped, it's all happening, tell me, it seems like it can be done."

   "Do Han, Natalie and Alta know?"

   "Maybe I know, or I don't know, Lu Xue, we should go back, I want to send the fish back, Master Gu and Edward need to wait." Li Han said.

   "Yes, I'll help you."

  Lu Xue and Li Hanyu used bamboo arrows to thread them into strings and tied them to the snowmobiles. "Help me take care of pandora, I'll be back soon."

  Li Han started the snowmobile and left Max Lake quickly. The speed of the snowmobile made it only take half an hour for Li Han to return to the wooden house. "God boss, where did you get it, it's amazing."

   "That's right, great, Edward, I'm going to go back again, you know, we caught enough fish this time." Li Han, said. "Master Gu, I need to go back."


  Gu Kaiyuan, put down the carving knife, and nodded slightly. "Edward, thank you, can you add more firewood for me?" "Okay, sir." Edward, adding firewood to the fireplace.

   "This is a grilled fish, Edward, you just need to grill it hot." Edward didn't exclaim when Li Han moved a pile of household necessities off the snowmobile.


  Fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, coffee, all kinds of daily necessities, and even snacks, popcorn, which is really surprising, where all this comes from. This is in the mountains, cut off contact with the mountains.

  Edward, surprised, the boss just went out and got it all. "Edward, I think we'll go out soon." "Master Gu, I'll help you pull the wood out tomorrow."

   "Really, great, that's a good piece of wood."

  Gu Kaiyuan showed a hint of surprise. "I've already made up my mind about what to do."

"That's great."

  Li Han, knows, carving, what a huge object means to a carver.

   (end of this chapter)