The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1337: acquaintances at the pumpkin festival

   Chapter 1337 Acquaintances at the Pumpkin Festival

   Chapter 1324 The Pumpkin Festival in Los Angeles

  Li Han reluctantly shook his head, Wei Li this guy. "Uncle Weili has hung up." Li Han put down the phone with a smile, facing the villain who wanted to chat with Uncle Weili.

   "Uncle Willie is drunk." Dudu, shaking his calf, jumped off the sofa. "Dad, Dudu, go and ask baby sister to pick up the big pumpkin." "Slow down."

  The villain ran to the toy room. The baby was building houses. The villain pouted and looked at the house of Sister Dudu from time to time. The baby wanted to build a bigger house than Sister Dudu.

   "Baby sister."

   Dudu Deng Deng ran over. "Wow, baby sister is building castles."

   "The big castle." Baby, said proudly.

   "Dudu will also build a big castle when he comes back, baby sister, the big pumpkin has arrived, Dudu is going to pick up the pumpkin, baby sister, are you going?" Dudu looked at his small villa, no more, and toppled the big castle.

   "Well, baby go pick up the pumpkin."

  Baby, throw away the little mold roof and stand up. "Let's go, Uncle Willy just called. He's drunk and stinky." Dudu, holding the baby's little hand, said as he walked.

   "Sister Dudu is lying, and the phone doesn't smell."

  Baby, pouted.

   "Dudu smelled it." Dudu said with a small and firm face.

  The baby didn't believe it, the two little people argued about whether they smelled it or not, and came to the living room. "What's the matter, let's go and pick up the pumpkin."


  The two little people cheered when they heard the pumpkin remembering to pick up the big pumpkin. "Big pumpkin, competition, win a lot of money, buy mosquito nets for African children." "That's right, it's all yours to win."

  Li Han smiled and pinched Dudu's little nose. "William, take us there." "Dad, where's Uncle Case?" "Hehe, I'm giving Uncle Case, Uncle Tom, and Uncle Connor a half-day vacation today."


  Dudu nodded as if he understood.

   "By the way, William, I need a warehouse for pumpkins."

   "I'll make arrangements, sir."

   sent Li Han to the intersection, there was no way, the truck wanted to enter here, but it was not allowed. "God, this is the biggest pumpkin I've ever seen." William was surprised to see a row of giant pumpkins in the truck.

   "William, I need to be close to the garage or warehouse near the competition venue." Li Han said, there is no place to park the truck here, or the police will come over soon.

   "Sir, are you going to the California Giant Pumpkin Festival?"

   asked William.

   "Mmmm, Grandpa William, let's take part in the competition." Dudu said, proudly. "Pandora Pumpkin, Baby Sister Pumpkin, Dad Pumpkin are all competing."

   "Perhaps, sir, you can contact the competition organizing committee, they will provide a place to store the pumpkins." William, however, does not recommend Li Han to rent it back to the warehouse, which is inconvenient.


  Li Han took out his phone and called the organizing committee to confirm the number of Li Han's pumpkins. The organizing committee returned the call after a while and would prepare a place for these giant pumpkins to be stored.

  William sent Li Han to the competition site, which was a little distance from Beverly. The organizer, the place provided, but a parking lot, well, there are a lot of pickups parked here.

The only item on the pickup was a pumpkin. It was the first time that Li Han saw so many giant pumpkins. There were so many giant pumpkins, but the match between Mi Xing and Hamilton was so childish, so much so that the competition in the small town of Buton was like a primary school student. It's the real giant pumpkin race. Hundreds of players brought thousands of giant pumpkins.

  Here gathers the most, largest, most complete, most beautiful, most complete pumpkins in the whole of California, no, the whole West, and even this United States. "William, come pick us up at three o'clock in the afternoon, I'll take pandora, baby for a walk." Li Han and William said.

   "Okay, sir." William, nodded.

   "Goodbye Grandpa William."

   "Goodbye Miss Pandora, Miss Baby." William didn't stop there, or understood what Li Han meant, there is no Bentley here, such a famous car, most of which are pickups here, and all farmers here.

   Small farmer, you don't talk about your pumpkins with a rich man sitting in a Bentley. "Wow, Dad, black and black pumpkin." "Sister Dudu, look, Huahua pumpkin is so beautiful."


  Two little people holding Polaroids, taking turns standing in front of the pumpkin, posing and posing. The 37th Pumpkin Festival has many more projects than before. Although it has been criticized by many farmers and small farmers, the Pure Pumpkin Festival should not have appeared. These fancy fakes, at that time, carving pumpkins still became the selection of giant pumpkins. The only game to contend with.

   The pumpkin carving area is not much smaller than the giant pumpkin exhibition area. There are more people here. You must know that the giant pumpkin competition at the finale will only start the day after tomorrow. The pumpkin carving competition has already started. Even ten days ago, pumpkin carving works had already begun to be displayed, ranging from finger-sized pumpkin carvings to hill-version giant pumpkin carvings.

   Hundreds of pumpkin carving artists gathered together. There are thousands of pumpkin carvings on this meadow, just like Li Han leading two children to the carving area, there are not many. There are a number of fast food trucks parked around, as well as many ice cream trucks, popcorn, balloons, pumpkin hats, and even pumpkin bear clothes, and various small amusement sheds.

  Pumpkin Festival, this is the festival here, Dudu and Baobao got two colorful marshmallows to carry, yes, carry them. Two villains, the biggest purchase, Li Han is speechless is the guy who sells marshmallows. He even got a giant pumpkin-shaped cotton candy with a diameter of more than 40 cm. Dudu and Baobao are two villains. They like them so much that they don't want to eat them. Said to keep it home to eat.

  Li Han was helpless and couldn't handle the two little people. He didn't have to carry it himself, but the two little people carried the big colorful pumpkin. "Hehe, let's go quickly." Li Han said with a smile.

   "But, Dudu didn't have enough fun."

   "You, Dad, go to register the giant pumpkin first, otherwise you won't be able to participate in the competition." Li Han rubbed Dudu's little head. "Okay." Dudu helplessly nodded his head. "Then dad will bring Dudu and baby sister to play later. Dudu wants to play bumper cars."

   "Okay, I'll bring you guys to play later."

  Li Han smiled, this girl probably had her eye on the bumper cars. "Let's go." "Yeah."

  Li Han followed the prompt, found the registration office, and took out the invitation letter. "Bouton Town?" The fat woman of the rank was a little puzzled. "Where is this, Washington State, or Texas?"

   "No, Montana, ma'am."

  Li Han, said.

   "Montana, besides Billings, is there any other city?" The fat lady whispered, took the invitation, and registered.

  Li Han was speechless, Montana is still a state, although there are fewer people. "Yes, ma'am, Monta took out Billings and many more cities."

   "God, please forgive me, I don't discriminate," said the fat lady.

   "I understand, please tell me, is our area okay?" Li Han, a little unhappy, well, although Montana is really empty, there are large areas of wilderness, and there are no million people in the entire state.

   "Okay, wait a minute, you know, I didn't mean anything else."

   "Yes, I know, ma'am, if you can tell me where I am quickly, I will thank you for your service." Li Han, said.

   "Okay, oh, District D, number fifteen."

   Mrs. data card and handed it to Li Han.

  Li Han thanked him and took Dudu and Baobao to leave, and Mrs. Fat murmured. "This place is really like Montana, in the corner, so good luck to him."

   "Thank you ma'am, maybe, this time, many people will remember that Montana, in addition to Billings, also has the small town of Buton, where the giant pumpkins are the best in America." Li Han, said.

  The fat lady looked surprised, God, how did he hear it, but she told Li Han that the pumpkins in Buton Township were the best in America, and she pouted, it was not a good place, not suitable for pumpkins to grow.

Fat lady, this time, I muttered in my heart, Li Han took the number plate and found the place, and sure enough, the most corner, Montana, well, maybe more people remember the bear and bison, as for the other, wilderness, mountains, Snow-capped mountains, countless mosquitoes and the like, the bizarre landscape of Yellowstone Park.

  Dudu and Baobao, the two little people, puffed up and ate the pumpkin marshmallows in big gulps. "The pandora pumpkin will definitely win the game."

   "Well, baby pumpkin can also win the game."

   "Dad, Dudu will help you win the game, Aunt Fatty will remember the small town of Buton." Dudu gestured with a small fist, the villain is very smart, and Dad was a little angry.

   "Hehe, okay, that Dudu must win, let Auntie Fat apologize to Dad." Li Han said with a smile.


  Dudu's mouth was dipped in marshmallows, and he nodded his head solemnly. "Okay, this is where we are." Li Han, look, it's right at the end of the street, maybe the organizer thinks that the small town of Buton has never been in the giant pumpkin competition, the city, the weight of the pumpkin, or, just reached the standard.

So many people didn't even read the information. You must know that there are nearly 2,000 pounds of pumpkins. Even in any one session, they can still be ranked in the top ten. No. .

  Li Han has determined the location, and the pumpkins have not been placed around. He wants to wait until tomorrow or the morning the day after. "There is no one here." Dudu, the villain, whispered softly.

   "Someone will come, as long as our big pumpkins are placed."

  Li Han said with confidence. "Okay, let's go, Dad will take you to play bumper cars."

   "Wow, play bumper cars."

   The two little people cheered happily. "Dad, Dudu's cotton candy for you to eat."

  Li Han looked at the pumpkin-shaped marshmallow he gnawed, speechless, and rolled his eyes. "Dad doesn't like to eat." "Oh." Dudu, he couldn't eat it anymore. "But bumper cars can't take things."

   "So, what do you do first?" Li Han smiled and looked at the villain.

   Dudu scratched his head and looked at the stray dogs beside him. "Dogs like to eat marshmallows, Doodle for dogs."

  Li Han couldn't help laughing and laughing. Two stray dogs ran away with marshmallows in their mouths. I don't know if they were lucky or unfortunate. With such a big lunch, they couldn't even fill their stomachs, so they were happy.

  Dudu and Baobao didn't have a marshmallow stick. They were happy and pulled Li Han with their little sticky hands. "Dad, hurry up, there will be no cars in a while."

   Came to the bumper car park, but unexpectedly met an acquaintance. "Auntie, auntie." "Oh, it's pandora." Han Ximin, with a look of surprise, did not expect to meet pandora and Han here. "Hi, Han."

   (end of this chapter)