The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1395: Harley-Bison Collision【Recommended Tic

   Chapter 1395 Harley Bison Collision 【Recommended Tickets】

   Chapter 1380 The sadness of the motorcycle party encountering the bison herd

  Ronald called so late, Li Han felt a little in his heart, 80% of the wolves encountered an accident, as expected. "What encounters the bison herd?"

   "Uncle Ronald, the bison herd, how come there is Kerr grassland? It stands to reason that the bison herd is mostly near the south, close to Yellowstone Park." The last time Li Han got the Bull Demon King, but Hank's farm was close to Xiaobaili to the south.

  The Cole Prairie is more than a hundred miles away from Hank's farm. To the northwest, I haven't heard of a bison herd. Yesterday, Natalie was hovering in the sky for a while. If there were bison, they should have discovered it earlier.

   Ronald couldn't understand this. "Is Willi alright?" "It's okay, fortunately, because he doesn't like riding motorcycles, Willi sits in a pickup instead. Although he is a little frightened, he is fine," Ronald said.

   "It's just that something happened to some people riding the motorcycle," Ronald said.

   Harley motorcycles and a group of crazy bison met head-on. Ten bisons and 30 Harleys were no problem. Many people were knocked out, and some even had their legs broken.

   It’s so sad. One third of Harley’s motorcycles are directly reimbursed, and a lot of them have problems. No, they hit a herd of bison at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, and only then will they come back.

   Many were still crying in the pickup truck and were about to be taken to Buton Hospital. Ronald wanted to ask Li Han about the helicopter. Li Han frowned. "Uncle Ronald, I'm so sorry, the pilot has something to do."

   "It's okay, Han." Ronald hung up the phone and said to Wei Li. "The pilot's not here."

  Weili breathed a sigh of relief, Winnie, he actually asked Li Han to send a helicopter to send the wounded back to Boughton, and Weili hesitated before asking Ronald to make this call.

  Weili was embarrassed himself, so he went back to Winnie, and Willi repeated what Li Han said. "This bastard, I clearly saw Natalie on the farm, how could there be no pilot."

   "This bastard, he doesn't want to help us."

   Winnie, exclaimed.

  Caddy couldn't see it, and said lightly. "Winnie, why does Han want to help you, or in other words, why do you ask Han to help you? It's love to help you, and it's duty not to help you."

   "Caddy, Han, if the farm really has pilots, how can I help them once?" Willi said with a frown.

"William, don't you know how much it costs to fly a helicopter? Han and them know each other. Even Bill Gates will not help a random person who doesn't know him. Besides, in the morning, how do you talk about Han unless Han is stupid. , will help those who export badly to themselves." Kady, said.

"stop fighting."

  Charlie snorted. "Winnie, it's so dark now that the helicopter's takeoff is extremely risky. Even if Han wants to help you, he needs to consider the safety of the pilot and the casualties."

  Charlie said. "I'll drive you to Buton."

   "Power, I'll leave it to you here."

  Charlie, said.

  Winnie and Kai were still indignant, and they were dissatisfied with Li Han's behavior.

  Power, frowning, silent for a while. "William, maybe you should really consider Han's suggestion, Winnie isn't for you."

   "Cady, this is about me and Winnie, I don't want others to interfere." Willi, snorted, turned and left.


  Caddy's face changed.

   "Damn woman."

   "Caddy, let Might calm down."

  Billy, said. "Maybe, we should go to Hank's farm and talk to Han."

   "That's right."

  Caddy said with a displeased expression. "Mighty has been fascinated, this fairy-like woman."

  The expression of power just now made Kady unfamiliar. Knowing the relationship between Winnie and Josh, Kady didn't have a good impression of Winnie. Coupled with these people who came from Buton this time, Kady was extremely angry.

   "Caddy, I think Will will wake up."

  Billy, said. "Okay, let's go."

  Li Han hung up the phone, looked back at Dudu and Baobao who were lining up with big bowls, and smiled. "Dad, is the shrimp and rice paste ready?"

   "Dad take a look first, it doesn't seem to be well."

  Li Han laughed and teased Dudu, the villain didn't listen well, full of disappointment, he lowered his head and kicked his little leather boots.

   "Hahaha, Dad lied, the shrimp and rice paste is ready, come to Dad to serve it for you." Li Han smiled, pinching his little face.

   "Wow, the shrimp paste is ready."

   Dudu cheered, and the big bowl was stuffed into Dad's hand.

  Li Han helped Dudu and Bao Bao to install a big bowl. The two little people happily ran to the dining table and put them on the chair. "Grandma, it's time to eat."

   "Hehe, eat."

   In the kitchen, Natalie is holding a small bowl of battered shrimp and rice. No matter how you look at it, she can't put her mouth down. It's pale green, and it doesn't look like a delicious thing. Natalie frowned, she shouldn't be curious to ask for a bowl of this just now.

How to do?

   Natalie looked at Arta for help, Arta turned her head hurriedly, covered her nose, and snickered. "Hmph, just eat it." Natalie snorted and scooped a spoon, but she couldn't put it in her mouth.

   "Sister Natalie, eat like this."

  Dudu held up his spoon and ate it. "Oh, it's delicious."


  Natalie, I always felt that this stuff would definitely not taste any better. Seeing Dudu and the baby gulps, is it really delicious? She scooped a spoon and stuffed it into her mouth with her eyes closed.

  Li Han was delighted to see it. "There's a lot of medicinal soup here, so don't close your eyes."

  Alta, observed Natalie with a smile, saw Natalie open her eyes and asked with a smile. "How does it taste?" "Strange taste, a little stinky, but it seems to taste good, it's a bit incredible, such an amazing dish." Natalie, speaking, scooped another spoon. "Alta, do you want to try it?"

  Alta waved his hands again and again. "No, no, you like it, eat more."

   Natalie snorted, she really didn't lie to her, okay, Natalie ate it, the shrimp in the spoon was mushy. Spoon after spoon, ignoring Alta, which made Alta curious.

   Is it really delicious, Dudu, Baobao, Li Han, Li Mei, Zhang Xiuying, all seem to be delicious, and now even Natalie is enjoying it. Seeing Arta secretly watching the crowd, Li Han said with a smile. "Would you like a bowl, there's still a lot in the pot."

   "Dad, after Dudu has finished eating, I want to have battered shrimp and rice."

   Toot small mouth, sticky with a little bit of soup, holding a big bowl. "Okay, Dad will pretend it for you." Li Han said with a smile. "Have a bowl, it tastes good."


  Alta, so curious.

   Natalie, puffing out her mouth, consuming the bowl, and wiping her mouth. "Although it tastes weird, it tastes pretty good."


  The two little people nodded in unison. These two little people are absolute supporters of the shrimp paste. When they heard the shrimp paste, they danced with excitement. Li Han came to the restaurant from the kitchen with two bowls of shrimp and rice paste.

   "Who will come here so late?"

   Outside the yard, the lights were flashing, and Li Han was a little surprised. "Little man, what's wrong?"

   "Tom, who is here?"

   "Boss, it's Caddy and Billy."

  Tom, said.

   "Invite them in."

  Li Han, hand over two bowls of shrimp and rice paste to Dudu and Arta.

   "You eat first, what can I see?"

  Li Han, said.

   "Little man, ask Kady and Billy if they have eaten, let's eat together."

   Zhang Xiuying said and stood up.

   "Mom, you eat first, I'll ask."

  Li Han, I was afraid that something would happen to the two of them, so I couldn't say it in front of Zhang Xiuying.


   Zhang Xiuying, seeing what happened to her son, I don't want to know for myself, sir, Zhang Xiuying, I don't think about taking care of it anymore.

   came to the living room, Li Han looked at the two of them and seemed to be fine. "It's fine, is the power okay?" "The power is good," Kady said. "Winnie, this stunner, is so fascinated by him that he has almost forgotten who he is." Kady spoke with some resentment.

   "Caddy, Han, Will is fine."

   Billy said with a smile.

   "That's good, everyone is fine, tell me about the bison, I always feel a little weird here." Li Han, he always thought about the bison, maybe it wasn't a coincidence.

  Caddy and Billy, puzzled. "Han, are you saying that the bison was intentional?"

   "Impossible, these wild bulls are full of wildness." Kady said with lingering fears when he thought that his pickup was almost knocked over at that time. "Han, you don't know that a group of wild bulls were extremely angry at the time. They were almost useless for shotguns and pistols. They rushed over directly. It was terrifying."

   "That's right, this is the most terrifying thing I've ever encountered. Thinking about it makes me tremble." Billy said.

   "Did you not notice any difference at the time?"

   Li Han said. "Or, the herd, afraid of what, or something else following the herd?"

   "Han, what do you mean, someone is really driving the herd and attacking us on purpose, that's impossible, right?"

  Caddy, said. "Could it be that animal protection organizations did it?"

  Li Han was dumbfounded. "Caddy, I'm not talking about people, maybe wolves."

   "Wolf, how is it possible to drive away such a herd of bison."

  Caddy didn't believe anything.

   It was Billy, who bowed his head in thought. "Caddy, maybe Han, guessed right, I seem to see a few dark shadows in the distance."

   "Could it be, but I was too scared to see clearly."

  Caddy, said.

   "No, that's right, it must be an animal, I can tell now, as to whether it's the wolves you mentioned, I'm not sure." Billy said.

   "If so, it would be terrifying. The wolves used the bison herd to deal with us. It was too smart, too cunning, and too terrifying." Billy said a few words in a row, his expression showing a trace of fear.

  Caddy was stunned. "How is this possible, if this is true, how terrible are these wolves, they are smarter than people."

   "Don't tell others about this, maybe it's just my guess. After all, it's too amazing." Li Han said. "By the way, do you have dinner?"

   Seeing the two shaking their heads, Kady and Billy, completely subconscious. "Let's eat together then."


   It will take two people to react. "Little man, Kady and Billy haven't eaten yet, sit down, I'll pack the meal for you."

   The two of them often come to eat, steamed bread and rice can be eaten. "Thank you auntie, we will come by ourselves, you sit."

   "You're welcome."

   Outside the Hank Farm, a motorcycle stopped at the entrance, glanced at it from a distance, turned around, and sped away.

   (end of this chapter)