The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1432: Assholes, shut up

   Chapter 1432 Assholes, shut up

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   "Hey, it's so cool."

  Chris, with a glass of wine. "Han, it's so cool, these reporters are so rude, they deserve to be scolded, Han, you were just amazing, those reporters, you didn't see it, you're going to be **** off."

   "Hee hee, Uncle Chris, pandora also spoke." Dudu, Lara Chris, raised her chest and said.

   "Yes, pandora is also very good, uncle has a gift for you." Chris, there are always various small gifts in your pockets.

  Yellow Jeweled Duck, pendant, wow, toot cheers, catch, hang around his neck, don't forget Chris, give a big kiss, plus a small white eye to Uncle Roll.

Rolle is speechless, this Chris, pocket power, why is it either a gadget or a snack, I have to prepare some next time, I haven't seen my treatment and Chris' treatment, it is simply a bench with a depth of one foot in the minor leagues. There is a world of difference between league stars.

   "Baby, this is yours."

   A little ruby ​​duck, handed to the baby, cute cartoon little fat duck, two little people love it to death. "Thank you, Uncle Chris." Baby, with a sip, happily put on Bibi with sister Dudu.

   "Okay, baby, Dudu, darling, go and play with mom."

  Li Han smiled and touched the two little people.


   "Dad, bye Uncle Chris."

   The two villains chose to ignore Luo Er, and the troubled Luo Er was depressed.

  Li Han and Chris, laughing loudly, the two little guys deliberately joked with Rolle, no one gave them a gift, and after a while out of the door, they stuck out their little heads, waved their little hands, and said with a smile. "Goodbye Uncle Roll."


  Roll squeezed out a smile. Next time, he must bring gifts. These two little devils, little madmen who love gifts.

  Chris smiled and winked at Rolle, completely ignoring this guy, his face turned blue. "Han, Chris, John and Baggio, what's going on over there?"

   "All the videos are sent over, just wait for the press conference here to end, and go to the homepage as soon as the report comes out."

   Li Han said.

   "Baggio and John are watching the official websites and current news of various media." Li Han said with a smile. "This time, the Grizzlies and Grizzlies joined forces with four major video media sites. You must know that these sites are all interested in entering the news media market, and they are more urgent than us."

"that would be great."

  Chris and Rolle, said with a smile. "Han, there are less than three travel agencies on my side."

   "I have more here, and there are five more." Rolle said.

"Hank Farm is the saddest. There is only one left, and the number of people is limited. I have told Bella to cancel the cooperation. Now Hank Farm does not have a cooperative travel agency." Li Han said with a smile, as if he didn't feel anything at all. Instead, Bella, she didn't sleep well all night.

  I woke up in the morning with no energy at all. Not only did I drink a cup of coffee and turn on the TV, I saw the current affairs news on Billings TV and the follow-up report on Hank's Farm.


  Bella, seeing all the cooperative travel agencies stand up, talk, rescind contracts, and smear Hank Farm in various ways, Bella almost fainted.

   "Han, what did the difficulty do?"

  Bella, watching TV with a bit of resentment.

   Li Han didn't know Bella, so he blamed himself behind his back and then called. "Chris, Rolle, I have news, I'll go out."

   "Albert, what's the matter?" Li Han asked.

   "Monsanto, here's a request to revise the contract, O'Henry can't wait." Albert, I've been following the news for the past two days, although some disagree with Li Han's approach.

   But not like Bella, Hank's farm has enough funds, and the farm not only relies on tourism, cattle, sheep, pasture and crops, there is no shortage of real economy, enough to support the cultivation of Hank cattle.

   "Change the contract, okay, give him the contract I handed you last time, and tell him whether to cooperate according to this contract, or goodbye."

   Li Han said.

   "Han, are you sure?" Albert read the contract and was speechless after reading it.

   is simply too harsh, not to mention Monsanto, a small agricultural company would not agree to this contract, it is simply too embarrassing. "Albert, don't worry, this bastard, if you want to pinch me, I want to see."

  Case walked over to Li Han and seemed to have something to do. Li Han nodded and pointed to his ears, listening. "Boss, various media reports and current affairs news have come out, and the video of the Grizzly Bear and Grizzly Wolf website has just been uploaded."

   "Well done, Albert, tell him to check out the Grizzlies website and the Grizzlies website and talk about the contract."

  Li Han said lightly.

  Albert was a little confused, what Han meant, grizzly bear and grizzly wolf website, but Li Han didn't wait for Albert to say a word, bye bye hung up the phone. Albert shook his head helplessly, and had to tell O Henry according to Li Han's words.

  O Henry, whether he is angry or not, Albert doesn't care, and Li Han will not care about a guy who was assigned to the small town of Buton. Hurrying back to the bar box, Chris and Rolle had several computers in front of them.

   After swiping the screen, Li Han rolled his eyes silently. These two guys are really ready. "Boss." Tom, handing over the tablet, there is no way, Hank's farm has the most stuff, Steve has something to do, so he sent some over, and many still haven't released new products.

   Li Han is not good at giving away. If he doesn't give it away, he can't use it up. He is very depressed. "The video has just been uploaded and I think it will take at least three hours or so to heat up."

   "Hey, Han, you're wrong, look at it, someone has already left a message in just an hour." Chris said with a smile.

   The video takes almost an hour to watch, which is sure to be the first viewers.

"This is a group of wolves with American spirit. When the old wolf king wolf group was forced into a desperate situation, they took on the heavy responsibility of inheriting the wolf clan, shouldering family feud and racial hatred, and embarked on a road of no return. The wolf king and the young wolves, buy time." A netizen who is a hunter in Montana commented.

"You're right upstairs, this is a group of wolves with an American spirit. When the three-legged old wolf king leads a group of old wolves, he knows he will die, so he will go without hesitation, for the reproduction of the population, for the young wolves behind him, and for love. The last battle without a victory made me cry, especially when the old wolf king, after being shot and fell to the ground, dragged his broken leg and climbed to the hunter, I cried, God, what a wolf pack, **** it You bastards, you should watch this video." The netizen who changed his name to Wolf posted two comments in a row. "Look, the good things you did, God, stupid media, are they all blind, that Josh's man, actually killed a pregnant female wolf, and skinned a cub alive, how Cute little guy, he is just curious about the outside world, he never thought that he would meet a sneering and vicious **** and torture himself to death. Although, I am not the wolf cub, but I can feel that behind the miserable cry, there is no Painful."

   "Bastard, humans are too cruel."

"Josh, Winnie, Kay, you liars, shameless liars, the town of Buton is ashamed to have you, that arrogant guy is right, applying sympathy to you is like seeing a rose house to **** Disgusting."

   There are more and more comments. Chris and Rolle were laughing at Li Han, but this video does not seem to have changed. Li Han's arrogant image makes Li Han a little speechless.

  Fortunately, now most of them are said to be arrogant, and they never say that they are cold-blooded. A number of media began to be targeted by netizens. Of course, from time to time, Rolle and Chris, two guys who participated in the hunt for wolves, were raised and scolded.


  Li Han, this time, I can't help laughing. These two **** laughed so much just now, it's time to replace them with themselves. "These bastards, they would have seen these videos without us."

   "Yeah, without me, the three-legged wolf king can be so tall."

  Roll pouted and said.

   Li Han rolled his eyes speechlessly, this guy was still stunned, he didn't see the scolding of him, Chris, several times, as for Li Han, this will greatly improve his image, at least Li Han has a positive image in terms of hunting and killing wolves.

"It's hard to imagine that compared with the wolves, humans have lost so thoroughly. Human beings are hypocritical, lies, tyrannical, cold-blooded, crazy. Although the wolves are revengeful, they have always restrained, from the patrol team Josh, to Winnie, Kai and these people, The wolves hurt them, yes, these people do not deserve any sympathy, and what they do is despised by the world." Good people on the mountain.

   "Han from Hank's Farm, although arrogant, but he is right, these reporters are all disgusting like shit, like bugs, smelly, these news, bastards, you shut up."

   "Man is not as good as a wolf, sad."

"The wolves are affectionate, loving, and restrained. Even if the wolf cubs are tortured and killed, the wolves are no longer as crazy as you are. Even if they die in the end, the wolves still use their spirit to tell the world how great the American spirit is. Sadly, humans use Lies one after another to discredit the wolves and beautify themselves."

   There are more and more comments. The sympathy of the wolves once occupied the commanding heights. Yes, the performance of the wolves is absolutely perfect, and many people even think that the wolves are not worth it.

   "These bastards, the wolves shouldn't let these **** go in the first place."

   "Tragedy, when the old wolf king closed his eyes, I saw an inextinguishable spirit rise up, illuminating the entire grassland." said a wolf lover in the small town of Buton.

After the video was played for three hours, there were thousands of comments. The Grizzly Bear and Grizzly Wolf websites have more than 500,000 video views. This is 500,000. You must know that there are less than one million in Montana. People, barring some other states, at least 50,000 Montanaians watched the video on both sites.

   Yesterday, I yelled at Dudu and Li Han, and all the abusive people shut up. On Dudu's homepage, Li Han used his own account and wrote on the homepage, bastards, shut up.

   Arrogant, but at this time, no one refuted, there was no way to refute, one by one, holding back their anger, they could only pretend to be turtles. "It's so cool." Li Han, after writing and publishing, laughed.

   are just two companions, Chris and Rolle's faces are worse than the other. "Damn, are these people crazy?" "Roll, don't do this, I think it will pass." Li Han smiled and comforted.

   "Cunning guy, it's no wonder you don't want to join the hunt for the old wolf king." Suddenly Luo Er stared at Li Han. "Han, you don't know from the beginning that the wolves are not only attacking from the front, but may also escape from the hillside?"

   "I don't know, I'm not God."

   Li Han quickly waved his hand, but Chris and Rolle were watching the video and were afraid of the air, the more they thought about it, the more wrong it became. "Han, you cunning fellow."

   "Don't, I really don't know, hey, Billings TV replayed the news of the morning's current affairs, can't you." Li Han, waved to Cross and Rolle busyly.

   "I know, it's great, Chris, Rolle, you heard, Billings TV did not find the video of the Grizzlies and the Grizzlies, and replayed the morning news interview." Li Han was proud.

In the    hotel, Bodley is also proud. "The arrogant and ignorant idiot, not to say, don't watch the Billings TV report, broadcast twice a day, this **** can still say that he didn't see it, this self-deceiving guy, look, every travel agency cancels the cooperation with Hank Farm, look How interesting it is to stand on the opposite side of yourself when you are a former partner.”

   "Dong dong dong."

  Bodley got up and opened the door. "Beverly, just right, look at it, Hank's farm is over, that arrogant bastard, it's over, haha, don't you think, this is great."


  Beverly looked extremely ugly, holding a tablet in his hand, playing a video on it.

   (end of this chapter)