The Best Small Farm

Chapter 146: Under the bug paradise

   Chapter 146 Under the Bug Paradise

   After working on the farm early in the morning, Li Han drove a four-wheeled vehicle and pulled a sightseeing car to wait for the little ones in the kindergarten at the entrance of the farm. After a while, a school bus came. American school buses are almost the same color. The cars are ugly, like old trucks. They are yellow and heavy in shape. Stop) sign. The seats in the car are equipped with anti-collision safety devices and GPS positioning systems, so that the school bus can clearly know the location wherever it goes.

What impressed Li Han most was the yellow and red flashing lights and the red Stop on the school bus, which were completely invincible. When the school bus was about to slow down and stop, its yellow flashing lights would flash like traffic lights, reminding passing vehicles to prepare to slow down. parking. When the school bus comes to a stop, the red stop sign installed on the front left turns on, so passing cars have to stop and wait. Especially for the kindergarten car in front of you, the school bus also has a second red stop sign installed at the rear on the left side to provide a more prominent stop sign for passing cars. The yellow flashing lights and red stop signs on this school bus are equivalent to traffic lights on highways and streets, and all drivers must obey the same traffic rules as any other.

   And each state has legislation that requires other vehicles to stop in both directions when children get on and off the school bus before they can drive (even the US President's car has to stop and wait). Motorists who violate this law are often subject to hefty fines and even severe prison terms.

  Li Han met an immigrant who had just come to the United States. When he saw the school bus, he wanted to detour and was almost killed by the police. Needless to say, a fine of thousands of dollars is not enough. It is estimated that it will take a while for education. The ugly yellow school bus in the United States, like an old-fashioned truck, is truly invincible. The last thing Li Han wants to meet is a school bus. He has a shadow in his heart and is too domineering. This time, I drove the smallest A school bus, which could take 16 to 36 people. It weighed six meals. Li Han has no emotion. This bus is ugly. Think about the number of primary and secondary school students injured by school buses in the United States every year, between 8,500 and 12,000, but 96% of them are minor injuries, and only 4% are seriously injured. Of the 22 elementary and middle school students who ride US school buses each year, only about 6 of them die in crashes. Another 16 people died in the area near the school bus. I have to sigh, this car is really invincible, it doesn't matter if it's ugly.

  Li Han's sightseeing car can only be empty, Li Han and Cynthia greeted and talked to the driver. Cynthia and Belle took the school bus alone and drove over alone. The car was full of various props for class, full of bug models and cushions, magnifying glasses, small bottles, and various small things.

  The school bus followed Li Han's tractor to Grassland No. 3, which is close to Glassman Grassland, not to mention the school bus's power is quite good. The grass is half a foot tall and can be harvested again before winter comes. "Han, it's so beautiful here." The grass is lush and green, unlike other pastures, it will be half withered. Especially the clusters of alfalfa, with purple, yellow, and purple flowers, one by one, all in circles, these are the space alfalfa seeds that Dudu had previously exchanged.

The grass is growing better than the grass around it. It's almost a foot taller now. Houghton and Doles were talking about it two days ago. Leave the seeds. The analysis has reported that it is 15% higher than the average alfalfa nutrient elements, with various advantages. Doles and Houghton, thinking that next year, the dry grass on the high mountain slopes will promote this alfalfa, which will increase the yield by at least one-third, which is an amazing number. No wonder Henry asked Li Han several times about this matter, but grass seeds could not be sold, and his own family was not enough.

"Thank you, Cynthia, Belle, Houghton and I checked this area in the morning, there are no big animals and snakes around, but there are a lot of bugs here, children be careful, white wolf and these two shepherd dogs and big white, little white Stay here, they will be safer." Li Han arranged it, the bugs would be better if Dudu exchanged one energy for a lot, and all kinds of bugs added up to at least one or two thousand. "Thank you, Han, and I'll take care of the kids."

  Cynthia helped Belle carry the bug model while talking, Li Han walked over to help, plus the school bus driver, not to mention a lot. There are big ants, big spiders, various insects, grasshoppers, each one is more than a foot long, and various joints can be removed. Compare the picture book, and the little guy will mark it after a while, and the name of each part of the insect. "The props are pretty good." After laying the groundwork, Li Han clapped his hands and greeted Dudu and the baby over.

"Dudu, baby, you have to say hello to the children, darling, my father will give you pudding, cream cake, yogurt and fruit." Li Han touched the two beetle clothes Dudu and the baby, and flicked them. Dudu has two whiskers on his head.

   "Dad." Dudu covered his little head, pouted his mouth, his whiskers were quite elastic, and Dudu Beetle's headgear was crooked. "Hehe, Dad is wrong, come and let me put it on for you, Dudu, okay, go get a magnifying glass and a small bottle, and catch bugs."

Originally, there were quite a few bugs in the grass, but Dudu changed a lot and put them on this side, and there were even more bugs. The little guys wearing all kinds of bug coats were like little bugs lying on the grass like big bugs, especially a few big caterpillars. Clothes children are so interesting. These little guys either observe bugs with a magnifying glass, or use tweezers to put them into small bottles for observation, or play with big bug models. Belle and Cynthia are busy taking care of thirteen or four children. Li Han said a few words to the school bus driver and sent them out of the farm.

   Back home and brought a bucket of fresh milk, Li Han planned to make some milk pudding. Milk gelatin powder white sugar, simple modulation, and fresh fruit decoration, it looks good in small ice cream cups.

  Dudu is the organizer of this event. Of course, Li Han, who is a father, sponsored it. My mother came to help. The vegetable garden dug up a new basket of small potatoes, purple small potatoes, with a faint fruity fragrance, washed them, peeled them and put them in a steamer to steam them. The flour and mashed potatoes were wrapped with bean paste. A layer of breadcrumbs, fried to golden brown, and a large pot in an incubator. "Mom, how do you taste it?"

  Li Han fried small potato **** and said, Zhang Xiuying, the first time she saw potatoes like this, pinched one and tried it. "Why don't you have the taste of potatoes? The noodles are a little sweet, and the outer skin is crispy and crispy." "These are purple potatoes of the Dudu species. They don't have the bitter taste of potatoes, but have more fragrance."

  Li Han squeezed a fried golden potato ball and put it in his mouth. Not to mention, it was better than ordinary purple potatoes, but the ones grown in Dudu were different. "It's delicious, get some more and give some to the little guys to take home and try."

  Li Han and his mother fried some potatoes and buns all morning, and my mother made some pies. Li Han eats it the most. The meat gluten noodles are covered with shredded cucumbers, slices of beef in sauce, scallions, a few pieces of lettuce, a layer of chili and a layer of sweet noodle sauce. Li Han's favorite. The little guys replaced the peppers, added some gravy, and boiled the beef juice, which was really fragrant with a little sweet and sour taste of tomatoes. A roll of spring cakes, with gravy flowing, not to mention delicious.

  Li Han drove the farmer's cart to deliver puddings, fried potato balls, fried bread, small rolls, and fruit milk to the pasture. The little guys were all writing down their morning observations, and it was rare for them to be so honest. Cynthia and Belle, who are sorting out the props, are torn apart by big ants, caterpillars, very messy. "Cynthia, do you want me to help?" "Han, thanks, Belle and I will sort it out."

   "Time, it's still early, let's have a snack first." Cynthia and Belle brought lunch, just some snacks and bread. Li Han's incubator, when he opened it, smelled a scent. He was busy catching bugs, chasing birds, breaking ants, and drawing caterpillars. The little guy looked up at Li Han.

  Dudu and Baobao even threw away the big beetle in their hands and ran over in a hurry. "Dad, Dudu is hungry." Dudu touched his belly, bowed his feet, and stared at the big box. "Uncle, it's delicious, meat."

  The baby's little nose is twitching and the taste is familiar with meat, and the gravy smells sweet and sour. "Dudu, go and call all the children here, and the baby will help uncle load the dishes." Cynthia and Belle were busy helping when they saw it.

"Thank you so much." Cynthia originally thought that Li Han would send some snacks, but at first glance, there are so many, pudding, bread, fruit milk, and burritos, which are enough for more than ten children and two of them to eat at noon .

"Pudding and fruit, save it for afternoon snacks. Let's eat fried potatoes, bread, and rolled meat patties first." Li Han rolled the big meat patties and cut them into small pieces and placed them on a large plate. When the small plate comes, I can eat as much as I can. A group of little guys can hold two pieces at most. I would rather have less than I can waste.

   Fried potato **** are the most welcome. Several little guys have eaten three, and Dudu and Baobao have eaten four potato balls. "Han, did you make all these? This fried potato is really good. Can you teach me?"

   Belle, this little fat girl, eats the most, fried potato **** and rolled meat patties, at least five pieces. "At that time, the potatoes were grown by the farm itself, so the taste may not be the same as the outside." Li Han donated a meat pie and handed it to Cynthia. "Cynthia, try it. The beef in sauce is used here. It's strong and doesn't add much fat." "Really, it tastes pretty good. Do you have any ketchup? Can you give me some?"

  Tomato sauce accompanies fried potatoes and fried bread, which suits Cynthia's taste best. The little ones spread a lot of tomato sauce, jam, and even butter. Only Dudu and Baobao have the same taste as Li Han. They don’t like to put ketchup. They like to eat meat rolls with gravy, shredded cucumbers and lettuce are refreshing, beef in sauce, with a little sauce flavor. Spring cakes use dead noodles and tendons. Li Han drank beer while eating, it was really cool.

  After lunch, Li Han brought a group of little guys to the creek to clean the cutlery and fork. That's good. The dishes are cleaned, washed, dried and put back in the box prepared by Belle. "Li Han sees that all kinds of small plates are different, and they have different names, matching knives and forks, very cartoonish, and different sizes. The tableware making company came to the school and made them according to the child's preference and palm size.

After the little guy had lunch and rested for half an hour, he was rolling on the grass, or lying on the grass and holding a magnifying glass to observe the habits of the insects in the grass, or chasing and playing, Cynthia and Belle, willing to sit, talk, and organize the afternoon. props for class.

The outdoor class is very interesting. Li Han took a few picture booklets distributed. There are a few homework, but there are no fixed specific requirements, such as observing a kind of bug. Too.

   (end of this chapter)