The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1546: Can't be dismantled, can't be disassembl

  Chapter 1546

  PS; everyone is so powerful, almost 100 tickets, plus more will be sent, there are at least three chapters today, as long as the monthly ticket is powerful, the famous kiln will never lose the chain, continue to ask for the monthly ticket, everyone continue to smash it, and be happy if you are tired.




  Li Han was stunned and said with a smile. "It's a Suzhou embroidery handicraft."

   "Su embroidery crafts?" Lingna pouted a little dissatisfied.

   "Han, take it out and take a look." Natalie was a little anxious, eager to see it, and gave it to a few other people as a gift. As for herself, she has a list, it's a very interesting classic car.


  Li Han glanced at Jennifer, who smiled and nodded. She was an adult, and she felt less towards gifts than children. I haven't seen Dudu and a few villains hugging gifts and not letting go.

   "Okay, wait a minute."

  Li Han said with a smile. "I'll go get a present."

   Having said that, Li Han went to the storage room and first took out a large square box. "What is this, it looks heavy." Lingna, a little curious, why didn't the gift say that the gift is light and affectionate, could it be the other way around.

   "Arta, I gave it to you, take it apart and see." Li Han said with a smile. "Oh, it's heavy, be careful."

   Lingna snorted, and was a little unhappy about Li Han's cautious appearance. "Jennifer, this gift looks really good."

   "Ah, is it?"

  Jennifer smiled and didn't care too much, but Lingna saw something, and Jennifer's eyes were a little dissatisfied, and she was happy. "Ha ha."

  Alta opened the box, covering his mouth and exclaiming in surprise. "God, this...?"

   "A lot of villains." In a large square box, there are hundreds of villains in various poses, wearing red clothes, playing and singing, matchmakers waving their sleeves, singing and shouting, red sedan chairs, high-headed horses, and the groom welcomes the bride.

   A few little people and little ghosts were attracted, stood on tiptoe, and stretched out their little heads to see. "Mmmm, so many cute little people."

  " Han is this?

   "This is a scene from an ancient wedding."

  Li Han said with a smile, this gift was originally intended for Jennifer, but later, for fear that Jennifer would have other ideas, it was changed to Arta, who likes Chinese culture.

   "In ancient times, weddings were divided into collections, asked for names, Naji, Nazheng, please kiss, welcome in person, this is the welcoming team." Li Han said.

   "There are so many people just to welcome you."

   "Hehe, it's not too much, it's just a big family, the emperor welcomes his relatives, and there are ten miles of long streets."

   Natalie watched, the villain was dressed up, very interesting. "Han, what is this?"

   "Sister Natalie, this is a sedan chair."

  Dudu said with a small smug look on his face. "Dudu has sat there before."


   Natalie pinched her little face, provoking the villain, puffing her little face, and broke free from Natalie's bad hand. "Humph."


  Lina, seemingly on purpose, elongated her voice. "Hehe, just a part, hehe."

   "By the way, Lingna, I'll get your gift right now."

   Having said that, Li Han walked quickly to the storage room.

   "Huh, this is it?"

  Lina looked at her, she had two gifts, she was a little puzzled. "open to take a look."

   "This is a Su embroidered brocade robe."

  Li Han introduced with a smile. "Speaking of which, Feitian is one of the images of Chinese fairies, and it is a piece of Suzhou embroidery screen handicraft."

   "Thank you." Su embroidered the screen, but Lingna didn't care much, but the brocade robe looked really good, especially what the fairy wore, she was even more proud of it.

   "Jennifer's gift must be better than ours, right?"

  Lina said with a half-smile.

   "Ah, it's all the same."

   said, Li Han glanced at Jennifer, and was slightly disappointed to see that Jennifer was not very different. "Han, won't you go and show it to me?"


  Li Han, it took a little time this time.

"so big."

   A gift box as tall as a person, plus a square gift box. "Jennifer, this is for you."


   "Open it and take a look."

   Natalie can't do it urgently, what the **** is in such a big gift box. "Wow, Mom."

"so beautiful."

   A huge piece of Suzhou embroidery, embroidered on nothing but a full body portrait of Jennifer.

"So lovely."

   "Han, it's too eccentric."

   Natalie, exclaimed.

   "That's right."

   Lingna followed.

  Alta laughed and nodded.

   Dudu and Bao Bao, two little people, nodded in unison. "What are you nodding, little devil." Li Han knocked alone.

   "Thank you." Jennifer, smiling, said.

   "Wow, mother's name." The little dudu was knocked by his father, pouted, and squatted on his mother's portrait.

   "Yes, Jennifer's name, Chinese and English, more below."


   Dudu pointed down.

   "My dad gave it to my mom."

   "Hehe, you know if you don't write it."

  Lina laughed.

   "Han, is it difficult, is this still your embroidery?"

   Natalie, muttered.

   "I'm not that high."

  Li Han said with a smile. "I embroidered the words below. As for the rest, it wasn't me. I invited a friend to find an old craftsman to draw it for five months."

   "Five months, such a long time."

   Natalie muttered.

   Li Han smiled bitterly, but Alta stood up and said something to help Li Han. "Five months is not a long time. If I have seen a pair of Suzhou embroidery similar to this one, it took a full two years."

   "Two years, this is too long."

   "Han, why did you use this picture for such a short time?"

   asked Natalie.

"Ha ha."

  Li Han, hehe smiled.

   "Han, is there any other reason?"

   "This veteran craftsman, now that he sees me, he will hide immediately. It stands to reason that it is such a big and strict Su embroidery, and it is rare for a year or two." Li Han said.

  Li Han took great pains to get it before Christmas. He hired two nannies, a personal doctor and a massage therapist for this veteran craftsman.

  Guangguang wanted to get it early, not only that, but also found the old man’s son, spent a lot of money, and even persuaded a friend of the old man, two top craftsmen to hurry up and spend a full five months.

  Li Hangangguang spent no less than one million for this Suzhou embroidery. These Li Han didn't say anything, just said it casually, he urged the old man every day, it's better to hang up when he saw his phone.

  Jennifer was rarely moved. "thanks."

"Ha ha."

  Li Han smiled. "Oh, look, this dress, to say this style of clothes, has a nice name, Nishang Yuyi."

"Wow! So beautiful."

  Dudu saw, big eyes shining with small stars. "Mama put it on."

"Ha ha."

  Li Han smiled.


   Natalie murmured, this is a beautiful dress for Jennifer and Lingna for a classic car. "Sure enough, a cheapskate."

  Jennifer seems to like clothes very much. She picked them up and asked. In fact, Li Han is now learning to sell them now, and it is rare to see custom-made clothes masters in China.

   This old master was taught by a master in the Republic of China, and this craft has been passed down, and it may not exist in China. Li Han, it took a lot of effort to light these gifts.

  Li Han prepared half a year in advance, two carvings of Dudu and Baobao, which one is not the work of hard work. Zhang Xiuying's cheongsam, I asked a lot of people to inquire, and found an old shop with a history of nearly 80 years, which was customized in four months.

   The high price doesn't count, the old master is not very good-tempered, if it hadn't been for Li Han to send a jar of medicinal wine to suit this master's taste, he might not be able to have it in four months or four years.

  The light does not talk about value, this kind of thought is rare.

   "Dudu also needs to see gifts."

   A few villains, seeing that the gifts of adults are so beautiful, they are busy unwrapping the gifts one by one. "Dudu, baby, what did Dad say?"

   "Wait for Christmas Eve."

  Dudu said with a puffed mouth.

   "Yes, we have to wait for Christmas Eve."

  Li Han said with a smile. "There will be a big surprise when it is disassembled."


  Dudu hugged the box with curiosity on his face.

  Especially seeing Maria, Sister Mimizi, and Michelle all opened the presents. "Wow! So beautiful."

   "Lots of toys."

   "Lots of storybooks."

   "Thank you uncle."

  Dudu is very envious, holding the gift box and not letting go.

   Natalie teased the villain beside her. "Pandora, take it apart and see."

   "No, Dad said to wait until Christmas Eve."

   "Cut, maybe it's a peace gift inside."

   said Natalie. "Forget it, it's so big." He shook his head as he spoke, pouting with a small mouth. "Dad said it all, there are big surprises in it."


  Natalie, gestures the small box. "Maybe it's a box of cookies."

"would not."

  Little man, shaking, there seems to be a sound.


   Natalie said with a smile. "Your father is teasing you, take it apart quickly."

   "Dudu don't."

  Dudu hugged the gift tightly.

  Little man, with a snort, Aunt Natalie is both good and bad.

   Natalie saw that she had lied to the villain several times. She was not fooled and lost her mind, so she ran to play with Arta's little clay sculpture. "It's really fun, what are these people talking about?"

   "is a Chinese musical instrument."

  Alta said with a smile. "Very interesting."


   "The sedan chair is so beautiful."

   said Natalie. "I decided that I must take this sedan chair once when I get married."

"what is this?"

   "Appears to be a carriage."


   Dudu villain, leaning close to the side and nodding forcefully.

   "You brat, we don't give us gifts, we don't show you."

   said, cover up.


   "Stingy without you."

   Natalie snorted.

  Jennifer and Lingna, smiled and watched.

  Lina approached Jennifer and whispered. "This time Han's gift took a lot of thought."

   "Jennifer, I think, Alta, that gift might be for you."

  Lina said with a smile.


"All right."

  Lina was a little helpless and shook her head. The two strange guys obviously had a good feeling for each other, but it was always like this, which was really puzzling.

   Actually, neither Li Han nor Jennifer have such a personality. Why did this happen? I have to say that there is a little pandora in the middle.

   Both of them are a little worried, if, if, if, if they really go together, if there is any problem in the middle, well, at that time, it may cause great harm to pandora.

   Now, the two seem to be at odds with each other, not close or far, facing pandora, it is a good choice, maybe the two think that pandora is bigger, and the relationship between the two will be sublimated.

   Even if there is a problem in the future, pandora is bigger and knows how to choose. This is a tacit understanding between the two.

  Dudu doesn't know this, villain, he glances at him from time to time when he eats, and presents his own gift box. "Hehe, this child, don't look at it, eat quickly."


   "Baby sister."

   Dudu villain, after dinner, Xiao Chen said in an insatiable manner. "Sister Baby, do you want to open the present?"

   (end of this chapter)