The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1612: Youngest Certified Appraiser

   Chapter 1612 Youngest Certified Horse Appraiser

  PS: I just came back and fell asleep on the sofa for a few days in a row. Sorry, the update is over, and I will try to write another chapter.


   Chapter 1597 There are groups and heads

   "Sister Dudu, little bit, can you really win the championship?" Baby, touching little bit, asked in a low voice.

   "Mmmm, Xiaodian is the best, Dudu has already seen it." Dudu, full of confidence, patted his chest and assured.

   "Sister Dudu, you are amazing." The baby blinked and looked at Dudu with big eyes full of envy.

  The little man, giggling, looks like Toot is the most powerful child, Pete walked in front, smiled, and paid too much attention to Toot every day.

   After all, who would believe that a villain can see the potential value of a horse, although it may be the final shape of the horse, knowing the potential in advance is simply a cheat.

  The descendants of champion horses, the auction price is extremely high, but not every descendant of champion horses can become a real champion, and some even break down before entering the first-level competition.

  Unfortunately, even the best horse appraiser in the world cannot guarantee that the foal you auction off will become a real champion racehorse. Pete is a good horse appraiser. Judging on the surface, he can really judge whether this horse can become a racehorse, or even a top racehorse appraiser. Which one is not a famous person.

  Even so, there is always a hole in the eye, injury to Zhongyong, or other hidden illnesses, or some other hidden shortcomings will cause a horse to ruin the entire professional race.

   "Sister Baby, hurry up, the little ones are running a long way, and the race has started." Dudu said.

   "Well, Little Ditty beats all the ponies and wins the championship. Baby will give you a big apple to chew on." Baby, pat Little Ditty and hold the big red apple, this is something that Sister Dudu gave to the baby and she is not willing to eat it.

   "Well, beat to get the championship cup." Dudu said.

   "Sister Dudu is the champion trophy." Bao Bao corrected.

   "Dudu knows that the championship trophy is used as a wine glass." Dudu said with little pride.

   "But children can't drink alcohol." Baby, pouting, said.

   "Drink sweet wine." Dudu said with a grin.

   Pete laughed. "Pandora, daddy knows but he's going to spank your little ass."

   "Grandpa Pete is the best person, don't say anything." Dudu, pulled Grandpa Pete and shook it vigorously.

   "Hehe, fine." Pete, smiled. "Remember to save some for grandpa."

   "Yeah." Dudu, nodded vigorously, and stretched out his small hand.

   "Okay, pull the hook." Pete said with a smile.

  The sweet wine in the mouth, brewed from space fruit, has a very low alcohol content, sweet and mellow taste. Girls like it very much. Kang Na, she likes it after drinking it once.

  Pete was also a little bit entangled by Conner, helpless.

   "Hehe, it's getting late." Pete said with a smile. "The game is really about to start."

   "Mmmm, little bit, little bit, come on." Dudu gestured with his small fist.

   Relatively small and naughty, small to be honest, but small has a disadvantage, weak temper, easy to follow small to make fun.

   On the other side, Li Han and Phillips officially met. "Han from Hank Racecourse?"

   "Long time ago." Phillips said with a smile.

   "You're sure, you know about Hank Racecourse just before you met us." Natalie, pouted, hypocritical guy.

   "Hehe, Miss, you are joking." Phillips said with a smile. "Jennifer, long time no see."

   "Long time no see Phillips." Jennifer said with a faint smile.

   "Phillips, I heard that you are investing in real estate, and you seem to be doing well." Lingna smiled and said when she saw that Phillips seemed to ignore Li Han next to him.

   Phillips and Miley Jones, the expressions of both of them changed very slightly at the same time. "Oh, it's not bad."

   "Real estate is not easy to do recently," Natalie said. "You can't get up if you don't fall into the vortex."


  Lina paused and looked at Natalie in surprise.

   "Am I a child, is there a bigger black hole than American real estate?" Natalie pouted, the economic crisis, I don't know.

   Having said this, Phillips was a little embarrassed, but fortunately, Miley Jones shot immediately. "Oh, don't talk about these boring topics, Han, Jones Racecourse has a few good foals in this time."

   "Really?" Li Han, showing a hint of surprise, didn't seem to care too much about Phillips.

   Miley Jones, frowned, Han, with so much self-confidence, no, absolutely not, could it be that Han was resigned when he saw Phillips, or another kind of bad guy.

   Either way, it's good for Phillips. "Let's go and have a look together." Li Han turned to Jennifer with a smile and said.


   "I think Jones Racecourse will come up with good horses." Lingna said with a smile.

  Joanna and Mira, nodded with a smile, only Natalie looked at a few people with an unhappy expression, these people.

   Miley Jones, led the crowd to Jianma Circle. "Oh, what a fun device."

   "Han, isn't that Gilt?" Joanna, whispered.

   "That's right, Gilt, why is he the only one?" Li Han frowned. Could it be that there was a problem with Pete, and Jones Racecourse deliberately interfered.

  Li Han suddenly jumped out of such an idea, smiled and shook his head, he really thought too much. Jones Racecourse, I want to come, I won't do it. This is the place of Jones Racecourse. If something goes wrong, people will think of Jones Racecourse and Hank Racecourse immediately, the championship competition. Come to think of it, Jones Racecourse was hard to say at that time.

   "Would you like it, I'll go over and ask." Mira whispered.

  Li Han nodded. "By the way, ask, why are there only two, don't you mean four?"

  Mila was also a little puzzled, nodded, and walked over. Phillips and Miley Jones, noticing Mila, turned to leave, glanced a little suspiciously, and saw Li Han and others coming over.

  The two looked at each other and nodded.

   "Hey, it's Stanley and Annie." Natalie whispered, and glanced at Li Han, she was a little puzzled when she saw that Li Han didn't look alike.

   "Hello uncle, auntie." Phillips said hello with a smile.

   "It's Phillips, he's getting more and more capable. I heard Felix say, are you going to come back to help him develop the horse farm?" Stanley asked with a smile.

   "Yes, Uncle Stanley, you know, Felix, it's too hard, and Jones Racecourse needs more young people to join in to increase vitality." Phillips said with a smile. "The achievement of Jones Racecourse is not just in Montana, but in a wider world."

   "Shut up." Felix said loudly. "Phillips, you should know that things are not just said, but done."

   "Yes." Anyone can see that Felix is ​​scolding his son, and is completely helpful.

  Li Han smiled. "Mr. Jones, hello, I'm Han, it's a pleasure to see you again."

   "Han, you gave me a huge surprise." Felix said with a smile.

   "Thank you, it's my honor to bring you a surprise." Li Han said with a smile.

  Felix, smiled, not entangled, Li Han's meaning inside and outside the words, turned his head to Stanley and Annie, and went to see that the horse farm had just delivered a few foals.

"Philips, I won't talk about your horse appraiser certificate right now. If you don't say anything about it for a while, I will personally go to the horse club and suggest that you be disqualified from being hungry." Felix said, said .

   "Han, this guy is so insidious. He clearly scolded Phillips, but no matter how he felt, he was praising Phillips in disguise. Who doesn't have that certificate? Yes, I have a racing qualification certificate and a motorcycle equipment engineer.

   "Oh, Phillips, isn't he thirty years old?" Anne asked with a look of surprise.

   "Yes, Aunt Anne." Phillips laughed. "I got lucky."

   "This is not a fluke. I heard that in the past ten years, there have been no more than five horse appraisers younger than 30 years old."

   "Han, this guy is definitely intentional." Natalie muttered.

   "Hehe, Natalie, don't joke." Li Han whispered.

   Natalie snorted when she saw Li Han. "Arta, come with me to see the horses, I must buy a good horse today."

   "Need my help?" Miley Jones, smiling, leaned over.

   "No, thank you." Natalie snorted.

   Miley Jones said with a smug smile. "Sister Jennifer, oh, this black pure-blood foal is one of Phillips's many foals. When I saw it, everyone couldn't believe what would happen to such a thin foal."

   "Unexpectedly, the facts are surprising, black charm, all the data are in the forefront." Miley Jones said with a smile. "Han, what do you think of Hei Mei?"

   "It's a good horse. If it's sold, I think I'll take it down." Li Han said with a smile.

   "No no, Han, this is not for sale." Phillips smiled and waved his hand.

"That's such a pity." Li Han, a flash of disappointment flashed across his face, which made Phillips good Miley Jones, and his heart was happy, this guy, at this time, still cares about the foal thing.

  Lingna glanced at Li Han, looked at Jennifer who didn't speak, frowned slightly, and said with a smile. "Han, you said that this little black horse, well, what's so good about it, no matter how I look at it, I feel that it is a very thin and weak pony, how can it run well."

  Phillips, most afraid that no one would ask, just about to speak, Li Han had already opened his mouth with a smile. "Maybe it's a self-consciousness."

   "Consciously, haha, Han, you are such a humorous person." Phillips laughed.

   "Oh, yeah, maybe."

  Li Han said with a smile.

  Jennifer, glanced at Li Han lightly. "Han, the race fair is about to begin."

   "Yeah, I was looking forward to Jones Racecourse, but even the black charmers were not selected. I don't know how the few foals on the turntable are better." Lingna said with a smile.

   "You won't be disappointed." Phillips said with a smug look on his face.

   "Hey, the eight champion thoroughbreds from Jones Racecourse are here."

"it's beautiful."

   "Yes, each of these foals seems to represent Montana at the Kentucky Derby."

   "Not really."

   Felix, with a proud look on his face. "Stanley, Anne, how are the foals?"

   "Felix, I envy your luck." Stanley said. "These are some good horses."

  Felix, seeing Stanley, was amazed, and he couldn't be less proud. Miley and Phillips glanced at Li Han, directly Li Han, said lightly.

   "Good horse, it's just a pity."

  Li Han shook his head with disappointment, Miley Jones frowned slightly. "Han, I don't know. It's a pity for you. Where is the pity?"

   (end of this chapter)