The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1613: secretariat pedigree ugly pure blood rep

   Chapter 1613 Secretariat Bloodline Ugly Pure Blood Representative

ps: I poured a cup of vinegar, and it was sour. I finally woke up a lot. Haha, everyone sees the hard work of the famous kiln. Please give me a few recommendation tickets. This week, there are too few, and the famous kiln knows that the latest update is not good, but the situation is special, everyone Excuse me, as these few days pass, the famous kilns will be updated again.


   Chapter 1598 Horse Headless

  Rotating the horse appraiser platform, as soon as the Jones Racecourse exhibition area appeared, it attracted the attention of many horse farms and horse appraisers. A few foals, as soon as they appeared, were shocking, and eight first-class thoroughbreds came out.

   Everyone's eyes lit up, and the horse appraiser was slightly stunned. "Good horse."

   "These foals, at a glance, you can tell that they are absolutely first-class thoroughbreds. Usually there is one that is exciting enough at the racecourse. It's incredible that Jones Racecourse can come up with eight."

   "I didn't expect that there are so many top-quality Thoroughbred young horses at Jones Racecourse. Montana's No. 1 Racecourse is truly worthy of its name."

   "Yeah, that's right, what Jones is not as good as the new one, Hank, God, it's a joke."

   "Jones Racecourse is very scary." John and Baggio couldn't help but sighed after listening to the appraisal of the horse appraiser and the discussions of the crowd.

   "I didn't expect that Felix didn't fight back, but was waiting here." The owner of Layton Racecourse, Layton Barr, flashed a trace of annoyance on his face. Why didn't he expect Felix to do such a thing.

   Now that Layton Racecourse is preparing, there is no time, so I can only sigh helplessly. "What a lucky guy." Leighton Barr looked at the eight pure-blooded foals on the stage carefully, and said with a look of resentment.

   "What a great horse, maybe there will be another top champion at Jones Racecourse."

   "That's right, whether it's Alice or Elise, all of them have the potential to become champion horses, and these foals, God, the heritage of Jones Racecourse, is simply terrifying."

  Many people who want to take advantage of Hank Racecourse's three consecutive championships and attack the status of Jones Racecourse have to be careful at this time. Phillips looked at everyone proudly, wanting to step down from La Jones Racecourse is not so simple.

  Hank Racecourse, hehe, Phillips doesn't believe how powerful a racecourse that has only been established for a year. Especially when he learned about the relationship between Han and Jennifer, Phillips, although he had a smile on his face, could not wait to eat Li Han.

   At this time, a good opportunity should not be missed, it was just something that Phillips did not expect, Han actually said. "A good horse is a good horse, it's just a pity."

   "Hey, this guy, who is it that it's a pity to say that Jones Racecourse is such a pony?"

   "What a pity, this guy, who really thinks he is a senior horse appraiser."

   "You don't know him, Li Han, the madman at Hank Racecourse."

   "Is it him, the owner of the Hank Circus?"

   "That's right, it's him."

   "How young."

   "Yeah, just too stupid, ignorant, grandstanding."

   "That's right, I'm going to lose face this time."

   "Han, don't talk nonsense." Lingna reminded in a low voice.

   "Hehe, don't worry, I didn't talk nonsense." Li Han smiled, seeing Jennifer nodding to him with a look of trust and a smile on the corner of his mouth.

   Miley Jones, you won't miss such a good opportunity at this time. "Han, I don't know. When you say it's a pity, what do you mean?"

   "Hehe, nothing." Li Han smiled. "Hehe, I think this may be Mr. Felix's arrangement, I can't be such a villain."

   Li Han's swearing appearance made people even more confused. Phillips secretly despised him, this guy is so shameless, what is this answer, he said casually, and he started talking nonsense when he couldn't find a reason.

   "Hehe, what Han said makes sense. By the way, Han, I heard that Hank Racecourse also participates in the horse appraisal carousel. I don't know that area is Hank Farm?" Phillips asked with a smile.

   "Hank Racecourse?" Felix said with a smile. "Isn't this Han's horse farm?"

   "That's right." Annie smiled and said.

   "I'm very interested in Hank Racecourse, Stanley, Annie, don't mind, I'll go take a look." Felix said with a smile.


   The two smiled and nodded, Annie thought, Han might give everyone a big surprise.

   "Hey, why are there only two ponies, they don't look very good."

   "Yeah, these two purebloods are too thin."

   "It's a Thoroughbred, an insult to the name of a Thoroughbred."

   "Yeah, Hank's Farm, it really has no background, and it is 108,000 miles away from Jones Racecourse."

"such a pity."

   "Hey, as expected, Hank Racecourse is incomparable to Jones Racecourse." Many racecourse owners sighed slightly and said.

   "Han." Mira whispered beside Li Han. "Little little naughty, squatted little little, ran away and went out to frolic, this meeting has already been caught by Dudu and the baby, Pete will come back, within three minutes, will definitely be there."

   "Are these two foals from Hank Racecourse?" Felix asked, dumbfounded.

  How could this happen? The two skinny ponies look like ponies. No matter how you look at them, they are all second-level cripples. To put them on the stage for selecting horses is a shame. This guy is so interesting.

  Stanley looked a little unsightly when he saw a foal that was more than a dozen tiers away from Jones Racecourse. How could this man do such an unreliable thing.

  Annie frowned and didn't say anything. She complained a lot about Han, and there were still some speculations, Han, is he really capable of equestrianism in the mysterious kingdom.

   "Hahaha, it's so funny."

   "Sure enough, it's the Hank Circus, and it shows everyone from time to time."

   "Hehe, these two purebloods, don't judge, they are the worst purebloods this year." Many people shouted with a smile.

  The horse appraiser has a solemn expression. "The secretariat's bloodline?"

   "Did you make a mistake?"

   "Absolutely right, take a look, compare this data with the secretariat." A horse appraiser said in a low voice, handing over the information for himself.

   "What, how is this possible, the data is very close, and even surpassed in some aspects, even if it does not reach the height of the Secretariat, it seems that it is not a big problem to win the first-level competition."

   "That's right, I didn't expect Hank Racecourse to be very successful."

   "Such a pure secretariat bloodline is very rare in these years. The little dark horse at Jones Racecourse is somewhat shadowy, but it is too far from comparing these two."

   "Hey, look, the horse appraiser has a good score."

   "What, impossible, eight points, how is it possible?"

   "There must be a mistake, it's just 8:30 at Jones Racecourse."

   "Hank Racecourse only has two pure bloods, and they are still pure bloods like waste material. How can they get 8 points? The three good pure bloods at Ateli Racecourse just got 6.5 points."

   "There won't be a shady scene here, right?"

   Not to mention the cowboys onlookers, the media people caused an uproar. "Anita, you guessed it right again," Beverley said.

   "What did Anita just say?"

   Now, what everyone said about Anita, but in front of the prophecy, Anita has completely become a prophet. The treatment in the media crowd has been increasing in a straight line.

   "Anita just said, maybe, what do these two ponies have to say." Beverly said with a smile. "You have also seen that the appraisers gave eight points."

   "Yeah, it's unbelievable, I think Han is secretly offering a bribe," Baggio said. "Although, it's impossible, but eight points, which is a completely unexpected score, is too doubtful."

   "That's right, eight points, two slender foals can get eight points, no one thinks it's strange."

   On the other side, Miley Jones was stunned. "Eight points, how is it possible that two horses can get eight points, which is less than half a point less than Jones Racecourse."

   Phillips Jones, looking at Li Han with some surprise in his eyes. "The secretariat's bloodline, such a pure secretariat bloodline, how can there be Hank Racecourse?"

The Secretariat, in 1973, won the Kentucky Derby (2000m), the Belgian Stakes (1900m) and the Belmont Stakes (2400m) for five consecutive months, achieving a triple crown in one fell swoop .

   You must know that the entire United States has only had more than a dozen real Triple Crown winners over the years, and since 1978 to the present, no horse in the United States has won this kind of honor.

  Secretariat, this once synonymous with glory, was seen by Phillips at this time. "Secretariat bloodline?"

   "What, Phillips, are you sure?" Miley Jones, although born relatively late, has heard the story of the Secretariat.

   "That's right."

  The crowd watched, not knowing who broke the news. "This is not an inferior pure blood, this is the descendant of a pure blood champion horse with pure Secretariat blood."

   "What, Secretariat?"

   "Bearer of the Triple Crown."

   "The greatest Triple Crown winner?"

"How is this possible? How can there be a Secretariat Thoroughbred at Hank Racecourse, a foal of such a high-class bloodline." Hatton, completely disbelieving, must be Han, yes, this must be bought by this guy .

   Nouveau riche, **** bastard, Hatton, find a reason to comfort himself and scold Li Han, these Li Han don't know.

   "It's just that even with the Secretariat bloodline, eight points are too high."

   "Yeah, these Jones Racecourses are in trouble. Although they have a relatively high score, they can spread out too much. For a single championship, Hank Racecourse has a greater chance of winning." Someone secretly summed up.

   "Secretariat, sure enough, Anita, did you already know?" John asked Anita next to him in surprise.

   Does Anita smile wryly? I really don't know, I just said it subconsciously. "Anita, are you sure you have no special relationship with Han?"

   "God, Beverly, what are you talking about?" Anita, going crazy.

   "There are too many coincidences, no, it's time to tell the truth, Anita, if you look at what you do from someone else's point of view, I think you will do it too."

   Anita smiled bitterly, this is true, looked up at Han in the distance, helpless, how did this guy do it.

  Phillips felt a little uncomfortable. He wanted to step on the Hank Racecourse into the mud, but he didn't expect that this guy was very slippery.

"Hehe, thank you all for coming to the 52nd Montana Horse Racing Festival. Of course, as an important component of the Montana Horse Racing Festival, the Jockey Club has always followed the rules. Hehe, this time, Jones Racecourse brought something to everyone. Little surprise."

   "Hey, look, it's a thoroughbred?"

   "That's right, so pretty."


  The physique is dry and meticulous, strong and powerful, standard body shape, God, so beautiful. "

   "The attachment points of the tendons are prominent, the muscles are raised in long strips, the levers of the limbs are long and powerful, and the outlines of the joints and tendons are obvious. Although it is still a foal, the body is almost close to the standard body shape."

   "Good horse."

  The horse appraisers received a document, and they were shocked and unbelievable after reading each one.

   However, everyone was excited and commented and it seemed that another person came not far away, leading two ponies.

   "Hey, there are surprises?"

   "Wow, a lot of people, Sister Dudu."

   "Hmm." Dudu nodded his head.

  Felix was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled, he didn't arrange two surprises, what's going on.

   (end of this chapter)