The Best Small Farm

Chapter 162: Soldier's Funeral (1/3)

   Chapter 162 The Funeral of the Soldier (13)

  The funeral was held at the National Cemetery. Early in the morning, Li Han drove to the cemetery. There are more than 100 public cemeteries in the United States, of which Arlington is the most famous. Relatively speaking, Montana National Cemetery is much less famous, but the facilities are not much worse.

  Today's funeral was held for the young soldier who died in the war in Afghanistan. Li Han changed into a formal attire and represented the town of Kemising to attend the funeral of the fallen soldier. Li Han attended the funeral of the fallen soldier for the first time. He did a lot of homework yesterday. He began to comfort his relatives with everyone, standing not far behind his relatives, waiting for the coffin to arrive. Horse-drawn cannonball carts, a ceremony that has remained unchanged for a century, and guards of honor escorted the coffin.

  Li Han looked at the funeral for a week. There were a lot of people attending the funeral, and he seemed very serious. Montana is a conservative place and opposed war. But at this time, it seemed special, there was no protest, and it was quiet and serious. The guard of honor escorted the coffin to approach, and relatives greeted the coffin.

   The atmosphere was a little sad. At this time, no one came forward, only a family member was left to mourn. Whether it was a general or a member of parliament, they all stood quietly at the side. With the beginning of funeral ceremonies, the funeral ceremonies of the American military are completely regardless of race, religion, gender, party, position, level, seniority, age, and all uniform specifications and procedures . After the coffin arrived at the cemetery, it was first parked above the tomb, and the soldiers carrying the coffin raised the flag on the four corners of the coffin. The priest then recited the prayers, and the honor guard fired three platoons of guns, accompanied by sacred and melodious music.

The sky was raining flowers, Li Han paused slightly, it was raining in Montana, and the honor guards were still playing music in the rain, and the generals from the Army and the Montana National Guard were still standing by the side in the rain for a little while. Bowing and saluting, the soldiers around him stood beside their relatives and held umbrellas for them.

  Li Han took the umbrella and opened it. The rain flowers are getting bigger and bigger, and the drought in Montana will be relieved. Unfortunately, it is too late, and the pasture has passed the growing season. Before going into the ground, the national flag was folded on the coffin, and a general of the US Army came. He was slightly missing his knee, as if he was kneeling on one knee. The grass was still wet and sent to the relatives. "I have to say that the United States has done a really good job in this regard." An old man beside Li Han smiled at Li Han. "Chinese?" "Yes, old gentleman?" "Fuxing, where is the guy from?" "Anxi, now in Kemising Town Experience Farm." "Yes, young man, Kemising is a big town."

   Li Han said. "Old gentleman, did you just refer to the funeral ceremony?" "Let's put it this way, young man, who did you find the only person sitting at the funeral?" "Relatives." "Yes, only relatives, both soldiers and generals. Standing and looking at other generals, kneeling is just so that the family can look up, not look up, although the United States has many privileges, but most of the time it's not bad, isn't it?"

Li Han nodded, indeed, it was like kneeling down, and no matter how hard it rained, the honor guards didn't neglect them at all. The generals even held umbrellas for their family members, no matter if they were sincere or for a show, at least they would rather get in the rain by themselves. Don't let your family get wet.

   "Young man, did you see a passage in front of the cemetery?" Li Han was taken aback when the old man asked. "Oh, what did the old gentleman say?" "I don't love the government, but I love this country. I oppose war, but respect every soldier who sacrificed for the country. It has nothing to do with justice."

   Li Han carefully commented on this sentence of the judges. "Yeah, every soldier who fights for the country deserves respect, regardless of nationality." "You are right, the United States has done a good job in this matter, giving a soldier enough respect, the cemetery, as long as the family wants to come later, Welcome at any time, there are no restrictions, let’s go, family members and the dead will be alone for a while, let’s go, go outside and chat.” The old man surnamed Lin has been in Montana for more than 20 years, running a small farm and living It's okay, it's rare to meet someone who can talk to each other, the old man smiled and invited Li Han to be a guest. "I have a small tourist farm there. I have time to be a guest. It is rare to see Chinese people in Montana." "I think I will go there when I have time." Li Han nodded, just in time for the next baseball game in Great Falls. .

   After the funeral, Li Han greeted his relatives and planned to leave. "Han, how have you been recently?" Li Han turned around to meet the person who came, and hugged Max gently. "Max, it's not bad." "Let's sit down when you have time, how about we talk about beer? The taste of Hank Manor is really memorable."

  Li Han nodded and said. "Of course, wait a moment, I'll send the elders off." Li Han sent Lin Zhendong away, but Lin Zhendong knew Max. "Han, what does Max have to do with you?" "It's just that I met a few times at the previous wine party and chatted a few times. Maybe I fell in love with Hank Manor, Limbo, you can come to Hank Farm and have a drink if you have time."

  Lin Zhendong nodded and patted Li Han on the shoulder. "Hank Manor? It's amazing, Han, I think I will, Max, he's not bad, but as a statesman, Han, he thinks of his own interests most of the time." "Thanks, Limber, I understand." Li Han sent Lin Zhendong into the car and waved his hand.

   In a coffee shop not far away, Max and Li Han began to chat about beer, and then Mi Xing set up the mayor and added three police officers. "Han, what do you think of Ronald?" "Uncle Ronald, I don't think there is a better candidate than him, Max, what do you think."

  Max smiled and took a sip of coffee. "Perhaps, Han, are you familiar with Lin?" "We just met, and Bo Lin is a good person." "Yes, Lin is a good and caring person." Max didn't say, although Lin Zhendong didn't have much fortune Many, but very famous in Great Falls, is a philanthropist.

  Max and Li Han didn't say a word. One sentence was talking. Li Han drank two cups of coffee and looked at the weather and time. "Max, it's really nice to meet you. It's getting late. I'll leave first. See you at a wine meeting."

  Max, as a state legislator, must attend the Chris Manor bonfire party. "Goodbye, Han." Max frowned slightly when he saw Li Han's car leaving. Li Han's influence, especially among young people, exceeded Max's expectations. The mid-term elections were really a headache. In order to win the support of some large farms and ranchers, Max had a bad relationship with the small and medium-sized ranches who had previously supported him. Max was a little worried about the midterm elections.

  Li Han was driving a pickup truck, blowing a cool, moist wind. The sky was gray and the rain was falling. The drought might be relieved, but the temperature would drop rapidly. Li Han felt a little cold at this time and closed the window.

   When I got home, it was after two o'clock in the afternoon, so I stopped and got off the bus. "It's really cold." She shivered and returned to the small building. Dudu and the baby had put on thick clothes and were helping grandma fold small clothes. "Mom, Aunt Xu, isn't there?"

  Li Han shook his body and the rain fell heavily. "Oh, your Aunt Xu goes to clean the room. I persuaded me just now that the room is very clean. Who knows, Aunt Xu, you don't listen and say it's work." "I'll persuade Dudu, baby, fold clothes. Well, so nice."

  Dudu and the baby nodded. "Well, these clothes can't be put on by Dudu and Baobao's sister. They have to be given away." "Did they wash them?" "Well, they are washed, Dad, you smell so good." Dudu folded the little pink T-shirt. Handed it to Li Han Wenwen, this T-shirt is pink, with a kitten head, Dudu has worn it twice, but unfortunately it is small. "It's really fragrant, it's folded, and Dad will take it to you."

  Li Han touched Dudu's little head, and the two little guys nodded vigorously. "These clothes are still new, your sister, when you buy clothes, you don't want to buy bigger ones." Mom was a little reluctant, so she put on good clothes and gave them away.

"I can't blame my sister. Dudu and the baby grow up so fast that they can't wear clothes for a while. Besides, summer clothes are too big to look good." Li Han put the folded clothes in the bag, cleaned them, and brought them with him. With a faint scent, most of them are brand new and cannot be worn.

   After finishing his clothes, the two little guys ran to Li Han's side, lying on Li Han's legs one on the left and one on the right. "What's the matter?" "Dad, sister Michelle has read five storybooks." "Really." "Well, Dad, Dudu wants to read ten." "Uncle, baby has read ten. ."

   "Sister Baby only has three storybooks, which is a lie, not ten." Dudu didn't believe it, and the baby pouted. "Baby has a lot of family. If you don't believe me, ask your mother, the baby has a bookshelf." "What is a bookshelf?"

  Dudu asked curiously, and the baby thought about it. "A bookshelf is a bookshelf, there are a lot of books." "Then, Dudu also needs a bookshelf, Dad, a bookshelf." "Bookshelves, alright, later, Dad will go to town to sell wooden boards for Dudu to nail the bookshelves." "Uncle, eccentric." "I didn't forget you, little devil." Li Han rubbed the baby's head. The hair was long and needed to be trimmed. "Okay, get up, Dad will cut your hair for you. Your hair has grown."

  Dudu and the baby got up, pushed the chair over, sat down obediently, and cut their hair. Li Han used scissors and combs, and used a large towel around the cloth. "Sit tight, don't move." Li Han first trimmed the baby, and Dudu blinked and stared at him. Dudu has not cut his hair. He touched his hair and watched curiously as his father cut the baby's sister's hair. Li Han picked up his hair with a comb and carefully trimmed it with scissors. The baby's fleshy face is the most suitable for bob hair. The cuteness unique to children is beautiful. It took Li Han more than ten minutes to trim, clean and blow dry, put on a knitted hat, and instantly the baby transformed, adding a bit of sweetness, big eyes, very beautiful, very cute.

   Dudu blinked his eyes. "Wow, baby sister has become more beautiful, Dad, Dudu too." He climbed up on the chair and wrapped a big towel obediently. "Dad, cut it." Li Han was happy. "Okay, I'm going to cut it, darling."

   "Mmmm, Dudu doesn't move." Saying that, his face was as serious as before every time he drove, motionless, Li Han pinched Dudu's fleshy face, his face was serious, Li Han was happy. "It's started." After a while, Dudu's bob was cut with a longer bob than the baby's.

  The shattered bangs are a little less heavy and feel very cute. The shoulder-length bob hair is short, and the ends of the hair are slightly inward. It's sweet, I especially like the fleshy face, it's very beautiful. "Become a little fat girl."

  Li Han helped Dudu's hair clean, dried it with a hairdryer, and nodded while watching, yes, the two little guys are very cute, Dudu is longer, and the baby is shorter, showing cuteness.

   Qi Guangyao adds more, and writes JimH to add tomorrow.



   (end of this chapter)