The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1657: Sweet and savory vegetable candy

   Chapter 1657 Sweet Vegetable Candy

   Back to the small building, Dudu ran into the kitchen with a basket. "Grandma, Dudu brought honey back." Dudu, holding the basket in both hands, handed it to Zhang Xiuying.

   "So many." Zhang Xiuying smiled and took it. "Wait, grandma will handle it for you."

  Honey is rich in fructose and glucose, so it cannot be processed at high temperature, boiled, etc. Zhang Xiuying and Aunt Xu used the physical treatment method, three villains, Pidianpidian followed him and helped hand over the tools.

   "Hehe, that's it." Zhang Xiuying, honey, put it in the honey jar, smiled and clapped her hands.

   "Wow, grandma is amazing." Dudu and Baobao each held a jar of honey.

   Zhang Xiuying smiled. "Stop holding it, put it in the cabinet, and stop hitting."

   "Don't put the cabinet, make candy." Dudu said.

   "Make candy."


  Three little people, nodded vigorously, Dudu and the baby held the cabinet on the kitchen counter. "Dudu to get the vegetable juice."

   "Baby, go get the isinglass powder." Baby, villain.

   "Mary, go get the tools." The three little people started to get busy.

   "It really started." Natalie, looking up, was found by Dudu and pushed out. "Sister Natalie, don't look at it."

   "The little guy is still keeping it a secret." Natalie pouted, returned to the living room, and muttered.

   "Han, can pandora do it?" Lingna asked in a low voice.

   Natalie and the others all looked at Li Han, Li Han said with a smile. "I think it should be fine."

   "Hehe, I hope not to make strange things." Natalie said with a smile. "Alta, let's go take a peek."

   "Natalie." Alta said with a smile. "Little Hei Hei, they are in the kitchen."

   Natalie glanced at it and sure enough, several bears were there, Natalie, helpless, with the bears watching, it was really hard to get close.

  Boil the syrup, add vegetable juice, stir the isinglass powder, Dudu and the baby, Maria, the three villains are proceeding in an orderly manner.

   "Hey, that's amazing."

  Natalie, remote-controlled drone to shoot video.

   "Added honey."

   Natalie, hey. "what is this?"

   "Probably protein, powder or something." Li Han said with a smile, adding super digestive enzymes.

  Li Hanxin said that this vegetable candy seems to have something written on it, and it is best to eat it after meals. "Wow, so many cute little animal molds."

  Cubs, yellow ducks, deer, all kinds of cute animal molds, three little people, started to work and produced candy.

   "It really did."

   As it cooled down, the kitchen counter was full of various animal gummies. "It looks really good."

   "Yeah, I don't know how it tastes?" There was a crowd in the living room, full of expectations.

   "Dudu is coming."

   Natalie immediately landed the helicopter, threw it to the side by remote control, smiled and picked up the coffee. “The coffee tastes really good.”

   "Sister Natalie is stealing coffee again." Dudu, puffing out her mouth. "dad."

   "Hehe, that's right, Natalie, drink less coffee during the medication." Li Han said with a smile.

   "Little long-winded." Natalie, thinking about the words Arta taught herself yesterday, blurted out.

   "Dudu isn't long-winded, it's Sister Natalie, she's not good." Dudu said.

  Li Han smiled, nodded, provoking Natalie, and made a straight fist gesture. "Dudu, the candy is ready."

   "Yeah." Dudu said with a smug look on his face.

   "Dudu, please eat candy." Dudu held up a plate with various small animal candies in it.



   "What about purple?"

   "Small fruit fruit."

   There are also orange carrots, and green is supposed to be a green vegetable. "Try it."

   "Well, sweet and sour tastes good." Tomato candy tastes good.

   "Carrots are pretty good too."

   "Hey, purple tastes really good."



   "Han, what vegetable candy is purple?"

   "This is a fruit candy," Li Han said. "A kind of small fruit, usually rare."

   "A friend gave it to me, and I usually eat it in front of the fruit." Li Han said with a smile.

   "You're so stingy, why didn't you invite us to eat?" Natalie pouted and muttered softly.

   "Aunt Natalie eats it every day."

   Dudu little ears heard it. "Is it a sour fruit?"


   "Really, that fruit is sour, doesn't it taste right?" Natalie looked suspicious.

   "Add honey." Dudu said.

   "And boiled syrup."

   "So it's like this, no wonder it's not sour at all." Natalie grabbed a few and stuffed her mouth. "Hmm, it tastes good."

   "Hey, I almost forgot, Han, isn't this just a diet candy?" Natalie thought after eating it a little.


  "Is it really possible to lose weight?" Isn't this just like ordinary fruit gummies that are not much different, lose weight.

   "Oh, this, I can't say it, I have to verify it." Li Han said with a smile.

   "I'm coming." Mila raised her hand with a smile. "Exactly, I'm going to lose some weight."

   "Me too." Joanna said with a smile. "This time, I found that my weight was a little too heavy."

   "I like to lose six to ten pounds in the middle of the month and before the bonus races at the end of the month." Joanna, laughing.

   "Han, but, are you sure, it works?" Joanna said.

   "I think so." Li Han nodded.

Joanna and Mila chose to trust Li Han, which surprised Miley a bit. This is not a trivial matter. It is related to whether they can enter the Kentucky Derby Main Race. You must know that if you want to enter the Kentucky Derby, the prize money is less than 200,000 US dollars. , there is almost no chance that a bonus of more than thirty dollars will guarantee you to enter the top twelve.

  Joanna now has zero accumulated bonuses, which requires Joanna to win at least one or two first-level championships in the next three months, or three to five championships in ordinary competitions.

   This is not a joke, God, three months, a month of peace to win a championship, this is not an easy thing, you must know that the triple crown, the competition can only win three top horse racing championships in five months.

   No one has broken this record for nearly 30 years. One can imagine how difficult it is. Every champion needs not only strength, but also a little luck. Joanna, losing weight may be a crucial part of the game.

   It was so easy to decide to choose vegetable candy as a weight loss aid, which made Miley feel that it was incredible. Joanna and Mila actually believed that the colorful gummies in front of them could help them lose weight.

   This is just a joke, Miley, I'm a little speechless.

   "Okay, the candy is ready, it's time to wrap it up."

  Li Han said with a smile.

   "Dudu to get it." The little man, Dengdeng, ran into the storage room, hugged the box, and came out.

  Various candy wrappers, very beautiful, poured out. "So beautiful." Maria and the baby rushed over with a wow.

   "Please help."

   One afternoon, when the candy was packed, Li Han shook his neck a little stiff. "It's really not an easy job to do."

   "Yes, it's more tiring than practicing equestrian skills." Joanna, rubbing her eyes, it's not easy.

   "I didn't expect that packaging candies would be so troublesome."

   A few little people were a little excited, not tired. They were busy packing candies and putting them in the prepared boxes.

   "It's all installed."

   Zhang Xiuying and Aunt Xu, who returned from picking vegetables in the vegetable garden, said with a smile. "Let me see."


   "Grandma, these look like little bears."

   "Grandma, the baby is candy candy."

   "Pony Candy in Maria."

   "Okay, okay, let's go, grandma will make some snacks for you." Zhang Xiuying said with a smile.


  Candy, put it away, the three of you ran to the kitchen and came out with snacks. "Mily, try it, this is the dessert from Han's hometown." Jennifer greeted Miley with a smile.

   Miley was a little surprised, it seemed that Jennifer and Han were much closer than she thought.

   Natalie didn't need to say hello, she did it herself. "It's delicious, thank you auntie."

   "I like to eat more."

   "Sister Natalie." Dudu pouted.

   "Hahaha." Natalie smugly grabbed Dudu and wanted the pumpkin pie.

   "Sister Natalie is such a child."

   Dudu pouted. "There's a lot of pumpkin pie here."

   "Huh." Natalie murmured, the kid was not fooled.

   "Natalie." Alta, pulling, Natalie shook her head.

   "Hehe, tomorrow, I'm going to hold a candy show." Li Han said. "Just to introduce vegetable diet sugar."

   "Vegetable diet candy, Han, you don't really intend to promote it like this." Natalie, her eyes widened.

   "Isn't it possible?"

   "Han, are you sure you want to do this?" Miley was also surprised, how could this person be so sure, these candies, but Miley saw it with three little people.

   "Hehe, that's right." Li Han said with a smile. "I contacted several media here."

   "And the media?"

   Miley thought Han was a little crazy.

   "The promotion of Little Black Bear Candy is not bad. The candy factory has received an order of nearly 100,000 US dollars. It is just that when we promote Little Bear Candy tomorrow, we will bring vegetable weight loss candy. I think it will definitely cause quite a stir." Li Han said.

   Miley and Natalie pouted, sensational, sure sensational, you must know that Hank Racecourse has just won the admission ticket to the Kentucky Derby, and this guy, Xiao Hei Hei, has become a star bear.

   The bear candy here has just come out, and there are orders of 100,000 US dollars. There must be a lot of media attention. Of course, if Li Han launched a vegetable diet candy, it would be different.

  Li Han, the idea has been made, the next morning, the candy exhibition stand will be set up. The large vegetable diet candy is placed in the same obvious place as the bear candy.

   Just came over John and Baggio, Beverly, Anita and others, and they were slightly stunned when they saw the propaganda slogan, "Eat sugar to lose weight, and share good fortune." "Han, isn't this guy planning to mess up something?"

   "I think 80%." John, said.

   "There hasn't been much news in recent days." John said with a smile. "Maybe, this time, there will be a big news for us."

   "Hehe, stop joking." Beverly said with a smile.

   "Han, here we come." Anita smiled and gestured to a few people.

   (end of this chapter)