The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1680: Han said that there is holy water in the

   Chapter 1680 Han said that there is holy water in the pool

  Li Han looked at a few little guys, jumped and rushed back to the small building, smiled and shook his head, the little ghost head is probably going back and has a business card.

   Sure enough, Dudu returned to the small building with a small face, and took out his business card. "Aunt Joanna, pandora's business card."

  The villains, one by one, distribute business cards, Mira, Alta, Miley, Lingna, and Natalie. "Sister Natalie."

   Natalie looked at the smiling little man, her little fingers pouting her little nose. "Let's see, what are they printed on, three, animal errand company, organic vegetable garden, vegetable club, not bad, eh, why there is no little director, Dudu, your pet competition, isn't it half?" Na Tully asked with a smile, holding three business cards.

  Dudu villain for a while, then turned to look at his father. "Hehe, print it again next time."

   "Oh, I didn't participate much in the competition." Dudu, looked back at Dad.

   "Hehe, who said that, the game time is still early." Li Han said with a smile.

   "Han, why is the game postponed?" Natalie, she thought the game couldn't go on.

   "Yeah, postponed to March." Li Han said. "Montana is not very suitable for pet competitions. It happened that Hamdan's parents gave a manor. I plan to hold the preliminary competition there, and then go to Hank Farm for the final."

"March, it's still early, Han, California Manor, should I have time, go and have a look." Natalie stayed at Hank's farm these days, accompanied by a few unreliable volunteers, and a little bit annoyed.

   "Dad, Dudu is going to see the castle." Dudu shook Li Han's arm. "Hehe, after the Candy Festival, Dad will take you there."

   "Grandma is going too."

   "Of course, go all." Li Han smiled and pinched Dudu's little nose.

   "Dudu has to print the business card first." Dudu, the villain nodded his head and said.

  Li Han smiled, the villain is addicted to printing business cards. Fortunately, the farm prints it himself, and it doesn't cost much. "The business card is ready."

   All the family members distributed it. Li Han smiled and patted the villain when the doorbell rang. Dudu villain, his little **** twisted. "Dudu go to open the door."

  Little man, Xiaoxing ran over to open the door and saw Aunt Bella. "Aunt Bella." "It's pandora, is the business card printed?"

   "Mmmm." Dudu was very happy, and Aunt Bella was a good person, so she took out the prepared business card and handed it to Bella.

   "It's so beautiful, even prettier than Auntie." Bella smiled and praised, and sure enough, the little dudu nodded his head with joy. "whee."

   "Dad, Aunt Bella is here."

   "Bella, is something wrong?"

  Li Han, asked.

  Bella doesn't have much free time every day, Bella nodded. "Marcus is here."

   "Marcus, why are you here at this time?" Li Han frowned.

   "Is something wrong with the White Sox?" Li Han asked.

   "That's right, Han, a leading pitcher for the White Sox, suing the team for arrears of wages," Bella said.

   "There is such a thing."

   "What about the Marcus?"

"in office."

   "Bella, let's go." Li Han said with a smile. "Looks like this is a good opportunity."

   "Han, are you really planning to buy a baseball team?" Natalie looked surprised.


   "Jennifer, I'll go there first."

   "Han, do you need Lingna to help?" Jennifer glanced at Lingna.

"no need."

  Li Han is full of confidence.

  Coming to the office, Marcus, get up. "Marcus, hard work."

   "Han, you all know the situation. Of course, we need a sum of money now, but maybe you can look at this." Marcus, handed Li Han a document.

   "It's some team request," Marcus said.

   "If the average number of visitors to Hank Farm exceeds 5,000, the White Sox do not recommend moving to Hank Farm," Marcus said. "This is the unanimous request of everyone on the team."

   A team, if there is no audience, God, what a horrible thing, let alone White Sox management, the players will not agree, if you let a nab team move to Billings.

  Even if the team agrees, the league won’t allow it to do this. It’s suicide. The White Sox, although only an ordinary team in the minor league baseball, has multiple affiliate teams of the Chicago White Sox, and one is also a professional team.

  Hank Farm does not have a sufficient audience base, nor a sufficient consumption base, let alone the team players, team management, and baseball minor leagues will not agree, this is related to the income and the future of the players.

  The Players Union, in this regard, the conditions are the same as those of the minor leagues and teams. Except for Hank Farm and enough tourists, it is absolutely impossible to move to the small town of Kemising.

  Han can buy the team, and even continue to use the White Sox team name, but as Hank Farm fails to meet the conditions, the White Sox must stay in Great Falls.

   "Okay, Marcus, I agree."

   Li Han said. "Let's talk about the acquisition."

   "Han." Bella, a little surprised, Li Han agreed.

   The number of tourists at Hank Farm has basically reached saturation. Four thousand is a number that Bella thinks is relatively stable. If it wants to reach five thousand, unless Hank Farm can develop and more tourism projects.

  Underground labyrinth is Hank’s favorite project now. The number of tourists is about 2,000 every day. There are about 1,200 people in the plum blossom forest, the small train, and the mine.

  Hank Farm's traditional projects, animal performances, etc., nearly 1,000 people, other projects, the number, and the number have a lot to do with the weekend. Bella can't guarantee that there are so many people every day.

   "Han, this is a really wise decision." Marcus, this time, he really came prepared, with contracts and lawyers, and even accountants.

  Li Han nodded to Bella. "Bella, I'll leave the matter here to you."

   "Han, your decision is too hasty." Bella said dissatisfiedly.

   "Bella, don't worry, I will solve it." Li Han smiled. "Hank's Farm will attract enough tourists, I promise."

  Marcus smiled and was quite proud. You must know that as long as the White Sox are in Great Falls, Hank Farm is at best an investor, and it is too difficult to become a real manager.

  Bella, of course she knew, and couldn't help but want to remind Han again, seeing that Han had a firm face, Bella sighed helplessly, hoping that Han's decision was right. This acquisition was surprisingly fast. We had been talking about it for a long time, and basically there was no difference in the general direction.

   Of course there are some small details, which need to be negotiated in detail. The first payment will be made to the account of the Great Falls White Sox before ten o'clock tomorrow morning.

  Bella, I really don't understand, Han, why are you so impulsive, this matter is enough time for Hank Farm to buy, maybe, it will be more beneficial to wait until the White Sox give up and ask for it.

   This is not Han, impatient, really, after reading the information, Li Han understands how difficult it is to want Marcus to agree to this, even if Marcus agrees, the other two are enough to make Li Han annoyed.

   Now, the three problems have become a problem, Li Han, thinks, this may be simpler. Marcus took his assistant and walked away with a smile on his face, and the assistant asked in a low voice when he left Hank's farm. "Boss, this guy doesn't look as smart as you say."

   "Maybe he wanted the White Sox too much, but unfortunately, he overestimated the potential of Hank Farm." Marcus, said. "Five thousand people, isn't that too big?"

   Marcus set 5,000 people, not just casually speaking, Marcus investigated and researched the potential of Hank’s farm and came up with the figure.

   "Han, do you want to open the hot spring resort earlier." Bella, waiting for Marcus, asked after leaving.

   "No, Bella, leave this to me."

  Li Han, said. "I'll take care of it."

   Back at the small building, when Li Han said about the acquisition of the White Sox, Lingna's eyes widened. "Han, you made a wrong decision. Maybe you plan to attract more tourists with diet candy?"

   "No, diet candy, although it can attract some tourists in a short time, it is not a good choice to stabilize the number of tourists." Alta said. "Han, are you planning to open the hot spring?"

"Do not."

  Li Han did not expect that Arta would also think of hot springs. "A few days ago, Edward found a big tree on the top of the hill not far from the small train station. There is a water pool under the big tree. I heard that drinking water from the water pool can make people healthier. I think, this water pool, It seems to be as magical as holy water in the biblical legend."

   "Holy Water Pool?"

   "God gift?"

   "Han, are you kidding me?"

   Several girls could not laugh or cry, Li Han smiled. "Maybe it really works, who knows."

   "Han, are you planning to publicize this water pool?" Lingna, suddenly aware of Li Han, said these intentions.

  Li Han nodded. "I think there will be people willing to try."

"All right."

   "I hope you're right."

  Hank Farm, the official website, announced this water pool and giant tree to the outside world. Of course, some speculation, the magical pool of water, caused a heated discussion on the Internet, and most people were skeptical.

   Of course, some of them were skeptical, and more people watched the fun. Sure enough, the number of tourists on the farm increased a lot the next day, and many people went to the Shenshu Water Pool with suspicion and watching attitude.

   Well, some people actually packed some spring water back, and some people drank the spring water, and found that it really had some effect. For three consecutive days, the pool attracted more and more tourists.

  There are various posts on the Internet. Of course, there are still people who doubt or even question it, but it does not prevent the increase in the number of tourists.

   "This must be a lie, it's just an ordinary water hole."

  There are many water pools similar to Shenmu Water Pool on the Internet. For a time, there are continuous debates on the Internet.

   Far away in Great Falls, Marcus, heard about it. "What a naive guy." "Boss, are you talking about Hank's Farm?"

   "That's right, you know, it's really disappointing to keep 5,000 tourists for three consecutive months, just by hyping up a waterhole." Marcus shook his head.

   "Han, this is not a good way." Bella, find Li Han.

   "Bella, do you think so too?" Li Han looked at Bella with a smile.

   "Yes, Han, the water pool hype should be over, Han, you know, this incident is not good for Hank's farm." Bella, said, magical water pool, stop joking.

   (end of this chapter)