The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1750: Animal Kingdom Martin Luther King

   Chapter 1750 Animal Kingdom Martin Luther King

   Chapter 1730 Revolving lights, lights revolving

  The iron flower, the brilliance and the splendid fight, the attention is emotional, and the applause is repeated. This revolving lantern is indeed the pinnacle of skill. The ice as thin as paper and the thin ice sculpture carved into a human horse are all the pinnacle of skill.

  Thin as paper and as light as a hair, it is truly amazing and highly skilled. Especially when the candles are lit, the lampshade and the people inside turn, the scene changes, and the characters move.

  Ice mist lingered, for a time, it was like a fairyland dream. At first, everyone still thought that the big iron flower was amazing and could not be added. At this time, they were completely shocked and speechless.

  More than 3,000 spectators didn't even make a sound, and the audience didn't react little by little until the lights went out and the horses stopped. "God, did I just get dazzled."

   "Are you blinded too?" The companion next to him whispered.


   "I think that's right, look, the picture just now is playing on the stage."

  The audience reacted at this time, with thunderous applause, and the little guys even wanted to get up on the stage and look at the lanterns, the characters in the fantasy world.

   "It's amazing, Han, I must learn, I must learn." Natalie, excited and dancing.

   "Dudu also has to learn." The villain waved his small fist.

   "Han, are the lampshade and the villain really carved out of ice?" Jennifer asked in a low voice.

"Yeah, the lampshade is as thin as silk, and the ice man is as light as a hair. When I first saw it, I was completely stunned. Master Gu, Master Ouyang, and Master Gu Kaiyuan, the three masters carved meticulously, and the craftsmanship was extraordinary. Really amazing." Li Han, said.

   "Where did the fog come from? It's amazing." Miley asked in a low voice.

   "Hehe, it's not difficult to say this. At that time, it was just right, and it could be maintained. It was not easy until the candle went out and the carving disappeared." Li Han said.

   "Han, what did you say, why did the fog come, you haven't said it yet." Natalie muttered.

   "Han, is it because the candles are burning the villain and the ice lampshade?" Alta whispered.

   "That's right, but the candles will go out before they melt. If you don't believe me, go see them now. Most of the lampshades and the little centaurs have melted." Li Han said with a smile.

   "This time point is not easy to grasp. Without many years of experience, ordinary people can't grasp it." Li Han said with a smile. "The difference is a thousand miles away."

   "I can't believe that there are such exquisite and magical skills in the world." Miley, Lingna, Alta, Jennifer, May Day was not shocked.

   Natalie was even better, she simply admired her. She and the baby were stunned. They went to the backstage to see it. After a while, she came back and said excitedly. "Han, you guessed it right, it really melted."

   "I can't believe that the dream-like scene just now turned out to be just a bowl of water and a candle." Natalie spoke with a look of astonishment on her face.

   "Hehe, it's not just these, there are three masters who worked hard for two days and one night." Li Han said with a smile.

   "Han, I've decided that I must learn this skill, it's so cool," Natalie said.

   "Dad, Dudu should also learn to carve."

   "Baby also study hard."

  Besides, Maria nodded her head vigorously. Even the little guy who didn't speak for a long time, and Hamdan, who was reluctant to come, were all struck with iron flowers at this time, and the ice revolving lantern was shocked and speechless.

   This is an ancient Chinese technique. When Li Han talked about the history of the revolving lantern for more than two thousand years, the big iron flower has a history of more than one thousand years. Several girls, one by one, were surprised and surprised, it was incredible, the skills of thousands of years ago.

   On the stage, Bella smiled and introduced the masters of Niu Dahai to everyone. When it comes to the history of the big iron flower and the revolving lantern, the American audience is simply dumbfounded.

   "More than a thousand years ago, more than two thousand years ago?"

   "God, is this true?"

   "More than two thousand years, isn't that earlier than Jesus?"

   "Yes, human beings for more than 2,000 years already have such skills, I can't believe it."

   "It's incredible."

   There were constant discussions under the stage, which was a rare situation. Bella smiled and pressed her hand. "Everyone be quiet, I announce that the opening ceremony of the Hank Farm Animal Charity Games officially begins."

   At this time, the entire lakeside of Lamu, the lights are on. "Oh, what a gorgeous light."

   "Look, what is that?"


   "No, there's more later."

   One by one, they appeared in square formations holding flags, and the flag bearers were all little monkeys riding tricycles.

   "Athletics Phalanx."

   "It's a square of bunnies, the bunnies run, and the alpaca jumps long."

   Dudu said proudly.

   "It's really interesting."

   "Hehe, these little monkeys are training in time."

   First, a track and field phalanx composed of little rabbits, little squirrels, and gorillas.

   Then there are the ball squares, the baseball square formed by monkeys, the table tennis square, the basketball square formed by gorillas, the two black and pink balls, and the bowling square formed by little bears.

   "The square below is a bit special."

   Bella smiled and pointed to the sky. "Flying speed phalanx."

   A group of white pigeons, led by a fat and surprisingly white pigeon, flew over the audience in a square formation.

   "Wow, little pigeon."

   "So round."

  The children were all attracted by the swaying and round fat pigeons.

   "Hahaha, this little chubby guy is so cute."

  Little Fatty had a hard time flying. At this time, he was holding a small pennant, swaying, and finally landed safely, but he still fluttered a few times and threw himself on the stage.

   "Hahaha, who made that pennant from Little Fatty."

   Natalie asked with a smile.

   "Sister Dudu." Baby, said.

   "I knew it." Natalie smiled and pouted her little nose. "Little Fatty is really pitiful."

  Little Fatty's landing was a little accidental, but it was safe. Children, watching Little Fatty's landing on the big screen, he was amused and giggled. Everyone thinks it's quite new.

   "This animal opening ceremony is really interesting."

   "Yeah, the performance is very nice."

   "It's really worth it."

   "No, even though it's a bit cold, this performance and the opening phalanx of animals still gave me a big surprise."

  The reporters were even more excited, especially Xu Jiao, who was so excited, Han didn't say, the animal phalanx. Then, one by one, the square formations came to power, of course, individual square formations did not come to power.

The tug-of-war phalanx, the Hercules phalanx, the bison phalanx were all left on the shore, and the pony sleigh phalanx was the last stage. As the phalanxes came to the stage, the entire stage was completely vacated by the Tieshu Yinhua performance. , the animal phalanx is occupied.

   "We have asked the animal representatives to speak."

   Bella said with a smile.

  The audience was taken aback for a moment, what, the animal representative spoke, joking, this is true or false. "Animals can talk, can they talk?"

   "Yeah, Hank's Farm, just kidding."

   "Maybe, there are really talking animals at Hank's Farm."


  Baggio, John, Beverly, Anata and other reporters familiar with Li Han all know that Hank Farm has two big mouths.

  Xu Jiao, I heard Dazui and Xiaozui arguing after coming here for a few days, but I didn't know where to go. "Little Li, do you know the animals that Hank Farm can speak on behalf of animals?"

   "Sister Xu, I don't know." Xiao Li shook his head.

   "Sister Xu, could it be the parrot from yesterday?"

   "Parrot, this parrot can only learn a few words. Why can't this speech be just one or two sentences." Xu Jiao muttered.


   "Look, the sky flew by."

  Big Mouth and Little Mouth were escorted by the owl flying squad and landed on the stage. "Haha, I knew it was a big mouth and a small mouth." Natalie said proudly.

   "Pandora, did Big Mouth and Little Mouth learn a few sentences, three sentences, or five sentences?" Natalie smiled and turned her head to ask the little dudu.

   "Many sentences, Pandora has taught them for many days." Dudu said.

   "Many sentences?"

   Natalie pouted, these two guys are very smart and naughty, but Natalie is really not good at memorizing long stories.

   "Definitely no more than ten sentences."

   "Gentlemen, ladies, dear children, welcome to the first Winter Charity Animal Games at Hank Farm, I only represent, myself and many other animal colleagues, welcome everyone."

   "Charity is the kindness that both humans and animals should have." Xiaozui continued. "Shakespeare once said that charity is the true mark of noble character."

   Originally, the audience in the audience thought that the two parrots were speaking too smoothly, which was very interesting, but when Shakespeare's famous words came out, the audience in the audience were not dumbfounded.


   "Yes, that's what Shakespeare said."

   After Xiaozui finished speaking, Big Mouth continued. "Thoreau said that virtue and benevolence are the only undefeated investment. I firmly support it. Da Vinci is right. The honor of a person's virtue is many times greater than the honor of his property."

   "Yes, the Russian writer Tolstoy once said that the pleasure of doing good is life, no, it is also the only happiness of bird life." Xiaozui paused and said bird life.

   The audience under the stage was completely stunned, and the outlook on life was subverted by two parrots. "God, these two are just birds, aren't they fake?"

   "I can't record it."

   "Impossible, it's the real bird language."

   "I can't believe it, it's all true."

   "Wow, the big bird is so powerful and can talk a lot." The children didn't plan to be surprised, they were more happy and happy, the bird is so cute.

   "The virtues are given to your children. The virtues that make people happy are not money. This is Beethoven's advice to us." He said with a big mouth, flapping his wings.

   "You taught these?"

  Natalie, twisted in surprise, looked at the little dudu with a stiff neck.

   "Hee hee." Dudu nodded his head proudly.

   "Pandora, how do you know so many famous sayings." Lingna asked curiously.

   "Dad told pandora." Dudu said with a smile. "And mother."

  Jennifer and Li Han smiled and nodded. Li Han and Jennifer looked at these manuscripts and revised them.

  I just didn't expect that, the villain also helped to change it. Just now, Xiaozui was amazed by the audience, and he almost gave a group of people to the town's outer coke and inner tenderness.

  Li Han and Jennifer looked at each other, full of surprise, but fortunately, the two of them realized in a blink of an eye that these words were not original by Xiaozui, maybe 99% of them were added by Dudu villain.

  The big mouth and the small mouth are not over. The famous saying does not need money to say that Shakespeare's only one person alone is a waste.


  ps: The title of the book: "I'm Crazy for Books" is a cultural and entertainment genre. While leading the pack in the online literature, he dominates the world in the entertainment industry.

   (end of this chapter)