The Best Small Farm

Chapter 181: picking apples

   Chapter 181 Picking Apples

  Chris told Li Han that the company had negotiated endorsement deals with the Olsen sisters, and the endorsement fee was as high as ten million, which surprised Li Han. Li Han hung up Chris's phone, turned on the computer and checked the Olsen sisters' information. It was really incredible. The two twenty-three or four-year-old girls are worth over 100 million yuan. If they inherit it, Li Han is not surprised. It's really amazing to earn it with your own efforts. The Olsen sisters are sisters of American television stars and presidents of Double Star Entertainment Group Inc., sister Ashley Olsen and sister Mary Kate Olsen. This pair of sisters, who can be called money printing machines, showed their potential since childhood. They began to appear on the show in 9 months. They became producers at the age of 6, joined Sony at the age of 16 with a high price, and became the president of the American Double Star Entertainment Group at the age of 18. Today, the sisters' wealth is close to $400 million, which is a legend for a pair of young people.

   In contrast, the Paris sisters are worse than the Olsen sisters. Maybe Ivanka and Georgina, Jennifer and Olsen sisters have more common language. The Paris sisters and Olsen sisters also operate the brand. The clothing brand Mary Kate Ashley designed by the Olsen sisters has entered Wal-Mart's 2,900 branches in the United States and 5,300 branches around the world, and only one year of sales in Wal-Mart. Over $400 million, both sisters became young billionaires. Li Han, who was also born in 1986, couldn't help feeling that the difference between geniuses and ordinary people was not so great.

   In this way, the 10 million endorsement fee does not seem so expensive. Perhaps, the Chris family played a role. Chris arranged for the two sisters to go to Hank's Farm for an advertisement shoot. The time was set for a week later. The beer hut is a good place. Of course, the scenery of Chris' Manor is better. The Chris family not only spent tens of millions of dollars for Lihan beer , Chris Manor is definitely the main filming location. It's a really good idea. The relatively high endorsement fees and advertising costs may be nothing compared to the promotion of Chris Manor.

Li Han turned off the computer, poured a glass of water, leaned against the sofa, and spun around Millie beside her feet, acting like a spoiled child. Millie grew up, her hair became brighter, with a touch of bright gold, and her feet were walking on soft Millie, after a while, Li Han was a little confused. He fell asleep late last night and woke up the two little guys early in the morning. He was very sleepy, and he fell asleep on the sofa after a while. I don't know how long I slept, and I rubbed my itchy nose.

   "Hee hee." Li Han opened it and looked at it, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. "Lisi." Lisi was catching the little black bear and kissing herself, no wonder her nose was itchy, and Michelle was covering her big eyes, but her little hands were too bad, the gaps between her fingers were too big, and her big eyes were not covered at all.

  Li Han put the little black bear in Michelle's arms. Xiao Heihei likes Michelle very much. Michelle won't be dragging the little black bear to lose weight like Dudu and the baby, and she will bring some food every time. Sure enough, Michelle took out apples and beef jerky from the small bag with Xiao Heihei in her arms, and stuffed them into the little black bear. Xiao Hei Hei is smart, eats other people's food, and obediently lies in Michelle's arms and plays with Michelle. "Liz, aren't you going to school today?"

  Liss pouted. "It's four o'clock now, Han, what a slacker." Li Han smiled, stood up, and said. "I wash my face first, what would you like to drink?" "Beer." "No, juice."

  Li Han took two cans of juice, poured a glass of milk, and served a small plate of Chinese dim sum and pudding. "Try the dessert you just made at noon. It tastes good. Does Michelle like pudding?" "Yes, yes." Sling cowboy, deerskin boots, very cute dress, fleshy face, ignorant.

  Liss took a piece of dessert and tried it. "Wow God, it's delicious, Han, what is this?" "It's a donkey rolling." Mom and Aunt Xu made it together. The sugar was added, and Li Han was a little too sweet to eat. I didn't expect Liz to actually like very much. "Donkey rolls?" Liz didn't know much about Chinese, so she was a little puzzled. Li Han explained it in English, and Liz said in confusion. "What a strange name, donkey rolls, it's not made of donkey meat."

   Li Han said with a smile. "Actually, there's a little story here." "Story, Han, tell me quickly." Liz loves stories. Li Han told stories about donkeys rolling, and Liz loved eating them even more. "Wow, the queen ate it a hundred years ago, so lucky, Han, is there any story?"

Not to mention, Chinese snacks almost all have stories. There are less than ten kinds of dim sum in a plate, and there are many more stories than dim sum. Liz and Michelle listened to the stories while eating, but they were happy, but Li Han’s mouth was dry After drinking the juice in a jar, Liz immediately handed over her juice. Michelle was afraid that Uncle Li Han would not have enough to drink, so she was reluctant to drink the milk. Michelle climbed into Li Han's arms and sat with her head raised in admiration. Dad didn't even know how to tell stories. Uncle Han was amazing.

  Li Han drank the juice and said with a smile. "The story is over. I'll go back and bring some snacks later. I make more today, and I like to eat more." "Thank you, Han, oh, I almost forgot, Michelle bag." Michelle climbed from Li Han's arms to On the side, pulled the small bag and took out the invitation post. "Uncle Han, Michelle invited you and Sister Dudu to be a guest." Michelle held up the invitation, and Li Han took it and looked at it. Anderson invited Li Han's family to be a guest and pick apples. Tomorrow is the weekend.

  Li Han hugged Michelle and gave him a big kiss, rubbed his head against Michelle's delicate face, making Michelle giggle. "Thank you Michelle, you're so good." Li Han put away the invitation, and stayed away from Liz. "Sit down, how old are you."

  Li Han couldn't help Liz, Liz pouted and hummed. "Han, our school has a sports meeting next week, and I invite you to cheer for me." "Uncle Andre will cheer for you, I don't necessarily have time."

   "Liar, there are three days of exercise." Liz would not let Li Han easily, Li Han nodded with a wry smile. "Okay, I'll find a day to cheer you on." "Thank you Han, you are so kind." Liz kissed Li Han, making Li Han dumbfounded.

"Michelle." Li Han hugged Michelle, the little guy saw Liz kissing Li Han, climbed over, climbed into Li Han's arms, stood up, put his arms around Li Han's big head, and slapped hard, Liz Li Han rubbed some milk foam on his face, Michelle put it away, and sat on the sofa. "Uncle, I also kissed." "It's so good." Li Han really didn't know what to say, so he touched Michelle's little head.

"Sister pandora hasn't come back yet." Michelle put on her shoes, jumped off the sofa, went out to have a look, her mouth slumped, Michelle came to play with sister pandora, her stomach was full, and she didn't see sister pandora return.

"Michelle sit down first, and uncle calls to ask." Li Han called Lingna, and the servant answered, saying that Miss and Lingna were on the way with Dudu and the baby, Li Han checked the time, it was five o'clock Around, it's not too late, it's almost half past seven now.

"Sister is on the way, Michelle wait a while." "Yeah." Michelle was a little quiet, nodded her head obediently, and sat down and waited for Sister Pandora to come back. After a while, Jennifer and Lingna sent them Baby and Dudu are back.

   The two little guys blushed, and as soon as they entered the room, Dudu ran towards Michelle and hugged Michelle. "Sister Michelle." "Sister pandora." The two little guys were arguing, and the baby joined. Michelle was curious about Dudu and the baby's little koala, blinked her eyes, and touched it with her little finger. "Don't move." "Qiuqiu is very lazy. He sleeps every day." Dudu took out the vegetable leaf and handed it to Michelle. "Ballball loves to eat leaves."

  Michelle took the leaf and swept it on Ball's nose. Sure enough, Ball climbed up and bit the leaf, and grabbed a handful of her claws, cute. "Wow, I ate the leaves."

   Li Han greeted Jennifer and Lingna to sit down, Li Han poured two glasses of juice and handed them to Jennifer and Lingna. "How did Dudu and Baobao learn?" "Dudu and Baobao are doing well, and the teacher is very satisfied." Jennifer was still a little angry, and Lingna said with a smile.

   Li Han and Lingna, Jennifer talked for a while, Mom and Aunt Xu came back and pulled Jennifer to talk, Li Han breathed a sigh of relief. Jennifer was still a little angry. She didn't say a word. If it wasn't for Lingna, Jennifer wouldn't be too lazy to say anything, but she was chatting and laughing with her mother.

  Li Han smiled wryly at Lingna and shook his head. "Han, it's okay, Jennifer is just a little angry, it will be fine in two days." "It's okay, Lingna, stay for dinner tonight." Lingna nodded and said. "Auntie invited Jennifer to stay for dinner at night."

  No wonder, Li Han and Jennifer were still a little embarrassed for dinner. They didn't say a few words. After dinner was over, Li Han sent Liz and Michelle back home first. Andre was really relieved, Li Han thought helplessly and returned to the farm.

Li Han packed up, came to the beer hut, and sorted it out. It's not open for two days. Let's sort it out, the beer moved in, Dudu and the baby came to help with the cleaning, pushed the small mop, ran back and forth, and drew small lines. Shui Long, after a while, the faces of the two little guys were flushed, and Li Han smiled and caught them. "Okay, give it to Dad." Li Han took the mop, the floor was cleaned, and the mop was done. It was almost time, and the guests arrived.

  Li Han was busy entertaining guests. Dudu and Bao Bao were two little guys who packed snacks and stuffed them into his mouth from time to time while Li Han was not paying attention. Li Han asked the two little guys to go back, but he didn't want to. "Han." "Jennifer, Lingna, go take a seat, I'll have Dudu deliver it to you."

  Li Han saw Lingna and Jennifer walk into the bar, and said with a smile, Jennifer and her mother had a good chat, it's been almost an hour. Li Han's beer was poured and handed to Dudu and Baobao. The two little guys carried them to the small box. After a while, Dudu ran out and said that his mother and aunt wanted snacks. Li Han pinched Dudu's little nose. "Little greedy cat, you don't need to eat more, otherwise your belly will be bulging again." "Well." Packing some snacks, Dudu ran back.

After Li Han greeted the guests, he sat down and pinched the salted peas, peeled them and eaten them. They were grown in space. They tasted good. Just add some salt and cook them. .

   (end of this chapter)