The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1830: Manor Treasure Map [Twenty Points Change

   Chapter 1830 Manor Treasure Map [Twenty Points Changed]

   Chapter 1813 Manor Treasure Map

   Li Han and his party returned to the manor. The servant looked at Li Han, but it was different, with a little bright spot. This owner is not at all stupid as the outside world says, a stupid person will spend three million dollars to buy back a piece of wasteland and dig up a treasure that is almost ten million dollars.

  Don't be kidding, you must know that you have a baby to buy it, how smart it is. "Sir." Charlie, standing upright in front of the gate, greeted the crowd.

   "Hehe, Charlie, coffee is delivered to the study."

  Li Han said with a smile. "hot coffee."

"Yes, sir."

  Everyone took a shower, washed the clean stones, and moved them to the study. "Han, yes, this pattern is almost exactly the same as the desk pattern."

   "Charlie, this desk?"

   Li Han asked. "Who used it."

   "Sir, this desk was used by the first generation of Mr. Berg and has been passed down." Charlie said. "If you don't like it, I'll tell someone to move out."

   "No no, Charlie, I have nothing to do with you here." Li Han said.

   "Yes." Charlie left with the servant.

There were only Li Han, Jennifer, Lingna, Arta, Natalie and Zong Ziqi left in the study to join in the fun. There were also two little people, a few little monkeys and little black bears, and two turkeys looking for rice to eat. .

   "That's right here."

  Li Han crouched down and looked at the table. "Hey, there are a few mouths here, Dudu, take the jade card to Dad."


   Dudu Deng Deng ran over and handed the jade token to Dad. "Hehe, the table is too low, Dudu helps Dad to insert it."

   "Dudu is very good at inserting keys." The villain said happily.

  Three jade plaques are inserted into the opening under the pattern in the order of discovery. "Hey, why didn't you respond?"

   Before Natalie finished speaking, a big wooden box dropped with a click. "Hey, this box?"

"plum bossom?"

   "It's a plum blossom."

   "These stones?"

   "Put it in and try it."

   "Dudu to move." The villain, Deng Deng ran to move the stones.

  The black stone pillar and five white stones are put into the box, and the box is slowly opened. "Jade box?" Li Han opened the jade box, and there was a piece of yellowed paper stacked inside.

"Treasure Map?"

   asked Natalie in a low voice.

  Li Han nodded. "That's right."

"Treasure Map."

  Li Han smiled and handed Natalie the treasure map in his hand.

   "Ah, give it to me, forget it, I don't want it." Natalie waved her hand to herself. Usually, she is carefree, but she also knows that this is a treasure map, which is not something she should read.

   "Haha, it doesn't matter." Li Han smiled and shook his head.

   "It really doesn't matter, everyone can watch it." Li Han said with a smile.

"What is it exactly?"

   "Hey, what does this mean?"

The    treasure map is not a map, just a list. "Han, what does this mean?" Zong Ziqi didn't understand at all.

   Don't talk about her, Natalie and Alta, Lingna doesn't understand, even Jennifer doesn't understand, what is this, is it just old Berg playing around with everyone.

   "Hehe, this is what Old Berg left behind. It's a pity."

   Li Han said. "These items were all taken out by children and grandchildren and thrown away as garbage."

   "Trash thrown away?" Natalie suddenly exclaimed. "Han, those paintings and antiques that you bought with the Jaliburg family logo, are they?"

   "Yeah, it's just a pity that I haven't bought it yet, half of this batch of treasures." Li Han said.

   "The others may have been ruined." Natalie, sighed.

   "Han, your luck is simply too enviable." Natalie said.

  Zong Ziqi looked puzzled, what do you mean, wait for Zong Ziqi to hear what Natalie said.

  Zong Ziqi felt that he really didn't know how to say it. In Billings, Montana, to actually get the treasures listed in this list in a warehouse auction, this is a difference of hundreds of miles.

  I can't believe it, Zong Ziqi, completely agree with Li Han's good luck, too good.

"Ha ha."

  Li Han drew three jade cards. "I'm going to find someone to help me identify these treasures."

   "Han, let me help you." Zong Ziqi, seeing several people looking at him, said. "My grandfather likes jade very much, and my grandfather knows many friends who appraise works of art."

   "Thank you then." Li Han said a little.

   "Hee hee, thank me, it's simple." Zong Ziqi said with a smile.

  Li Han didn't understand at first, waiting for the little dude to point to the bag. "No problem, I'll send you a box of the best diet candy."

   "Great." Zong Ziqi said with a smile. "Then I'll go to Grandpa's place now."

   "No...use it." Before Li Han finished speaking, Zong Ziqi walked out quickly.

   "Sir, Miss Zong, has left."

"never mind."

   Li Han asked Charlie. "Charlie, have the paintings and decorations from Billings arrived?"

   "Yes, it arrived yesterday and left in the warehouse." Charlie asked. "Want to hang up?"

   "No, leave it alone." Li Han said.

   "Han, you're really at ease." Natalie looked surprised. According to the list, these oil paintings were quite valuable.

   "Do you think there is a safer place than the warehouse?" Li Han looked at Natalie.

   "That's right."

   "I will talk to Tom and Sally, pay attention to the warehouse." Li Han, said. "Let's go, have a rest, and run all morning."

  Zong Ziqi, drove straight to the family manor. "Grandpa, grandpa."

   "Miss is back."

   "Grandpa Zhao, is Grandpa in the study?" Zong Ziqi, running in.

   "This kid doesn't understand the rules at all." Zong Hai, with a smile, taught a lesson.

   "Grandpa, I have something to do with you." Zong Ziqi said.

   "What, found a treasure?" Zong Hai asked with a smile. "Don't stick to home in the morning."

   "Hee hee." Zong Ziqi smiled. "Grandpa, you know, the treasure has been found."

"found it?"

   Zonghai was also a little surprised this time. "Found it in the mountains?"

   "No, the treasure has always been left in the manor. It's a pity that it was later sold by the Berg family in front of ordinary works of art." Zong Ziqi said.

   "However, Han was lucky enough to buy nearly half of it at an extremely cheap price," Natalie said.

  Zonghai frowned slightly. "Ziqi, take your time and tell me what's going on."

  Wait for Zong Ziqi. After speaking, Zong Hai was dumbfounded. He didn't know what to say about this luck. "This is a lucky person."

   "This gang, Grandpa helped." Zong Hai said with a smile.

   "I didn't expect that the treasure that Old Berg had worked so hard to hide was always under the eyes of his family, hey." Zong Hai sighed. "It's really unpredictable."

"Grandpa, you said Han, why are you so lucky? I just found out that the stone is worth tens of millions. I have sat on it, but I still carry it. Unfortunately, it is too heavy. I didn't expect the weight of the stone to be wrong. , maybe it's a gem." Zong Ziqi whispered.

  Zonghai is happy. "You, careless, besides, who would pay attention to the stones under their feet, isn't grandpa also misunderstood?"

   "Grandpa, you don't care if you are doing big things. What about these small things." Zong Ziqi said with a smile.

   "You girl, you know how to make grandpa happy." Zong Hai smiled and patted Zong Ziqi's head.

   "Grandpa, everyone is an adult." Zong Ziqi pouted his mouth.

   "Okay, sir." Zong Hai was still a child in front of Zong Ziqi.

   "Grandpa, you agreed, I'll call Han right away." Zong Ziqi said.

   "No hurry." Zong Hai said with a smile. "Come on, tell grandpa about what happened today."

   "Oh, good." Zong Ziqi nodded.

  Li Han's family took a short rest. Dudu and Baobao continued on the road and went on a mountain adventure. This time they went relatively close. They drove a small tank with little black bears and little monkeys, and two turkeys led the way.

   "Daddy, Mommy, goodbye."

  Two villains, before setting off, waving the villains. "Don't run too far."


   The two villains nodded vigorously and set off, the sound of a diesel engine resounded throughout the manor town. "The voice is a bit loud." Li Han turned back and said to the girls with a smile.

   "It's quite big," Natalie muttered. "Han, do you really plan to let pandora and the baby go out on an adventure in a small tank every day?"


  Li Han looked puzzled. "It's not an adventure, is it?"

   "That's not enough, don't you plan to let pandora fly a plane to be considered an adventure." Natalie said, completely incredible.

  Li Han looked at Natalie, turned to look at Arta, Arta nodded, Lingna nodded, Jennifer, and finally thought about it. "Han, maybe pandora and baby are different children."

   "Hehe, don't worry, pandora will take care of herself."

   Li Han said. "Let's go and see the treasure."

  When Li Han was in the warehouse, checking the treasure, Dudu and Baobao drove the tank to the place where the first piece of jade was found. "Sister Dudu, is there really any treasure here?"

   "Mmmm, there are."

   Dudu villain, the first jade brand tree trunk is here, knock knock. "here."

  The little man, took out a small electric saw, saw it a little bit, and there was a small jade plaque inside. "Wow, there really is."


   "Sister Dudu, hurry up and take a look."

   "It's a puppy." Dudu nodded his jade card.

   "Are you looking for a puppy?" The baby asked suspiciously.

   "No, no, there are no puppies biting dogs here." Dudu tilted his head to think. "It's a rock like a puppy."

  Dudu shouted suddenly. "But I don't know where?" the baby whispered.

   "Daddy Stone."

   Dudu villain, said.

  The two little people ran to the stone pavilion, and they found a stone that looked like a puppy, digging and digging, singing the song of digging treasures, and the little people dug up a jade token. "It's Piglet."


  Two little people, digging, digging, and digging into the Plum Blossom Valley, and digging up eight small jade plaques, pigs, cattle, sheep, dogs, monkeys, snakes, dragons and horses. The jade plaques look more like a set of zodiac signs.

   "Many pits have small boxes." Bao Bao said happily.


   The two villains were so happy to dig, and the time was forgotten. "Wow, the sun is almost gone."

   "Sister baby, don't tell Dad." Dudu villain said. "Come and dig tomorrow."


  Two little men carried a small bag of bamboo shoots and hurried back.

   "Digging up so many winter bamboo shoots." Li Han cried out in surprise when he saw the two little men, carrying a small bag of winter bamboo shoots.

   "Well, Dudu has been digging a lot of time." Dudu villain said.

   "Hehe, really capable, Charlie, let's take the winter bamboo shoots." Li Han said. "Clean it up, I'll use it tomorrow."

   "Okay, sir." Charlie took it, it's quite a lot, Charlie, I don't know much about this kind of root stuff, but I found a Chinese servant and explained it.

   "No problem, Mr. Charlie, I'll take care of it." The Chinese hired servants. At first glance, they were all high-quality winter bamboo shoots.

   When I brought the camera from home, the three children were playing the game of hiding cats in the backyard of Amma's house. The dog was the "referee"! This is their BBQ area.

   This is Amma, she is counting and shouting: Hide it? I am looking for it!

   This is Amma's younger sister, hiding in the bushes.

   Amma hiding under the table in the cabin, my daughter searched twice to find her

   This is a barbecue plate. Once Amma and her sister couldn’t find my daughter, they gathered around here and studied it for a long time. Me and her mother couldn't hold back from laughing. So cute!



   (end of this chapter)