The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1938: Sea Carriage【Twenty Points】

   Chapter 1938 Sea Carriage [Twenty Points Changed]

   Chapter 1921 Sea carriage

   "Boss, how does this project work with the wedding at sea will have a better effect." Nicholas, said.

   "Nicholas, I know, the envy of the wedding at sea, you continue to do it, we will develop the sea carriage project first." Li Han said. "Kent Yacht Charter, the purpose of this yacht carnival in conjunction with the Starry Islands is self-evident. It is really like Pandora Island is a soft persimmon."

  Li Han, although he has a good temperament, he will not. When he is a turtle, he will come to the door. "Okay, I'll make arrangements now," Nicholas said.

   "Jessica, when will Rice come over?" Li Han asked Jessica beside him.

   "Miss Rice, you'll be there in two hours." Jessica said, looking at her notebook.

   "Okay, Nicholas, we'll have another meeting in the conference room in two hours." Li Han said, turning to look at Jessica. "Jessica's announcement to Kent Yacht Charters."

   "Yes, boss." Jessica nodded.

  Kent Yacht Charter Company Oahu Office, faxed a sample contract. "Pandora Island, Lance Baird, is right, Pandora Island really has lost interest in the yacht business that has been losing money in a row."

  Secretary, just put a sample of the contract and sent it to the vice president's office. "Pandora Island, is Lance back?"

   "Mr. Baird, is discussing the details of cooperation with several other yacht charter companies in the Starry Islands." The secretary whispered.

   "Details?" The vice president, Betty Kent, frowned slightly.

   At this time, Lance Baird was holding a cocktail party with a group of bikini beauties and yachts. "Pandora Sea, what a nice place."

   "That's right." A bearded man looked at the blue sea with a smile. "Lance, maybe it won't be long before this sea area will belong to the Kent family."

   "Hahaha." Lance raised his glass with a smile.

  Lance's relationship with Betty Kent, Auderbach, is very clear. "Baird, sir, your phone number." The crew, walking over, interrupted the conversation between the two, which made Lance very unhappy.

   "Betty?" Lance frowned slightly. "Od, I'm so sorry, I need to answer the phone."

   "I'm going to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate." Odd said with a smile.

   "OK, wait for me, I'll be back soon." Lance said with a smile.

   "Lance." Betty, with a very bad face, suppressed her anger, and whispered.

   "Dear, what happened to make you so angry." Lance could feel Betty's anger through the phone.

   "Have you read the contract just sent from Pandora Island?" Betty asked.

   "Pandora Island?" Lance, a little puzzled. "The Chinese in pandora didn't want to accept our conditions."

   "Oh." Betty frowned. "Didn't you tell him the Kent Company is determined."

   "Honey, that guy put forward his own conditions, **** conditions." Lance said.

   Betty Kent, understand, this sample contract appears to have been proposed by Pandora Island. "Lance, I want you to come back as soon as possible and stay away from that **** Oder."

  Lance smiled. "I will."

   Betty Kent put down the phone. "Pandora Island, good."

   Under such conditions, pandora treats Kent Yacht Charter Company as a third-rate small company.

   "Did you reply?"

  Li Han asked Jessica, holding coffee, walking to the desk.

   "Boss, is it really good to do this?" Jessica, a little uncertain.

   "Hehe, this is just to distract the attention of Kent Yacht." Li Han said with a smile. "Maybe it will irritate the bastard, but don't you think it's very interesting?"

   "Maybe." Jessica, speechless. "Oh, boss, there is a reply."

   "Only one piece of paper?" Li Han followed. "Betty Kent?"

   “The youngest CEO of the Kent family, the owners of Kent Yacht Charter,” says Jessica.

   "The youngest, hehe, this is really big." Li Han said with a smile. "Hehe, it seems that the pandora yacht charter business will not be able to open without cooperation with Kent Yachting."

   "Boss, our yacht charter business has lost more than one million US dollars in the past three months, and it will even continue to lose money." Jessica said.

   "Yes, this is a headache. Hopefully, this sea carriage project will help us get out of this predicament." Li Han, said. "How long until Rice?"

   "Miss Rice just reached the dock," Jessica said.

"That's great."

  Li Han walked quickly to the conference room. "Notify Mr. Nicholas and come to the conference room immediately."

  Rice came to the conference room, Li Han and Nicholas, Jessica had arrived. "Boss, Nicholas, Jessica, good afternoon."

   "Good afternoon, Rice, would you like a coffee?"

   "Thank you." Rice took the coffee, said thanks and sat down.

   "Here's a project plan, Rice, take a look." Li Han clicked the folder on the table.

   "Yacht charter program?" Rice, a little puzzled. "Boss, I suggest abandoning these plans."

   "Hehe, Rice, maybe you will have new ideas after reading it." Li Han said with a smile.

  Rice looked over, and after a while, his brows raised slightly. "Is this true?" He suddenly raised his head and stared at Li Han, nodding when he saw Li Han. "God, if it's true, I think it's going to be a unique offshore project in Hawaii."

   "Rice, I need you to cooperate with Nicholas. The Kent Yachting Carnival opens three days later. I like that three days later, the general travel media in Hawaii will publish the pandora sea carriage project at the same time." Li Han said.

   "Han, do you really want to do this?" Nicholas, with some doubts.

   "Nicholas, sometimes, you can't always compromise too much, this time is a good opportunity, Pandora Island, it's not weak to be bullied." Li Han, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "I want to see what effect it will have on the sea carriage pk yacht carnival."

   "Boss, leave the media publicity to me," Rice said.

  Rice hesitated. "Boss, I had breakfast with Amy this morning."

   "Amy, it looks like I met an old friend." Li Han said with a smile.

   The next day, in the early morning, Ellie took a helicopter to Pandora Island. "Han, every time you come here, you will surprise me."

   "Hope, I won't let you down this time." Li Han said with a smile. "A batch of sea carriages has just arrived."

   "Sea carriage, sounds interesting." Ellie said with a smile.

   "Sister Ellie." The pandora villain ran over.

   "Pandora, more and more cute." Ellie said with a smile.

   "This is a present for you."

   "Thank you." The little man happily hugged the gift box. "Sister Ellie, pandora asks you to be a big carriage, from the sea."

"Oh, really?"

   "Well, pandora's carriages are the largest." The little dudu looked smug.

  The sea carriage, Li Han and Nicholas talked about it, back to the small building, Jennifer and Lingna gave advice, rubber kayak, no thought, and later Natalie proposed something more daring.

  The Trojan Horse Boat, a new type of sea carriage, is made after a carriage, but unfortunately, the production cycle is long, it is not easy to ask Avila to help, rush work, and drive out one.

  This sea carriage, once it was transported to Pandora, was taken over by the little dude. No way, Dudu villain is the commander-in-chief of the sea carriage plan, the sea planner, and is responsible for the early sea carriage affairs.

  Nicholas and Rice, assist the villains, to build the sea carriage project with all their might. "Wow, it's really beautiful." The wooden carriage, only the hull was painted with waterproof paint, Dudu and the baby, Maria and the four little guys who were pulled over to Hamdan, spent all morning, Quick-drying paint, the paint goes into water in less than two hours.

   "Yeah, pandora wants to be a yellow duck, but my father won't let it." The little guy has a little resentment for this sea carriage, but the little guy wants a big yellow duck carriage.

  Li Han smiled and pinched Dudu's little nose. "Hehe, next time Dad will help you make a yellow duck carriage."

   "Well, pull the hook." Dudu villain stretched out his little hand.

   "Okay, pull the hook." Li Han smiled helplessly.

   "Well, come on up."

  This sea carriage can take five to eight people. This time, except for Dudu, Baobao, Maria, Li Han, Ellie, Nicholas and Rice, the others can only rush to the next train.

   "We have a coachman, and what about the horse?"

   "Seahorse." Dudu villain said with a smile. "Stupid."

   This carriage is not too big. The driver who pulls the carriage chooses to be dumb and put something like a colored coil around his neck. Little man, climb over, hang it up, and wave your little hand. "Set off."

   The first sea carriage, departed from Baobao Island, the pier. "Holdman, check to see if there are any other ships around."

   "Everything is OK."

"Keep going."

   "How's the speed?"

  Li Han asked Nicholas. "Dan Duan is half as fast as possible."

   "That's not bad."

  Li Han nodded. "Pandora, slow down."

   "Ellie, how are you feeling?"

"It is interesting."

   Ellie said with a smile. "Try changing to a kayak?"


   "pandora, stop."

  The rubber carriage is ready, one for each, Ellie and Rice, Nicholas, Li Han, one for each, all small sharks, buckle up. "OK, let's go."

   "Wow, that's awesome."

  Being a rubber pony car, the speed is obviously much faster, holding the reins, galloping in the sea, it feels great.

  Dudu villain, at this time, he took the sea carriage back and went back to Natalie and Alta, mother, aunt, and aunt Lingna.

   Waiting for Dudu to come back again, Li Han and the others have gotten off the carriage and returned to the yacht. "It was a great experience," Ellie said. "Han, Pandora Island is making headlines in Hawaii's travel media again."

  Allie watched, swimming with sharks, excitement, excitement, and of course a little regret, as if it was great to get an exclusive, but thinking that Pandfora Island has its own Hawaii Travel Forum.

  Allie, let go of this unrealistic idea. "hope so."

   "Kent Yachting Carnival, there is a cocktail party in the afternoon, Han, I'll go back first." After experiencing a horse-drawn carriage at sea and returning to Baby Island, Ellie said with a smile.

   "The Kent Yachting Carnival really made a lot of money." Li Han said.

   sent Ellie away and returned to Pandora Island, the office. "Is this the list for the reception?"

   "Rice, you also received an invitation?" Li Han asked.

   "Yes," Rice said.

   "Jessica, Kent Yacht Charter, have you sent an invitation to pandora?"

  Jessica nodded. "Yes, I put it in your drawer."

   "Boss, are you planning to go over?"

   "Of course, why not." Li Han said with a smile.

   (end of this chapter)