The Best Small Farm

Chapter 1948: Crabs on Orson Island

   Chapter 1948 Crabs of Orson Island

  Li Han learned about the Los Angeles Times early in the morning and even gave it the front page. He couldn't help thinking that this matter had something to do with Julia. "Little Han, running back and forth for two days, I don't feel tired." Li Mei said.

   "Sister, a friend comes over, it is rare to see you." Li Han said. "After a while, a few little guys will get up, don't make a fuss."

   Li Mei said with a smile. "Today, I happened to go to the big island and take a few little guys for a stroll."

   "Last time pandora and the baby went there, let the two little guys be your tour guides." Li Han said with a smile.

   "Han, stop talking, let pandora lead the way, maybe you won't be able to get anywhere at night." Natalie said with a smile. "Oh, good morning Jessica."

   "Morning, Natalie, May." Jessica, said. "Boss, the helicopter is waiting."

   "Sister, Natalie, then I'm leaving." Li Han handed the briefcase to Jessica.

   boarded the helicopter, sat down, and took the materials that Jessica handed over. "How is it good?"

  Jessica looked good with a smile on her face. "Boss, isn't it something to be happy about the front page of the Los Angeles Times covering the pandora sea carriage project?"

  Li Han smiled and nodded. "Anything else?"

   "Sure enough, it's the boss. Pacific Yachting just called. Myron will be at Pandora Island this morning." Jessica said.

   "Vice President of Pacific Yachting in charge of cruise chartering?" Li Han, after reading some information on Pacific Yachting.

  Jessica nodded. "Mr. Nicholas and Myron talked on the phone and reached a preliminary cooperation intention."

   "It's a pleasure."

   Li Han said. "It seems that today is a lucky day."

   "Boss, isn't that the only thing?" Jessica said with a smile.

   "Well, I'll invite you to Dongting Restaurant for breakfast." Li Han said with a smile.

   "Thank you, boss." Jessica smiled and thanked.

   Around half past seven, the helicopter landed. "Rice, why are you here?" Li Han, unexpectedly, it was Rice who came to pick him up.

   "Boss, what happened this time was my mistake," Rice said. "I apologize for that."

   "Hehe, Rice, I'm also at fault this time, okay, let's go, let's have breakfast together, Julia and I have an appointment." Li Han said.

   "Reporter Julia?" Rice looked delighted.

   You must know that the front page of the Los Angeles Times makes Rice, like going from **** to heaven. "That's great."

   On the electric car, the three came to the cave restaurant. "I'm so sorry, Julia."

   "Han, I just heard from Mr. Nicholas that you came from Oahu by helicopter. We are friends, so you don't need to be so polite." Julia said with a smile.

   "This is what I should do as a friend and do my best as a landlord." Li Han said with a smile. "Have you ordered food?"

   "I'll order some first, you know, I like Chinese breakfast." Julia said with a smile.

  Li Han nodded with a smile, said a few words to the waiter, and nodded. After breakfast, Li Han walked around with Julia and pandora. Li Han gave Nicholas and Rice full authority over the yacht.

  Meeted with Myron at noon, exchanged some opinions on contract matters, basically determined the contract terms, and some other details, we need lawyers and accountants, and the following people will talk about them in detail.

  Julia is facing the island of pandora, she likes it very much, and plans to play for two more days. "Han, I can do it myself tomorrow."

   "Tomorrow, pandora and baby, come back and let the two little guys show you around. There are some places that I don't know about pandora." Li Han said.

   "Okay, I like pandora and baby, two cute little angels." Julia said with a smile.

   However, these two little angels are not magic lights, and I don't know where to see the thing about catching fish and catching shrimp. Dudu villain, as soon as he returned to Pandora Island, began to fiddle with the net bag, saying that he was going to the sea to catch fish, and the two villains Baobao and Maria waved flags on the side to agree.

   "Sister, where did you go to play yesterday, why did you think of catching fish?" Li Han asked in confusion.

   "Haha, it wasn't yesterday, I saw people in the competition, catching fish, two little ghosts, and they didn't win the prize for a long time." Li Mei said with a smile.

   Speaking of which, when I went to the big island to play, there was a tourist fishery, and they held a fish-catching competition. In fact, they were playing. There was a large pond with a school of fish. The water was not deep, and a group of people were catching fish.

  Pandora and the baby, two little devils, no advantage, the tooting spring water, can't be used, there are many people, few fish, playing around, the villain just stares and bulges.

   "And this."

  Li Han is happy, these two little devils.

   "Let's say it first, catch fish, catch fish, don't make trouble." Li Han, did not forget to explain, Dudu villain.

   "Dudu got it." The little man nodded his head obediently.

  Li Han, out the door, today the event of the Kent Yachting Carnival, which is held on Orson Island, one of the starry islands near Pandora Island.

   "Nicholas, Rice, come here, sit down." Li Han, sit down.

   "How is the situation today?"

  Nicholas said with a smile. "The Los Angeles Times reports that it's nothing more than a shot in the arm for Pandora Island."

   "The tour group received no less than 20 people in two days, and the number of individual tourists reached 1,500." Rice reported, good news.

   "It's really good news," said Li Han.

   "There are more than 2,000 people on the sea carriage experience tour," Nicholas said. "The first peak may be reached today."

  Li Han nodded, good thing. "How much do you know about the situation on Orson Island?"

   "Just received news that Kent Yacht Charter has a 20% discount on the original carnival discount." Rice, said. "There is hardly any profit at this price, or even a loss."

   "Loss, isn't he afraid of breaking the law?"

   "The book is basically balanced, other expenses, this event, several sponsorship funds, can almost be filled." Nicholas said.

  Li Han frowned slightly. Similarly, Betty and Lance were in a more depressed mood these two days. You must know that the pandora island sea carriage project was on the front page of Los Angeles, which was unexpected.

   The next day, the media reported on the Pandora Island Sea carriage, and many even reprinted the Los Angeles Times report, Kent Yachting Carnival, which seemed to be forgotten by people.

  Lance was almost out of breath and vomiting blood at the time, and Betty's face was even more ugly. You must know that this was the first time she had accepted the vice president of Kent Yachting and held a large-scale event. I didn't expect it to be like this.

  The two finally made a desperate bet, and Hawaii Yacht heard that Pacific Yachting intends to cooperate with Pandora Island, and secretly supported it, and the two arrived at Orson Island. Not only like, but also invited famous bands from Hawaii, and many beautiful women to help out, not to mention, some young people are really interested, if they see **** sharks, they will go around.

  Especially, the singer Taylor, who was invited from Los Angeles, attracted so many media that Nicholas and Rice's expectations were all lost. On that day, Orson Island could be a grand event.

   "Orson Island?" The next day, the media covered the whole page in the morning. Although the number of tourists to Pandora has increased a lot than usual, compared to the Kent Yachting Carnival, the limelight of the sea carriage was divided by more than half.

  In the evening, in the small building, in the living room, Li Han frowned slightly as he watched various media reports, but he didn't pay attention. Outside the door, three small heads were looming.

   "Sister Julia, where is Orson Island?"

   The next morning, on the yacht, three little people, carrying small buckets, sat on small stools, fishing, and doodled their little heads, asking Julia.

   "Orson Island, let me see." Julia, search the map.

   "Orson Island, less than fifteen nautical miles from here." Julia, whispered. "I didn't expect that there are so many small islands here."

   "Sister, there are big crabs on Orson Island, and pandora wants to catch crabs." Dudu, the villain, said.

   "Catch crabs?" Julia thought and nodded. "Okay." The yacht sailed towards Orson Island.

   (end of this chapter)