The Best Small Farm

Chapter 2031: Technology power termite nest explosion

   Chapter 2031 Technological power termite nest erupts

  Ned, confidently relying on his own equipment and team, he can find at least 500 a day, you know, a few little devils can find 300 or 400 a day. Ned, confident, Job proud, glanced at Joseph and Tas, Mickey and others arrogantly.

   "This guy is really a villain." Joseph said through gritted teeth.

   "What do we do, prepare toys and cakes?" Joseph's companion whispered.

   "I still don't believe it, this guy can really find all the termite nests." Joseph, even though he said that, he was a little nervous.

   "Who told you to buy it now." Joseph, a little unhappy.

   Companion, frown slightly, you just said that, this guy. "Okay, Ned's gang is getting ready."

   "Sister Dudu."

   On the other side, the baby looked at the dudu villain, nervously clenching his small fists and Maria widened his eyes, staring at Ned, all these bad uncles, robbing our termite nest.

   Dudu villain, little red flag, divided between two people. "Let's all hurry up and plant our little flags."


   "Hey, little guys, so fast."

  I saw, a few villains in pandora, quickly put up small flags, and in the blink of an eye, more than ten flags were put in.

   "Ned, hurry up, **** kid," Job cried.

   "Job, don't worry." Ned, to the group of people under his command, nodded.

   "Ok, let's start." The person in charge of operating the detector gestured.

  Ned, nodded, the rover made a beeping sound as soon as it started.


   Everyone, have a meal together, so fast.

  Job quickly came to the place where the noise was made, and said to a few people around him. "Quick, dig it up and see if it's right?"

   "Yes." Several companions shouted excitedly, picked up the engineer shovel, and started.

   A little white bug appeared in a few moments. "Stop." Job shouted loudly. "Hahaha, it's termites, yes, that's great."

   "Continue." Ned said lightly.

   Now, the hillside is boiling. "Really found it?"

   "Sure enough, it's Ned."

   "It's too easy."

   "Tas, what should I do?"

   "Wait first." Tass signaled that he should not be in a hurry with the person he likes. "Look again."

   "Tas, now is a critical time." A tall young man among the group of people that Tas brought. "Maybe tomorrow, Ned will really replace those little devils."

   "Shut up, now, go back to me and dig termites." Tass, said.


  Tas frowned and snorted. "Take these red flags back."

   "Tas, you want to stay?"

  Tas nodded and looked at Ned and his party. "These guys are no better to get along with than those little devils." Especially, it was Job, who looked at the crowd with excitement, pride, and arrogance.


  Joseph, cursed in a low voice.

   "Oh, Joseph doesn't look good on your face." Job said with a smile.

   "Job, congratulations, but I remind you that Ned is not a good partner." Joseph, gritted his teeth, said.

  Job laughed. "As long as I can make a lot of money, I don't care who I work with." There was a hint of worry in his eyes, Ned, this guy's character, as everyone knows, is a despicable and shameless typical of money or death.

   Joseph paused when he saw Job, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he thought to himself that he might talk to Ned in private.

   "I don't know, what happened to those little devils?"

  Joseph, turn your head. "Hey, why did that giant bear come back?"

   "Giant bear?" Job, startled.

   "That child, are you planning to?" Job looked at Ned with a worried look on his face. "Ned, watch out, that bear."

   "Bears?" Ned was a little puzzled. It wasn't far from the farm living area, so how could there be bears.

   "Everyone be careful, there are bears here."


   "Don't worry, I brought this."

   "Gun, damn, this is San Andreas Farm, are you going to be kicked out?" Ned, cried. "We're here to make money."

   "Okay, Ned, I got it." Looking at the guy in charge of the operation of the large equipment, he sighed helplessly. "These bastards."

  Ned did not know that Job, the bear he was talking about, was not an ordinary black bear, but a huge beast. "Di Di Di." Da Hei Hei, the appearance did not affect Ned and his team.

   Detection of the instrument car, the beeping sound was constant, and small flags were planted on the hillside. Compared with the red flag of Pandora, the small yellow flags were planted in Ned.

   "Ned, this guy, although he is not very good, I have to say, detection, treasure hunting, this guy is a good hand." Abbott whispered. "Louis, how much did Ned promise us?"

   "Sixty," said Louis. "Twenty-five dollars."

   "It's a dollar more than Job's twenty-four dollars," said Louis. "Plus a bottle of tequila."

   "Twenty-four dollars?" Abbott looked at, proud Job, if this guy really took the rest, he would have made a lot of money. If Tas, Joseph and others want to get it, they may have to double it, Job, there is no reason to be proud.

   "Time to work." Mickey said, looking at Ned and Job.

   "OK." Abbott said, turned around and planned to leave. "Wait a minute, I'll take a look at those children."

   "Can those kids be more powerful than machines." Louis pouted slightly.

   "Hey, look, those children are really fast." Abbott, pointing, planted a large red flag.

   "Hey, these little guys seem to be much less than Ned?" Louis exclaimed in surprise.

   "Just, wait a minute, Ned will surpass them." Sure enough, after a while, pandora, baby, and Maria slowed down.

   "What should I do, little black dots, they all died a lot." In order to quickly find the termite nest, the little black dot black ant special team accelerated the discovery speed, causing a lot of small black dots. They were besieged by termites and died without escaping in time.

   "Slowly." Dudu, the villain, wiped the sweat on his forehead and said.

  Baby look at Ned. "Sister Dudu, those bad uncles will be here soon."

   "The little ants are so pitiful." Maria whispered. "Sister baby."

  Baby look at the little black spot, hesitate for a moment, and nod his head. "Okay, baby will find uncle later."

   "No, Dudu has a way." Dudu said, shaking his head.

   "However, the little ants are so tired and will die," said the baby boy.

   "Not a little ant." Dudu said. "Big earthworm, Dudu will bring the big earthworm tomorrow."


  Baby and Maria are quite convinced of Dudu villain.

  Hamdan grinned a bit, a few brats, it's so stupid, I bought two detectors and didn't care about the money. Hamdan, I secretly wrote it down in my heart, what a stupid little devil.

   A few villains slowed down. Although Joseph and the others were digging termite nests, they were always paying attention. When the two groups saw Pandora slow down, Joseph suddenly dropped the shovel in his hand.

   spit. "damn it."

   "Hahaha." Job's laughter came, and Joseph's face changed several times. "This bastard, relying on Ned, is so arrogant."

   "Hey." Tass, turned and left. "Perhaps, invite Ned for a drink tonight." Although, Tass, had no affection for Ned, this guy.

   At this time, Natalie touched Alta at the horse farm not far from the hillside. "You know, what happened to pandora?"

   "Where is pandora?" Arta, a little puzzled.

   "Han, just came back from there, your face is not good." Natalie said. "It must be a pandora termite nest auction."

   "I didn't pay much attention," Arta said.

   "I'll go to Lingna and ask." Natalie said with a smile. "Pandora, this brat, is not the one who suffers."

  Alta didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I thought Natalie cared about pandora, but who knows, this girl is actually just to watch the fun.

   Sure enough, watching the fun is not too big of a problem. Looking at Natalie, Pidianpidian leaned over to Lingna's side, Arta shook her head, and planned to go for a walk on horseback.

   "Pandora auction, something happened?" Lingna looked puzzled. "What happened?"

   "I don't know very well either. I don't think Han looked good when he came back from there." Natalie whispered, she was just guessing.

   "Hey, it was really a little bit just now." Lingna, imitating Li Han, touched her chin.

   "Yes, I walked all the way and touched my chin all the way." Natalie clapped her hands and cried.

   "What's the matter?" Jennifer, walking over.

   "Jennifer, maybe something happened to the pandora auction." Lingna said with a smile. "But it doesn't matter, Handu is here."

   Just now, Li Han and Eric rushed to the hillside, just in time to see Ned, shouting arrogantly. "The auction is mine tomorrow."

   At that time, Eric was going to come forward and teach this Ned a lesson. This is the San Andreas Farm, the little owner of the farm, you dare to bully him, don't think about it.

  Eric intends to drive Ned and the others out of the San Andreas Farm, and tell everyone, whose place is this, Miss Pandora wants to play, and you can make money by playing with them.

   However, Li Han stopped him. In this case, the strong little guy Pandora will definitely not be happy, but Ned, this guy, needs to teach him a lesson. However, Li Han originally thought of taking action on his own, but he saw the villain, puffed out his mouth, smiled, and said to Eric, "Let Pandora handle this matter."

  Eric looked at the smiling Li Han with a puzzled face, but finally obeyed Li Han's advice. Li Han and Eric separated and rushed to the racecourse. Just when Natalie met him, Li Han was thinking about a few villains at the time, and he looked puffed up. He couldn't help but look at Ned with a bit of anger, and his face was a little gloomy.

   "I see." Jennifer, smiled. "However, I think pandora will figure it out on its own, let's not worry about it."

   "Jennifer, Han, that guy is too laissez-faire for pandora, you can be stricter." Natalie cried.

   (end of this chapter)