The Best Small Farm

Chapter 2077: Apple Tragedy【Change】

   Chapter 2077 Apple Tragedy [Change]

   Chapter 2060: The Apple Tragedy

The   dudu villain is holding an apple in one hand, gnawing on his own with his left hand, and gnawing on Black Miracle with his right hand. "Pandora, don't touch your hands."

   Horse tongue, not too smooth and small. "Dudu knows."

  Black Miracle is very jealous of Xiaoqing on Dudu's wrist. Don't be careful when chewing on it. If it wasn't for the taste of apples, Black Miracle would not even get close to pandora.

   "Hey, what are you doing?"

   "Sure enough, Black Miracle likes to eat apples."

   "God, why didn't I catch up with this kind of thing."

   "Yeah, if I knew the Black Miracle could be tamed with one apple, I would definitely buy a cart of apples and feed it every day."

   "That Asian guy is really lucky."

   One by one, talking with a bit of envy, you must know the black miracle, because no one cares about the character problem, but now, it is completely fine, an apple has solved it. A horse king that can be tamed is worth ten times or even a hundred times more than a king horse that cannot be tamed.

   "Hey, take a picture for me later. Damn Op, you even suspect that I don't dare to get within three steps of the Black Miracle."

   "Hey, that's right, take a picture for me later, and it's so worth it to touch the black miracle for an apple."

   Well, the happier these people said about it, let’s just Dudu and Arta, the black miracle stopped him.

   "Uncle, what are you doing?" Dudu's bulging mouth blocked Dudu's way.

  Dudu took a bite of the apple, stuffed it for Da Hei, one person and one horse, not to mention, it was very harmonious. The speed of eating apples was almost the same. It can be seen that the black miracle, how careful, chew a little at a time, in the eyes of the cowboys, this little devil is really too stingy.

   "Black Miracle, look, apple." An impatient cowboy, but he made a bet with his friends that he would see it soon. Black Miracle nibbled an apple peel from the apple in Dudu's hand, thinking that the opportunity would come.

   took two steps forward, grinned and held the apple, with a smile on his face, but Li Han covered his forehead and with a bang, the guy and the apple were thrown to the ground.


"what happened?"

   "Didn't you say that Black Miracle likes to eat apples?"


"How is this going?"

  The young cowboy rolled twice on the ground, stood up, and rubbed his chest. It was not light just now, but luckily, no bones were injured.

"what happened?"

   "Look, that little girl seems to be feeding the black miracle by biting open an apple."

   "Yeah, how could I forget."

   "Try again." The young cowboy picked up the apple on the ground and wiped it, but luckily it didn't break, so he took a big bite.

   "This guy is really funny." Natalie looked at it and bit out half of the apple, hahaha laughing.

   "A very interesting person."

   Li Han couldn't understand the trouble. In order to get close and touch this wild horse king, he even ignored the danger.

   "Han, do you think these wild horses will eat it?" Natalie asked with a smile.

   "This, it should be." Li Han muttered in his heart. "It's strange, this wild horse king is really arrogant, and Dudu's stunt of beast-taming has failed."

   "I don't think so." Natalie looked confident.

   This time, it was Li Han who was confused. "Oh, are you so sure?"

   "Of course, that little devil in pandora can feed it, but others may not be able to feed it, you don't know." Natalie said, the animals at home.

   "That's right."

   "Damn." Sure enough, the young cowboy, as soon as he approached, immediately stretched out his hooves. Fortunately, he avoided quickly, otherwise, as I mentioned it, his wrist would be broken.

"How is this going?"

  Failed twice, this quick-tempered cowboy is not stupid, Black Miracle's temper hasn't changed at all, it's not that he surrendered with just one apple, it's just a joke.

   "Otherwise, let's try again."

   "I want to try you, but I don't want to."

   "That's right, I don't want to be kicked."

   "The Black Miracle remains the same."

  Dudu laughs, uncle idiot, he didn't buy Dudu apples. The villain, grinning, bit into an apple and threw it behind him. Black Miracle took a bite and held it in his mouth. Pidianpidian followed Dudu and left.

"what's going on?"

   Just now, Black Miracle has a bad attitude towards little kids, the villain is close, doesn't shake his neck, looks like he doesn't want to die, stay away from me.

   "Why are apples so different from apples?" The young cowboy, looking at his apple, was smashed by the black miracle's hoof.

   A few cowboys didn't believe in evil at first, but after trying a few times, they looked at the smashed apple that was stepped on by the Black Miracle, and the Black Miracle swept the crowd with contempt.

   "Where did that little girl come from Apple?"

   "Pandora, let Apple borrow one from Auntie." Natalie also saw the doorway.

   "But Dudu only has two apples." The villain, holding one in each hand.

   "Auntie will buy you a yellow duck in a while," Natalie said.

   "Oh, that's fine." Dudu nodded.

   Natalie took the apple, took a bite, and approached the Black Miracle cautiously. Black Miracle smelled the scent of apples and rolled her tongue, making Natalie jump in fright. The apple in her hand was gone.

   Natalie was overjoyed, and just wanted to take the opportunity to touch it, but who would have thought, Li Han suddenly gave him a hand. "Han, what are you doing?"

   "Natalie, if it wasn't for Han pulling you just now, you might have been kicked by the black miracle." Arta said.

   "What, this guy, ate my apple and is so arrogant." Natalie cried.

   "That's the apple of pandora." Li Han said.

   "Han, I exchanged that with a yellow duck." Natalie hummed. "Han, I don't think this wild horse can be tamed, or it will be killed and eaten."

   "Sister Natalie, pandora is going to be angry." The villain shouted with a big mouth.

   Natalie hummed, Alta smiled. "Sister Natalie, just kidding."

   "Okay." Dudu, nodded.

   "It's getting late." Li Han said. "Dudu, take the horse back, it's time for us to go home."


  Black Miracle followed Dudu back to the horse shooting field. However, the staff took a lot of work to finally put the reins on this unruly mustang king. As for the saddle, don't joke.

   Li Han didn't dare to let pandora do it. This guy completely ate and wiped the **** who didn't acknowledge the account. In the end, he sent it to the San Andreas farm at the auction house, and Li Han handed the money to the staff.

   "Slow down the road."

   "Sir, don't worry."

   On the way back, Li Han explained to pandora several times. "Don't take out a bunch of apples next time, okay?"

   The villain just took out at least ten apples, not small apples, all of them are the size of fists, these big apples can be stuffed in a small backpack, but fortunately no one noticed at the time.

   "Dudu got it."

   "That Mustang King, what's going on?"

   "I don't know Dudu either, Da Hei is not well behaved and disobedient." Dudu said. "Hee hee, but, I like to eat apples. If Dudu has apples, Da Hei will be obedient."

   Well, this is really a personality. If you have something to eat, you will pretend to be a grandson, and if you don't eat it, you will immediately become an uncle. If this guy wasn't short-tempered, Li Han felt that being a king of the mountain was enough.

   Back to the farm and got the good news that the termite nest has been cleaned up. "Okay, clear the rat's nest, and let's start planting grass."

   "Planting now?"

  Eric is a little unsure. "Boss, maybe wait another week or two, that would be better."

   "Hehe, Eric, don't worry."

  Li Han said with a smile.

   The next day, early in the morning, the news of the ploughing and planting of new pastures on the San Andreas farm spread throughout the town of Bandora. Residents in the town ran to the farm one after another, and many people were worried about the new grass species.

  Eric even suggested that Li Han choose a large pasture company, but Li Han refused all of them. "Hank's farm grass seed, I think, is the best and most suitable for San Andreas Farm."

   "Okay, boss, I hope you're right." Eric, after all, only works part-time.

   "Eric, starting today, I hope to finish ploughing the pasture in three days." Li Han said.

  30,000 acres, although a lot, but for a large farm with large machinery, it doesn't take much time.

   "By the way, the organic fertilizer pool of the Black Pig Farm needs to be expanded. I hope that it will be enough for 100 acres of land a week." Li Han said.

  Eric, wide-eyed, how is this possible. "That would cost a fortune."

   "Eric, the soil quality in the farming area needs to be improved." Li Han said. "I looked at the wheat and corn production in recent years, and the comparison has not increased, or even decreased."

   "Boss, you know, the weather in Texas in recent years," Eric said.

   Drought, of course Li Han knew. "Of course I know, this is another piece of information."

   Regardless of vertical and horizontal comparisons, Li Han also did it.

"how can that be?"

   "The output of the five planting farms here has been increasing. I have checked the information and there is almost no difference in the irrigation equipment." Li Han said.

   "Yes." Eric, looking at these five farms, the terrain is almost the same as that of the San Andreas farm, the entire irrigation area, and the same irrigation equipment.

  Li Han saw Eric and lowered his head in thought. "Expanding the organic fertilizer pond is not only important for St. Andrews Farm, but also for Black Pig Farm."

   "Huh?" Eric was a little puzzled.

   "The plants around termites need sufficient nutrients to ensure survival under termite erosion. Termites also do not have enough plants for food and cannot cultivate more fungi." Li Han said.

Eric nodded. Originally, he didn't pay much attention to fungi, but with truffles, it would be different. Perhaps, this would become a more profitable project than black pigs. Of course, this kind of truffles seems to be different from black pigs. small relationship.

   Li Han and Eric discussed things and walked out of the study. "Hey, how about a few little guys, didn't you just say, go to the vegetable garden?"

   "Hehe, Han, Black Miracle just kicked out another riding horse." Natalie said with a smile. "Pandora, a few little people, went to the racetrack."

   "Another, don't you mean, a single stable?"

   "Yeah, the black miracle is too charming." Natalie said.

   After listening to Li Han, he was a little dumbfounded, a black miracle, he didn't understand Lianxiangxiyu at all, and the wife who sent it to the door was kicked.

   (end of this chapter)